AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Brave New World STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/04/2003 08:20:09 PM ----- BODY: I still can't decide if blogging is an intriguing new form of self-expression or yet another way for people to publicize their egos. Leaving that question aside for the moment, I'm jumping in all the same. I was inspired to start a blog when I joined an online mix cd swapping club. "But that's madness!" you must be thinking. No, just evidence of my interest in finding new music and my lack of enough of an attention span to listen to an entire cd of one artist's music. Through a quick search on Google, I discovered the CD Mix of the Month Club (known to the regulars as the CDMOM club). After I signed up for the monthly trade, I started reading Josh's blog. At first I thought, "Okay, random guy writing about whatever," and then I got hooked. Now that I've started my own blog and have a forum for my internal monologue, I'm sure I'll run out of things to write about (just like it never rains when I remember my umbrella). Only I would practice law for a living, come home, and begin a hobby which requires me to continue writing and critique my own work. I've gotta get out more. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: What I'm Not Reading (Yet) STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/05/2003 04:34:16 PM ----- BODY: It has occurred to me that one of the reasons that the bookshelves in my living room are bowed in is because there are far too many books on them. I need to start reading faster! The following is a list of books I picked up the last time I was in Dallas and made a stop by HalfPrice Books, one of my favorite haunts: Ravelstein by Saul Bellow The Prometheus Deception by Robert Ludlum The Source by James Michener How The Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents by Julia Alvarez Hocus Pocus by Kurt Vonnegut I'm currently reading Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence. It is even racier than I expected, and is great late-summer reading. While at HalfPrice Books, I also picked up a cd -- a copy of Places to Visit by Saint Etienne. So far, so good. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Material World STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/07/2003 05:24:30 PM ----- BODY: I don't get it.....Californians are trying to select a new governor and their choices range from short washed-up actors to tall washed-up actors........the Recording Industry Association of America wants to give consumers of its music "amnesty" for listening to it............and all anyone can talk about is a kiss between Madonna and Britney Spears that was over before it started. Guess it's time to erase the music from my hard drive. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Mr. Quintron STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/08/2003 05:43:12 PM ----- BODY: I ran into a friend of mine the other day who reminded me of Mr. Quintron. For those who are not from New Orleans, or who aren't familiar with the New Orleans "Ninth Ward" scene, Mr. Quintron is something of a cult hero. He is married to a woman affectionately known as "Miss Pussycat", and lives in a house, known as the Spellcaster Lodge, in the Ninth Ward of New Orleans. How did I find out about Mr. Quintron, you may be wondering? Well, I was invited to the premiere of the infomercial for his musical instrument/gizmo/thinga-ma-bob a few years ago. Quintron invented something called the Drumbuddy (it would be much easier for you to check out his site than for me to try to explain what a drumbuddy machine is) and, in keeping with all quality products, filmed an infomercial advertising it. My husband and I attended the premiere of the infomercial at the Shim Sham Club in the French Quarter. It was an evening to remember, with appearances by the late, great Ernie K Doe, Quintron, Miss Pussycat, the Shimshammettes, and MC Trachiotomy. Only in New Orleans. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: loans DATE: 06/15/2005 03:25:02 AM You may find it interesting to check out some information dedicated to loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Military Extensions STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/12/2003 02:58:17 PM ----- BODY: On a frustrating note, it seems that my wonderful husband may be in Iraq even longer than initially expected. It was just announced that there will likely be a one year deployment for reservists who are already "in country". My husband called today using the brand new satellite phone I purchased and sent to him, and he said that he may return in December, but it is possible it could be April before he can come home. To see a rather cool interactive map of the troops that have been deployed from the U.S., click here. He is currently attached to the Third Infantry Division, but will soon be attached to the 82nd Airborne Division, out of Fort Bragg, NC. Whenever I get depressed about him being gone for so long, I go shopping. By the time he gets back, I will have bought a house. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Hurricane Isabel STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/14/2003 02:12:15 PM ----- BODY: I really hate to see anyone have to suffer through the nightmare that hurricanes can bring, but I have to selfishly say that I'm SO glad this hurricane isn't headed for the Gulf Coast. We are seriously underprepared for something of that magnitude. When I was in law school we had flooding from a tropical storm -- and it didn't even hit us! The storm hit Houston (a five hour drive west of here) and we had so much water in the streets that I walked home from campus in water up to my upper thighs. New Orleanians, being as goofy as they are, made the best of it, though. My next door neighbors rowed their canoe down the street and the convenience store a few blocks away was still selling beer by pushing the beer through windows at the top of the store, since they couldn't open their front door. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Yarr Matey! STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/15/2003 02:29:49 PM ----- BODY: I really try not to borrow from other blogger's posts, but this is simply too good to resist. I recently looked at and saw the following information: September 19 is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. As if one was needed. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: I Shouldn't Be Allowed to Drive STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/16/2003 10:21:18 AM ----- BODY: I went to a deposition this morning that was over near the Lake, so I had to drive. I am all too happy to drive these days, since I purchased a new car about one month ago. When I got to the deposition, I realized it had been canceled, but I hadn't gotten the message (surprise). So, I hopped back in the new wheels and drove back to my office. I was attempting to park in my firm's garage, which have several large, concrete poles that are painted bright yellow (surely you see where this is going). I turned too soon and heard a sickening "crunch". Uh-oh. I am currently surfing the web for good auto body and paint shops in New Orleans. If you know of one, let me know. And if my husband is reading this, it wasn't my fault. The pole jumped out and scraped my car. Really. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Interviews STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/18/2003 07:39:17 PM ----- BODY: I spent all day today conducting job interviews at my alma mater, Tulane Law School, in search of candidates for summer clerkship positions at my firm. A few thoughts: 1) If you want to work at a large defense firm, it probably isn't a good idea to give your prospective employer a resume which lists all of the jobs you've had helping out plaintiffs lawyers who do nothing but sue the pants off the clients of said big defense firm. 2) If you have some weirdo specialty within the legal profession that is your sole dream to pursue, don't pretend that you are really open to doing anything. It is somewhat transparent. I had one guy today who told me that he is really interested in Intellectual Property or doing International Business Transactions. He obviously had not read my firm's website, as we do neither. When I explained this to him (gently), he said, "Oh, but I'm open to anything, really." Uh huh. If he really wants to pursue either of those fields, that sounds great, but I have only one suggestion for him: move. There aren't many law firms in Louisiana that do a great deal of either one. 3) If you want to work at a large defense firm and you have a section on your resume listing your "Interests", ones that might raise eyebrows include the following: hula dancing, hurricanes and "tropical weather systems", being a ballerina mistress (don't even ask), or anything that involves you spending inordinate amounts of time on your couch in front of your television. We all watch t.v. You don't need to advertise it on your resume. 4) Setting yourself apart from your competition = good. Making an ass of yourself = bad. I ran into my friend Margaret while eating lunch with my friend Steve during the lunch break. Steve was regaling Margaret and I with stories of hapless law students, desperate to get a job. One such 3L has not only embarrassed himself, but also Tulane Law School as a whole, by drafting his resume as a "Petition for Interview", which looks like a lawsuit you would file in court. Wait -- it gets better. He has numbered paragraphs, just like a legal petition, and they enumerate the reasons an employer should hire him. Examples include, "I will work as many hours as you want. I will work a 3000 hour year. If my mother dies, I will read her eulogy over the telephone. If I get married, I will tell my spouse that we can't take a honeymoon." Other choice examples include, "I will do whatever you need. I will retrieve a lost deposition transcript from the most foul smelling garbage." As an employer, this tells me that not only is he desperate, he has no clue of what associates at law firms do. We would never make anyone dig through foul smelling garbage to retrieve a deposition transcript. He could sit in the garbage can and do the summary in there. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: fred gramatician EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2003 04:01:33 PM Steve was regaling Margaret and I with stories of hapless law students, desperate to get a job. Steve was regaling Margaret and me with stories of hapless law students, deserate to get a job. ----- PING: TITLE: loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: loans DATE: 06/15/2005 03:56:05 AM In your free time, check out the sites in the field of loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: No One On Earth Has Better Weather STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/19/2003 07:40:33 PM ----- BODY: I have a small confession to make. I'm addicted to The Weather Channel. I can literally sit in my living room and watch those green blobs move across the map for hours. When my husband and I ordered digital cable, my only concern was that our package include The Weather Channel (it does). Now that we're in the full swing of hurricane season (my thanks to Isabel for making that one a reality), The Weather Channel is livin' large. My question is this: Does The Weather Channel really need to stick Jim Cantori in a blue rain slicker, give him a microphone and make him defy the laws of gravity in 110 mph winds and driving rain just to get across the point that hurricanes are both wet and windy? We get it already. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Lazy Weekend STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/21/2003 01:16:01 PM ----- BODY: I've had a pretty laid back weekend. I picked up two new cd's, both of which are quite good. One is from the sister of my good friend Mike (hi Mike). It is Hip to Hip: A Colletion of Standards by Mila Drumke. I keep leaning toward listening to standards lately (my musical tastes wax and wane), and she does an outstanding job of re-creating these standards with flair and absolute control over her beautiful voice. I highly recommend it. The other new purchase is Salt by Lizz Wright. She's a good Georgia girl with a fantastic voice. As for reading, I am re-reading that 1970's classic Fear of Flying by Erica Jong. I started reading it while I was in law school but never made it through until the end. I've really enjoyed the uninhibited talk about female sexuality, and it should be a short enough read for me to finish it before my book club meets on Wednesday. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cab Rides STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/22/2003 01:50:31 PM ----- BODY: Now this is my kind of cab ride. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: generic proscar EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:56:16 AM prescription proscar discount proscar proscar thai proscar hair loss and .... discount proscar can proscar be used instead of propecia cheap proscar proscar uroxatral proscar consultation proscar msd 72 .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: proscar medication EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:25:13 AM side effects of taking proscar non rx proscar proscar msd 72 proscar hair loss and .... drug proscar proscar hair growth pictures proscar versus saw palmetto proscar versus saw palmetto proscar side effects proscar for hair loss .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: proscar 5mg EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:54:24 AM online proscar buy proscar online effectiveness propecia proscar drug proscar and .... proscar in europe proscar 5mg proscar side affect of buy proscar online proscar online proscar consultation .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: proscar and pregnancy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 06:23:04 AM proscar without prescription proscar canine medication proscar and dose finasteride proscar propecia and .... breakdown finasteride prevents proscar proscar 5mg proscar online proscar medication proscar tablet proscar pictures .Thanks. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Children? None for me, thanks. STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/23/2003 12:19:04 PM ----- BODY: The ongoing debate between my wonderful husband and myself is whether or not we're going to have children, and if we do, when we'll have them and how many we'll have. Since he's been in Iraq, this debate has been put on hold (at least temporarily), but I've been thinking about it nonetheless. To be honest, bearing and raising children scares the hell out of me. I worry about whether I'll be a good parent, whether I will ever get over post-partum depression, whether I would pour blood, sweat and tears into raising a child who turns out to be a right-wing conservative or whether I'd pour blood, sweat and tears into raising a child who later goes on a talk show and talks about how I ruined their life by not letting them drink Diet Coke with dinner every night when they were seven. I also worry about the more practical aspects of it, like whether we have enough money, and the fact that we still live in apartment and I have this crazy idea that a child should grow up in a house (why, I don't know). At any rate, I was thinking about all of this on Sunday night, when I was at the meeting for my churches' high school youth group. The kids in this group are great -- they're smart, funny, nice, well behaved, and have a ton of energy. That being said, they're kids. The kids who showed up to Sunday night's meeting were boys, 8th graders, who have recently started attending new schools (some of the New Orleans high schools start in 8th grade instead of 9th). The conversations ran the gamut from who is dating whom to who has developed body hair. When one of the boys told us about how the boy sitting next to me has a lot of body hair, I told him that was far more information than I needed to know. He responded by saying, "But Jennifer, I'm only talking about the hair in his armpits and on his legs." Well, thanks. Glad he cleared that up. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: I Give Up STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/24/2003 02:18:50 PM ----- BODY: As I rapidly approach the ripe old age of 30, it occurs to me that I ought to exercise. No, I don't need to exercise more, I just need to exercise. Period. I need to get off the couch, stop reading, and work out. I've never been athletically inclined (to put it mildly), so the allure of exercise really eludes me. Some people love too work out -- I get that -- I've just never been one of them. When I was in college my sorority had a "swap" (read: party) with a campus fraternity, and the theme was "Night in Hell." You were supposed to show up dressed as your version of hell. I was never able to attend the swap for various reasons, but had I gone, I would've gone as an aerobics instructor. And that pretty much sums up how I feel about exercising. Last night it seemed like a really good idea to dust off my aerobics tape (it really did have dust on it, I swear), and see how far I could get without passing out. That seemed like a good idea until I was about fifteen minutes into it, completely out of breath, drenched in sweat and cursing the day I purchased running shoes. Doing this at home was a far better alternative to going to the gym and doing aerobics, though, where I have 80 year old spandex-clad women running circles around me and bench pressing their plastic Reebok bench steps. I (barely) made it through the workout, when I finally got to the cool down and thought I was in the home stretch. How wrong I was. My dog Maggie decided to join me at that point. While I was lying on a mat on the floor, stretching my legs, she was taking her squeaky toys and balancing them on my legs, expecting me to play. One sqeaky toy I can live with -- two furry hedgehogs and a rubber chicken are too many toys for one cool down. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Wine, women and......more wine STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/25/2003 09:40:11 AM ----- BODY: I'm a member of a book club and I hosted our meeting last night. In the grand tradition of my friends Margaret and Glenda, I hosted it at someone else's house. I highly recommend this option to anyone throwing a party, as you get to show off someone else's cool digs and it feels like you've rented a chic place to party -- only it's free! Our book club is all female. Half of us are doctors and half are lawyers, with the only holdout being a woman who teaches business classes at Loyola. This month's book selection was The Secret History by Donna Tartt, a book I picked because it is one of my all-time faves. As it turns out, my friend Margaret and I were the only ones who actually read the book, but that is par for the course for our club. I'm the only serious reader in the group, and I'm not a member of the club for the scintillating discussions of literature (good thing). We booted out the owner of the house where we met (he is a guy, after all, and no boys allowed in our treehouse), and commenced drinking copious amounts of wine, eating finger sandwiches and veggies with dip and discussed our romantic lives. It was very Sex in the City only less neurotic. Afterwards, we called the owner of the house and told him he was allowed to return to his abode, and we staggered across the street to the Bridge Lounge (a cool local bar that allows dogs to come in with their owners) and continued drinking and talking. I love this book club. The truly amazing thing to me about it is that I genuinely like all if its' members. This amazes me because, in any group, there is always at least one person I don't care for, I don't get along with, feel intimidated by, etc. This group isn't like that. I absolutely love all of these bright, funny, warm, successful, wine-drinking, men-loving, book-reading women. *sniff* Sorry. Didn't mean to get all Alan Alda mushy on you. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Let's Just Say I Won't Quit My Day Job STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/27/2003 02:15:32 PM ----- BODY: Last night I purposefully didn't make plans so I could stay home, relax, catch up on some fun reading and get to bed early. Around 7:00p, I lost my mind and decided that assembling furniture was a good idea (see my post from Wednesday, September 24 for other "good ideas" I've had recently). I had purchased a night stand to place by my husband's side of the bed -- a nice, clean, mission-style night stand. While I have a night stand on my side of the bed (left over from law school), he's never had one and has been using a bar stool (yes it looks weird, but it works). At any rate, I found this night stand on Target's website, and ordered it. I have assembled furniture before, and furniture much larger than a night stand, at that, so I wasn't daunted by this project. I laid out the pieces on the living room floor and again discovered how difficult it is to do anything on the floor when you have a dog who likes to "help" out. I managed to assemble some of it, and was feeling pretty good about myself when I took a break to eat some dinner. When I returned, I hit a snag. It seems I had been using a screwdriver that was one size too small for the screws I was using. Of course, we don't own the size of screwdriver I needed (well, we probably do, but my husband hid it before he left and I will never find it without a map from the internet and a search team -- thanks babe). I gave up my attempt at "manual labor" and read my book and went to bed, vowing to finish it today, with the appropriate tools. I am happy to report that this morning I procured a #2 screwdriver (who knew there were so many different sizes of screwdrivers and how did I miss this crucial information while growing up?), along with some new fall clothes (I love Ann Taylor Loft) and a salad for lunch (yum). I've been working away at the night stand, in between loads of laundry, and have made some progress. I still have one screw that won't cooperate, but haven't we all had that problem at some point? (sorry -- couldn't resist). I hope to finish the night stand this afternoon and will then meet up with my friend Robert for dinner. I'm taking him to Nola, a restaurant owned by Emeril in the Quarter. It is a thank you for letting my book club invade his beautiful home on Wednesday. It should be tasty, and much cheaper than paying for his therapy sessions. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Archi Sapper STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/28/2003 03:11:08 PM ----- BODY: The link to the Archi Sapper blog on the right of this page is a link to my husband's new blog. When I told him about my blog, he liked it and decided to start his own. He just started it up, so he doesn't yet have a comment system established or anything fancy-schmancy like that. But it's pretty good for a soldier who's holed up in Iraq, and can give you some insight as to what our troops do over there on a daily basis. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: effective penis enlarge EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 12:35:13 AM enlarge penis picture how to enlarge your penis at home enlarge penis size best way to enlarge penis and .... www enlarge penis com enlarge penis picture exercises to enlarge penis enlarge ment penis how to naturally enlarge your penis enlarge penis ur .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: how do you enlarge your penis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 01:33:46 AM enlarge your penis naturally enlarge my penis penis enlarge ment pills to enlarge penis and .... enlarge herb penis enlarge quick penis pill enlarge free penis tip enlarge penis length enlarge penis exercise enlarge free penis tip .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: enlarge penis width EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 01:57:09 AM enlarge free penis ways how to enlarge penis how to enlarge your penis ways to enlarge your penis and .... enlarge penis natural ways to enlarge your penis exercises to enlarge the penis enlarge penis pump enlarge penis tips ways to enlarge your penis .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: enlarge health penis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 02:21:37 AM how to enlarge a penis naturally enlarge your penis enlarge my penis enlarge penis com and .... enlarge penis length can you enlarge your penis enlarge your penis enlarge food penis pills to enlarge penis enlarge food penis that .Thanks. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Puberty? Party of One? Your table is available..... STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/29/2003 11:34:37 AM ----- BODY: While sitting in front of my laptop this morning reading deposition transcripts and attempting to draft a Motion for Summary Judgment, I touched my chin. I felt a bump. Wait, I'm thinking. There isn't supposed to be a bump here. What could this strange protuberance be? This doesn't normally happen to me. What on Earth? Yes. You gussed it. I have a zit. I'm 29. I exited the puberty interstate many moons ago. And now I have a zit. This is unacceptable. Once you survive high school, move through college, get married and get a full time job, no more zits, right? Right? Work with me, people, I'm in turmoil here. I think I'll get a hall pass and see if I can pop this thing in the bathroom. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Tex-Mex food is fattening? Since when? STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/02/2003 09:01:25 AM ----- BODY: This revealing piece of journalism informs tha Tex-Mex eating public that Tex-Mex food isn't healthy. I am reminded of an episode of Saturday Night Live that I saw in college (my college roommate, Catherine, and I laugh about it to this day) where they had a Weekend Update piece about how Mexican food is bad for you. The announcer intoned, "This message was delivered in an article from the esteemed medical journal, "Duh." If you want to eat healthy, you have to put down the burrito. Makes sense to me. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: refinance URL: IP: BLOG NAME: refinance DATE: 06/15/2005 04:35:05 AM You can also check the pages about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Occupational Hazards STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/02/2003 10:37:39 AM ----- BODY: Lately I just haven't been that motivated at work. I strongly suspect that it has something to do with the absolutely gorgeous weather we've been having, which leads me to gaze out my window instead of at the pleadings stacked on my desk. Be that as it may, I started thinking about what I would do for a living if I weren't practicing law (read: staring out my window). I couldn't think of anything else I'd rather do, or more importantly, anything else I'm qualified to do. And then it hit me. I could be a cast member on the Real World. This seemed like a good idea after seeing the first episode of MTV's new show The Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet. It seems that this Real World stuff creates a life of its own for the contestant, even after they're done filming the show (once they've "stopped being real", I guess). After you're done with the taping of the show, you can sign up for junkets like this, where you get to live, rent-free, in a large, nicely furnished house, with other attractive people. They feed you. They care for your basic needs. All you have to do is: show up, drink copious amounts of alcohol, have sex with your castmates in the see-through shower and not get kicked off every week. I could do that. The bonus is you don't even have to decide what you want to do every day. They make your schedule for you. I've got to start working on my audition tape. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Observation STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/03/2003 09:08:21 AM ----- BODY: This morning, while getting ready for work, I was in the bathroom putting on my makeup when I noticed my dog Maggie looking at me. She had her head cocked to one side, as if she were trying to figure out what in the world I was doing. She does this every morning. I suddenly felt like she must be wearing a hidden camera and is secretly taping me for a television show for dogs about the rituals of human beings. I can hear the voiceover saying, "Here we have the human female, engaged in her morning ritual of standing in front of a small square, out of which, another female looks back at her. She repeatedly stabs herself near the eyes with a brown stick, dabbing some sort of ink onto her face. This ritual is known to create consternation in the male of the species, and a contest of wills often ensues to see who will claim the coveted space in front of the flat square. Let's watch and see if any male predators challenge this female, while she spreads a clear goo in her wet hair......" ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: debt consolidation loan URL: IP: BLOG NAME: debt consolidation loan DATE: 06/15/2005 04:25:43 AM You are invited to check the pages about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: My New Movie STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/04/2003 02:20:54 PM ----- BODY:
Kittysays, played by Sarah Jessica Parker, is recruited to a high-paying job at a company with a shady background. She then flies to Hawaii to visit Justine (Allyson Hannigan) who was surprised to see her. She has an affair with Justine's assistant Brandon, played by Sylvester Stallone. They then team up to double-cross their evil boss, Randy (Eddie Murphy), and walk away with $100 million.

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----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Meow STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/05/2003 11:39:41 AM ----- BODY: I like cats and all, but I don't think I'd want to come home and see this in my apartment. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Questions? STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/05/2003 11:46:31 AM ----- BODY: It has been a pretty subdued weekend, which is just fine with me. I watched the movie Chicago last night on pay-per-view, and really liked it. I dig movies with singing and dancing (I'm a girl, gimme a break). I finished reading Degree of Guilt by Richard North Patterson and got some housework done. Overall, very productive. This morning I woke up early (7:30 is far earlier than I usually wake up on the weekends) to go teach Sunday School at my church. I teach seventh graders, and there's another seventh grade teacher, so we switch off weeks. This week was my week, so I met up with the kids at 9:00 at the school behind the church. This week we had a local woman come to talk to the kids. She is a registered falconer, meaning that she is licensed to treat and care for birds of prey. She brought three owls with her, showed them to the kids, and answered their questions. (Aside: if you're wondering what in the heck this has to do with church, Friday was the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assissi in the Catholic Church, and that's when we do a ceremony blessing the animals, so this was in line with that). At any rate, she started taking questions and taking questions from this group of kids is always tricky, because you never know what they're going to say. I think my favorite question came from a girl in fourth grade who said, "Well, I don't really have a question, and this isn't about birds, but...." and I thought, "Here we go." I think the birds were pretty excited to get back in their cages. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: home equity loan URL: IP: BLOG NAME: home equity loan DATE: 06/15/2005 03:43:49 AM Please check the pages about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Twilight STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/06/2003 10:57:25 AM ----- BODY: There's something about twilight that makes me quiet. Maybe it's the way the sky feels like a dome in a planetarium, and the darkness starts at the top and creeps down through the leaves of the trees, over houses and cars and people until it sinks into the earth. On a clear night, the sky has this medium blue glow that Crayola hasn't been able to copy yet. Everything is so still, and so peaceful and so makes me think. My husband has been gone since March. He's in Iraq, sitting outside his barracks, looking at the same twilight that I see. I wonder if it makes him feel the same as it makes me feel. Living with his absence every day, day in and day out, month after interminable month, I have begun to understand solitude. I have begun to understand the quiet contemplation of autumn twilight. I have begun to understand what it is like to lose a part of yourself. I struggle with my feelings of loss, and helplessness and frustration and sorrow and search for a way to express them in words. I cannot. At this time in my life when I need them most, words fail me. All I know is that I miss him. And I want him to come home. Soon. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Would you, could you, with a Pope? STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/07/2003 08:48:59 AM ----- BODY: As a life-long Catholic and one who is inquisitive by nature, this business of "electing" Popes has always fascinated me. Another likely source of my fascination also stems from the fact that the Church last elected a Pope in 1976 -- when I was merely two years old. Earlier this year, I went to Houston with my church youth group and we saw the Vatican exhibit, where they had some really good information about Papal elections, including television footage from the last one. Given the current recall mess going on today in California, it is interesting to see how much the two processes differ. For an explanation on how a Pope is elected, check this out. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/23/2004 03:00:13 AM Flights info... ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: This One's For the Techies STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/07/2003 05:28:07 PM ----- BODY: I seem to have a strange problem with Internet Explorer and my IT department can't figure it out. They keep coming into my office, poking my laptop and speaking gibberish to one another. I feel as though I have some bizarre illness that has stumped all the doctors and they're all prodding me for clues. At any rate, the problem is with search engines. Yes, search engines. Once I get to or and type in a search phrase, it can't seem to find the page. Stranger yet, when I type in into my browser, it says that website doesn't exist! Does anyone have any clues as to what the problem could be? Otherwise, my IE is working fine. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Draft and edit new entry on personal weblog = 0.3 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/08/2003 02:00:07 PM ----- BODY: Recently, a friend of mine who works at a law firm but isn't a lawyer asked me, "Why is the practice of law so stressful?" My response, of course, is, "How much time do you have?" Realistically, I can sum up the bane of my professional existence in two words (say it with me, lawyers out there): Billable hours. So much has been written on this debate for so long that there's little I can add to the discourse that most lawyers don't already know. For the rest of humanity, billable hours goes a little something like this: imagine breaking down your life into discrete increments and describing them in excruciating detail. Then, assign two different codes for each thing you've done. Do this for a minimum of eight hours per day. Your time must be allotted in six minute increments -- that's right, six minutes. Who does things in six minute blocks? The most annoying thing is that it often takes me longer to record a time entry than it did to complete the task I'm billing! To be fair, none of this would matter so much if law firms didn't make such a big deal about it. I know, I know, law firms make money by taking the hours I bill, giving them to the client and getting compensated directly as a result of what I do or don't write down. I get that. What frustrates me generally is the value placed on billable hours as opposed to other worthy goals, like taking time to give back to the community, to mentor younger lawyers in the firms and to take marketing trips around the country to develop new clients. Although most law firms will pay for you to go across the country to seminars, meetings, etc. and try to develop business, you still have to meet your montly billable goals regardless of how much business your trip brings in. And while I'm on my rant, it also bothers me some little bit that some really good friends of mine, who are kick-ass lawyers won't make general partner -- not because they didn't bring in business (they did), and not because they lost cases (they didn't), and not because they're jerks (they rock, actually), but because they didn't bill enough godforsaken hours. I have a friend who didn't get a year-end bonus last year because he missed his billable goal by 20 hours. Give me a break! Why am I thinking about this right now? Because it is October and I'm up for Limited Partner in December. That's why. Okay. I've got to get back to billing. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: loans DATE: 06/15/2005 03:57:54 AM You are invited to visit the pages about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: On the Road Again STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/09/2003 10:21:24 AM ----- BODY: My apologies to Willie. I am about to be on the road in more ways that one. Tomorrow, I am heading to Memphis for my college's homecoming. My college roomie, Catherine, and I will be converging on Elvis' hometown tomorrow and are rooming together again for the weekend, for old times' sake. Should be plenty of BBQ, alcoholic drinks at Silkies and hopefully coffee drinks at Java Cabana. In more long-term news, my blog will soon be on the road, too! The fabulous folks at Wet Wired have offered to host my blog, and I have accepted. The move won't likely take place until early next week. I will make a formal announcement once I'm set up in my new digs. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: First Post STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/12/2003 03:39:10 PM ----- BODY: This is a test post to see if this is working correctly. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2003 03:40:10 PM test ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Helen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2003 06:48:42 AM Get OUT! I love the cat pic. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2003 10:23:00 AM yeah.. came from that kitty pr0n link on the forum. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2003 12:53:01 PM Gotta love the Cat picture... When should we update our BLOG Links? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2003 03:34:14 PM The cat pic dominates. Update your blog links now! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Greetings, kitty cats STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/13/2003 03:32:12 PM ----- BODY: First and foremost, many thanks to Pylorns for setting up this new blog for me, and for the fabulous cat pic! As I told him and Agamemnon, everyone loves a cross-dressing cat. Next, I know, I know. I've been absent. I went to Memphis over the weekend and didn't return until last night. I've been out playing lawyer all day and have returned to a desk with so much mail on it that the mail has collapsed of its own weight. Not good. I will return to substantive posting this evening. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2003 03:54:10 PM if your interested in seeing the first cat pic, go here: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Agamemnon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2003 05:04:38 PM Welcome to your new home this cat picture is better than the be first one. The cat in the first picture did look demented. Although that is kinda cool in its own wierd way. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sarah EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2003 11:50:23 PM So is the cat cross-dressing 'cause it's dressed as a duck? I dig it. :) Nice new site! I'm going to roam around. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: H EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/14/2003 01:21:04 AM This place looks GREAT! Pylorns and you have done a great job! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: best backgammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:19 AM Many features and gambling games, electronic backgammon and such. Look at electronic backgammon for rules and tips. The only reliable electronic backgammon , in my opinion. Thanks for the great visit. Click also to . electronic backgammon is just the right thing for you. With hundreds of backgammon strategy to choose from, how to you decide where to play? Personal preferences aside, there are a few things you should take into consideration when choosing a backgammon strategy. A very interesting site with top design and contents! hi guys, I would like to recommend this site: backgammon tips , every one of you has to try it. backgammon tips is your site, give it a try. Playing backgammon tips is fun and easy, there are hundreds of different places to play, and we're here to show you where to find the best backgammon tips. I really enjoyed reading an article on the birth of backgammon set and I followed to experience backgammon set live. The biggest backgammon set of all is you best bet on betting. A great excitement at its best. Here, now, go is just for you. No need for previous experience at backgammon set. backgammon set the leader site. best backgammon is the oldest best backgammon around, yet it doesn't have as much action these days as it once did in the grand scheme of things. Once bustling with activity, best backgammon still has it's followers, but there are a lot of empty tables when compared to newer I think that best backgammon should be played more. best backgammon is a site that offers that, along with many more best backgammon games, such as texas poker or other poker games. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: back gammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:21 AM backgammon presents all the tips and game strategy you will need to play backgammon one of the funniest and most interesting games.The most used methods to play backgammon. Since the classic is the game for the "high rollers" with the high betting limits, not many people can afford to play it. As for backgammon you will not always find it at the backgammon. i have seen the best site there is: online backgammon. However I had enjoyful playing at online backgammon as well. Play more, gain more, online backgammon never no more. is, indeed, the site I spoke on. Play more, gain more, online backgammon never no more. Visit the online backgammon site!!! Play more, gain more, backgammon online never no more. The greatest backgammon online of all. The diversity and fluctuations of backgammon online players this month! is your ultimate source for gambling online! backgammon online that are completely insured and legally licensed, and offer a high quality backgammon online playing environment and the most secure payment system on the net. So step right in – the world of gammon awaits you. In case you are a newcomer to gammon feel free to browse our extensive blackjack rules, which apply to the game itself, and not just to the gammon version. Enter this reliable from the creators of gammon. and you enjoy great customer service, quick responses to your requests. And your winnings will be paid out speedily. I really enjoyed reading an article on the birth of back gammon and I followed to experience back gammon live. The biggest back gammon of all is you best bet on betting. A great excitement at its best. Look at, Casino Online for rules and tips. Thanks, pal. I also saw a nice site dealing with back gammon issues. As the process of playign more and more back gammon strengthens - we can see more and more Casino Online sites. ----- PING: TITLE: refinance URL: IP: BLOG NAME: refinance DATE: 06/15/2005 04:12:41 AM You are invited to check some information about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Movin', Movin', Movin' STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/13/2003 03:40:25 PM ----- BODY: It is official: my blog has moved! You can now check it out at: See you there! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Hallowed Halls STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/13/2003 08:14:39 PM ----- BODY: I have returned from Homecoming at Rhodes and I'm no worse for the wear. I drove to Memphis on Friday morning and rolled into town around 5p. I picked up Catherine, my roommate from my junior and senior years of college, at the airport, and we headed out to the Rendezvous for some fabulous dry ribs. We then crashed a party for the class of 1998 (we being the much older, wiser denizens of the class of 1996) at Tommy Trouble's house. We met Mrs. Trouble (it seems Tommy got hitched post-graduation) and swatted mammoth mosquitos in the backyard until it started to approach midnight. We discovered at the party that we lucked out when I surfed the web and selected our hotel, as we ended up staying at the hotel that was the home base for the class of 1998. It was just like living in a dorm again, only tidier, and with more room to move. ----- EXTENDED BODY: On Saturday we headed to the Blue Plate Cafe in East Memphis for a beige breakfast of eggs, biscuits and pancakes (in an aside, I think I'm the only person who gains weight when they leave New Orleans). We headed to campus for the receptions that are held by the sororities. It was really amazing that we found ourselves somewhat lost, especially considering that the student body is only 1400 and the campus is fairly small. The school has been bulding since we left town, and it shows. They now have apartment style dorms, equipped with ethernet cables and cable t.v. in the rooms. Why is it that schools always become so much cooler after you graduate? In retrospect, however, Catherine and I both came to the conclusion that if they had had ethernet connections and cable t.v. in our dorm rooms when we were in college, we never would have matriculated. We would still be there downloading music. One of the highlights of the trip was visiting the Stax Museum on Saturday afternoon, a museum dedicated to the origins of Soul music. It is located on the site of the former studio where Otis Redding recorded "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay", inter alia. Quite groovy. Saturday night we crashed the official 1998 reunion party, as well as the 1993 reunion party. Both were fun, but all I can think of is how much I need to start exercising to get ready for my ten year reunion. Sunday we made a trip back to Williford, the dorm where we lived as first years. It was a lot like going back to the house where you grew up -- everything is the same, just smaller. When I walked into one of the tiny, cinder block-walled dorm rooms, I couldn't help but wonder how I ever lived there, and liked it. Catherine and I were reminiscing about how her room was directly above the boiler room for the building, thus making her room inescapably hot all the time. She would open the window to let in some cool air, only to give her and her roommate recurring colds. I recall the heat in my room made the cinder block walls sweat, thus causing the double-sided tape affixing the posters to the walls to peel off and thwack people in the head at random times. Ahh, college. ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/14/2003 11:16:16 AM hmm. interesting , is it just me or does the text not appear half the time on these comment until you highlight them? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Agamemnon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/14/2003 12:44:34 PM Nice article Kittysays. It sounds like you had a blast. btw pylorns the same thing happenss to me with the comments. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/14/2003 01:13:02 PM So now my question is, is it just us or is it happening to others? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: H EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/15/2003 04:03:57 AM Comments thing happens to me, too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/15/2003 08:46:26 AM The comments thing happens to me sometimes, too. I don't know what's causing that (says the woman who knows little to nothing about computers). ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Worry STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/14/2003 08:21:57 PM ----- BODY: I wish I had happier news to post, but I don't. The short version of recent events is that my mom had a mammogram and the doctor thought he spotted something that didn't look quite right. She went in for a sonogram, and lo and behold -- she has six nodules in her left breast. She met with a breast surgeon this morning, and is having a lumpectomy on Thursday morning in Dallas. After the lumpectomy, my aunt will take her home to recuperate, and the tissue will be sent to a pathologist for a biopsy. Needless to say, I will be spending tomorrow at work getting others to cover my lawyer gigs on Thursday and Friday, as I plan to stick Maggie in the car Thursday morning and drive to Dallas to be with mom through the weekend. 2003 is almost over. Why don't we have a cure for breast cancer? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: H EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/15/2003 04:03:08 AM Jennifer-I am so very sorry. Big hug and I hope your mom gets through with flying colors. The good news is Dallas has a lot of really great hospitals. My thoughts are with you//H ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/15/2003 08:48:00 AM Thanks, H. You are so right about Dallas area hospitals. She's going to be treated at the Margot Perot Women's Pavilion at Presbyterian Hospital, which only treats women, so she's in good hands. She wanted to come to New Orleans to be treated near me, but I convinced her to stay in Big D where the medical care is much better. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Margaret EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/15/2003 10:55:35 AM Sorry to hear about your're right, though. She's going to get great medical care in Dallas. Love the cross-dressing Kitty! Meow! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: sarah EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/16/2003 12:12:24 AM I'm so sorry - these sorts of uncertainties are so painful and frustrating. Let's hope this is nothing ... I'll be thinking of you and keep us posted. Take care of yourself. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/16/2003 10:41:40 AM Bob and I will say some extra special prayers. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Chewie EMAIL: ah@ha.aha IP: URL: DATE: 10/20/2003 06:15:17 PM We found out that my mother-in-law had breast cancer about a month after our wedding, however, they caught it early and she is fortunately ok. I pray for your mother to come through surgery well, and that the lumps are not malignant. Why don't we have a cure? Because cancer is very, very complex - they have a new potential treatment in Science magazines every month - BUT they have to make sure that the treatment: a) works b) doesn't have any terrible sideeffects c) goes through the several years of testing d) gets approved by the FDA - which isn't easy. Not that that makes one feel better, but it at least gives understanding. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon tournaments EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:42 AM Really glad I surfed onto your site! I really enjoyed my visit. Will be making frequent stops ! Hi, you - heard of poker? download backgammon is just the right thing for you. Hi, you - heard of download backgammon? The greatest download backgammon of all. This is on line backgammon - your gateway to exhilarating multi-player on line backgammon action that's a cut above the rest. on line backgammon shows you where to play Find out where to play on line backgammon at our site . Hi, you - heard of backgammon on line? backgammon on line is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit backgammon on line, it is probably the best on net! See for yourself why is the real deal. Download our free software to play for real money or "play" money - or just sit in on a backgammon on line game! Visit backgammon tournament and play the game! The advantages of betting in an backgammon tournament site are far better and more attractive than visiting a regular poker or casino. You can look for backgammon tournament there! 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Even poker and online casino glossary can be found there! Many features and gambling games, and such. Look at online backgammon for rules and tips. The only reliable online backgammon , in my opinion. backgammon online shows you where to play backgammon online. Find out where to play backgammon online at our site . Play more, gain more, never no more. The greatest backgammon online of all. The diversity and fluctuations of backgammon online players this month! Welcome to our complete guide to gammon. Here you'll find rules on how to play gammon, strategies to make your game better, and which gammon have the best odds. is among the top 10 gammon casinos available today. Truely and amazing Best back gammon site. Here it comes Best back gammon pleasure gaming, betting, and gambling. Thanks for the beautiful site - very interesting back gammon. was one of the first back gammon to open shop, and enjoys a large market share of back gammon players because of their early entry into the market and good gaming experience offered. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Uh Oh STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/15/2003 01:11:51 PM ----- BODY: This guy needs to enter the Witness Protection Program. Soon. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/15/2003 01:17:22 PM daaamn ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Worry, part 2 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/16/2003 09:47:49 PM ----- BODY: I am in Big D now, along with Maggie, my intrepid fellow traveler. We drove to Dallas this morning (and afternoon) and found mom asleep. She came home from the hospital early this afternoon and slept for a while. She was in some pain, but my aunt filled her prescription for painkillers for her, and those have helped quite a bit. I keep telling her not to take them all, and I could easily sell them for her for a tidy profit, but she just looks at me funny. Come to think of it, Maggie looks at me funny, too. I'll be here until Sunday, nursing the patient back to her previous Diet Pepsi drinking, outlet shopping existence. She should get the results from her biopsy back on Tuesday. The phone has rung off the hook today with friends and relatives calling to check up on her, which has lifted her spirits. I answered the phone when one well-wisher called, and I'm glad I was the one who answered. She is a long-time family friend, and told me she was hopeful that the results from my mom's "autopsy" would come out okay. I'm sure that's just what mom would want to hear right now. On the bright side, I did get dinner from Whataburger tonight. Mmmmmm........ ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/17/2003 08:03:08 AM lol.. autopsy.. thats funny. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/17/2003 08:03:22 AM all the best. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Agamemnon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/17/2003 09:52:17 AM All the best, we will keep your mom in our prayers ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/17/2003 02:45:23 PM My mother, grandmother and older sister went through this once... Fortunately, all of their biopsies came back negative. I don't mean to scare you, but I hope you are getting regular mammograms, due to the genetic nature of this... Best wishes to your family and I hope all turns out well! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Helen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2003 04:16:17 PM Really hoping that all goes well for your Mom, but I am sure your presence there is comforting beyond belief for her. And on a poncey note, I remember Whataburger. Before I became a veggie, I used to love their Whatafish! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2003 07:55:23 PM Yes, I do plan to start getting annual mammograms, even though you typically don't get them until age 40 (I now have a good reason to start early). H -- Whatafish? Can't say I ever tried it, but I believe you that it's good. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon tournaments EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:06 AM download backgammon is, indeed, the site I spoke on. Play more, gain more, download backgammon never no more. Visit the download backgammon site!!! The ultimate is waiting for you. 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Come and have fun with me at backgammon on line? backgammon tournament is the online world's only super-advanced 3-D backgammon tournament with audio and image technology that offers the look and feel of a real live backgammon tournament. This is a very good site, with many backgammon tournament features. Have fun at our backgammon tournament site! Thanks for the great visit. Click also to backgammon tournaments . backgammon tournaments is just the right thing for you. Choosing the right backgammon tournaments is a personal matter. For guidance one should look for an that is reputable. Fairness, honesty, and reliability are three key factors along with knowing that the backgammon tournaments is financially stable. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon freeware EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:10 AM backgammon free is another backgammon free that's been around for a long time and has a good player following. 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A new backgammon board tournament - choose it or loose it. This is the backgammon board and none other. Great winning chances at backgammon board your choice. Also, I recommend on reading the articles on, which deal with the evolution of backgammon board on the net. Here it comes backgammon board pleasure gaming, betting, and gambling. Thanks for the great visit. Click also to backgammon freeware . backgammon freeware is just the right thing for you. See for yourself why backgammon freeware is the real deal. Download our free software to play for real money or "play" money - or just sit in on a game! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X Questions STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/18/2003 05:05:34 PM ----- BODY: Here are my answers to this week's questions posed by Cheddar X: 1. What was the last person, thing or event that made you cry? Thinking of possibly losing my mom to cancer. 2. What was your most recent vivid dream about? I was attending a law conference at a large hotel, and I was chatting with people in the hotel restaurant at night. 3. What is the best bumper sticker you've seen or thought up? I saw a bumper sticker on an old Volvo that said, "0 to 60 in 10 minutes." 4. Who was your worst room mate? Why? Overall, I've had great roommates (thankfully). I have had bad experiences, though, such as my sophomore year in college when my roomie brought a guy back to the room and they started to " get friendly". I happened to be in the top bunk of our bunkbeds at the time. She thought I was asleep. I wasn't. 5. What do you order most often when you go out to eat? Whatever I like there. Typically, I pick places to eat because I'm hungry for some dish that they serve, so I order that. 6. What's your cocktail of choice? Or beverage for the non-drinkers? Cocktail of choice would be a Tanq and Tonic or a Chambord & Seven. Beverage of choice would be Diet Coke or Pink Lemonade Snapple. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2003 12:40:06 AM I bet you eat at wataburger every time you hit texas. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Travels with Maggie STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/19/2003 08:39:01 PM ----- BODY: I have just returned from my trip back to New Orleans with Maggie. As I typically am after eight hour car trips, I'm in a putative mood (sorry for the SAT words, guys, it's that kinda night). Ever since I started this blog, I knew I would end up blogging about this topic, I just didn't know when it would be. I think everyone has a sore spot, a touchpoint, a thing beyond which they can't go. My friends and family know mine well. So what is it, you ask? Say it with me now, friends and fam...... Flying. I know, I know, Erica Jong beat this into the ground in the 1970's (pun intended). But it's a real fear and this is my blog, so I'm going to write about it. So there. A few points to start my musings: (1) I started flying when I was very, very young (before age two), and have flown A LOT, mostly alone, ever since. This clearly is not an issue of inexperience. (2) This fear has crept up on me over the course of my life. Sometimes it is an acute fear, and sometimes it is more watered down. It never really goes away. (3) There is no number 3, but this wouldn't be much of a list with only two points. Whenever I tell people I'm afraid of flying, I get one of five reactions. I have heard all of these reactions so often that I now have pat responses to them. They are as follows: (1) "Flying is SO safe. More people die every year [insert your favorite death-inducing activity] than in plane crashes." Ooooohhhhhhhh. So you're saying flying is SAFE? Well, thank goodness for that. I can rest easy now. People, I drive every day on Interstate 10. I could give a damn about safety issues. (2) "When I'm flying, I just close my eyes, and imagine myself in my 'happy place.'" I have a happy place. It is located ON THE GROUND. (3) "When I'm flying, I just zone out. To me, flying is dead time." Me, too. (4) "You must not like flying because you have control issues." Thank you, Mr(s). Freud. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take my id and go home. (5) "I just love flying. It's one of my favorite things to do!" How nice for you. Excuse me while I go fetch you the key to the city. My therapist says that my fear of flying is just something I've concocted to divert my attention away from my other, more important, fears (and, as usual, he's right, which makes it difficult to argue with him, not that I don't try). I think I've figured out what's really bugging me, though time and space on this blog prevent me from going into all of that now. So why am I bringing this up now? Because I have to fly to Savannah, Georgia on Thursday. I fly to Atlanta (one hour), have a layover, and fly to Savannah (45 minutes). Naturally, I am checking the Weather Channel every day, mentally picking out the books I'll bring with me (so I can re-read the same sentence 45 times in flight) and trying not to think about it. And it's working. Sort of. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: H EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/20/2003 10:28:51 AM Hi Gorgeous, Now THAT was a funny post. Don't worry-I have flown hundreds of times, all over the world, including the longest flight that there is, London to Sydney. And I STILL hate flying and am a white-knuckle flier. Sometimes, you never get used to it! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/20/2003 12:03:17 PM Im a pilot. You should let me take you up in a small plane and put the real fear in you. You'll have new apreciation for those big commercial jet liners. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Chewie EMAIL: ah@ha.aha IP: URL: DATE: 10/20/2003 06:16:30 PM I'm terrified of needles (like pass out when I see them) - so I try to never make light of anyone's fears....because I understand. Hope the flight goes well! Wish there was some way to make it easier. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2003 09:40:34 AM I'm convinced every time I step into an elevator it will either plunge to the ground, or go through the ceiling. Two hundred stories or just two... I hate them. Flying I love, but Justin's my brother... go figure:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2003 09:40:41 AM I'm convinced every time I step into an elevator it will either plunge to the ground, or go through the ceiling. Two hundred stories or just two... I hate them. Flying I love, but Justin's my brother... go figure:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2003 09:40:59 AM I'm convinced every time I step into an elevator it will either plunge to the ground, or go through the ceiling. Two hundred stories or just two... I hate them. Flying I love, but Justin's my brother... go figure:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2003 09:41:32 AM I'm convinced every time I step into an elevator it will either plunge to the ground, or go through the ceiling. Two hundred stories or just two... I hate them. Flying I love, but Justin's my brother... go figure:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2003 09:43:51 AM Sorry about the multiple postings. That's what I get fot thinking my computer's locked up. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Yip, yip, yip, yip, yip, Uh huh, Uh huh, rrrrradio STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/21/2003 09:08:01 AM ----- BODY: When I was driving back from Dallas on Sunday, I listened to npr, as I often do. I listened to one of my favorite npr shows This American Life. I love the show, and npr in general, and felt particularly obligated to listen this weekend since they are having their pledge drive and I might just be the only person who is willing to listen to them beg for money. At any rate, the topic of discussion on This American Life was which super power you would rather have: the ability to fly or be invisible? It should come as no surprise to those who read my prior post that I would pick invisibility. However, that isn't solely because I am afraid of flying, I'll have you know. It would be so cool to be invisible -- you could listen in on great conversations you'd never hear otherwise, and could pick things up and move them around, really freaking people out. Besides, if you could fly, you'd really need some other super power coupled with it to do anything good with it. What do you blogging folks think? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2003 11:57:10 AM I'm with you on the flying. I know what my hair looks like after driving with the windows down. Besides if I was invisible then I could catch my four-year old-I'm doing nothing-Bob in the act. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Agamemnon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2003 01:44:01 PM I also listen to NPR. The one show that I listen to constantly is Fresh Air. I have been too introduced to some really good music and books on that show. And Fresh Air has had some of the most interesting interviews I have ever heard. As for what power I would pick: it would have to be invisibility, the possibilities are endless with that power. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2003 02:09:18 PM I would choose flight. I have no issues with flight, and you don't really need any other super powers. Work out, become stronger, you can fly down and grab someone, or hit them with a baseball bat. You can ease up to 2nd floor windows and listen to people... You can float on the ceiling of a room, who looks up there? ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Good news! STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/21/2003 10:15:49 AM ----- BODY: This just in...... My mom called and said the pathology report came in and her nodules are benign! There were, however, precancerous growths in them, which, had they not been removed, likely would've developed into cancer. Thank goodness she had those removed. On another happy note, she has now decided that it is a good idea to get regular mammograms (regular being more than once every three years, as was her prior practice) and I think I will too. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Agamemnon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2003 01:29:28 PM Thats great news!!! I'm so the lab results came back as negative. It is great to hear that your mom is going to be ok, congrats! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2003 02:03:54 PM very cool. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Quack! EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2003 05:51:24 PM I'm so glad the news is good. I think I'm going to have a mamagram also....Liver for dinner? Bye..... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: H EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2003 12:26:32 PM Great news, darlin'! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Chewie EMAIL: ah@ha.aha IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2003 10:16:52 AM That's wonderful news...I am so happy for you and your mother and family. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Guestmap STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/22/2003 09:16:46 AM ----- BODY: I have jumped on the Guestmap bandwagon, albeit somewhat late in the game. So jump on over to it and sign it! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2003 10:41:12 PM signed ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2003 10:50:56 PM Everybody's a comedian. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Never Mind STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/23/2003 09:22:14 AM ----- BODY: While my previous post about flying does sum up how I feel about it, I need not have worried since I won't be flying today anyway. I have a trial starting Monday and the plaintiff's lawyer and I are miles apart in terms of potential settlement. I'm hoping to close that gap tomorrow, but I'm closer to starting my first trial than I ever thought possible. Scary, but close. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2003 09:52:04 AM So you've never been to trial? Wow. gotta be scary for the first time. I did a law studies class in highschool where we tried cases, that was a ton of fun. Post Script: The comment issue isn't just with this site, its with lots of them it's an issue with movable type where the text in this box is blank. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Robert Wolf EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2003 10:04:46 AM I think this kitty looks pissed. Life is trial. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Agamemnon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2003 10:10:00 AM Well good luck on either situation whether it is the trial or the settlement. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2003 10:20:14 AM Good luck to you on your trial! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2003 11:24:58 AM Yes folks, trial looms large. Getting to try a case four years out of law school is actually quite an accomplishment, if I do say so myself. I did mock trial in college and law school and loved it, but that didn't involve real clients who might fire you. Yikes. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon freeware EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:05 AM Many great games, where to bet at backgammon free. Look at our backgammon free site. Win real money at backgammon free. Overall, offers a solid backgammon free experience with the latest download software, and a good game of backgammon free you can pick up on with any computer through the light browser-based versions. hi guys, I would like to recommend this site: backgammon software , every one of you has to try it. backgammon software is your site, give it a try. this site is the best. I swear, you must try backgammon software and win as I do. Only at you can be a winner in a very short time. backgammon software is my site, what about you? Since the classic backgammon table is the game for the "high rollers" with the high betting limits, not many people can afford to play it. 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A great excitement, backgammon freeware at its best. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Why I Won't Be Beatified Anytime Soon STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/23/2003 01:13:08 PM ----- BODY: In the vein of posts I've previously written about the Catholic Church (see Would You, Could You With a Pope?), I found an article discussing what you have to do to be beatified, and thus, ready to be declared a Saint. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2003 03:06:23 PM Drat! There goes my chance at sainthood as well. But as Billy Joel says..."I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/27/2003 07:08:56 AM good luck on your trial today. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Settlement STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/27/2003 11:58:51 AM ----- BODY: Not surprisingly, we settled the trial that was scheduled this morning. I picked up my boss at 7a.m. (that was far too early for my taste) and we drove to Franklinton, Louisiana (read: the middle of nowehere). We met up with the Judge, his law clerk, his court reporter, and the three other defendants who hadn't settled yet. The plaintiffs' attorney strolled in (late) and she asked us to step out in the hall. She asked us if we could get her a little more money. We said we'd try. My boss went into the hallway and made a call on her cell phone to the lead insurer for our client. He wasn't there, so she left him a message. She told the plaintiffs' lawyer that she couldn't get him, and that she could either wait around until we hear back, or let us out for the money we'd already put on the table. Needless to say, she let us out and is still at the courthouse, putting the screws to someone else. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Andre EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/27/2003 02:17:53 PM I'm glad that someone is having a good morning. I think that I'm witnessing the opening stages of the apocalypse right here in Southern California. 1) Election of Arnold 2) Grocery strike (week 3) 3) Mass Transit strike (week 3) 4) Massive fires all around the San Fernando Valley. The fires began last week-- just like they do every year. They usually stay in some far off National Park or some tiny speck on the map on the way to Las Vegas. This time the Santa Ana Winds are out to remind us who is in charge. Its rather disconcerting to see a huge plume of smoke dominating the western horizon as you leave Target. It makes for sickeningly beautiful sunset. The fire in Simi Valley which is about 20 miles from my condo has shut down at least 3 major freeways, destroyed whole neighborhoods-- and it doesn't seem to be getting any smaller. I'm in Burbank now which is a little over 30 miles from Simi Valley and I can see the smoke from here. The air quality is crap. If the winds shift then we'll get the ash. My first year in Southern California ('92), parts of the city saw what looking like snowfall-- only it was ash from fires in the mountains. The weather is supposed to cool down and the sea breezes are scheduled to calm things on Wednesday. The hope is that things don't get worse before then. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/27/2003 02:24:21 PM whats so bad about Arnold? Anyway good to hear you didnt have to do the trial, but maybe it would be good to get your first trial out of the way? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: agamemnon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/27/2003 05:43:23 PM Good to hear everything went the way you wanted it to go, congrats. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2003 09:21:05 AM Yes, I would like to get my first trial out of the way. However, it would be a good idea for me to get one out of the way when I am more (ahem) prepared. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Quack! EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2003 09:47:56 AM So, what's up with the angry looking cat? Has PETA been aprised of this abusive situation? I think the kitty's civil rights have been abused, if not abandoned all together. On a more serious note: I saw a Hello Kitty movie at Blockbuster and wondered if you've seen it yet. It looked like an action-packed drama filled with all of the romance and humor we expect from that famous kitty. So toss the popcorn in the microwave and pour me a pabst blue ribbon.... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Quack! EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2003 09:52:42 AM Note on Franklinton, Louisiana.... FYI: Franklinton is the social, legal, political, cultural and economic epicenter for Washington Parish. And it's home to the annual Washington Parish Fair (Read: biggest pumpkin contest) which is one of the largest agricultural fairs in the state. But other than that it ain't shit. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/28/2003 01:32:26 PM Dear Quack-- Cats do not have civil rights. They have kitty rights, and the cute kitty pictured above has not had his/her kitty rights violated. If she can find a lawyer who disagrees with me, she can sue me. Really. I'm not scared. I have seen Hello Kitty movies, and I am here to tell you they are frauds. They have a walking, talking Hello Kitty -- who has a mouth. As we all know, Hello Kitty has no mouth. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Windows Xp tip EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:53:10 AM Windows Xp oem Windows Xp tip ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon tournaments EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:00:42 AM I really enjoyed reading an article on the birth of download backgammon and I followed to experience download backgammon live. The biggest download backgammon of all is you best bet on betting. A great excitement at its best. is among the top 10 download backgammon casinos available today. Play more, gain more, on line backgammon never no more. The greatest on line backgammon of all. The diversity and fluctuations of on line backgammon players this month! Join now to the fastest Truely and amazing on line backgammon site. The best facilities and support for on line backgammon - that is why, folks! backgammon on line is one of the leading backgammon on line on the Internet. World Wide Web, making us the leading backgammon on line. 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No doubt, the on net. many internet casino features and backgammon tournaments Play and win real money at backgammon tournaments. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon freeware EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:00:44 AM backgammon free is the gambling portal for people searching for respected and generous backgammon free. If you are ready to gamble — this is the place you need. Our selection is based on the backgammon free popularity, payouts and bonus. Since the classic is the game for the "high rollers" with the high betting limits, not many people can afford to play it. As for backgammon free you will not always find it at the backgammon free. See for yourself why backgammon software is the real deal. Download our free software to play for real money or "play" money - or just sit in on a backgammon software game! 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And your winnings will be paid out speedily. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Office Xp window pro EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:06:12 AM Office Xp serial key Office Xp window pro ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Windows Xp Professional EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:55:23 AM Windows Xp Professional Windows Xp Professional ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Windows Xp EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 07:02:54 AM Windows Xp Windows Xp ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Just When You Thought It Wasn't Safe to Blog Any More STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/28/2003 02:14:14 PM ----- BODY: I am pleased to report that my husband's blog (Archi-Sapper) is back up and running. He wasn't detained by Iraqi insurgents, hell-bent on stopping his blog. He simply lost internet access for a while, but now he's back. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2003 07:46:48 AM ah, well about time.. now when does he want to move over... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/30/2003 09:15:53 AM He's ready now. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/29/2003 02:59:03 PM ----- BODY: For those of you who haven't been paying attention, I work at a large law firm. Working at large law firms can be good and can be hellacious, depending on your situation. I have been blessed with an excellent situation for the two years I've been here. I've been working with a phenomenal attorney -- she is smart, funny, outspoken, thinks well on her feet and can crush opposing counsel into the ground without much effort. She has really taken me under her wing and acted as a mentor to me, helping me learn how to develop clients, how to maintain the clients you have, how to psych-out plaintiff's attorneys, how to write appellate briefs, and basically how to practice law. She has ensured that I've gotten every raise to which I'm entitled, has patted me on the back when I did something well, and has given me hugs and comforted me when I got so stressed out I started crying in my office. And now she's leaving. She came into my office on Friday and closed the door. She told me that, for the past several years she's been "stressed out" (this is like saying Bill Gates is kind of nerdy). While she loves practicing law, she doesn't like the effect that the accumulated stress has had on her. You have to understand that this isn't just a woman who practices law -- she's one of the biggest fish in the national pond of litigation in which I practice. She speaks at seminars all over the country, and has been appointed to several committees to help shape laws, because of her renown in the field. When she isn't working, she's on her cell phone or blackberry adivising someone else on what they should do with their cases, or she's travelling to another speaking engagement. She can't take the breakneck pace any more. And frankly, I don't blame her. I never could figure out where she got the energy for as long as she had it. I was tearing up when she told me, trying (unsuccessfully) to put on a brave face. She told me not to cry, and all I could think to say was, "But I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay here and practice with me." And she replied, "I know, kiddo, and I appreciate that. But you don't need me any more. You are a different person than you were when you walked in the front door two years ago, and you're a different lawyer. You are an outstanding young lawyer and you don't need anyone standing in the wings telling you what to do. You know what to do." And I know she's right. But I still can't get out of this funk I'm in. She is a wonderful boss, an outstanding mentor and a dear friend. I'm going to miss her. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: agamemnon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/29/2003 04:11:43 PM I'm sorry about your boss leaving. But I am sure you will do fine. We all have faith in you! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/30/2003 10:06:52 AM where is she going? she retireing or doing something else or what? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/30/2003 01:27:22 PM She is going to take a year off and do personal stuff -- build a house on some land she bought a few years ago, etc. After the year, she will decide if she wants to practice law again. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Reconstructing Iraq STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/30/2003 04:31:14 PM ----- BODY: Here is a hilarious piece from The Onion about the difficulties reconstructing Iraq. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Halloween Cheddar Questions STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/31/2003 08:44:55 AM ----- BODY: 1. What's the worst candy you've ever gotten on Halloween? Any sort of Halloween related Peeps. Peeps are vile. 2. What is your best comfort food? Pot roast with potatoes and baby carrots. 3. When was the last time you tried a new vegetable or fruit and what was it? I tried a satsuma -- a citrus fruit that can be found in southeast Louisiana. 4. Is there a dish your mom or dad made for you growing up that you hated and can't even stand to think of now? Brussel sprouts -- aack (ala Bill the Cat). 5. What's your favorite snacking food? I am a big snacker, so it is difficult to pick one. I love candy, so I don't keep much of it in the house, or I'd be obese. I like to snack on Wheat Thins, raw veggies with ranch dressing, dry cereal and grapefruit (yum!). ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: H EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2003 10:08:38 AM This is the first sign you are not my identical twin. I love Brussell sprouts! That's ok, we can still be fraternal... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Johnny Huh? EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2003 12:01:52 PM I was wondering if H knew there was another brussel sprouts answer this week. And lo and behold, she's already beaten me to the punch. Welcome the Cheddar X! And hey, check this out the Peeps Go to College, at least they're trying to better themselves! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2003 12:35:41 PM H-- You know I love you, but not even your wonderfulness could make me like brussel sprouts. Ick! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2003 01:46:47 PM I'm totally with you on the peeps. I don't care what shape, color, or holiday they come in. I knew my brother married a smart woman. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: back gammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:24 AM backgammon is the gambling portal for people searching for respected and generous backgammon. If you are ready to gamble — this is the place you need. 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Nice articles and comments on backgammon tournaments and other related issues. When you truely want to play backgammon tournaments look no further. Play here backgammon tournaments. Enter this reliable from the creators of backgammon tournaments. and you enjoy great customer service, quick responses to your requests. And your winnings will be paid out speedily. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Sidekick STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/31/2003 02:12:31 PM ----- BODY: I've done it. I've purchased a device that will ensure I am tethered to my office for life. Last night I bought a T-Mobile Sidekick. It is so cool! I feel like a kid at Christmas (at some point, I should probably get some work done). This is one device that includes a phone, blackberry (wireless e-mail access), internet access, AOL Instant Messenger, Address Book, To-Do List and games. Now, if I could just get it to feed Maggie...... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2003 03:27:29 PM Won't Justin be jealous! Now he's going to want one too...with it's own luggage of course. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/31/2003 09:00:03 PM i gotz a tmobile phone.. i'll have to txt msg you mwahahahhaha.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2003 04:01:07 AM You know this gives your husband a 'Get out of Jail Free' card for his, next purchase, don't you? And Jenny, I won't need Luggage for it! Although I did just buy a really cool waterproof case for the SatPhone. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ann-Charlotte EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2003 04:42:20 AM Oooh I love gadgets, now I'm jealous. :) Guess I'll have to keep on using my Sony Ericsson T610. Actually, I quite like it, it's very stylish, that's the most important thing for me. ;) It coordinates with my digital camera and my iPod. :D ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2003 12:53:48 PM Jenny-- Justin won't be jealous, he'll just buy himself one. I know it. Pylorns -- you're scaring me. Justin -- My sidekick was cheap, so your Get Out of Jail Free card might not be worth as much as you think! And it comes with it's own luggage. Ann-Charlotte -- I admire a woman who loves her gadgets. I've been admiring IPods for quite some time now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: horny goat weed pill EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:35:26 AM horny goat weed study horny goat weed tea horny goat weed tea horny goat weed and .... horny goat weed information horny goat weed horny goat weed with maca horny goat weed use horny goat weed study does horny goat weed work .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon tournaments EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:01 AM A new download backgammon tournament - choose it or loose it. This is the download backgammon and none other. Great winning chances at download backgammon your choice. So step right in – the world of awaits you. In case you are a newcomer to download backgammon feel free to browse our extensive blackjack rules, which apply to the game itself, and not just to the download backgammon version. 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STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/01/2003 12:57:00 PM ----- BODY: Happy Birthday to Hello Kitty! I'm not sure how old she is, though I suppose the p.c. answer would be that she is timeless. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/01/2003 10:24:29 PM of course happy late bday to me - yesturday. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2003 11:48:19 AM Yes, and happy belated to Pylorns, who is now one year closer to being put in a home. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: alona EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/03/2004 06:39:20 AM nice ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Frank EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/03/2004 06:48:03 AM Thanks again ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Marcelle EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/03/2004 06:53:27 AM I thoroughly enjoyed reading at your site. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon tournaments EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:27 AM download backgammon shows you where to play download backgammon. Find out where to play download backgammon at our site . Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with is what I was looking for. I really enjoyed your site! Thanks. Also play at download backgammon - a really good download backgammon! The ultimate on line backgammon is waiting for you. The advantages of betting in an on line backgammon site are far better and more attractive than visiting a regular poker or casino. Do not miss on line backgammon. Nice articles and comments on and other related issues. When you truely want to play on line backgammon look no further. Play here on line backgammon. Hi, you - heard of backgammon on line? backgammon on line is just the right thing for you. So come and visit our backgammon on line site! Overall, offers a solid backgammon on line experience with the latest download software, and a good game of backgammon on line you can pick up on with any computer through the light browser-based versions. Hi, you - heard of backgammon tournament? backgammon tournament is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit backgammon tournament, it is probably the best on net! Many games, great variety. A new backgammon tournament tournament - choose it or loose it. Great winning chances at backgammon tournament. Also, I recommend on reading the articles on backgammon tournaments, which deal with the evolution of backgammon tournaments on the net. A great excitement, backgammon tournaments at its best. is one of the leading backgammon tournaments on the Internet. World Wide Web, making us the leading backgammon tournaments. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Bad news and good news STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/02/2003 11:47:12 AM ----- BODY: The bad news is that fifteen soldiers were killed when a chinook helicopter was shot down in Fallujah, while some soldiers were trying to leave to take some R&R with their families. The good news is that, while the crash happened where my husband is stationed, neither he nor any soldiers from his unit were killed or injured in the attack. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: randy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/02/2003 02:22:02 PM Must be nerve-wracking to have your husband over there....Yikes! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Helen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2003 08:11:23 AM Everyday must have you glued to CNN and finding new ways to find new gods. My heart goes out to you, darlin'. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2003 10:51:46 AM I hope that every day our occupation of that country does not turn out to be another vietnam, where the country resents the government and the soldiers. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2003 12:04:06 PM I know how hard it is for me to have him over there. I can't imagine how it is for you. I have his picture on my desk, and I pray for both of you every time I see it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2003 01:37:29 PM I appreciate the comments, guys. It isn't easy, but everyone has their cross to bear. Hopefully it will be over soon. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon download EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:46 AM I also think that playing play backgammon is the key for online success. Nevertheless, I encountered yesterday a great play backgammon site. Check and see forr yourselves! The best play backgammon provides quality games and facilities. The best facilities and support for play backgammon - that is why, folks! Hi, you - heard of poker? play backgammon is just the right thing for you. backgammon game is the online world's only super-advanced 3-D backgammon game with audio and image technology that offers the look and feel of a real live backgammon game. More and more players have already understood and only backgammon game, is the best backgammon game on net. Even poker and online casino glossary can be found there! So step right in – the world of internet backgammon awaits you. In case you are a newcomer to internet backgammon feel free to browse our extensive blackjack rules, which apply to the game itself, and not just to the internet backgammon version. Welcome to our complete guide to Here you'll find rules on how to play internet backgammon, strategies to make your game better, and which internet backgammon have the best odds. Many games, great backgammon games variety. A new backgammon games tournament - choose it or loose it. Great winning chances at backgammon games. Welcome to the most updated and comprehensive related portal, on the Internet today. Come and learn all about backgammon games, backgammon games online roulette school, backgammon games rules, news and links to the best backgammon download shows you where to play backgammon download. Find out where to play backgammon download at our site . The best facilities and support for backgammon download - that is why, folks! Hi, you - heard of poker? backgammon download is just the right thing for you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: free backgammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:46 AM backgammon enligne is among the top 10 backgammon enligne casinos available today. Visit backgammon enligne and play the game! The advantages of betting in an site are far better and more attractive than visiting a regular poker or casino. You can look for backgammon enligne there! This is a very good backgammon en ligne site, with many backgammon en ligne features. Have fun at our backgammon en ligne site! Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with is what I was looking for. Here it comes backgammon en ligne betting, and gambling. A very interesting site with top design and contents! backgammon rules is among the top 10 backgammon rules casinos available today. Although there are number of places with high stakes, you can easily find the backgammon rule operator offering backgammon rule with the low betting limits. Consider the Welcome bonuses, and you have a good bankroll to backgammon rule the game with the low house edge. The best facilities and support for backgammon rule - that is why, folks! Hi, you - heard of poker? backgammon rule is just the right thing for you. Since the software at free backgammon is the same as free backgammon with some minor graphical differences, and the players are shared in both free backgammon - all you really have to decide is which room's tournaments you'd prefer, assuming you play 'event' tournaments at all. Visit and play the game! The advantages of betting in an free backgammon site are far better and more attractive than visiting a regular poker or casino. You can look for free backgammon there! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Winning is Everything STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/03/2003 12:44:26 PM ----- BODY: The vast majority of the cases I work on are mass tort cases -- the kind where lots and lots of people are (allegedly) injured by one single event or source (i.e. chemical spills, asbestos exposure in plants, etc.) These kinds of cases drag on for years, involve extensive discovery and a lot of negotiation to ultimately resolve. I enjoy them, but it can sometimes be frustrating that it takes so long to ever see resolution to your work. This morning I got a much-needed break from my usual spate of cases. I went to court and represented a woman pro bono (for free), who is mildly mentally retarded and has some psychiatric issues. She is 25, but has the intelligence level of a seven year old child. She lives with her older sister, who cares for her and wants to continue to do so. Her sister filed a Petition for Interdiction, which would give her sister full control over the young woman, including her financial assets, medical care, etc. The woman loves living with her sister, and this morning she had an opportunity to tell the judge just that. The hearing went beautifully, but mostly I'm so thrilled that this woman now feels secure knowing that she can continue to live where she wants, and that no one will interfere with that relationship. People often assume that representing corporations would be boring or that it wouldn't be as interesting as representing individuals, but they're wrong. It is interesting, challenging work, but not nearly as rewarding as being able to help one young woman. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2003 09:09:50 AM so your saying you're going to do more pro-bono work? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2003 03:01:56 PM Yes! ----- PING: TITLE: payday advance URL: IP: BLOG NAME: payday advance DATE: 06/15/2005 04:23:36 AM Please check out the sites about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Today's Schedule STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/04/2003 08:46:21 AM ----- BODY: 9:00 a.m. Review pleadings, answer e-mails 9:30 a.m. Head to Civil District Court for hearing 10:00 a.m. Attend hearing on exceptions and motions 11:00 a.m. Attend defense counsel meeting to figure out what happened at hearing we all just attended 12:00 Lunch 1:30 p.m. Return to office. Read blogs. 2:00 p.m. Work for the man, bill hours, drink ice water 3:20 p.m. Give blood at firm blood drive 4:00 p.m. Work for the man, bill hours, gossip 5:30 p.m. Leave work and go home to Maggie 5:40 p.m. Let Miss Maggie take me for a walk 6:15 p.m. Go to book club meeting at Margaret's house. 6:20 p.m. Get sloppy drunk on wine 6:30 p.m. Listen to stories of single women's sex lives 6:35 p.m. Wonder when husband is coming home. 9:30 p.m. Go home and flop into bed. 9:35 p.m. Pet Maggie. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2003 03:02:37 PM Give me a break I'm type-A. I will check with them tonight when they are liquored up and see what kind of response I get. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Quack! EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2003 03:12:39 PM live a very regimented life... You need to get out a little more....Send me your drunk, horny friends. Have them call me after this infamous book club meeting. Cluck! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/04/2003 04:46:16 PM Thats what I'm thinking.. Anyway this weekend will be a blast in New Orleans. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon tournaments EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:23 AM Thanks for the great visit. Click also to download backgammon . download backgammon is just the right thing for you. Many great games, where to bet at download backgammon. Look at our site. Win real money at download backgammon. With hundreds of on line backgammon to choose from, how to you decide where to play? Personal preferences aside, there are a few things you should take into consideration when choosing a on line backgammon. Also, I recommend on reading the articles on on line backgammon, which deal with the evolution of on the net. A great excitement, on line backgammon at its best. Also, I recommend on reading the articles on backgammon on line, which deal with the evolution of backgammon on line on the net. Here it comes backgammon on line pleasure gaming, betting, and gambling. Enter this reliable from the creators of backgammon on line. and you enjoy great customer service, quick responses to your requests. And your winnings will be paid out speedily. Nice articles and comments on backgammon tournament and other related issues. When you truely want to play backgammon tournament look no further. Play here backgammon tournament. High technology makes world borders fade away. That's a good news for now you can easily find an backgammon tournament with both gambling services and support in one of the languages that you are most comfortable with. Welcome to our complete guide to backgammon tournaments. Here you'll find rules on how to play backgammon tournaments, strategies to make your game better, and which backgammon tournaments have the best odds. Play more, gain more, never no more. The greatest backgammon tournaments of all. The diversity and fluctuations of backgammon tournaments players this month! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: back gammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:24 AM Also, I recommend on reading the articles on backgammon, which deal with the evolution of backgammon on the net. Here it comes backgammon pleasure gaming, betting, and gambling. Choosing the right is a personal matter. For guidance one should look for an backgammon that is reputable. Fairness, honesty, and reliability are three key factors along with knowing that the backgammon is financially stable. online backgammon is one of the leading online backgammon on the Internet. World Wide Web, making us the leading online backgammon. Being one of the bigger around comes with it's advantages. online backgammon can offer a wide variety of games like online backgammon because they know they have the player base to carry active tables even on the least popular of games. A new backgammon online tournament - choose it or loose it. This is the backgammon online and none other. Great winning chances at backgammon online your choice. Yep - great site. Visit also - to play in the best backgammon online info site on the net! backgammon online tournaments are now available. hi guys, I would like to recommend this site: gammon , every one of you has to try it. gammon is your site, give it a try. A great excitement, gammon at its best. Anyone for some Come and have fun with me at gammon? Also, I recommend on reading the articles on back gammon, which deal with the evolution of back gammon on the net. A great excitement, back gammon at its best. Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with is what I was looking for. Here it comes back gammon betting, and gambling. ----- PING: TITLE: home loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: home loans DATE: 06/15/2005 04:11:47 AM In your free time, check out some information in the field of loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Stop the World, I Want to Get Off STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/04/2003 05:12:40 PM ----- BODY: I know my schedule says that right now, I should be working. Howver, I had to take a moment to comment on this article I just read. Let me get this straight....New Orleans has one of the highest per capita MURDER rates in the country, and our police department is spending its time and resources to conduct a two week stakeout of a dope-smoking granny? Okay. Whatever. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/05/2003 09:10:27 AM typical.. course I know the Kenner police are real wankers... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/05/2003 12:37:23 PM Poor Granny... if wonder if she's selling drugs to pay for her prescripton drugs. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/05/2003 02:07:44 PM Figures... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/05/2003 03:06:19 PM Wetwired party in NOLA.. time and date.. read this forum... Ok, just to let you know.. Go to this site and register on their forums. Then go to this thread and let us know if you can make it... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/05/2003 05:00:46 PM I am already registed at wetwired and I am planning to go, but didn't see the time and date listed on the Forum. Perhaps I need to read more closely. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon tournaments EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:47 AM Hi, you - heard of download backgammon? download backgammon is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit download backgammon, it is probably the best on net! features the most popular casino games, including download backgammon Online Poker, Slot Machines and Roulette. Also, I recommend on reading the articles on on line backgammon, which deal with the evolution of on line backgammon on the net. A great excitement, on line backgammon at its best. is, indeed, the site I spoke on. Play more, gain more, on line backgammon never no more. Visit the on line backgammon site!!! So step right in – the world of backgammon on line awaits you. In case you are a newcomer to backgammon on line feel free to browse our extensive blackjack rules, which apply to the game itself, and not just to the backgammon on line version. I was resilient to add an at all to the site, because for all intensive purposes backgammon on line is really the same as backgammon on line sharing the same tables, software and players. I am aware however, that backgammon on line has a different offering of 'big' tournaments Welcome to our complete guide to backgammon tournament. Here you'll find rules on how to play backgammon tournament, strategies to make your game better, and which backgammon tournament have the best odds. This is a very good site, with many backgammon tournament features. Have fun at our backgammon tournament site! Welcome to the most updated and comprehensive backgammon tournaments related portal, on the Internet today. Come and learn all about backgammon tournaments, backgammon tournaments online roulette school, rules, news and links to the best backgammon tournaments. you probbably know now that backgammon tournaments is one of the largest backgammon tournaments on the internet. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon freeware EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:49 AM backgammon free is another backgammon free that's been around for a long time and has a good player following. In addition to backgammon free they offer some casino games on the side; including blackjack, slots, let it ride and See for yourself why backgammon free is the real deal. Download our free software to play for real money or "play" money - or just sit in on a backgammon free game! I think that backgammon software should be played more. backgammon software is a site that offers that, along with many more backgammon software games, such as texas poker or other poker games. Hi, you - heard of backgammon software is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit backgammon software, it is probably the best on net! backgammon table shows you where to play backgammon table. Find out where to play backgammon table at our site . So step right in – the world of awaits you. In case you are a newcomer to backgammon table feel free to browse our extensive blackjack rules, which apply to the game itself, and not just to the backgammon table version. backgammon board is your ultimate source for gambling online! backgammon board that are completely insured and legally licensed, and offer a high quality backgammon board playing environment and the most secure payment system on the net. is your ultimate source for gambling online! backgammon board that are completely insured and legally licensed, and offer a high quality backgammon board playing environment and the most secure payment system on the net. The best facilities and support for backgammon freeware. backgammon freeware - that is why, folks! Hi, you - heard of poker? backgammon freeware is just the right thing for you. Also, I recommend on reading the articles on, which deal with the evolution of backgammon freeware on the net. Here it comes backgammon freeware pleasure gaming, betting, and gambling. ----- PING: TITLE: refinance URL: IP: BLOG NAME: refinance DATE: 06/15/2005 04:29:25 AM Please check some information about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Ruts STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/05/2003 05:11:38 PM ----- BODY: Do you find yourself getting into ruts? Allow me to elaborate..... I find that I tend to get "hooked" on things, and choose those things until I get tired of them, and get "hooked" on something else. Still confused? Take food -- I get into these ruts where every single night I want to eat the same thing. Recently, I've been hooked on Minute Maid Juice Bars (pretty handy that the weather has stayed warm so I'm not sitting on my couch, shivering and trying to eat popsicles). Before, I was hooked on eating grapefruit, and wanted to eat one every night. No, I'm not pregnant (obviously, since Justin isn't here), I think I'm just weird. This doesn't just apply to food, I get hooked on all sorts of things. Like music. Right now, I have a cd by Jon Cleary and the Absolute Monster Gentlemen in my car cd player. I will listen to this on the way to work and back every day until I get sick of it, and will then rotate to something else. And then there are books and crossword puzzles. I'll get hooked on a book by one author and drag the thing around with me everywhere I go, hoping to get a spare moment to read a few more paragraphs. And when I'm done, I'll pick up another book and do the same thing, but ultimately the urge will fade and I'll only read it at night, like a normal individual. There are times when all I want to do is sit and do crossword puzzles, and times when all I want to do is go out with my friends and have fun. I'm wondering if these are shades of OCD, or if everyone is like this. Any thoughts? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Helen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2003 07:13:45 AM That about sums me up, too. I am currently on a revolving ring of yearning for Mac & cheese. Partner Unit will kill me, I think, if I make it again. I have a set of about 6 CDs that just keep getting air time in my car, and they never seem to change. Or when they change, they all change at once. OCD? Yup, I have it. Is what you describe OCD? Nope, unless you feel you MUST do those things, my God, get out of the way, you HAVE to do them!!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2003 08:18:24 AM Wait until you have kids. Bob has movie ruts. Monsters, Inc. lasted about a month, then Shrek, and I can't tell you how many times I've watched both Harry Potter movies. Now we're on to Finding Nemo. Food... I eat Spaghetti at least 10 times a week. And Bob would turn into a big chicken nugget if I let him. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2003 09:16:33 AM I'm sure you're right about Bob's movie ruts, though I tend to think that when little kids want to obsessively watch the same animated movie over and over again, it is cute (for everyone except the poor adult subjected to watching it with them). When adults engage in repetitive behavior, it is closer to neurotic. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2003 03:57:35 PM A bunch of us have been eating at a place called Maudies accross the street for lunch... 2-3 times a week.. its sick. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: SrRaV EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2003 04:01:09 PM It's becomming exspensive too !!! Maudies is evil !!!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Chewie EMAIL: ah@ha.aha IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2003 04:11:30 PM You're not the only one. I eat the same thing for breakfast/lunch everyday it seems. And I'm currently hooked on reading Terry Pratchett's Discworld books to the exclusion of all others. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2003 05:01:12 PM Chewie -- I have noticed on your blog that you always seem to be reading one. I never have. Is there one Discworld book you would recommend for a newbie? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/07/2003 12:58:39 AM OCD? No, Jen, you're just weird. That's one of the things I fell in love with. Try this. The only thing to break up my day is if we have a mission. They're very unpredictable as far as timing goes. The sad thing, though, is that even the exciting stuff is getting routine. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/07/2003 08:56:58 AM I was reading an article on torture and how America is using it to “fight the war on terror” and one of the things they said they use to tear down people is to not allow them to have a routine. So, even though you might think that doing the same thing over and over again is bad, in actuality your body and mind crave routine. It can be healthy and dangerous depending on the severity of it. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: This Week's Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/07/2003 08:57:29 AM ----- BODY: 1. What good did you do in the world today? It's still early. I'm working on it. But I did walk my dog. 2. What fashion trend are you glad that's gone away? Or what trend are you waiting to go away? I am glad that jellies shoes from the 1980's are history -- wearing shoes that are completely made of semi-melted plastic just isn't comfortable. 3. What's your greatest sports moment, your own or one you've witnessed? Anyone who knows me is laughing right now. I neither watch nor play sports. 4. Who would you nominate for the most annoying person award? Kathy Lee Gifford. 5. What do you do to get yourself ready to write? Either blogging or other writing? The hardest part for me is narrowing down what I want to say. After that, I just let it flow. 6. Mac or PC or Linux? Why? I use a PC because that's what my law firm bought me. I'd like to buy a Mac, but since most law firms use PC's, it is much easier to just conform. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/07/2003 11:56:04 AM thts right, conform.. macs suck! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/07/2003 12:39:30 PM The comment issue: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/07/2003 03:25:46 PM Greatest sports moment witnessed... Toss up between Arkansas beating LSU in the last minute last year, or Arkansas beating Texas this year. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Quack! EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/10/2003 10:13:18 AM I can't wait for all fashions and trends to go away. Robert ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/11/2003 08:34:55 AM Jenny.... come on, let's get serious about LSU losing last year and this year's LSU Tigers?? Right now LSU's #3 in the nation and where is Arsucksas? We'll have to compare at the end of the year. DO NOT GO MAC, they're horrible and when they break, they break. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2003 08:36:24 AM I never said anything about this year, especialy since the game is at LSU. In this series whoever's at home usually wins. And, if I'm not mistaken, LSU was ranked quite a bit higher last year as well. I picked last year's game because: I was there. It was a great last minute... we sucked for the first 59 min. There was an incredibly obnoxious LSU fan sitting in the student section with us. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Even More Healthy Food STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/10/2003 11:20:08 AM ----- BODY: Along the lines of a previous post I wrote about how Tex-Mex food is surprisingly, shockingly unhealthy, we now discovery that fried chicken is, as well. I don't know why it surprises anyone that fried chicken is unhealthy, or that advertisers (gasp!) lie, as this article suggests. On a fried chicken note, those in New Orleans will no doubt be less than impressed with KFC's bold assertions in its ads, since we have Chicken Box here, the king of all chicken places and chicken ad campaigns. I think my favorite ad campaign they did was giving away a free marriage license if you bought 1,000 pieces of chicken. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/10/2003 01:59:57 PM wow.. free marrage liscence.. how much do those things cost anyway? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/10/2003 02:08:24 PM Less than the cost of the angioplasty you'll need after eating at Chicken Box. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/10/2003 02:27:34 PM How romantic... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/10/2003 04:00:56 PM I have heard about that Chicken Box in the NOLA area... I need to check it out. Can it beat Raising Cane's in Baton Rouge???? I'll have to see..... GEAUX TIGERS!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/10/2003 10:35:40 PM yeah your right... i am back on body for life.. atkins isnt healthy enough anyway... body for life is just eating right and exercising and weight training. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/11/2003 08:25:03 AM I have a few friends on that Atkins Diet and it must be painful for them to watch me eat sushi, hamburgers, pasta, and candy when we're at work and eating out. I do not see the whole point of Atkins because like smoking, they seem to quit and come back to it. I love sugar as you can tell and I agree with Pylorns with his diet plan which has worked for him. Pylorns: email me a website for that plan. I need to get off my fat ass and get to doing something. Fried chicken is good.... I could go for some Cane's right now but I keep forgetting that I'm broke and have mac&cheese in the fridge I made for work today.... :( ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/11/2003 09:07:17 AM I don't find it overly hard to do the Atkins plan. But most people really don't do the Atkins plan. They do not purchase the book, which tells you how to eat correctly, and such. Most people believe you cannot eat vegetables and such, which is totally false. Once you exit the 2-week period on the plan your food options are just huge. The whole purpose of the plan is to stop the spike in your insulin levels from the consumption of simple carbohydrates. Complex Carbohydrates are fine and you should consume them. So many people tell me, "Oh you can’t eat fruit or vegetables." Which is totally wrong. Yes, I can even eat a sweet once in awhile, but not everyday. I personally just try to avoid them all together. Americans eat way too much sugar and don't even realize it. Next time you purchase a pre-made product, look at the CARBS. In all pre-made products they tend to add more then is needed. Most low fat items end up with more simple carbs (which your body treats like sugar). But no diet will ever work if you do not exercise everyday for at least 60 minutes. To believe anything else, is just lying to yourself. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/11/2003 05:30:40 PM I've never been in Cane's in B.R., so I don't know if Chicken Box compares. Chicken Box is only located in poor neighborhoods of nola (so you need to pack heat when you pick up your chix), and they're so low budget that if you order a drink they pour you Diet Rite soda into a paper cup. Not kidding. Hilarious. I find it hard to believe that anyone could truly maintain a total Atkins diet permanently. It is so limiting, and I wonder what kind of affect the high fat intake has on your heart? Can't be good. I heard a comedian once saying that there's no way Atkins really works. Grizzly bears don't eat any carbs and they're all fat...... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: free backgammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:00:04 AM backgammon enligne offers backgammon enligne players the chance to play the most popular backgammon enligne and is easily downloaded within 7-10 minutes, free of charge Nice articles and comments on and other related issues. When you truely want to play backgammon enligne look no further. Play here backgammon enligne. Truely and amazing Best backgammon en ligne site. Here it comes Best backgammon en ligne pleasure gaming, betting, and gambling. Thanks for the beautiful site - very interesting backgammon en ligne. one of the recommended sites over the net is: Play backgammon en ligne at backgammon en ligne and start to earn easy money. In your free time, check the sites about backgammon rules. Casino for FREE is only here at backgammon rules. Great winning chances at backgammon rules. Only at you can find the best. I think that backgammon rules should be played more. backgammon rules offers that, along with many more internet casino games. Why wait? Also, I recommend on reading the articles on backgammon rule, which deal with the evolution of backgammon rule on the net. A great excitement, backgammon rule at its best. I think that should be played more. backgammon rule is a site that offers that, along with many more backgammon rule games, such as texas poker or other poker games. I think that free backgammon should be played more. free backgammon is a site that offers that, along with many more free backgammon games, such as texas poker or other poker games. hi guys, I would like to recommend this site: , every one of you has to try it. free backgammon is your site, give it a try. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: best backgammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:00:05 AM Overall, electronic backgammon offers a solid electronic backgammon experience with the latest download software, and a good game of electronic backgammon you can pick up on with any computer through the light browser-based versions. is the gambling portal for people searching for respected and generous electronic backgammon. If you are ready to gamble — this is the place you need. Our selection is based on the electronic backgammon popularity, payouts and bonus. This is backgammon strategy - your gateway to exhilarating multi-player backgammon strategy action that's a cut above the rest. Visit backgammon strategy and play the game! The advantages of betting in an site are far better and more attractive than visiting a regular poker or casino. You can look for backgammon strategy there! I was resilient to add an backgammon tips at all to the site, because for all intensive purposes backgammon tips is really the same as backgammon tips sharing the same tables, software and players. I am aware however, that has a different offering of 'big' tournaments Welcome to our complete guide to backgammon tips. Here you'll find rules on how to play backgammon tips, strategies to make your game better, and which backgammon tips have the best odds. Choosing the right backgammon set is a personal matter. For guidance one should look for an backgammon set that is reputable. Fairness, honesty, and reliability are three key factors along with knowing that the backgammon set is financially stable. Play more, gain more, never no more. The greatest backgammon set of all. The diversity and fluctuations of backgammon set players this month! The best facilities and support for best backgammon. best backgammon - that is why, folks! Hi, you - heard of poker? best backgammon is just the right thing for you. tournaments are now available. I also think that playing best backgammon. best backgammon is the key for online success. This is the best backgammon and none other. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Romance Novels STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/11/2003 06:42:39 PM ----- BODY: I'm having a crisis of conscience. Normally, I'll read just about anything that will sit still long enough. If I run out of novels to read, I'll move on to the newspaper. When I finish that, I'll read the backs of my cereal boxes. When those fail to amuse I'll read my dog's i.d. tags. You get the idea. My book club has selected our November/December book. It is a romance novel. I've only tried to read a romance novel once before, and it did not go well. I didn't even finish it. I started reading it when I was in law school, and a friend of mine (the guilty shall remain nameless) recommended it. The only books she reads are romance novels, so this should have been a clue. I finished reading the last (real) book I started, and decided to start this romance novel, and was determined not to be a "book snob", but to give it a chance. I have some questions: (1) Why do characters in romance novels have to have such goofy names? You know what I'm talking about. Names like Caitlin Deveraux, Blaine Carrington, etc. etc. My husband wants to name our first born girl Alexis. I refuse, because I've always said that the name Alexis Kilpatrick sounds like a character on Dynasty. It also sounds like a character in a romance novel. (2) Why do characters in romance novels live in buildings that have names? Again, you know what I mean. I live in a house in New Orleans. I do not live in "Thornberry Manor" or "Crestwood Estates". (3) Why do characters in romance novels always give each other "knowing looks" and "meaningful glances"? If I've been getting either one of these in my life, I wasn't aware of it (with the exception of my dog, who gives me a "knowing look" when she needs to go outside). Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and read some more about some guy's throbbing manhood. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2003 07:54:49 AM Glancing over at Kittysays with a knowing look Wired Nerve slides up next to her at the Cranberry Bar, an old establishment known for its fine and exquisite selection of all natural fruit drinks. “So,” pausing, “I was wondering if I could treat you a fruity drink?” Raising his hand to signal the bar tender. Seeing the meaningful look in his eyes, she knew immediately this man was not here to drink a pina colada. “Thanks for the offer,” rolling her eyes at the thought of it, “but I have a cereal box label to read.” Well, I guess I am no romance writer, but I find the whole concept of such novels as disturbing as you. hehe ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2003 09:25:45 AM so your book club gets together and talks about these books? What do they say about the romance novels "His rock hard throbbing manhood was a good metephore ..." ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2003 09:36:04 AM ROFL... Oh shit man... Much.... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2003 11:01:47 AM I'm wondering what people will say about this book. We get together and talk, although the discussion doesn't usually focus on the book too often. We are easily sidetracked. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/12/2003 12:44:30 PM typical.... hehehe ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2003 11:38:47 AM Hey Wired, we should start a trashy romance novel in the stories section of the forums... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2003 03:52:28 PM Ya, a trashy novel topic would be cool.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/13/2003 03:58:22 PM Im sure people would add to it... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Quack! EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/14/2003 09:41:09 AM Ceral Box Trivia: What city and state is Kelloggs Headquartered? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/14/2003 12:36:09 PM midwest/central state.. iowa or something.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/14/2003 12:49:18 PM Battle Creek, Michigan ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Carlene EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2003 03:43:14 PM You jest, but my girlfriend named her daughter Alexa Jewel. No shit. Guaranteeing her path to stripper-hood. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: internette tavla EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:34 AM this site is the best. I swear, you must try backgammon site and win as I do. Only at backgammon site you can be a winner in a very short time. backgammon site is my site, what about you? Many great games, where to bet at Look at our backgammon site site. Win real money at backgammon site. Hi, you - heard of backgammon club? backgammon club is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit backgammon club, it is probably the best on net! is one of the leading backgammon club on the Internet. World Wide Web, making us the leading backgammon club. Hi, you - heard of poker? backgammon clubs is just the right thing for you. Hi, you - heard of backgammon clubs? The greatest backgammon clubs of all. a must for all, for everyone. You can even win when you bet on backgammon clubs. Start using it now. Enter this reliable tavla from the creators of tavla. and you enjoy great customer service, quick responses to your requests. And your winnings will be paid out speedily. Hi, you - heard of poker? tavla is just the right thing for you. Hi, you - heard of The greatest tavla of all. Welcome to the most updated and comprehensive internette tavla related portal, on the Internet today. Come and learn all about internette tavla, internette tavla online roulette school, rules, news and links to the best internette tavla. internette tavla is a very nice looking internette tavla that's new on the block. For those of you familiar with - the table interface is similar, with fully animated characters, and a bright, detailed environment. Thankfully, it plays much faster. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Clients STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/14/2003 05:05:31 PM ----- BODY: If you're wondering where I ran off to, let's just say the past 48 hours have been a tad crazy. Yesterday and today I attended a seminar here in New Orleans entitled, "Asbestos Litigation in the 21st Century". (Well, it's interesting to me). There were speakers there from all over the country, and, consequently, attendees there from all over. Several of our clients attended, so my boss had the good idea to organize dinner for them last night so we could all hang out and make sure they remember to keep sending us business. The game plan was that we rented a bus (yes, just like in high school) that took us from the hotel where the conference was held to The Dock, a new restaurant on the lakefront. After dinner, said bus would shuttle us to Mid City Lanes, home of the infamous Rock 'n Bowl. Since I attended the conference, I was asked to be Julie, cruise director for the evening. Mind you, I'd never met any of these clients until last night when the bus showed up. However, I was game. The bus, and clients, showed up on time, and we headed for The Dock. Folks were pretty quiet on the bus, and dinner at The Dock was fun. Of course, during dinner we were all drinking, so people became more animated. Once we got to Rock 'n Bowl, everyone was very happy. The clients split up into groups of four, got longneck beers (many said this was necessary to recover their misspent youth) and began bowling. One of the clients got the idea that on the scoresheets, the bowlers should use their "stripper names". For the uninitiated, your stripper name is the name of your first pet plus the name of the first street you lived on (for the curious, my stripper name is Baby Lemans. Nice). By the time we got them back on the bus at 11, they were louder than all three of my teenage cousins combined, amplified by 10. I felt like the group's mom -- I kept hearing shouts from the back of the bus of, "Jennifer! It's cooolllldddd, can't you turn on the heater?", "Jennifer, I want to go to Bourbon Street. When do we get there?" and, my favorite, "Jennifer, Fluffy keeps hitting me" (they refused to stop using their stripper names at any point in the evening). When we returned to the hotel, I thanked them all for coming and then promptly threw them off the bus. The point of this evening was for me to get to know our clients so they feel comfortable coming to me with their problems, and will send us even more business. The big problem now is that I don't know their real names. But I do know Fluffy, Muffin and Choo-Choo. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Christoforo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/14/2003 08:08:28 PM Oh, almost forgot -- my blog info. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/15/2003 11:48:34 AM fluffy.. thats great.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jamie EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/16/2003 05:46:18 AM My stripper name sucks: Bonnie Penrith. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/17/2003 10:32:03 AM I'm not really sure what the first street I lived on was, but my first pet...Hunky. So it's definitely a good beginning. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Carlene EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2003 03:41:03 PM Holy crap: I'm Tiffany Waters. But surely, isn't that already taken? ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/14/2003 07:25:18 PM ----- BODY: 1. What's the best advice you've ever gotten? My favorite advice is a George Carlin quote: Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things. 2. What is the best thing you've ever found? Happiness. 3. What three words describe your blog? Kitty, daily, true 4. What was the most recent thing you did that seemed like a good idea at the time but later events proved otherwise? Agreeing to get my annual evaluation at 3:15, when I knew I had a 4:15 deposition to attend and wouldn't make it on time. I didn't. 5. What two celebrities would you most like to see fight to the death? Anna Nicole Smith and the cat in the hat. I'd put $20 on the cat. $40 if he's wearing his hat. 6. What do you think is the best thing about the internet? What's the worst? Best thing: It is a fun way to waste time. Worst thing: It is a fun way to waste too much time. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/15/2003 08:23:48 AM Well, wasting time on the net is certainly one of the best things about the web. Hell, I ran into you because of the web. So, I guess you can even say you can meet people too... ----- PING: TITLE: home equity loan URL: IP: BLOG NAME: home equity loan DATE: 06/15/2005 03:45:30 AM You are invited to check the sites dedicated to loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Winter Wonderland? STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/17/2003 05:48:10 PM ----- BODY: I know that many, many individuals on planet Earth are on crack, but I have a question: Isn't it mid-November? I ask this because all other signs seems to tell me that it is some other time. Any other time, in fact, except mid-November. For instance, I went to Walgreens on Saturday. My husband would tell you that I single-handedly keep Walgreens in business, but that's another story. At any rate, the aisles of Walgreens are filled with Christmas items. Wrapping paper, stockings, gifts, candy -- you get the idea. Then, I left Walgreens and got in my car. I turned on the radio and the stations were playing Christmas music. Yes, Christmas music. My second question is how am I supposed to be expected to deck the halls when it is 70 degrees outside and there is still another week and a half until Thanksgiving? This is insane. I can't think about addressing Christmas cards and buying Christmas trees when I'm wearing shorts and Birkenstocks. It's unnatural. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/17/2003 09:08:13 PM I noticed the same thing about the radio the other day. I was stunned when I heard x-mas music... What the... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2003 09:53:18 AM I used to work in a Hallmark store years ago. We started Christmas in July with the big unveiling of the ornaments. I was tired of it by the end of August. I recently read a magazine article about beating stress. One of their tips said to put your tree up right now. My son is four and it's hard to teach him about different holiday seasons when they are blending into each other. Although we are enjoying all the Starbucks' Christmas gift ideas. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Wahoo! STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/18/2003 11:24:55 AM ----- BODY: I just found out from my mentor here at the firm that last night at the partner's meeting I was voted into the firm as a partner! She said the vote was unanimous, and I'm very pleased. For those of you non-lawyers out there, a bit of an explanation is in order. Most law firms are run by partners, who are attorneys who actually own the business. There are typically two levels of partnership in law firms -- there are general partners (people who own an equity stake in the firm) and limited partners (people who don't have an equity stake). I was voted in as a limited partner, which is a precursor to general partnership. As a limited partner, I have a bigger budget and expense account, I have more authority at the firm, my compensation is structured differently and I have been given the nod from the partnership that I have taken the necessary steps toward becoming a general partner. When a person becomes a general partner, they need to make a capital contribution to the firm (read: they pay lots of money) and essentially buy a piece of the business. When a general partner retires or leaves the firm, they "cash out" their equity interest, and receive money in return. Therefore, being a general partner is a business investment. Sometimes, being a general partner is a bad investment, because as a general partner, you are personally on the hook for the liabilities of the firm. If the firm doesn't make enough money in a given month, you don't get paid. That's right. As a limited partner, though, I will still get paid regardless of how much money the firm makes, due to the terms of my contract. At any rate, I don't brag about myself often, but making partner in one of the largest and most prestigious law firms in the state of Louisiana before age 30 is very cool. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2003 11:30:47 AM I'm so proud of you!!! I think I need to plan a trip to New Orleans to help you celebrate:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Carlene EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2003 03:38:20 PM BIG congrats to you! You, ma'am, are not only a preeminent example of what I'm talking about in my Stiletto Philosophy, but you rock. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2003 08:40:50 PM Thank you! I am very excited. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2003 10:10:39 AM That is great news to hear! Congrats! I think a party to celebrate your new position with in the firm is in order... Later ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: drew EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2003 01:15:56 PM Have need for a good paralegal? :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Christoforo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2003 03:55:00 PM WOOHOO! Congratulations! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2003 08:56:02 PM YOU DESERVE TO BE PROUD.!!! I AM PROUD TO HAVE YOU AS ONE OF MY DAUGHTERS!!!! LOVE, DAD ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Helen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/21/2003 07:09:25 AM Yeah, congratulations! That's wonderful! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon freeware EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:50 AM In your free time, check the sites about backgammon free. Casino for FREE is only here at backgammon free. Great winning chances at backgammon free. is, indeed, the site I spoke on. Play more, gain more, backgammon free never no more. Visit the backgammon free site!!! The ultimate backgammon software is waiting for you. The advantages of betting in an backgammon software site are far better and more attractive than visiting a regular poker or casino. Do not miss backgammon software. Enter this reliable from the creators of backgammon software. and you enjoy great customer service, quick responses to your requests. And your winnings will be paid out speedily. Many games, great backgammon table variety. A new backgammon table tournament - choose it or loose it. Great winning chances at backgammon table. I also said that is my recommended URL for online casino. 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Click also to backgammon site . backgammon site is just the right thing for you. backgammon site is your ultimate source for gambling online! that are completely insured and legally licensed, and offer a high quality backgammon site playing environment and the most secure payment system on the net. Also, I recommend on reading the articles on backgammon club, which deal with the evolution of backgammon club on the net. A great excitement, backgammon club at its best. is one of the leading backgammon club on the Internet. World Wide Web, making us the leading backgammon club. backgammon clubs offers backgammon clubs players the chance to play the most popular backgammon clubs and is easily downloaded within 7-10 minutes, free of charge presents all the tips and game strategy you will need to play backgammon clubs one of the funniest and most interesting games.The most used methods to play backgammon clubs. Also, I recommend on reading the articles on tavla, which deal with the evolution of tavla on the net. Here it comes tavla pleasure gaming, betting, and gambling. Hi, you - heard of poker? is just the right thing for you. Hi, you - heard of tavla? The greatest tavla of all. Hi, you - heard of internette tavla? internette tavla is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit internette tavla, it is probably the best on net! Overall, offers a solid internette tavla experience with the latest download software, and a good game of internette tavla you can pick up on with any computer through the light browser-based versions. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: From the Annals of Bad Ideas STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/18/2003 08:39:31 PM ----- BODY: This article explains why it is a bad idea to take pictures at work and then post them on your blog. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/19/2003 03:26:20 PM hence why the company name that we work out never gets out on wetwired. I am always sure to cut things out on the forum when people.. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2003 08:36:36 AM I think we need to fix the comment issue.. i'm going to look into it this weekend... or at least i'll try... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Maminov Onopko EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 02:24:21 PM - fine thing :) ----- PING: TITLE: loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: loans DATE: 06/15/2005 03:49:23 AM You can also check the sites dedicated to loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: What is Sexy? STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/20/2003 11:10:36 AM ----- BODY: It seems that People magazine has again christened the Sexiest Man Alive. It really doesn't matter who People selects, or even who they nominate, I never seem to agree. This has naturally gotten me thinking. I never seem to be attracted to the people who everyone else finds attractive. Take Brad Pitt (please) -- he looks like he needs to bathe. Leonardo DiCaprio? Looks like the girls I went to high school with. Ashton Kutcher? Ummmm, no. In fact, one of the only people I am attracted to whom others find conventionally attractive is my husband (something tells me I shouldn't have said that. His ego is big enough.) So, which t.v./movie starts do I find attractive? Well, there's Edward Norton, who is a fantastic actor, and very hot, in my opinion. For further proof that I am completely attracted to personalities and that body types take a back seat, I also find James Gandolfini very attractive. But these other movie and t.v. stars -- I could take 'em or leave 'em. Does anyone else feel this way? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2003 12:02:34 PM I like Brad Pitt when he has bathed and shaved. My favorite, and the man I'm going to marry:), Matthew McConaughey. So dreamy. Of course your husband is attractive... some would even say gorgeous (says his nearly identical sister). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2003 01:06:17 PM I forgot about one I don't understand-- Russell Crowe. I don't find him attractive at all. In fact, I have never seen one of his movies because of that. Sure I might be missing a good movie, but it's worth it not to have to look at him. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/20/2003 02:18:59 PM I don't get Russell Crowe, either, Jenny. But I also don't get Matthew McConaughey. Every time I think about him I keep remembering when he got busted by the cops and he was at home, playing his bongo drums while he was naked. Very weird. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/21/2003 09:57:26 AM Wow, I don't feel so bad now. If women find James Gandolfini attractive, maybe I have a chance... ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/21/2003 10:29:32 AM Don't get me wrong, I like George Clooney, but Cary Grant he's not. It's like Pierce Brosnon-- love him, but Sean Connerry is still the man. As for Matthew's naked bongo...sounds kinda fun to me. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/21/2003 11:48:50 AM You chicks don't dig Harrison Ford? But anyway, yeah I'm thinking if chicks dig Gandolfini.. i'm in like flint. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon freeware EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:17 AM Also, I recommend on reading the articles on backgammon free, which deal with the evolution of backgammon free on the net. A great excitement, backgammon free at its best. I also think that playing is the key for online success. Nevertheless, I encountered yesterday a great backgammon free site. Check and see forr yourselves! 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That's a good news for internette tavla now you can easily find an internette tavla with both gambling services and support in one of the languages that you are most comfortable with. internette tavla is among the top 10 casinos available today. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Movie Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/20/2003 02:36:29 PM ----- BODY: 1. What's your favorite/least favorite movie? Favorite: High Fidelity; Clue; Dead Poets Society Least Favorite: Ishtar (still unclear on the plot) 2. What's the best movie-adaptation of a book? Sense and Sensibility 3. What movie makes you cry? Lots of them do, actually, though I tend not to watch movies that I know will make me cry. The last movie I saw that really made me cry was City of Angels. 4. What movie do you watch to cheer you up? I usually don't watch movies to cheer myself up, but watching my favorite movies might work. 5. Any amusing stories involving movies or the movie theater? My very first car date took place at the now-defunct Lakewood Movie Theater in Dallas. We got to the theater (the one I had selected) early, only to be serenaded by the solo organist who was hired to play before movies. Needless to say, a tad strange. 6. Would you rather go to the theater or stay home and watch a movie? I would definitely rather stay home to watch movies, though if I do that, I always fall asleep before they end unless I start them early (hence our 8:00 rule). 7. Are you more awed by a good plot or special effects? Plot -- definitely. Except for porn (Kidding people. I'm kidding.) 8. Who is your favorite/least favorite actor/actress? Favorite actor: Edward Norton (see previous post) Favorite actress: Meryl Streep, Michelle Pfeiffer Least favorite actor: Keanu Reeves (acting lessons wouldn't kill him) Least favorite actress: Nicole Kidman 9. What's your favorite cult movie? Does Airplane! count? That's probably as close as I come to an affinity for cult movies. Speaking of, I do recall watching Strange Brew during my freshman year of high school, and was told it was an absolute must-see cult movie. I'm not so sure. 10. Matrix Revolutions, worth the wait or WTF? I still haven't seen the first Matrix all the way through, so I'll probably pass. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/21/2003 10:02:26 AM I can't believe I forgot Tommy Lee Jones -- I love him! He used to play polo at the Houston Polo Club where my aunt worked, and she has this hilarious picture of him standing next to their "brand new" Coke machine drinking a Coke. He was ultimately banned from the polo club, but not because of the Coke pictue. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/21/2003 10:31:14 AM Movie that cheers me up: Men At Work. When the Vietnam vet takes the pizza guy hostage, I can't help but laugh. That and Hudson Hawk. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: mud puppy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2004 02:44:00 PM Jennifer Can you email me or can I email you? Had some questions to ask you Maxx ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Yawn STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/22/2003 12:05:16 PM ----- BODY: It is noon on Saturday and I finally got out of bed. For as long as I can remember, I've slept in on Saturdays and Sundays. I always assumed that when I got older I'd grow out of this habit, but I'm staring down 30 and I see no signs of this abating. I'm one of the few people I know who can still sleep for 12 hours a night for several nights in a row. I know that lack of sleep is cumulative, so if you don't get enough sleep on Monday night, you eventually have to make up for that sleep loss or your body will let you know. Perhaps I'll spend the rest of my life making up for the few nights I stayed out late and never caught up on that sleep. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/22/2003 10:45:29 PM If Pillow can sleep 12 hours a day, why can't you? ----- PING: TITLE: payday advance URL: IP: BLOG NAME: payday advance DATE: 06/15/2005 03:27:08 AM You can also check the sites about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: She Likes Me For Me STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/23/2003 09:21:49 PM ----- BODY: Tonight I went to dinner at Sid-Mar's in Bucktown with a friend of mine. Neither of us could decide what we wanted to eat for dinner, and when you're indecisive about food, fried seafood and large plastic glasses filled with iced tea works nicely. At any rate, we got to talking (a far better option than staring blankly at one another throughout our meal), and the conversation turned to different people we both know and their personalities. I was telling him about how one particular individual will forever have a difficult time being a super-successful attorney, not because she doesn't work hard (she does), or because she isn't smart (she isn't splitting atoms, but she gets by), but because she completely lacks self-confidence. I explained that I was the same way when I started practicing law, and my friend was floored. He couldn't believe it, and mentioned how he sees me as a decisive, strong-willed person. And now, I am. But it wasn't always that way. One of the best side effects of going through all of the turmoil, stress, fun, adventure and life-stuff that I've gone through is gaining confidence in myself. I am finally getting to a point in my life where I am comfortable with who I am, the decisions I make and all the stuff in between. As he dropped me off at home, my friend said one of the nicest things anyone has said to me lately. He said, "If you were someone else, you would really like yourself. You're a very likeable person." What a sweet thing to say. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MJ EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/24/2003 08:50:05 AM Well from the little bit of time you spent with the wetwired crew, you seemed like a cool person, you were there to have a blast as the rest of us were, and like I said from the small amount of time that I have known you, his words ring true, you would like yourself if you were someone else, now me on the other hand, I would probably think that I was an asshole! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Sweater Weather STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/24/2003 09:53:28 AM ----- BODY: Finally, a little bit of cold has made its way south. Yesterday it was so hot I had the air conditioning on and was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I am happy to report that this morning I'm wearing a cream colored cable-knit turtle neck sweater (a fabulous gift from my dear husband last Christmas, purchased from the Victoria's Secret catalog). I plan to enjoy this weather while it lasts because it is supposed to be warm again by Wednesday. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/24/2003 11:21:05 AM typical for south louisiana... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/24/2003 12:18:04 PM I love that sweater. I mean, it's a really GREAT sweater.... ....I need to go home. ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Helen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/24/2003 01:48:17 PM You could come here. It's -4 and snowing. That sweater would get put to GREAT use! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: I Think I'm Going to Have a Heart Attack STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/24/2003 03:52:23 PM ----- BODY: I am currently working on a high profile case involving a plaintiff who has lung cancer, claims he has a brain injury and is suicidal. It is a fairly complex case, and I'm representing one of the companies the plaintiff sued. We had a meeting recently to discuss the status of discovery and decide who would take the lead working up different aspects of the case. Everyone tends to shirk taking responsibility for the difficult or high-profile tasks, so when they asked who would take the lead on the deposition of a pathologist, I volunteered. His office is in Maryland, so I wouldn't have to fly too far, and the issues are fascintating. I got a call a few minutes ago telling me the plaintiff has offered their pathologist for deposition. The deposition will be in the middle of December. In Hawaii. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MJ EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/24/2003 04:30:40 PM You are one lucky kitty! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/25/2003 08:26:01 AM Do you need an assistant:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/25/2003 12:03:20 PM someone to stow away in your suitcase? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/25/2003 03:02:52 PM I can be your flying coach... free of charge. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2003 06:30:32 PM F the office party... i want to go to hawaii! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Arianna EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/27/2005 11:13:34 AM Hi Kitty girl ;0) ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: This Should Be Interesting STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/25/2003 02:29:24 PM ----- BODY: My secretary just brought me my mail, and in it is an invitation. It looks innocent enough, but it isn't. It is THE invitation. To the firm Christmas party. You have to understand that the Christmas parties my law firm throws are legendary. No spouses are invited -- employees only. That alone should give you some idea of what is in store. Being pure as the driven snow myself, I merely go for the food and open bar. Oh, and the video. Every year, there is a sooper-secret Christmas party video committee (yes, I'm a member) that films a Christmas party video. The video essentially pokes fun at members of the firm. We don't really make fun of staff members or low-level attorneys, just the general partners. We figure that if you own the place, you can take a little ribbing. My first year here two years ago I became known throughout the firm as being the first woman to co-anchor the SNL Weekend Update-style video they had done for several years. It was fun, and helping to make the video ensures that you aren't featured in the video, if you get my drift. They always show the video during the Christmas party, after the first two hours, once everyone is good and liquored up. The alcohol came in handy on the video two years ago when we had a skit about the firm's Management Committee, using sock puppets as its members. We even dressed up the little puppets to resemble members of the committee. Fortunately, we did not get fired when the Firm Administrator puppet (male) performed a sex act on the Senior partner puppet (also male). The results of this year's video remain to be seen. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/25/2003 10:45:15 PM Oh No! Not the Christmas Party! I've forgotten all about that. I've heard so many notorious stories, that I've ordered my wife to not go to any of them. I'm not saying she obeys me, tho. :) Have fun, Jen. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Carlene EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2003 02:23:32 PM ...and how many billable hours go into this video production? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2003 06:29:24 PM can i come? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vinni Pooh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 11:37:17 AM Cool :) ----- PING: TITLE: loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: loans DATE: 06/15/2005 03:57:32 AM You are invited to check the sites dedicated to loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Holiday Week Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/29/2003 10:29:13 PM ----- BODY: 1. What's the funniest town name you've ever seen? Flippin, Arkansas. 2. What was the last museum you went to? The Museum of Natural History in Houston, Texas to see their Vatican exhibit. 3. When was the last time you were grossed out? That probably would've been when I took our churches' high school youth group to Houston to see the Vatican exhibit. I had forgotten how gross teenagers could be. 4. What is the best blog title you've come across or made up on your own? The best one I came up with on my own was the title for the post I wrote about an article I'd seen about the election of popes. I titled it, "Would you, could you, With a Pope?" 5. Do you live in your hometown now? What caused you to stay or move away? No, I don't live in my hometown. I moved away to experience college in another state, and have never made it back. 6. If you were a criminal mastermind, how would you take over the world? I would buy Wal-Mart and Starbucks. I think that would cover all the bases. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/30/2003 08:58:59 AM u left out buying microsoft... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2003 06:28:08 PM Wallyworld = yes Starsucks = No CC's = YES Scarlet's = I'll own a better one... know what i mean? ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: I'm Back STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/01/2003 08:28:21 AM ----- BODY: After a brief Thanksgiving-related hiatus from blogging, I have returned. Overall, it was a good break and I feel like I've recharged my battery. As with all breaks, though, not everything was perfect. On Friday, my mom and I drove (with Miss Maggie) to Houston to see extended family members and go Christmas shopping. While six hours in the car with mom and dog would normally be enough in and of itself to induce hysteria, we made it fine. Within ten minutes of entering my grandmother's condominium, I sat down to talk with my grandfather. He informed me, "You must be doing well. You look fat." *sigh* This was followed by several jabs he made at me and my mother about how we're fat. Just call us the Slim-Fast girls. We braved the crowds at the Galleria, but only managed to buy one Christmas gift while there (I had much better luck yesterday at Target). We were going to stay with my grandparents, but seeing as how my mom and I don't care to sleep in a sauna, we declined. Their apartment was oppressively hot -- I mean, I understand that after his heart surgery last summer my grandfather gets cold easily, but this was out of control. When we left their place, my hair was stuck to my face, and I'm used to humidity. We came back Saturday night (I think the dog would've mutinied if we'd stayed longer) and hung out Sunday. I got up at 5:00 this rmoning to be the good daughter and take my mom to the airport so she could catch her 7:00 a.m. flight. She called me from the airport at 7:15, to tell me that she apparently has a 7:00 p.m. flight. Oops. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2003 11:56:04 AM did ya leave her at the airport for 12 hours? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2003 12:20:41 PM She decided to stay at the airport to try to catch another flight on standby. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2003 06:26:25 PM I was about to ask the same... you should have dropped by Lake Charles... we could have went to the boats and chilled in big LC! :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vinni Pooh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 02:45:49 PM Cool :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon download EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:26 AM The ultimate play backgammon is waiting for you. The advantages of betting in an play backgammon site are far better and more attractive than visiting a regular poker or casino. Do not miss play backgammon. Play more, gain more, never no more. The greatest play backgammon of all. The diversity and fluctuations of play backgammon players this month! backgammon game shows you where to play backgammon game. Find out where to play backgammon game at our site . Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with is what I was looking for. I really enjoyed your site! Thanks. Also play at backgammon game - a really good backgammon game! internet backgammon is a very nice looking internet backgammon that's new on the block. For those of you familiar with internet backgammon - the table interface is similar, with fully animated characters, and a bright, detailed environment. Thankfully, it plays much faster. Look at, Casino Online for rules and tips. Thanks, pal. I also saw a nice site dealing with internet backgammon issues. As the process of playign more and more internet backgammon strengthens - we can see more and more Casino Online sites. Thanks for the great visit. Click also to backgammon games . backgammon games is just the right thing for you. With hundreds of backgammon games to choose from, how to you decide where to play? Personal preferences aside, there are a few things you should take into consideration when choosing a backgammon download is certainly one of the more interesting backgammon download around when it comes to playing backgammon download There's plenty of open tables, lots of players, and arguably the best looking software on the net. This is a very good backgammon download site, with many backgammon download features. Have fun at our backgammon download site! ----- PING: TITLE: home equity loan URL: IP: BLOG NAME: home equity loan DATE: 06/15/2005 03:58:44 AM You can also check some information in the field of loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Army Wife-Life STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/01/2003 02:42:35 PM ----- BODY: I have often thought about blogging about what it is like to be a modern-day Army wife. However, someone has quite ably beat me to the punch. Lily Burana is writing a journal entry every day this week on Slate on msn about her life as the wife of a soldier who is at West Point. This probably violates copyright laws (gasp!), but I'm re-printing today's selection below: Arty chicks are a peripatetic lot, and I've moved more than a dozen times in my adult life, but I never would have imagined that I'd end up at West Point. My husband, who is an Army officer, and I moved to the military academy in late spring, and it feels very much like living on a chessboard, the rooklike rise of the Cadet Chapel and various halls (Taylor, Thayer) looming near the manicured expanse of the Plain. The place has an almost Tinseltown surrealism—austerity raised to epic level. I've been married for a little over a year. Understand that we didn't intend to wed so soon, but his deployment to the war in Iraq was imminent, and we didn't have any illusions about what that meant. There are many reasons to marry. "Just in case" is as valid as any. We were cohabitating near Fort Meade, Md., and knew that nuptials were a matter of "when," not "if," so last November we went to the courthouse in downtown Baltimore and said, "I do." The bride wore leopard skin; the groom had his hair cut high and tight. Our courtship was ardent and, uh, strategic. An Army officer renders the same breathless exhortations as every other lover, but it comes with a little something extra: Cupid's organizational fury. A smitten officer is not hard to spot. First, he'll compliment you on being "squared away." Then maybe he'll declare his intentions in PowerPoint ("I've prepared a 25-slide presentation to show how our relationship will deepen over the next four quarters"). Once he logs your vacation itinerary into Excel, you can safely bet there's a proposal on the horizon. My husband cheerfully describes himself as "a planner by nature and profession." I, by contrast, am a trendoid curmudge at core and on the job. I moan, pick my cuticles, and write stuff: book criticism, articles, and cultural weather reports like "Bob Seger is the new Pabst Blue Ribbon." But being the Oscar in a joyous Odd Couple has triggered a seismic shift. The biggest change is the hooah factor. Hooah is an all-purpose Army affirmative, which can mean anything from "right on" to "yes" to "I heard you" to, well, whatever demands energetic response. The only time I'd ever heard it before we met was when Al Pacino mispronounced it in Scent of a Woman as HOO-ahhhh, and I thought he was a Brooklyn guy calling someone a whore. (It's really more a relaxed-jaw monosyllable—huuu with a hybrid "lh" diphthong: huulh.) As Mrs. Hooah, I find that I am increasingly susceptible to that positive, hard-charge attitude. I'm also incontrovertibly "ma'am" to everyone I meet. I'm rising to the occasion and showing signs of growing up. Even my speech pattern is changing. I can now converse in the Army's rat-a-tat clip of orders and acronyms. Contrast that with my hipster-betty ilk and our Valley Girl-like verbal inflection, and it's obvious I'm on a tightrope walk between cultures. At this point, I'm halfway across. In other words, I am so totally hooah. The ultimate "You're at the Academy now" rite of passage is head shaving—Justin Everykid transformed into a shorn Plebe on R-day. There is an equivalent Army wife ritual, where the other wives confiscate your all-black wardrobe and issue the standard pastel sweatsuits and seasonal sweaters. (Sequin candy corn! Yarn Santas!) Then they rip out your spine. Kidding. The typical officer's wife is anything but a twittering domestic lark. They're capable, nimble, and friendly. Their social ease is born of necessity—they're the only group of women who've moved more than I have. There's no audition process with them; you're automatically in. "Hope is not a planning factor" is a ubiquitous Armyism, but in marriage, hope is the ultimate planning factor. It occurs to me, however, that writing about my marriage (to not just a man, but the military, no less!) may be the equivalent of tattooing someone's name on my body—romantic posterity with curse potential. But that's the writer's eternal gamble. When committing something personal to the page, all you can do is strive for humorous balance and CYA (yeah, that's Cover Your Ass). Should it backfire, I suppose I could join forces with Marine-turned-author Anthony Swofford and hit the literary circuit as an interservice comedy duo: Burana: Hey, Swoffy, why'd the Army officer's wife skip the orgy? Swofford: She didn't wanna have to write all those thank-you notes afterward, you hooah! (rimshot) Oh, the hilarity. Oh, the humanity. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2003 06:24:51 PM I grew up as a military brat and it seems like all the moms married to military dudes are FINE AS HELL. :) And jenn is hot! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/02/2003 02:59:45 AM yes magik. Jenn is a really hot military wife! She's lucky though. She's a part time army wife. And she's a very good one. So supportive of me and encouraging. The best Army Spice any Army Officer could ask for. :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/02/2003 01:54:18 PM Thank you Magik and Justin! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2003 11:03:20 AM I always wanted to be a military wife... that is an officer's wife. It probably comes from being an officer's daughter. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vinni Pooh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 03:07:46 PM Cool :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: internette tavla EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:00:54 AM Playing the best backgammon site on the web is fun and exciting. The best backgammon site provides quality games and facilities. Go over and play backgammon site. Many great games, where to bet at Look at our backgammon site site. Win real money at backgammon site. No doubt, the backgammon club on net. many internet casino features and backgammon club Play and win real money at backgammon club. So step right in – the world of awaits you. In case you are a newcomer to backgammon club feel free to browse our extensive blackjack rules, which apply to the game itself, and not just to the backgammon club version. backgammon clubs is the oldest backgammon clubs around, yet it doesn't have as much action these days as it once did in the grand scheme of things. Once bustling with activity, backgammon clubs still has it's followers, but there are a lot of empty tables when compared to newer Nothing really compares the full version of backgammon clubs - the best I have ever seen on the net. Only at backgammon clubs you can really play. Hi, you - heard of tavla? tavla is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit tavla, it is probably the best on net! Playing is fun and easy, there are hundreds of different places to play tavla, and we're here to show you where to find the best tavla. Truely and amazing Best internette tavla site. Here it comes Best internette tavla pleasure gaming, betting, and gambling. Thanks for the beautiful site - very interesting internette tavla. one of the most trusted names in betting, has launched an elegant new internette tavla offering over 60 games and huge progressive jackpots to be won. With 24/7 support, numerous player promotions and a £25 welcome bonus, internette tavla is one of the best on the web. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon download EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:00:55 AM Hi, you - heard of play backgammon? play backgammon is just the right thing for you. So come and visit our play backgammon site! The ultimate is waiting for you. The advantages of betting in an play backgammon site are far better and more attractive than visiting a regular poker or casino. Do not miss play backgammon. you probbably know now that backgammon game is one of the largest backgammon game on the internet. No doubt, the backgammon game on net. many internet casino features and Play and win real money at backgammon game. Welcome to the most updated and comprehensive internet backgammon related portal, on the Internet today. Come and learn all about internet backgammon, internet backgammon online roulette school, rules, news and links to the best internet backgammon. I also think that playing internet backgammon is the key for online success. Nevertheless, I encountered yesterday a great internet backgammon site. Check and see forr yourselves! The best provides quality games and facilities. backgammon games is your ultimate source for gambling online! backgammon games that are completely insured and legally licensed, and offer a high quality backgammon games playing environment and the most secure payment system on the net. this site is the best. I swear, you must try and win as I do. Only at backgammon games you can be a winner in a very short time. backgammon games is my site, what about you? I was resilient to add an backgammon download at all to the site, because for all intensive purposes backgammon download is really the same as backgammon download sharing the same tables, software and players. I am aware however, that has a different offering of 'big' tournaments backgammon download tournaments are now available. I also think that playing backgammon download. backgammon download is the key for online success. This is the and none other. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Tree Trimming STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/03/2003 04:03:53 PM ----- BODY: I am off to our firm's annual Tree Trimming Party. Every year they put a huge Christmas tree in our lobby, have tables with treats and egg nog, and have the employees "trim" the Christmas tree. This is always a fun event, as people get drunk on the egg nog, and trim the bottom half of the tree (it is too tall for anyone to reach the top). The drunker they get, the faster they throw the ornaments, in an attempt to get them to stick to the top of the tree. Overnight, the building supervisors will come in and redistribute the ornaments so we don't end up with the Charlie Brown Christmas tree. I think one of the best parts about work during December is how little we actually work. We have the tree trimming party, the firm Christmas party, the departmental lunches, the Secret Santa party........ ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Stephen EMAIL: IP: URL: http://sshroyer DATE: 12/04/2003 08:14:41 AM O YEA...throwing ornaments while drinking... good thing there's a lawyer or two present....Hope you have a safe holiday and looking forward to seeing you and Justin together soon....Stephen ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vinni Pooh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 03:37:35 PM Cool :) ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Twisted Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/04/2003 02:52:42 PM ----- BODY: Choose one of your favorite bands and answer the questions using song titles by that band. I think it would add some fun to not name the band and see how hard it is for people to guess. I picked an easy band to guess (and one of my faves!): Are you male or female? She Said She Said. Describe yourself: Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me and My Monkey. How do some people feel about you? Ain't She Sweet How do you feel about yourself? With a Little Help From My Friends. Describe your ex: Helter Skelter Descibe your current significant other (real or imaginary): You Really Got A Hold On Me. Describe what you want to be: All Together Now Describe your current mood: Getting Better Describe your friends: Here, There and Everywhere Share a few words of wisdom: You've Got To Hide Your Love Away ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/05/2003 07:53:52 AM Man I know I commented on this.. you deleted my comment ! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/05/2003 08:56:09 AM I don't delete comments, Py! Seriously -- my comments must be screwed up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/05/2003 01:47:05 PM Its the comment goblin. I know you didn't delete it.. Im not sure what happened. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/05/2003 01:47:21 PM test ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vinni Pooh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 04:07:48 PM Cool :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon download EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:20 AM Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with play backgammon is what I was looking for. I really enjoyed your site! Thanks. Also play at play backgammon - a really good play backgammon! Only at you can find the best. I think that play backgammon should be played more. play backgammon offers that, along with many more internet casino games. Why wait? Many features and gambling games, backgammon game and such. Look at backgammon game for rules and tips. The only reliable backgammon game , in my opinion. I think that should be played more. backgammon game is a site that offers that, along with many more backgammon game games, such as texas poker or other poker games. Many great games, where to bet at internet backgammon. Look at our internet backgammon site. Win real money at internet backgammon. presents all the tips and game strategy you will need to play internet backgammon one of the funniest and most interesting games.The most used methods to play internet backgammon. Visit backgammon games and play the game! The advantages of betting in an backgammon games site are far better and more attractive than visiting a regular poker or casino. You can look for backgammon games there! Whether you're playing at a land casino or whether you're backgammon games the come bet is very simple to explain if you understand how the backgammon games works. backgammon download is among the top 10 backgammon download casinos available today. The best facilities and support for backgammon download. - that is why, folks! Hi, you - heard of poker? backgammon download is just the right thing for you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: internette tavla EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:21 AM Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with backgammon site is what I was looking for. I really enjoyed your site! Thanks. Also play at backgammon site - a really good backgammon site! I also said that is my recommended URL for online casino. Believe it with your own eyes - backgammon site is here and now! It is, indeed, a great backgammon site site!!! Get clever in the famous backgammon club. Great Site - really useful information! Visit also backgammon club for more details on backgammon club betting and gambling. is part of the backgammon club network. What that means is, all backgammon club using this particular brand of backgammon club software share both tables and players, which allows each venue to keep their bustling with activity and active tables. Yep - I have seen other backgammon clubs sites - and nothing can compare this backgammon clubs site. Nothing really compares the full version of backgammon clubs - the best I have ever seen on the net. This is a very good site, with many backgammon clubs features. Have fun at our backgammon clubs site! A very interesting site with top design and contents! tavla tournaments are now available. I also think that playing tavla. tavla is the key for online success. This is the and none other. Also, I recommend on reading the articles on internette tavla, which deal with the evolution of internette tavla on the net. A great excitement, internette tavla at its best. presents all the tips and game strategy you will need to play internette tavla one of the funniest and most interesting games.The most used methods to play internette tavla. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: One Down, None To Go STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/05/2003 03:25:09 PM ----- BODY: Good news! I had a trial set to begin Monday morning, and I just settled it! That was my last trial setting for 2003, and I have to say that I'm thrilled to have cleared off my docket. The only bad news is that, had I been able to settle this earlier, I would've been able to go to Arkansas for the weekend and hang with my in-laws (I like them, it's cool) and go to the Ornament Exchange hosted by my husband's Army company's family support group. It is too late to go now, but I know everyone there understands. This will also free me up to do some Christmas shopping this weekend and get some work done, so it all works out in the end. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/05/2003 04:28:26 PM Bob and I will miss seeing you this weekend. But if you need time to pick our presents we'll understand:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sherron EMAIL: IP: URL: http://sshroyer DATE: 12/05/2003 11:40:45 PM Glad you were able to settle the case and disappointed that we won't get a chance to see you! Have a great weekend! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/06/2003 08:14:08 AM I expect toys from your shopping experience. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/06/2003 09:35:09 PM If you find yourself going out shopping this sunday and want some company let me know. I do need to get a few things also... Later ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/08/2003 04:10:13 PM I see you've been shopping more than blogging lately... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/08/2003 05:24:21 PM Hey! I'm allowed to shop sometimes, too! Okay, I'll get back to blogging. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vinni Pooh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 04:37:18 PM Cool :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Google EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/17/2004 01:41:25 PM And will a million iterations of aliasing artifacts become the equivalent of an oral tradition? Images handed down from generation to generation slowly change - hard edges become harder, soft detail is lost - Grimm-style. Only a formal metre - 8x8 pixel blocks - stands any chance of surviving. Search Google ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon freeware EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:28 AM Here, now, go backgammon free is just for you. No need for previous experience at backgammon free. backgammon free the leader site. is the gambling portal for people searching for respected and generous backgammon free. If you are ready to gamble — this is the place you need. Our selection is based on the backgammon free popularity, payouts and bonus. backgammon software shows you where to play backgammon software. Find out where to play backgammon software at our site . Visit and play the game! The advantages of betting in an backgammon software site are far better and more attractive than visiting a regular poker or casino. You can look for backgammon software there! Many great games, where to bet at backgammon table. Look at our backgammon table site. Win real money at backgammon table. Nice articles and comments on and other related issues. When you truely want to play backgammon table look no further. Play here backgammon table. Thanks for the information, Greg, See also backgammon board summary at backgammon board. Have Fun! Try backgammon board - best rules, tips, history, and, of course, the game. I also think that playing is the key for online success. Nothing really compares the full version of backgammon board - the best I have ever seen on the net. Only at backgammon board you can really play. This is backgammon freeware - your gateway to exhilarating multi-player backgammon freeware action that's a cut above the rest. I also think that playing backgammon freeware is the key for online success. Nevertheless, I encountered yesterday a great site. Check and see forr yourselves! The best backgammon freeware provides quality games and facilities. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon tournaments EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:31 AM There's no need to be intimidated. If you're like most players, you shouldn't have a hard time getting acclimated with the transition from download backgammon rooms to playing all your favorite download backgammon. a must for all, download backgammon for everyone. You can even win when you bet on Start using it now. Join now to the fastest on line backgammon. Truely and amazing on line backgammon site. The best facilities and support for on line backgammon - that is why, folks! Nothing really compares the full version of - the best I have ever seen on the net. Only at on line backgammon you can really play. backgammon on line shows you where to play backgammon on line. Find out where to play backgammon on line at our site . Also, I recommend on reading the articles on, which deal with the evolution of backgammon on line on the net. Here it comes backgammon on line pleasure gaming, betting, and gambling. Only at backgammon tournament you can find the best. I think that backgammon tournament should be played more. backgammon tournament offers that, along with many more internet casino games. Why wait? Hi, you - heard of backgammon tournament is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit backgammon tournament, it is probably the best on net! Nice articles and comments on backgammon tournaments and other related issues. When you truely want to play backgammon tournaments look no further. Play here backgammon tournaments. I think that should be played more. backgammon tournaments is a site that offers that, along with many more backgammon tournaments games, such as texas poker or other poker games. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Lucid Intervals STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/08/2003 04:03:49 PM ----- BODY: I just returned from a deposition. I have decided, after only four years of practicing law, that I need to write a book about my deposition experiences. If something weird is going to happen at a deposition, I will be in attendance. Don't believe me? I have been to a deposition where the plaintiff tried to take his clothes off while I was questioning him (his attorney stopped him, thankfully), a deposition where a man pulled up his pants to show us the duct tape he had applied to his legs (purportedly "to hold the skin together"), several depositions where attorneys have almost gotten into fist fights and a deposition where the plaintiff was too stoned to testify. And the hits just keep on coming.My deposition this morning was of Mr. X, a plaintiff in a large lawsuit filed in New Orleans. Mr. X filed his case a long time ago, and it went to trial in 1996, where he was awarded $3.3 million for his silicosis and asbestosis. The judge ordered a new trial, and now we're all back for round two, only now the plaintiff has lung cancer, occupational asthma, alleged brain damage (that's what happens when you spend too much time with plaintiffs' lawyers -- did I say that?) and he is allegedly suicidal over his asbestosis and silicosis diagnoses (neither of which are fatal). For regular readers of my blog (yes, both of you), this is the case that has an upcoming deposition in Hawaii. Mr. X showed up today wearing large, gold sunglasses which wrapped around his head. We had the deposition in the conference room of a law firm, and he refused to remove his sunglasses during the deposition. When asked why he didn't want to remove them, he responded that he doesn't like people staring at his eyes. Oooookay. He told us that his lawyer drove him to the deposition this morning, because he no longer drives. When asked why, he stated that he is afraid to drive because he coughs occasionally, and is afraid he might lose control of the car when he coughs. We have medical records from the past few years which state that he was hospitalized twice: once when he was attacked and beaten in the head with a lead pipe, and once when he was hit by a truck. He doesn't remember either incident. He does remember possibly spending a couple of nights in jail, but he isn't sure why he did that (although he has a suspicion that it might have been because he was arrested). My two favorite quotes from the deposition? 1) His attorney sent him to Los Angeles last week to be tested by a doctor out there who runs a rediculously crazy set of tests on people. He flew out there, and stayed in a hotel. When asked which hotel he stayed in, he replied, "Oh you know, some big place. They had a bunch of people running around there who dress like you [pointing at all the lawyers]". This prompted one attorney to say, "Please don't lump us all together. Some of us dress better than others." 2) We asked him about the day that he decided to commit suicide by jumping off the Huey P. Long bridge in New Orleans. He was asked how close he lives to the bridge, and he said it is about two miles from his house. Since he doesn't have a car (he's scared to drive, remember?), he was asked how he got to the bridge. He responded, "I walked. If you want to pitch yourself off a bridge, ain't nobody gonna give you a ride to do it, I'll tell you that much." ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/08/2003 04:16:17 PM That is good, very good... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/08/2003 04:20:26 PM He does have a point... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/09/2003 08:58:57 AM How do you find these people? More to the point, how do these people find you? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joshua EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/10/2003 11:27:22 AM I think TV has given us an unrealistic expectation of normalcy in our fellow human beings. Most people are just fuck'n nuts and, as a consequence, most of their conflicts are irrational and confusing. Come to that, reality TV does at least show people as they are. Like Cops, for example. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: A&F STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/09/2003 10:33:43 AM ----- BODY: I am clearly behind the times. It appears that in June 2003, a class action lawsuit was filed against Abercrombie and Fitch for race discrimination in hiring and firing. I can't say I'm terribly surprised at the filing of such a suit. I can't pass on the merits of the claims, but considering the flood of lawsuits we've had over the past several years in this country, there don't seem to be any more unlikely targets. What I find interesting is the firm that has filed the suit. The website established by the firm indicates that they have been involved in suits to recover assets from the families of Holocaust victims, in major securities fraud litigation and in litigation arising from the Exxon Valdez oil disaster. Now, they've set their sights on representing college kids who were unjustly denied their right to sell overpriced denim. Dude. Bummer. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/09/2003 12:20:49 PM its sick how many damn lawsuits are filed... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: DAD EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/10/2003 09:46:25 AM Damn right, all I have to say is bring back the catalog! We "dirty ole men" needed a replacement for Penthouse. DAD ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/10/2003 04:25:47 PM Well, I heard a bit about it the other day on NPR and it seems that the lawsuit might have some grounds. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2003 05:40:06 PM yeah..... they're bastards and if "2 whites and came a Wong" then I'm going to kill everyone one of them. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vinni Pooh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 05:32:26 PM Cool :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Windows Xp pro sp EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:34:55 AM Windows Xp service pack Windows Xp pro sp ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Office Xp icon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:48:59 AM Office Xp microsoft developer Office Xp icon ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: back gammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:00:09 AM So step right in – the world of backgammon awaits you. 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The diversity and fluctuations of best backgammon players this month! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Windows Xp Professional EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:18:56 AM Windows Xp Professional Windows Xp Professional ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Windows Xp EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 06:45:06 AM Windows Xp Windows Xp ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: The Huey P. STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/11/2003 01:17:02 PM ----- BODY: This morning I attended a deposition at Avondale Shipyards, not too far from my casa (and workplace of a regular reader of this blog). To get there, the quickest way is to take the Huey P. Long Bridge. For those unfamiliar with said death-trap, it is just that. I don't think the bridge has been updated since construction began and it is none the better for wear. It has the narrowest lanes of any road I've ever seen and has this none-too-soothing rocking motion to it when you have to stop for any reason. I know many people who live in New Orleans who won't drive on the thing, and I'll admit that taking it this morning felt like an adventure. I'm back in the office briefly before I run to a meeting, and then it is off to the firm Christmas party. Tales of drunken revelry will be posted tomorrow, I'm sure. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vinni Pooh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 06:26:30 PM Cool :) ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Drunken Revelry STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/12/2003 09:38:13 AM ----- BODY: I wish I had exciting stories to post about last night's decadence, but I don't. The Christmas party was held at Latrobe's, a very nice location that appears to be an event hall of sorts. They had a couple of open bars, as well as various stations of food and people walking around with trays of hors d'oeuvres. My friends and I showed up around 5 or 5:30, scoped out the place and immediately started drinking and eating. At 7:00, they showed the Christmas party video, which was outstanding. I won't go into detail because it obviously consisted entirely of inside jokes, but I was impressed with how professional it looked. It almost made me think I should've gotten my butt out of bed last Saturday morning to go help them film it. Almost. In fact, the only truly notable (and humorous) anecdote of the evening concerned one of our file clerks, who is actually the son of my paralegal. He is a college student, and is entirely too innocent for his own good (in my opinion). He lives at home and doesn't party as much as your typical college student, and thus hasn't established too much of a tolerance, apparently. I'm told that after copious amounts of alcohol, he tried to "dirty dance" with several people (unsuccessfully), and then threw up the spinach & artichoke dip he had consumed in his mother's car on the ride home. Nice. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/13/2003 05:42:42 PM ----- BODY: 1. What was your last near death experience? I have so many when I drive down I-10 it is difficult to pick just one. 2. How often do you pull or edit posts after publishing them? I never pull posts, and I've only edited posts when I found spelling mistakes in them, which isn't often. 3. How do you decide what to blog about? For the most part, it is spur of the moment. I blog about whatever I happen to be thinking when I'm surfing other people's blogs. Sometimes when I'm out somewhere I'll think of a good post topic, but I usually forget it by the time I get back to my laptop. 4. What is your favorite work of art? I am a big fan of Vermeer, a Dutch painter, and there was a painting of his in the textbook we used in my AP European History class in high school. I should recall the name of the painting, but I don't. 5. What was your last brush with the law about? I have daily brushes with the law given my chosen profession. But to answer the question that I'm supposed to answer (and not be a smart ass), it would have to be getting pulled over for speeding. Yeah, I need to slow down. 6. What's the most clever post title you've come up with? I've said this before, but me at my most clever was the post title "Would You, Could You, With a Pope?" about the election of popes. 7. What's the best marketing gimmick you've seen lately? Worst? This is a tough one. In terms of marketing, I'd have to say that I really get hooked on any commercial that uses good music. The Gap has done that to great effect, in my opinion (I still remember the song they used in their Christmas commercials last year). The worst marketing is done by jewelry stores in New Orleans, hands down. Their commercials are so abysmal I refuse to give any of them business. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/15/2003 12:24:14 PM My last brush with death would have to be the carbon monoxide poisoning from my car last month. There's nothing like almost passing out while driving up one of the steepest curviest hills in Little Rock. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vinni Pooh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 07:18:28 PM Cool :) ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Holiday Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/19/2003 10:34:59 AM ----- BODY: 1. What was your most memorable present you received as a child? Good or bad. Apropos of this blog, the most memorable Christmas present I received as a child was my very first Hello Kitty. I was in kindergarten and my mom and I went Christmas shopping. I saw this stuffed cat with an oversized head and red jumper on and had to have it. I was a well-behaved child for the most part, but when my mother said I couldn't have the Hello Kitty (she had already purchased one for me for Christmas), I sat on the floor and threw a temper tantrum. I think it was something about those big kitty eyes that I just loved. 2. What is your most favorite holiday memory? Tradition? My favorite holiday memory is of waking up Christmas morning to open presents. I don't have a specific year in mind -- they were all good. My favorite tradition was when I was growing up, we would invite a priest over for Christmas Eve dinner. He was a friend of the family and he was the perfect Christmas Eve guest. 3. Hot cocoa or hot apple cider? Both! (yeah, I'm a pig) 4. Egg Nog. Yes or yuck?! I've actually never had it before. A drink made from eggs? No thanks. 5. What's your favorite Christmas song or carol? It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (although I also really like Christmas Wrappings by the Waitresses). 6. What's your favorite Christmas movie and why? A Muppet Christmas Movie. It's the Muppets, for crying out loud! 7. Do you spend the holidays with your family or with your friends or neither? I spend the holidays with family, and Christmas night I usually go out with a friend. 8. What is the most thoughtful gift you've ever given to someone? This wasn't at Christmas time, but it is a gift story. When I was little I used to go to West Texas during the summers to hang out with my grandparents. My grandmother's birthday always occurred while I was visiting. One year, when I was in grade school, I remembered that it was her birthday and I didn't have a gift for her. I had been collecting these small, plastic figurines of cartoon characters (Snoopy, etc.) So, I picked out my favorite cartoon character figurine and gave it to her. I think she still has it. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vinni Pooh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 07:59:05 PM Cool :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: proscar hair EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:27:51 AM proscar manufacturer proscar pictures buy proscar proscar manufacturer and .... does proscar work for hair loss side affects of proscar proscar without prescription proscar breast enlargement proscar in europe proscar side effects .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: proscar no prescription EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:56:12 AM proscar or propecia prescription proscar proscar hair loss proscar no prescription and .... propecia and proscar proscar without prescription medicine proscar proscar versus saw palmetto drug proscar proscar manufacturer .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: proscar dosage EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:25:09 AM proscar no prescription proscar symptoms of overdose proscar consultation proscar online and .... proscar 15mg can proscar be used instead of propecia side affects of proscar proscar symptoms of overdose proscar pictures propecia proscar .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: proscar breast enlargement EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:54:21 AM proscar online buy propecia and proscar proscar drug buy proscar online and .... propecia and proscar are there any side effects by taking proscar gynecomastia proscar proscar hair proscar and pregnancy proscar hair loss .Thanks. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: A Belated Thanksgiving STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/22/2003 08:53:21 PM ----- BODY: I read Pylorns' post this morning where he divulged how he feels about the folks in his life now that 2003 is coming to a close. That got me thinking about how 2003 has been for me. For a year that started off with my husband getting alerted to go to Iraq, on my birthday, leaving me with only two hours notice to deal with his sudden departure, things aren't so bad. Some of the highlights include: going to Phoenix in March, getting to work on more high-profile cases at work, buying a car, finding out that my mom's biopsy was benign, making limited partner at my firm, starting this blog, making friends with the Wet Wired crew and reading a whole lot of books. However, I think this year is coming to a fitting end, because next week, as 2003 draws to a close, my year will have come full circle. My husband is coming home. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2003 08:03:19 AM very very good way to end the year eh? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2003 09:09:40 AM The best! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/23/2003 09:55:37 AM And the best way to ring in the New Year:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vinni Pooh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 08:25:25 PM Cool :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: internette tavla EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:13 AM backgammon site shows you where to play backgammon site. Find out where to play backgammon site at our site . a must for all, for everyone. You can even win when you bet on backgammon site. Start using it now. I truely believe that backgammon club games offers the most complete combination. Visit backgammon club games and play the game! The biggest backgammon club games of all is you best bet on betting. 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I honestly can't think of any, and if I thought a blog had a lame name, I probably wouldn't stop to read it, and likely wouldn't recall it later. 5. Which blogger would you most like to meet in person? I met the bloggers I most wanted to meet -- the Wet Wired crew! However, I'd also love to meet Joshua who writes Strip Mining for Whimsy. He seems like a character. 6. What is the most surprising thing about you? Ask the Wet Wired crew...... 7. What is the best new word you've learned or made up? Hmmm.....haven't learned too many new words lately (my grade school teachers were right, my brain is starting to rot!) My favorite word? Interstices. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/29/2003 05:35:03 PM Kitty is awesome person.... and her wildest .... well... i'll keep that on the DL... ;) Mike ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2003 11:14:52 AM excited about tonight? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2003 11:46:08 AM Make sure you give Justin a big hug from me:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/30/2003 05:28:47 PM Justin is in the shower right now, but it occurs to me that we should do some "couple's blogging" while he's here! And Magik, thanks. ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vinni Pooh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 08:52:29 PM Cool :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: fiber loss supplement weight EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 03:06:14 AM diabetes loss product product weight fast weight loss product gnc loss supplement weight herbalife loss nutrition product weight and .... weight loss supplement rating weight loss supplement diet pill healthy loss product weight best buy drug loss weight drug loss miracle weight weight loss drug online .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: loss product program weight EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 03:47:31 AM _com loss product weight free trial weight loss pill loss product weight xenicalprescriptionsa best weight loss product and .... top weight loss supplement drug lawsuit loss metabolife weight cortisol loss product weight weight loss pill loss obesity pill weight drug loss newest weight .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: comparison loss supplement weight EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:32:51 AM fastest weight loss pill best loss market supplement weight weight loss diet pill medicine diet loss pill review weight and .... weight loss product online diet loss pill sale weight loss pill water weight drug loss pharmacy weight weight loss pill with ephedra weight loss diet pill diet .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: super horny goat weed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:35:31 AM horny goat weed information benefit of horny goat weed pinnacle horny goat weed does horny goat weed work and .... horny goat weed pill horny goat weed tea gnc horny goat weed horny goat weed sale horny goat weed extract horny goat weed information .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: back gammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:34 AM Choosing the right backgammon is a personal matter. 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Once bustling with activity, best backgammon still has it's followers, but there are a lot of empty tables when compared to newer best backgammon. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: loss prescription product weight EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:06:53 AM diet loss pill weight without loss product reliv weight new weight loss supplement drug loss non prescription weight and .... green loss supplement tea weight adrenal loss supplement weight diabetic loss product weight la loss supplement weight drug free loss sample weight best ephedra loss product weight .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: horny goat weed side effects EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:07:32 AM does horny goat weed work horny goat weed pill horny goat weed with maca horny goat weed extract and .... horny goat weed extract herb horny goat weed horny goat weed horny goat weed review horny goat weed information horny goat weed tea .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: horny goat weed tea EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:36:08 AM horny goat weed side effects benefit of horny goat weed horny goat weed study horny goat weed and .... herb horny goat weed horny goat weed warning horny goat weed warning super horny goat weed horny goat weed extract horny goat weed info .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: loss product propylene weight EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:39:53 AM weight loss product reviews la weight loss product herbalife loss nutrition product weight herbal herbalife loss product weight and .... safe weight loss supplement compare weight loss product comparison loss product weight advocare loss product weight guaranteed loss pill weight ephedrine loss pill weight .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: horny goat weed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 06:04:41 AM pinnacle horny goat weed horny goat weed information horny goat weed review herb horny goat weed and .... herb horny goat weed horny goat weed extract horny goat weed warning does horny goat weed work horny goat weed research horny goat weed warning .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: horny goat weed info EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 06:31:58 AM gnc horny goat weed does horny goat weed work horny goat weed use horny goat weed review and .... benefit of horny goat weed horny goat weed for woman horny goat weed use horny goat weed research herb horny goat weed pinnacle horny goat weed .Thanks. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Some Things I'm Good At STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/02/2004 07:11:41 PM ----- BODY: No, blogging regularly isn't one of them these days. Yep, you guessed it, life has been crazy. But in a good way. My wonderful husband arrived safely in New Orleans from Iraq via Kuwait and Frankfurt (and a few interminable layovers). His first evening in town was spent sitting on the floor of our living room, eating Krispy Kreme doughnuts and assembling the huge Playmobil castle set I got him for Christmas while Maggie tried to help. We spent New Year's Eve at the W hotel here in town, which was a memorable experience, and decided to join the rest of polite society by purchasing a DVD player today. On tap for tonight are Finding Nemo and Italian for Beginners. I will return to work Monday for a meeting, but otherwise won't go back to work full time until January 15, the day he leaves to return to Iraq. Normally a type-A personality (in the extreme), I have seriously been enjoying this hiatus from work. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2004 07:20:47 AM Happy to hear that he has arrived safely and all is well! Enjoy your time together and Happy New Year! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/04/2004 11:37:09 AM What could be better? Krispy Kreme, Maggie and Jen? (not necessarily in that order :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/05/2004 08:22:42 AM Playmobile castle!!!! I'm so jealous:) ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Ahhhhh, Vacation STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/06/2004 03:41:49 PM ----- BODY: I proved to my husband that I can indeed sleep for 15 hours straight for no reason other than pure laziness. It is amazing what you can do with little to no effort. After getting up at 2:00 this afternoon (no, that's not a typo), I found out that the Dell desktop we ordered, that wasn't supposed to ship until 1/17, shipped last night! (and yes, I already got a webcam to go with it). In other happy news, I got two mix-cd's from my friend Josh, former founder of the cd mix of the month club. It is like Christmas all over again! My wonderful husband and I are off to scenic Biloxi, Mississippi to spend the night at Beau Rivage, a casino/resort on the Gulf Coast. It is one of my favorite places to spend obscene amounts of money. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2004 05:01:19 PM DUDE, YOU GOT A DELL EARLY!!! Webcam huh? mwahahaha... nm... but have fun with hubby! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/06/2004 05:03:13 PM ok... i'm going to excuse you for not watching the LSU (LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU) TIGERS 0wn3d the Oklahoma Sooners!!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Wired Nerve EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/09/2004 03:36:43 PM Congrats on the New Dell... Now you will need to get that webcam up and running! I hope to have mine setup once I get my new apartment... "See" ya soon... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vinni Pooh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 09:52:20 PM Cool :) ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X for the New Year STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/07/2004 08:47:43 PM ----- BODY: 1. How do you organize your music? I'm sad to say I don't. I used to, but so many of my cd's are in my car, at work and in the possession of my husband (i.e. in Iraq) that I can never find what I have any more. I used to organize my cd's alphabetically by artist, and once organized my cd's by the color on the labels. 2. Do you have more online or more hard copy music? I definitely have more hard copies of music. I switch computers too often to really amass a cache of online music. 3. What are your three most favorite bands you found or heard of online? Well, any band I heard about through the cd mix of the month club I ultimately heard about online, so if those count then I would say Beulah, the New Pornographers and Death Cab for Cutie. 4. What are your New Year's resolutions, if any? To lose some weight, get in shape, pay off my credit card, learn some freaking HTML and spend more time with my wonderful husband. 5. How did you do on your last year's resolutions? I didn't make any resolutions last year, so I did just fine. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vauda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/12/2004 07:49:34 PM I love Death Cab For Cutie! I went to see them last November in Ft. Worth. They are great live. It was great seeing you this weekend. I hope you actually get some time with Justin (he has too much family for his own good!). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/13/2004 05:20:17 PM Vauda, I never thought I'd see the day when we agreed on music. We've come full circle. :) It was great to see you last weekend! Yes, Justin does have a lot of family. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: energy weight loss diet pill EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 03:16:11 AM natural weight loss pill rapid weight loss pill loss product propolene weight drug loss metabolism weight and .... meridia weight loss drug diet loss order pill weight weight loss diet pill rapid weight loss product drug loss propolene weight diet pill weight loss pill .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: meridia weight loss drug EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 03:56:17 AM loss natural supplement testimonials weight 1 loss supplement weight free weight loss supplement compare drug loss weight and .... weight loss supplement online compare loss supplement weight diet and weight loss product hottest loss product weight best proven weight loss pill menopause weight loss supplement .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: diet links loss product weight EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:39:01 AM loss pill suvaril weight cheap diet loss pill weight diet loss natural product weight cla loss supplement weight and .... weight loss supplement program gordonii hoodia loss pill weight best drug loss prescription weight drug free loss weight free loss product sample weight weight loss and energy pill .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: find loss product weight EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:46:05 AM weight loss supplement for woman weight loss drug online list loss review supplement weight forum loss supplement weight and .... drug information loss weight buy weight loss pill comparision drug loss weight diabetes loss product product weight 1 weight loss pill canada loss supplement weight .Thanks. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Relationship Advice STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/13/2004 08:50:23 PM ----- BODY: It has been a great R&R for both of us -- I didn't realize how much I needed some time off work until I actually took it. My husband and I have: spent the night at a swanky local hotel to celebrate New Year's, gone to Beau Rivage and gambled our money, bought a new desktop computer, travelled to Dallas and cleaned the apartment (it had to be done). Dallas was enjoyable, if hectic. As Vauda pointed out in her comment to my previous post, Justin has a lot of family members. Wonderful people, all, but trying to sit down and visit with each of them was craziness. It will be much easier to catch up with people when he's home for good. Included in the visit were cameos by Judge Hartman (the Judge I worked for during the summer after my first year of law school), Catherine (my college roommate and maid of honor at our wedding) and our friend Josh, proprietor of Crabwalk. My favorite moments of the weekend? Those include: 1) seeing my eight year old cousin Anna fall for Justin's 10 year old cousin Skylar. After spending an evening playing video games together, Skylar asked Anna if she wanted to stay in his hotel room with him. We later informed her that she could do that. When she's 18.; 2) Having my fourteen year old cousin (who shall remain nameless, but he's Anna's brother) ask my husband for relationship advice. It seems that when he and his girlfriend make out, he gets bored and want to stop and play video games, thereby upsetting her.; 3) Talking to my sister-in-law, who related to me the story of how her four year old son told her that in order to get a husband, the first thing you have to do is "prove yourself brave" (truer words were never spoken); and 4) Talking to my father-in-law about blogs and realizing that he reads more of them than I do. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2004 11:07:58 AM The problem in proving yourself brave is finding a dragon to slay:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: DAD EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/14/2004 03:11:08 PM Your and Justin's blogs are tied for first place for my favorite, with Everyday Stranger a close second. Will work on getting mine up and started this weekend. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/15/2004 12:58:55 PM its scary to find out that my mom reads a lot of blogs too, including mine and yours. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vinni Pooh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 10:54:22 PM Cool :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Kate EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2004 10:43:32 AM I love your site ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: The Witching Hour STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/15/2004 01:18:56 PM ----- BODY: 3:30 a.m. Yep, that's when I got up this morning. No, that isn't a typo. I think it is what I get for sleeping for 15 hours straight one night last week. I put my husband on a 5:00 a.m. flight to Atlanta, and from there he'll go to Frankfurt. I returned home around 5:00 a.m., and fell into bed until my alarm went off again at 6:30. I'm now at work trying to deal with each piece of paper on my desk so that the stacks don't collapse of their own weight. I had a wonderful time with him, but I can't believe it went by so quickly. I am constantly reminded of how much fun we have together. My reminder this afternoon came with a knock at the door of my office, as I was sitting at my desk eating lunch (trying to organize said paper) and one of the guys who works in General Services brought me a dozen long-stemmed pink roses with a card from my husband saying, "I love you and I'll see you soon." Now, as long as I don't fall asleep face-first into the roses' thorns, I'm good. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: DAD EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/16/2004 01:25:36 PM Big time :) and watch out for those paper cuts. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/18/2004 05:08:33 PM ----- BODY: Choose your favorite actor and answer the questions below with movies they have been in. It may be too difficult to answer all the questions with a single actor's filmography so you can either skip some or split the list in two and use two different actors. Do whatever makes you happy. 1. What is your home life like? Everyone Says I Love You. 2. What is your first thought when you think about high school? Our of the Past. 3. What is your strongest personality trait? Slapstick of Another Kind. 4. What's your work like? High Anxiety. 5. What do you wish your job was? The Score. 6. Describe your partner. Mixed Nuts. 7. Describe yourself. Mixed Nuts. 8. What's some good advice? I couldn't find one for this one. 9. Tell us about your childhood. A Bug's Life. 10. What would you say to your ten year old self? What's Up, Doc? The two actors I used are indeed two of my faves -- Edward Norton and Madeline Kahn. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: how to enlarge your penis size EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 12:35:09 AM enlarge free penis ways enlarge penis com how to enlarge ur penis how to naturally enlarge your penis and .... how enlarge penis tips to enlarge penis how to enlarge your penis for free tips to enlarge penis enlarge penis pic how enlarge penis .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: tips on how to enlarge your penis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 01:01:04 AM pills to enlarge penis how to enlarge your penis at home enlarge you penis enlarge ur penis and .... enlarge your penis enlarge food penis enlarge penis pic enlarge huge large massive penis enlarge home penis ways how to enlarge penis naturally .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: how do i enlarge my penis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 01:57:06 AM enlarge natural penis enlarge my penis enlarge penis pic how to enlarge the penis and .... how to enlarge ur penis enlarge exercise natural penis can enlarge penis really penis enlarge pill tips on how to enlarge your penis enlarge ur penis .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: enlarge your penis EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 02:21:33 AM www enlarge penis com enlarge penis pump enlarge penis size enlarge health penis and .... techniques to enlarge your penis tips on how to enlarge your penis exercises to enlarge the penis enlarge penis natural enlarge penis technique how to enlarge a penis .Thanks. ----- PING: TITLE: personal loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: personal loans DATE: 06/15/2005 04:18:08 AM You may find it interesting to check some relevant pages dedicated to loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: It's About Time STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/19/2004 11:20:20 AM ----- BODY: Now this is what I like to see -- a man who appreciates a good spa day. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Good Faith STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/20/2004 10:42:11 AM ----- BODY: I'm usually in the middle of a book (well, at least when I'm not at work) and right now I'm in the middle of Good Faith by Jane Smiley. This book is set in the 1980's, a special decade for us all, no doubt. I've really been enjoying the book, but reading a book set in a previous time period that I actually lived through is like watching a bad horror movie. Instead of saying, "No! Don't open that door!", I keep thinking things like, "No! S&L's aren't safe places for your money!" ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: loans DATE: 06/15/2005 03:40:21 AM In your free time, check the sites dedicated to loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Mediating with feminists STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/21/2004 08:56:53 PM ----- BODY: I got to the law firm at 9:30 this morning, well in advance of the scheduled mediation. And I was prepared, too. In addition to my purse, I had my notes about the case we were mediating, a legal pad, my T-Mobile Sidekick (for e-mail and internet access) and a book to read during the down time. I even got there early enough to get a seat at the table (but I sat along the wall anyway). For those of you who have never been to a mediation before (fess up, guys, you know who you are), it works like this: the mediator (whom both sides have selected jointly) gives an opening talk to plaintiff and defendant(s). Then, each side gets their chance to tell their "story". Then, one of the parties goes into another room, and the mediator runs back and forth between the two rooms, trying to negotiate agreeable terms. When done correctly, this process ocassionally works. We knew we could never mediate this case today. There are 25+ defendants in the case, and each had their own lawyer there, plus we had the plaintiff and his two lawyers -- a man who is quite nice, and his wife who has a special circle in hell reserved for her. However, the judge ordered us to mediate this case (because he wants to get rid of it), so we complied. We were in a large conference room of a large law firm here in town. The conference room sits on the 32nd floor of this office building, and has a magnificent view of downtown New Orleans and the Mississippi River. It is a perfect place to lose track of time (as an aside: several of the large firms who occupy these spaces often have problems with tourists who wander into their conference rooms and libraries wanting to take pictures of the cityscape). At one point, while the mediator was in the other conference room conferring with the plaintiff and his attorneys, I was reading my book and several of the lawyers were chatting to pass the time. One of them, who happens to be my former boss, walks in with a stack of photocopied papers in her hands. She begins passing out these papers to everyone for our review. The sheet of paper I received contained a review of a new book by Dr. Laura Schlessinger entitled, "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands". Understand this: my former boss is a feminist. And I don't use that word lightly. I can understand how she morphed into feminism, as her first legal job was at a large law firm in town that had no female partners when she started working there. Furthermore, many of the male partners were pigs (not all of them, of course, but a good number). She ultimately worked her way up the ladder and became a partner there and was a memebr of the firm's Management Committee. She is also married to one of the most conservative men I know. He's somewhere to the right of Rush, and is of the type who finds the Fox News network too "touchy feely". Once I received this book review, I already knew the score. I've always thought of Dr. Laura as something of a Nazi, but an avoidable one (thankfully). However, this book reviewed intrigued me. As an example of her (ahem) "advice", Dr. Laura starts one of her chapters with quotes from real-life (no fakes here!) men. One of them is as follows: "Men are only interested in two things: If I'm not horny, make me a sandwich." John A few thoughts: (1) No one would really want to eat the kinds of sandwiches I prepare, my husband included; (2) Most wives would never get the opportunity to make the sandwiches in the first place, men's sex drives being what they often are; (3) Is it some big revelation that men want to have sex as often as possible? I understand that there are many men (unlike Dr. Laura, I cannot group all men together) who, if possible, would have sex 24/7 -- however, this is real life, not Cinemax. Wives can only perform so many miracles in a day, and constant sexual gratification of their husbands sometimes isn't one of them. One of my favorite quotes from this book? "And at the end of the day . . . roll over in bed, close your eyes, give him a big hug, and remember that without him, you are only a sorry excuse for a person, but as half of the team, you are invincible." Well, this sorry excuse for a person is going to hang out with her girl friends this weekend. And no, we didn't mediate the case. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2004 11:10:53 AM thats a pretty shitty outlook on life that your a sorry excuse without a husband... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/22/2004 11:57:25 AM I've been anti-Dr. Laura since I had my son. According to her I should have gotten married to his dad immediately, or given him up for adoption. Her premise being that as a single mom I would ruin my son's life. And while our life isn't perfect, anyone who knows Bob knows that he's a happy kid. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Mix Tapes STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/23/2004 10:20:28 AM ----- BODY: This article definitely sums up my feelings about making mix-cd's these days, as opposed to the age old practice of making mix tapes. I spent countless hours in high school and college making mix tapes, using a method not unlike the one mentioned in this article. It was painstaking, deliberate, time consuming and fun. Not to be outdone, of course, I also made covers for the mix tapes, which I cut out of magazines like Interview. Don't get me wrong, I do make mix cd's and I enjoy it. It just involves such a different process that it can be hard to compare the two endeavors. With all digital music that automatically records at the same volume, gone are the days of searching for the right song, getting the volume levels right, making sure the beginning of this song flows with the end of the song before, etc. In some ways, I like the seamlessness of the new technology -- for instance, not having to worry about how much "dead space" there is in between each song. I just can't help but think that making mix cd's isn't quite the labor of love that making mix tapes was. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyhairedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2004 11:34:29 AM I know the feeling. I take the time to select the genre of music but it seems now I am detached from the process as soon as I place the CD into the "slot". While I know I still have control of the mouse which is seemlessly attached to the cursor, I somehow feel the machine will now take over and my creativeness is loss in technology. Oh what the hell, it is quicker (sic). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Daddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2004 11:05:18 AM Funny you mention this. Robyn and I were talking about making mix tapes awhile back. We found a bunch of her old ones in a case in the garage, you can't bring yourself to throw away something you put so much time into. Ah the days of Def Lepard and Bon Jovi... ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Weird Dreams STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/26/2004 09:18:51 AM ----- BODY: I've had weird dreams since I was very, very young. These aren't just dreams that are somewhat odd -- these are dreams that make therapists and counselors (not to mention friends and family members) step back and say, "Ooooooookay........." Needless to say, I had a weird dream last night, involving a trip on an Amtrak train, shopping for cute clothes, a paralegal at my office, extraterrestrials who live on Earth and being late a lot. I'm trying to figure out what causes these dreams. I've heard that people often have strange dreams when they eat close to bedtime. The last thing I ate last night was a slice of king cake, and I had it a good three hours before I went to bed. I'm trying to see if this dream has any "depper meaning" within the context of my life, and is my subconscious trying to tell me something. All I can figure is that before I went to bed, I was reading one of my first forays into Dean Koontz. I'm currently reading One Door Away From Heaven. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2004 12:56:10 PM Dean Koontz is enough to give anyone weird dreams. I've also had dreams like that all of my life. I've always been afraid to have them analyzed. Maybe I'm more screwed up than I know... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2004 02:28:16 PM you're a Kilpatrick. of course you're more screwed up than you think you are. :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Helen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2004 12:57:56 AM Happy birthday, Jennifer! :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyhairedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2004 06:44:22 AM HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE MOST WONDERFUL DAUGHTER IN LAW IN THE WORLD. YOU ARE A SPECIAL YOUNG LADY!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Olaf EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2004 10:44:05 AM I love your site ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: 30 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/27/2004 02:34:14 PM ----- BODY: Happy Birthday to me. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2004 03:23:03 PM Happy Birthday!!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: krndiva EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2004 03:26:33 PM Hey.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2004 04:22:56 PM DITTO, AGAIN ON THE BIRTHDAY WISHES!!!!!!! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Late Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/27/2004 04:41:10 PM ----- BODY: 1. Do you read more male or female bloggers? Why do you suppose that is? It is about equal for me. I like reading different perspectives. 2. Does politicizing a blog send you packing if the blogger's beliefs are opposed to your own? Or, do you only read opinions that you agree with? I don't mind reading political blogs that espouse opinions with which I disagree as long as I'm in a good mood. Otherwise, they just annoy me. 3. Do you read other Cheddar X answers before writing your own? Nope. It never occurred to me to do that. 4. What was the last utterly ridiculous thing someone said to you? This won't hurt. 5. What world record would you most like to hold? I don't know... 6. What types of blog posts make you want to comment more often than not? Usually personal ones, where someone is describing events in their life. 7. Does your significant other have a beloved article of clothing that you hate? Have you contemplated "accidentally" destroying it? Interestingly, since my husband is in Iraq, I have abundant opportunity to "accidentally" destroy any of his clothing I don't like. The only article of clothing he owns that I simply cannot stand is a pair of ripped denim shorts that have paint stains on them (at least, I think that's paint). ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: krndiva EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/28/2004 02:38:27 PM 1. i read anything.. usually i go to a site i normally go ie magik's, my close friends. and if they have comments i want to see who this person is and what they have on their site.. see how creative they are.. what they go through.. they normally have really good articles or views on their topic that keep me thinking 2. i really don't care.. if they are against my thoughts.. it's alwasy good to keep an opened mind and try to see their way.. usually i learn a lot from that.. 3. umm..???? 4. "oh you must be black!" (no dildo. i'm a.c.! aka amerikorean) 5. the most degrees anyone has done.. i am always ready to learn.. and i actually love school.. i want to be a carpenter, dentist, dental hygenist??, nutritionist, construction worker, RN, Vet doc, so many others.. but i do'nt know.. doubt i'd be able to pull all that off.. so damn expensive LOL 6. where someone would like advise and is willing to listen to anyone's advise.. or if i run across a blog that someone is thinking of killing themselves.. itry to talk to them about it.. or anything that has to do medically. cause it's the field i know best in. 7. WAHHH.. i don't have a "significant other" buti'll get back to you on that one in the far future ;) di ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: The Rise and Fall of Niles Crane STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/31/2004 12:16:15 PM ----- BODY: I don't understand the fascination with the Metrosexual, other than as people's excitement over having coined a new term. This article covers my feelings on Metrosexuals fairly well. While I'm all for men bathing regularly, dressing nicely and having an appreciation for culture, all of this metrosexuality is a bit over the edge for me. If I were single and looking for someone to date (which I'm not, for the record), I would want a guy who is sensitive, but not one who cries at the drop of a hat. I'd look for a guy who dresses nicely, but not someone who is pickier about their clothing than I am (or irons their clothes more than I do). And if he has visited a salon/spa more than I have in the past six months, he's out. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RokynRobyn EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/31/2004 11:40:11 PM Amen, sista! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Cleary, the single girl EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2004 09:45:07 AM Why can't a man just be a man?!?!?! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/03/2004 04:33:25 PM I agree with Cleary, we used to be just men, once upon a time. We did not have classifications, we were just plain men. But then I ramble, I think this will be good topic for my tonights blog..... ----- PING: TITLE: home loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: home loans DATE: 06/15/2005 04:07:40 AM Please check some information about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Saturday night drinking STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/03/2004 01:24:04 PM ----- BODY: My friend Robert lives across the street from a bar in New Orleans (that can actually be said of quite a lot of people in New Orleans, but I digress). The bar is on a corner, and they frequently keep their doors open to attract business. One of the cool things about the bar is that they allow people to bring their dogs -- it is kind of a theme for them, as they have framed photos of dogs lining the walls. On Saturday night, Robert came home from having been out of town for a wedding. When he returned, his dog was missing. It was raining pretty hard that night, and after looking around and not finding the dog, he gave up and went to bed. Around 3:00 a.m. the phone rang. It was the owner of the bar across the street, saying that his dog had wandered over there several hours before, and they were planning to close up for the night and were wondering when he was going to pick up his dog. Pretty funny when your dog gets out more than you do. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2004 01:59:58 PM How totally funny, yet so very understandable. It seems that "man's best friend" does tend to pick up his/her master's habits -- both good and bad. So the next time someone tries to start a joke with "there was this dog in a bar who ordered ......." I will have to stop them and ask was the owner's name Robert? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2004 01:32:09 PM Did the dog have a hangover? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: lotus EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2004 02:48:33 PM Hey, have you been to the Krew of Barkus parade? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/05/2004 04:35:51 PM Yes, I've been to Barkus. My husband and I took our dog Maggie to Barkus a couple of years ago. The theme that year was Saturday Bite Fever. Cute. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon download EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:37 AM Thanks for the great visit. Click also to play backgammon . play backgammon is just the right thing for you. Hi, you - heard of play backgammon? is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit play backgammon, it is probably the best on net! Welcome to our complete guide to backgammon game. 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Visit backgammon club, it is probably the best on net! Yep - I have seen other sites - and nothing can compare this backgammon club site. Nothing really compares the full version of backgammon club - the best I have ever seen on the net. A great excitement, backgammon clubs at its best. Anyone for some backgammon clubs. Come and have fun with me at backgammon clubs? is the gambling portal for people searching for respected and generous backgammon clubs. If you are ready to gamble — this is the place you need. Our selection is based on the backgammon clubs popularity, payouts and bonus. Hi, you - heard of tavla? tavla is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit tavla, it is probably the best on net! is among the top 10 tavla casinos available today. Playing internette tavla is fun and easy, there are hundreds of different places to play internette tavla, and we're here to show you where to find the best internette tavla. Join now to the fastest Truely and amazing internette tavla site. The best facilities and support for internette tavla - that is why, folks! ----- PING: TITLE: loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: loans DATE: 06/15/2005 04:39:17 AM You may find it interesting to check some helpful info about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/06/2004 03:51:49 PM ----- BODY: 1. What is your ugliest moment? Any moment when I've just woken up is pretty ugly, not just because I haven't showered yet but because I am likely to be quite surly. 2. Are people more likely to try and take advantage of someone outside their ethnicity? I would hate to think so, but I'm sure there are certainly people who would do that. I couldn't make that generalization for everyone, though. 3. Do you have links on your blog that are linked back? How does that make you feel (and I'm not really talking about the A-list bloggers)? I am definitely not an A-list blogger. I appreciate it when my links are reciprocated, but it doesn't bother me if people don't link back to me. I am an adult and not in fifth grade -- not everyone has to like me or my blog, and just because they don't link to my blog doesn't mean they don't like it. 4. Is it better to lead with bad news followed by good or the other way around? Why? I think it is always better to lead with bad news. It gets it out of the way quickly, and gives you something to look forward to while you're listening to the bad news. 5. What was your worst injury? Fortunately, I've never really injured myself too badly. My worst was probably when I was leaving the courthouse in New Orleans a few years ago, because we had to evacuate for a fire alarm. I was walking outside and twisted my ankle. It healed pretty quickly. 6. What's your secret talent or skill? This isn't so much a talent or a skill but I suppose a secret quality. I have this inexplicable quality that makes people feel the need to tell me things. All kinds of things. Completely unsolicited. Even people I don't know -- strangers in the mall tell me things. It is bizarre, really. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/07/2004 11:30:23 PM One of your most beautiful moments is when you've just woken up. Your eyes are still dreamy. You mumble the sweetest sounds and when you're almost awake, you stare at me, and your silent "I love you" goes right to my soul. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: gnc horny goat weed EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/14/2005 11:39:47 PM horny goat weed study benefit of horny goat weed horny goat weed for woman benefit of horny goat weed and .... super horny goat weed horny goat weed review super horny goat weed horny goat weed study horny goat weed with maca horny goat weed .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: horny goat weed review EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 12:09:28 AM horny goat weed research does horny goat weed work horny goat weed with maca herb horny goat weed and .... benefit of horny goat weed horny goat weed for woman horny goat weed with maca horny goat weed use horny goat weed study gnc horny goat weed .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: horny goat weed review EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 12:43:41 AM does horny goat weed work super horny goat weed herb horny goat weed herb horny goat weed and .... horny goat weed extract does horny goat weed work horny goat weed for woman horny goat weed pill horny goat weed for woman herb horny goat weed .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: horny goat weed information EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 01:12:05 AM horny goat weed tea horny goat weed horny goat weed use horny goat weed extract and .... horny goat weed pill horny goat weed effects horny goat weed review horny goat weed study herb horny goat weed horny goat weed for woman .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: horny goat weed information EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 01:41:41 AM horny goat weed study horny goat weed horny goat weed side effects horny goat weed sale and .... horny goat weed study horny goat weed research horny goat weed effects horny goat weed extract horny goat weed effects gnc horny goat weed .Thanks. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Tivo STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/07/2004 05:00:50 PM ----- BODY: I have friends who have Tivo and it sounds like a cool idea. However, something about my electronics equipment trying to select television programs for me to watch kinda weirds me out. Now, after reading this article, I'm even more weirded out by it. If I were to have my Tivo record, say, the Superbowl halftime show, and I were to repeatedly rewind a certain portion of that show so I could repeatedly view a certain *ahem* pierced nipple, I don't think I'd want to advertise that. But that's me. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2004 12:44:18 PM Well that settles any thoughts I had on getting TIVO. It is bad enough to realize that On-Star has the capability to track the our car to Dallas and know everywhere we stopped to shop and stay. Not that they would do it but the capability exists. I certainly do not want TIVO to know that I watch every MA rated show on HBO (and the re-runs too). ----- PING: TITLE: home equity loan URL: IP: BLOG NAME: home equity loan DATE: 06/15/2005 03:28:35 AM Please check the sites dedicated to loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: My Life of Glamour STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/09/2004 12:38:46 PM ----- BODY: Sometimes when I talk to people, I get the impression that they think being a litigator is glamorous. You want to talk about glamour? Last week and this week I'm in depositions. Attending the depositions themselves isn't too bad. I know how to defend my clients, and the deponents are usually nice (with few exceptions). The bigger issue is that these depositions usually take place in less than exciting locales. Last week, I was in Mount Hermon, LA. Mount Hermon's only claim to fame is that it is next door to Kentwood, LA, home of Britney Spears (a dubious distinction, to be sure, but it's all theirs). Tomorrow, I am headed to scenic Jennings, LA, about twenty miles west of nowhere. To add excitement to these exotic ports of call, there's always the circumstances surrounding the homes you get to visit. Most of the time, if you're travelling 2+ hours to some godforsaken town, it is because the deponent is too ill to travel and is thus homebound. I have spent more time sitting on the floors and folding chairs of trailers, tin houses that almost blew away (with me in them) and at people's bedsides than I spent visiting my relatives last year. My deposition in Mount Hermon last week was a perfect example. We finally arrived at the plaintiff's house after quite a bit of searching -- his gravel street doesn't have a street sign, and his house doesn't have a house number. Fortunately, all of the lawyers in these cases know each other, so when one of us finds the house, they usually stand outside and flag down the other lost lawyers. We all got there and piled into his house. This is the point where I always feel sorry for the deponents. Even though they've filed a large lawsuit, they never seem to be prepared for the parade of attorneys that files into their kitchen and living room and promptly spreads out like they're about to start the trial right there next to the refrigerator. We got situated and finally got the deposition underway. The plaintiff's lawyer is a friend of mine. She's from Dallas, and wears these sophisticated, expensive dresses and high heeled shoes everywhere she goes. After navigating the gravel street in her heels, she then sat next to her client and had to kill the roaches that were crawling across the kitchen table during his testimony. No, I'm not kidding. Is anyone available to go to Jennings for me tomorrow? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: josh EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/09/2004 10:43:10 PM Hey, if Jennings is about 20 miles west of nowhere, that makes my hometown nowhere. Take it back! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2004 02:41:38 AM I would love to be there to go in your place. But then again, the only reason I want to be there, is to be with you. So, have fun in Jennings! *kiss* ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Daddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2004 09:18:59 AM Yeah, I'll go. Couldn't be any worse than where I grew up in Abilene, TX. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/10/2004 04:05:57 PM Josh: I only said it was 20 miles west of nowehere because I didn't think you actually read my blog. :) I retract my statement. It is 20 miles west of the frog capital of the world. Better? Big Daddy: I've been to Abilene. It's a toss-up. Greyheadedstranger: I've been to Independence, as well. When you were there, did you walk uphill both ways? ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2004 10:55:35 AM Twice a day to school and back, could never explain how it occurred, so just accepted the mystique of a quaint southern town that worships "strawberries". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Puppets EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2004 10:29:05 PM Puppet, Marionet, Marionnette, Fantoche, Marioneta ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: stress management EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/07/2005 02:29:44 PM Tired of the same old clichés? Sick of self-help books promising you a light at the end of the tunnel? Fed up with paying for powerful expensive antidepressants? has the answer! beat stress today ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: back gammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:02:35 AM Hi, you - heard of backgammon? backgammon is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit backgammon, it is probably the best on net! this site is the best. I swear, you must try and win as I do. Only at backgammon you can be a winner in a very short time. backgammon is my site, what about you? online backgammon is a very nice looking online backgammon that's new on the block. For those of you familiar with online backgammon - the table interface is similar, with fully animated characters, and a bright, detailed environment. Thankfully, it plays much faster. Hi, you - heard of online backgammon is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit online backgammon, it is probably the best on net! See for yourself why backgammon online is the real deal. Download our free software to play for real money or "play" money - or just sit in on a backgammon online game! you probbably know now that backgammon online is one of the largest on the internet. This is gammon - your gateway to exhilarating multi-player gammon action that's a cut above the rest. Nothing really compares the full version of gammon - the best I have ever seen on the net. Only at you can really play. More and more players have already understood back gammon and only back gammon, is the best back gammon on net. Even poker and online casino glossary can be found there! No doubt, the on net. many internet casino features and back gammon Play and win real money at back gammon. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: hangover vitamin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 07:13:50 AM love hangover hangover recipe hangover medicine hangover cafe and .... hangover prevention worst hangover hangover drink hangover cure home remedy wine hangover drug hangover .Thanks. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Why Me? STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/11/2004 10:08:18 AM ----- BODY: I have to admit that it is ironic that I received the latest Notice of Deposition today, the day after I've been complaining about having to hang out in Jennings. Whenever there are depositions noticed in faraway places, why are they always in my cases? Is there some sort of cosmic travel-curse against me? Or does the plaintiff's lawyer know I don't like to fly, and therefore purposely finds witnesses in far flung locations just to annoy me? The location of the deposition in late March? Freeport, Bahamas. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2004 10:22:51 AM You poor thing. I'll be more than happy to take your place. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2004 10:57:13 AM Let's see, would that be the 5 or 7 day cruise? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2004 05:13:42 PM i've been to the jennings airport.. flew there when i was doing my flight training. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/11/2004 11:25:57 PM You have got to get this pushed back. Get it pushed back for like 21 days. That's all I'll need! Do whatever you gotta do! :) ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Kids These Days STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/13/2004 09:16:29 AM ----- BODY: Having recently purchased a new car and having gone through the hassles of contending with the dealership, I am amazed that this kid was able to trick a dealership. I think of myself as a fairly good negotiator, and I was hard pressed to negotiate the deal I wanted on my car, much less to convince them that I was more credit worthy than I am. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar Sex STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/13/2004 09:36:41 AM ----- BODY: 1. Who's your daddy? I don't even know where to begin with that one . . . 2. What's your orientation? Heterosexual. 3. What's your favorite sexual position? There are so many good ones, it is difficult for me to choose. 4. How do you feel about porn? Soft core? Like it. Hard core? Amusing, but no thanks. 5. How do you feel about same sex porn? Girl on girl is fine with me. I've never seen guy on guy but I doubt that it would do much for me. 6. About how often do you engage in sexual relations? Now? Approximately never. 7. How often do you masturbate? Depends on my mood. Anywhere from every other day to every other week. 8. Do you have toys? Does my Hello Kitty count? Um, yes. 9. What was your most intense sexual experience? That would have to be losing my virginity to my wonderful husband. 10. How important is sex to maintaining the bond between you and your partner? Sex is quite important in the overall scheme of the relationship, though intercourse itself isn't always critical. Maintaining some sort of regular physical, intimate contact is vital, though, in my opinion. 11. Have you ever engaged in same sex activities? Sure. I go shopping with my girlfriends all the time. 12. Have you ever considered "swinging"? I've considered it. Actually doing it would be another issue entirely. 13. What is your earliest sexual memory? My husband and I have had sex at 1:00 a.m. before. That counts, right? 14. Have you ever paid for sex? (interpret that however you like) I can't say that I have. 15. Are you more aroused by visual, auditory or sensate (touch) stimulation? I'm like a guy in this respect. I'd have to go with visual. 16. How long have you gone without sex with another person? From birth until age 25. 17. How long have you gone without sex period? If this includes masturbation, from birth until age 10. 18. Do you have to have an emotional connection before having sex with someone? How has that changed as you've grown up? This isn't really an issue for me, since I obviously have an emotional connection with my husband, who is my sex partner (at least, when he's living in this country, that is). I think that now that I'm older, it would be easier for me to separate sex from love, though doing so might not be the best idea. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2004 09:21:48 AM Great post! So all I do is cut and paste each question and then respond in my blog. This is one I have to post, I might just make the Enquirer or the other check-out stand rag. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/18/2004 10:09:04 PM this should be interesting! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: I Like Simon STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/15/2004 03:33:33 PM ----- BODY: This article discusses a phenomenon I'm so glad someone else sees besides me -- the coddling of idiots. When I was in law school, I had classes with several people who bugged the hell out of me. I wasn't bothered by people who didn't read the cases, or who didn't show up for class or who goofed off during lectures. The people who annoyed me to no end were the ones who thought they knew everything and would simply not shut up about it. You know who I'm talking about. These are the people who want to tell you how to do your job, even though they've been unable to keep the last eight jobs they've held; the people who want to tell you how to raise your children while theirs are in prison; the people who want to instruct you how to do anything when they are intellectually challenged by the task of getting from their front door to their car every day. These people are why I love to watch the beginning of every season of American Idol. I'll admit it. I love watching some pompous idiot get up and warble something that sounds like a cat dying in a hailstorm, only to have Simon tell him the truth -- that he is awful. Where was Simon when I was in law school? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/16/2004 10:29:55 PM I just try my best to ignore those kinds of people in my class at LSU. I admit that sometimes I goof around in class but I get get stuff done and respect others outside my group. AI the bomb! I laughed so hard during the tryouts! :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Chewie EMAIL: ah@ha.aha IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2004 07:25:43 PM I wish that Simon had been around while I was in chemical, it would've been nice to see him put some of those people in their places! It doesn't hurt that he's hot and has a British accent, either. ;o) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyhairedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2004 08:03:26 PM In college and military schools we called them "springbutts", it seemed they lived for the chance to spring out of their seats and expound on any subject necessary to show their real ignorance. Yes, the Simon's of the world do serve a great service to us all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/17/2004 10:52:40 PM The best Simon's are bosses. I get such a thrill from watching my bosses sit and listen to what we call "Spotlight Rangers". You can see it in his eyes and his expression. You always know when he's had enough. Usually he'll just tell them to shut-up and move on. But every once and a while, he'll start shooting them questions and we all just watch him squirm. It's something to pass the time. :) ----- PING: TITLE: personal loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: personal loans DATE: 06/15/2005 04:38:18 AM You may find it interesting to visit some relevant pages in the field of loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: So cute STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/19/2004 10:15:06 PM ----- BODY: This little guy is so cute! The cult following he has achieved reminds me of that "I Kiss You" e-mail that went around a few years ago that spawned such a bizarre phenomenon. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: May It Please the Court STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/19/2004 10:34:45 PM ----- BODY: Yesterday I judged an appellate Moot Court competition for Tulane Law School. The competition was one round in Tulane's annual Mardi Gras Sports Law competition (Tulane offers a certificate in Sports Law, a field I didn't know existed until I went to law school). Students from law schools far and wide attend this tournament for a chance to bring more accolades to their law program and to drink heavily on their school's dime. The tournament is set up so that each room has two sides competing against each other (appellant and appellee), with two "attorneys" on each side. There are supposed to be three judges in each room, as appellate arguments are typically held before three judge panels (except for a few hearings which are held before the entire court of appeal, and are thus called hearings en banc). We only ended up with two judges in our room, which worked out well in the end. When schools enter the tournament, they receive a packet of information which tells them the facts of the fictitious case, and what happened at the (again fictitious) trial court level. They then conduct legal research, write an appellate brief (the main reason why I never did appellate Moot Court in law school -- more writing? No thank you.), and argue their case before us, the judges. This year's topic was a football antitrust issue (stay with me here). The case involved two non-BCS schools, who had perfect records for that season, who were not invited to participate in any bowl games because they were from the same conference, which violates BCS rules. They sued the BCS, claiming that its system for selecting schools to compete in the bowl games and championship game violates the Sherman Antitrust Act (if you're unfamiliar with it, give Bill Gates a call for a refresher course). Basically, they claim that the BCS system creates "barriers to entry" into the market, and precludes them from the lucrative benefits of playing a bowl game, which include making oodles of money for their program, getting more press coverage, being able to more easily recruit good players, etc. Plaintiffs wanted the BCS to move to a playoff system. As you read this blog entry, know this: I understand precious little about sports. When it comes to football, my knowledge level plummets. Don't believe me? Ask my husband (seriously, he'll vouch for this). I don't even understand the rules of football. I have this vague idea that it is a game of land acquisition. Beyond that, I'm very fuzzy on the details. Additionally, before I received the bench brief for this competition (the packet of info they give the judges that briefs each side of the case), I didn't know what the BCS was. The Pac-10? What in the hell is that? The Sherman Antitrust Act? Now, that one I knew. When I looked over the bench brief, the only question that I could think of was: Who cares? This is football, for crying out loud! Fortunately for me, I was able to muddle through with the most rudimentary knowledge of our nation's favorite sport by relying upon grilling the attorneys over questions about the law (shocking, I know). Actually, though, it was a lot of fun. I felt like I was judging American Idol (which must be why this is my third American Idol-related post this week), only all of the competitors were actually talented. And no, I didn't yell at anyone. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyhairedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2004 12:08:56 PM Totally awesome. (I know an imcomplete sentence, but what can you expect from a guy that speaks 'south arkansas slop-mouth talk"?). So what was the outcome? Did the non-BCSers win? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2004 12:38:26 PM The best part of that for was discussing it and helping you do research and stuff. It reminded of old times. Yes, people, it may sound boring for a couple to discuss legal issues for fun, but then again, we're no ordinary couple. Thanks, Jen for letting me 'help' you. :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2004 03:13:34 PM The interesting thing about these competitions is that one doesn't win on the merits, because you really have no control over the facts of the case (well, in real life you can't exactly make up fact -- unless you're a plaintiff's attorney -- wait, did I say that?, but you can choose your cases in real life, and you can't do that in these competitions). The competitors are judged based more upon their overall style than upon the legal arguments they present. That being said, I liked the style and presentation of the plaintiffs (the non-BCS schools), and my co-justice liked the arguments of the BCS. I have no clue what Tulane did with our split opinion, but that's their problem. :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2004 05:59:59 AM "Game of land acquisition" That made my morning. Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon download EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:39 AM play backgammon is part of the play backgammon network. What that means is, all play backgammon using this particular brand of software share both tables and players, which allows each venue to keep their play backgammon bustling with activity and active tables. play backgammon offers play backgammon players the chance to play the most popular and is easily downloaded within 7-10 minutes, free of charge See for yourself why backgammon game is the real deal. Download our free software to play for real money or "play" money - or just sit in on a backgammon game game! No doubt, the backgammon game on net. many internet casino features and Play and win real money at backgammon game. Really glad I surfed onto your site! I really enjoyed my visit. Will be making frequent stops ! I also think that playing internet backgammon is the key for online success. Nevertheless, I encountered yesterday a great internet backgammon site. Check and see forr yourselves! The best internet backgammon provides quality games and facilities. Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with backgammon games is what I was looking for. I really enjoyed your site! Thanks. Also play at backgammon games - a really good backgammon games! Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with is what I was looking for. I really enjoyed your site! Thanks. Also play at backgammon games - a really good backgammon games! High technology makes world borders fade away. That's a good news for backgammon download now you can easily find an backgammon download with both gambling services and support in one of the languages that you are most comfortable with. Choosing the right backgammon download is a personal matter. For guidance one should look for an that is reputable. Fairness, honesty, and reliability are three key factors along with knowing that the backgammon download is financially stable. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: internette tavla EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:41 AM backgammon site is a very nice looking backgammon site that's new on the block. For those of you familiar with backgammon site - the table interface is similar, with fully animated characters, and a bright, detailed environment. Thankfully, it plays much faster. this site is the best. I swear, you must try and win as I do. Only at backgammon site you can be a winner in a very short time. backgammon site is my site, what about you? Yep - great site. Visit also backgammon club - to play in the best backgammon club info site on the net! backgammon club tournaments are now available. Since the classic is the game for the "high rollers" with the high betting limits, not many people can afford to play it. As for backgammon club you will not always find it at the backgammon club. Hi, you - heard of backgammon clubs? backgammon clubs is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit backgammon clubs, it is probably the best on net! This is - your gateway to exhilarating multi-player backgammon clubs action that's a cut above the rest. tavla is the oldest tavla around, yet it doesn't have as much action these days as it once did in the grand scheme of things. Once bustling with activity, tavla still has it's followers, but there are a lot of empty tables when compared to newer Many features and gambling games, tavla and such. Look at tavla for rules and tips. The only reliable tavla , in my opinion. A great excitement, internette tavla at its best. Anyone for some internette tavla. Come and have fun with me at internette tavla? Here, now, go is just for you. No need for previous experience at internette tavla. internette tavla the leader site. ----- PING: TITLE: Jones URL: IP: BLOG NAME: CrabAppleLane Blog DATE: 02/27/2004 06:16:48 AM A themed linkfest for this Friday. It appears a few of us have the jones for one thing or another. And a nearby BOTD ends the week. Here are a few of my many along with some of the readers here. Ilyka has a thing for barbecue-flavored potato chips (I l... ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/20/2004 03:30:53 PM ----- BODY: 1. What was your last good deed for a stranger? My last "big" good deed for someone who was a stranger to me was the pro bono case I handled at the end of 2003. I only met with my client once before the hearing, so she was basically a stranger! 2. Describe the last relationship that ended badly or with regrets. I dated a guy when I was in college and we broke up as I was headed to law school. The relationship definitely ended badly, but I have no regrets. After we broke up, I started dating and eventually married my husband. 3. Do you love or hate your job? Why? I love my job, actually. It is challenging, entertaining and is different from day to day, so I never get bored. Just when I think I have my cases figured out, I get a surprise and learn something new. I also love my firm and the smart, funny goofballs who work here. 4. What was the strangest place you've lived? The dorm I lived in during my freshman year of college at Rhodes was pretty strange. I lived in a dorm called Williford, that was filled with first year women. It was designed in such a way that there were four rooms (doubles), with two on each side of the hallway, and then a bathroom. If you walked through the bathroom, you could get to the next set of four rooms, and so on. Thus, you had to walk through the bathrooms to get to the rest of the building. Sounds strange, but it was great at promoting a sense of community -- provided that you liked the people in your quad of rooms. 5. What blogs do you occasionally read just because you have no idea why anyone would have any interest in reading them? I barely have time to read the blogs that everyone else reads, much less "fringe blogs". 6. Have you engaged in comment wars before? On your blog or on someone else's? What was the war about? I can't say that I have. 7. Do you ban IP's and commenters? Who and why? No, I don't. This isn't really an issue for me since I don't get a great deal of either traffic or commentary on my blog. 8. What is the first thing you notice about someone when you first meet them? Honestly? Their teeth. I'm serious! I hate my teeth and would love to have them capped (though I haven't saved up the cash for that procedure yet), so I always check out other people's to see if their are enviable. 9. Have you already made up your mind about the next Presidential Election? No, I haven't. I don't plan to vote for Bush, but beyond that, things are still up in the air. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2004 07:24:15 AM Here's a little commentary for you. :) Just don't ban me. hee hee ----- PING: TITLE: personal loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: personal loans DATE: 06/15/2005 04:40:19 AM Please check out some helpful info about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Lundi Gras STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/23/2004 09:53:59 AM ----- BODY: I'm not really in the Mardi Gras spirit this year (something about hanging out in a dirty, stinky street with hundreds of drunk strangers just doesn't appeal right now), but feel obliged to post something Mardi Gras related since today is Lundi Gras, after all. To that end, this article should answer whatever questions you might have about Mardi Gras if you've never been. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyhairedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2004 07:34:58 PM Great article!!! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Quiz-- What Federal Rule of Civil Procedure Are You? STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/23/2004 10:20:07 AM ----- BODY: YOU ARE RULE 11! You were designed to make sure that attorneys in
federal cases make reasonable inquiries into
fact or law before submitting pleadings,
motions, or other papers. You were a real
hardass in 1983, when you snuffed out all legal
creativity from federal proceedings and
embarassed well-meaning but overzealous
attorneys. You loosened up a bit in 1993, when
you began allowing plaintiffs to make
allegations in their complaints that are likely
to have evidenciary support after discovery,
and when you allowed a 21 day period for the
erring attorney to withdraw the errant motion.
Sure, you keep everything running on the up and
up, but it's clear that things would be a lot
more fun without you around.

Which Federal Rule of Civil Procedure Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyhairedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/24/2004 06:33:40 PM I am a rule 8A. I hope that is acceptable. It seems pretty accurate to me. :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2004 09:08:29 AM Your son is Rule 8(a), as well. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2004 10:00:21 AM I'm Rule 20(a), though I'm not sure I agree with it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2004 03:23:50 PM Rule 8(a) RULES! Now we just gotta find Rule 56 to keep us in-check. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyhairedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2004 06:03:52 PM Rule 8a! Rule 8a! Rule 8a! What do you Say, Hey whst do you say! We rule the day! We rule the day! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2004 09:07:53 PM Now that's just silly. But since I'm also RULE 8(a), otherwise known as *a, I'd have to agree! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/25/2004 09:09:31 PM Now that's just silly. But since I'm also RULE 8(a), otherwise known as *a, I'd have to agree! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: free backgammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:13 AM I also think that playing backgammon enligne is the key for online success. Nevertheless, I encountered yesterday a great backgammon enligne site. Check and see forr yourselves! The best backgammon enligne provides quality games and facilities. So step right in – the world of awaits you. In case you are a newcomer to backgammon enligne feel free to browse our extensive blackjack rules, which apply to the game itself, and not just to the backgammon enligne version. High technology makes world borders fade away. That's a good news for backgammon en ligne now you can easily find an backgammon en ligne with both gambling services and support in one of the languages that you are most comfortable with. backgammon en ligne is one of the leading on the Internet. World Wide Web, making us the leading backgammon en ligne. Visit backgammon rules and play the game! The advantages of betting in an backgammon rules site are far better and more attractive than visiting a regular poker or casino. You can look for backgammon rules there! Many great games, where to bet at Look at our backgammon rules site. Win real money at backgammon rules. backgammon rule is one of the leading backgammon rule on the Internet. World Wide Web, making us the leading backgammon rule. Here, now, go is just for you. No need for previous experience at backgammon rule. backgammon rule the leader site. free backgammon is your ultimate source for gambling online! free backgammon that are completely insured and legally licensed, and offer a high quality free backgammon playing environment and the most secure payment system on the net. The biggest prizes and jackpots I have ever seen with I also saw nice jackpots at free backgammon. I really enjoyed reading an article on the birth of free backgammon. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: best backgammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:13 AM Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with electronic backgammon is what I was looking for. Here it comes electronic backgammon betting, and gambling. Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with electronic backgammon is what I was looking for. I really enjoyed your site! Thanks. Also play at - a really good electronic backgammon! backgammon strategy is among the top 10 backgammon strategy casinos available today. I also said that backgammon strategy is my recommended URL for online casino. Believe it with your own eyes - is here and now! It is, indeed, a great backgammon strategy site!!! i have seen the best site there is: backgammon tips. However I had enjoyful playing at backgammon tips as well. Play more, gain more, backgammon tips never no more. with others from around the world. Look at backgammon tips for rules and tips. backgammon tips - made for winners. Enjoy it! Yep - I have seen other backgammon set sites - and nothing can compare this backgammon set site. Nothing really compares the full version of backgammon set - the best I have ever seen on the net. is another backgammon set that's been around for a long time and has a good player following. In addition to backgammon set they offer some casino games on the side; including blackjack, slots, let it ride and backgammon set. best backgammon with others from around the world. Look at best backgammon for rules and tips. best backgammon - made for winners. Enjoy it! Only at you can find the best. I think that best backgammon should be played more. best backgammon offers that, along with many more internet casino games. Why wait? ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Doonesbury STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/26/2004 10:54:42 AM ----- BODY: I wish I had served with George W. Bush in the National Guard. I could use $10,000. I love Donnesbury. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/26/2004 10:59:18 AM ----- BODY: This has all the makings of a Robert Ludlum novel. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2004 04:32:20 PM Exciting but nothing on the level with "Pillow and Kitty"....Wow now that is a story of intrigue and suspense... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Quack! EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/27/2004 11:46:37 AM CHENEY/BUSH in '04! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: The female sex drive STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/28/2004 12:41:55 PM ----- BODY: Can't figure out why your girlfriend doesn't want to have sex? Apparently, neither can Pfizer. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Chewie EMAIL: ah@ha.aha IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2004 12:58:58 PM LOL - that comment is too funny. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Weekend STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/01/2004 08:57:26 AM ----- BODY: I had a nice, relaxing weekend (which is now over, for those of you keeping score). Friday night I hung out at home, and Saturday night I went to Harrah's for some dinner and gambling with friends. I actually ended up ahead by the end of the evening -- quite a feat for me. Last night I had dinner and wine with a girl friend and came home and collapsed into bed. The wine must've put me into a coma because when Maggie brought her rawhide bone into bed and chewed on it loudly enough to wake the dead, I didn't even notice. I'm such a nice mom. And since I know everyone is dying to find out what book I'm reading now, I'll end the suspense. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Daddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2004 07:00:26 AM How I do love good night sleep after a bottle of wine. Robyn and I treasure those nights, except she always ends up with a 20lb cat standing on her meowing as loud as possible because we forgot to feed them :( ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Basketball I Might Watch STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/02/2004 09:33:16 PM ----- BODY: Generally, I don't watch sports. Okay, I never watch sports. Happy? (we're having true confessions today at kittysays). However, I saw this article on ESPN (don't ask me why I'm reading if I don't watch sports -- focus, people) and watching a basketball game that takes place on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier would be cool. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2004 01:25:04 PM What a neat idea, but I sure would not want to be the ball retreiver when it goes "out of bounds", like off the fan deck. ----- PING: TITLE: loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: loans DATE: 06/15/2005 03:44:26 AM Please check out the pages about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Senior Moments STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/04/2004 09:40:53 PM ----- BODY: This story is too bizarre -- and too funny -- to go without mention. For the next fight that breaks out at the senior citizen's salad bar, I'm putting $50 on the 92 year old. WINTER HAVEN, Fla. - A dispute at the salad bar turned into a food fracas at an upscale retirement home, with a man taking a bite out of another's arm and other residents suffering minor injuries. Police said resident Lee Thoss, 62, of the Spring Haven Retirement Community was picking through the lettuce, which disgusted 86-year-old William Hocker, who was standing in line behind him. Hocker told Thoss no one wanted to eat food he had been playing with. Thoss yelled and cursed at him, Hocker told police, and Hocker called him a nasty name. Then, witnesses said, Thoss then began punching Hocker in the face. In the buffet melee that followed, Allen Croft, 79, tried to grab Thoss, who bit him on the arm, reports said. Thoss' mother, Arlene, in her 80s and also a Spring Haven resident, jumped in to break up the fight and ended up with a cut arm. Harry Griffin, 92, was standing at the salad bar and cut his head when he was knocked to the ground. "All the old folks were either getting up to help or trying to get out of there," police spokesman J.J. Stanton said of the scene last Sunday in the well-appointed dining room, which features an ice cream bar and a pastry chef. Arlene Thoss, Croft and Griffin were treated at a local hospital and released. Stanton said all involved declined to press charges, but home administrators have asked Lee Thoss to move out. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Helen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2004 03:29:12 AM The Salad Bar-aka the recruiting arena for the worldwide wrestling federation... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RokynRobyn EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2004 01:09:25 PM I heard that on NPR this morning and actually laughed out loud to myself. And they say they were a kinder, gentler generation. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyhairedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/07/2004 08:12:41 PM We (oops, I mean they) are a kinder and gentler generation, it's just the wilted lettuce and over-ripe tomatoes that make us (double oops, ahem, them) go postal at the S-bar. Now where are those scouts from the WWF...... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mike EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2004 06:41:59 AM I love your site ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Mike EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2004 08:58:26 AM I love your site ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jane EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2004 11:53:11 AM Nice thread. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jerry EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2004 02:22:55 PM Nice topic. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Google EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/18/2004 12:29:04 PM SAN FELIPE RETALHULEU/> Con la llegada de los parques del Irtra lo malo es que en ese sitio no hay ni hospedajes ni restaurantes ni servicios para el turismo. Search Google ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/05/2004 05:10:34 PM ----- BODY: 1. Where do you do your best thinking? I'm not sure, but I do know it isn't at the office. 2. What was the last thing you gave away? A pair of dress shoes I bought over the internet that didn't fit me. 3. What generation do you most identify with? What generation interests you the most? I most identify with the generation I grew up with -- those of us who grew up in the 80's watching MTV. The generation that interests me the most is my grandparents' generation, because it seems different from my own. 4. What was your favorite pet growing up? We had a dog when I was very young and the dog was named Baby. She was a Hungarian Viesla and had previously been a police dog. She was so patient with me and protective of me. I used to climb up on her back and try to ride her like a horse, which she tolerated much longer than she should have. 5. What keeps you up at night? Work, stress, worry, upset stomachs. 6. What do you love about your significant other? Everything. Absolutely everything. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/05/2004 08:52:08 PM favorite. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Bada Bing STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/06/2004 12:37:40 PM ----- BODY: I love The Sopranos. Yes, I know the last season wasn't quite as good as prior seasons. I still think it is the best show television currently has to offer. The show's greatest strength lies in its nuances. Tony Soprano runs an organization that extorts money from people, runs gambling rings and kills people who get in their way. And he comes off as being one of the most sympathetic characters on the show. The show consistently refuses to give easy answers to complicated problems and still manages to be entertaining. The complexity of the show is evidenced by the fact that actually has a panel of psychiatrists who analyze each show the week after it airs. Their entries are interesting, but sometimes a mobster is just a mobster, as they say. Simply stated, don't call me tomorrow night. I have a date with a mobster. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyhairedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/06/2004 01:13:04 PM I totally agree with your review. This is the only DVD TV series set that I would buy. Good luck on your date....I see the rumors now about the lawyer and the mobster.:) ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Toxic Avengers STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/09/2004 01:14:47 PM ----- BODY: When I was growing up in Dallas, I used to make the rounds with my mom at Christmas time to see the lights on the houses. It is impossible to do anything with my mother without having her give a running commentary of events, so it comes as no surprise that we ended up in a discussion of each house as we passed it, as well as a recap of each street as we turned the corner. There was one house that had decorations I just didn't get. The house was perfectly nice, located in an upscale neighborhood. In the front yard, the homeowners placed a manger scene, complete with the baby Jesus in a wooden crib, watched over by parental units, all underneath a thatched canopy. Nearby stood the three wise men, an assortment of animals (not bad for North Dallas) and Santa Claus. That's right, Santa Claus. Whenever we would pass the offending house, my mother would go on a tirade about how wrong the decorations were and how sacreligious they were. All I could think was, "Way to miss the point." That's how I feel when I see this website. Regular readers of my blog (yes, both of you) probably don't frequent law firm websites, but I've seen a few over the years. This one is, by far, the funniest. Folks, law firm websites aren't supposed to be funny. What's more, it isn't clear from this website whether its creators intended for it to be humorous (though I have a hunch they didn't). Once I get past the initial image of the teenage-type-person who appears to have an extra chromosome, I am struck by the irony of this site. The site's "theme" (if I may, and I think I will) seems to be to keep it simple. Not a bad idea. Too bad their website doesn't follow that advice. After inundating you with photos of people who either look like specimens from the bottom of the gene pool or who look like they've sat on something vaguely squishy, you're treated to their litigation philosophy -- summed up in a page so long you have to scroll down to read the drivel -- that goes on (and on) about how wonderful it is that they're able to take incredibly complex concepts and dumb them down so they'll be so simple, even a juror could understand them! If I were looking for a law firm to defend my large, corporate entity in say, toxic tort litigation, this website might not be ringing my bell. Here's why: There are, without a doubt, some issues in toxic tort litigation that are complicated. Do these cases require lawyers to split atoms? Well, not exactly. To assume that you, or your law firm, is one of the only entities capable of understanding and parsing such issues as (1) duty, (2) breach, (3) causation and (4) damages is somewhat misleading. I just get the feeling when I read this website that the firm is looking out at its public, wearing a satisfied grin and saying, "Don't worry about those arcane, convoluted, downright confusing lawsuits that plague you so! Our firm has a team of supermen who will whip on their Toxic Avenger capes and save the day with our dry erase boards and sharpie markers! We'll make those stupid, stupid jurors understand even the trickiest arguments -- Don't worry, you can pay us later." ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2004 03:46:26 PM My first thought was to be offended they would have such a low disdain for jurors (yes I realize we are not all from the same gene pool, thank god) especially since I and most of my friends are potential jurors on any given day. But then I got over it to see the unintential humor of the site. {"pay me and I can talk down to any level"} ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RokynRobyn EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2004 11:12:21 AM I am an editor at a publishing firm, which publishes legal treatises. One of our authors is a partner for Morrison and Foerster. We always giggle when we get his electronic manuscript from We think that is an ironic name for a attorney Web site. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Dr. Laura Redux STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/10/2004 09:46:18 AM ----- BODY: For those of you who are as irritated by Dr. Laura as I am, I thought you'd appreciate the follow missive which can be found on The link was sent to me by a friend with an excellent eye. Enjoy: Dear Dr. Laura, Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and I try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind him that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the specific laws and how to best follow them. a) When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord (Lev 1:9). The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them? b) I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her? c) I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev 15:19-24). The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense. d) Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians? e) I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself? f) A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an Abomination (Lev 11:10), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? g) Lev 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here? h) Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev 19:27. How should they die? i) I know from Lev 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves? j) My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? (Lev 24:10-16) Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14) I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging. Your devoted disciple and adoring fan. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2004 03:53:13 PM If I were not so busy LMAO, falling on the floor, wiping tears from side splitting laughter from eyes and cheeks, and trying to keep myself from creating a urine stain in my pants, I would offer some relevant comments...suffice to say "what a great post"!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RokynRobyn EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2004 11:01:06 AM A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans... LMAO! I also love, "Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?" That is so hilarious! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vauda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2004 11:49:51 AM That's filarious! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Casey EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/12/2004 06:08:10 PM Oh my ....can't stop laughing....must breath ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: magik EMAIL: IP: URL: http://yeeh... DATE: 03/14/2004 10:59:50 AM i might read her new book.... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2004 04:04:35 PM mwahahahahaha ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Chedda' STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/12/2004 07:05:00 PM ----- BODY: 1. What's your favorite form of corporate or governmental irony? Microsoft always strives to simplify their software so anyone can understand and use it. This is the same company that expects you to shut down your computer by clicking a button labeled "Start". 2. What are your favorite acronyms? I can't say that I have any. 3. Do you have personal acronyms? What are they? Again, nope. 4. Where do you shop online? Mostly and lately at 5. What do you buy online? At Amazon I buy books, music and workout DVD's. At Reflect I buy makeup. 6. What would you do if you were falsely accused of shoplifting? I would get some of my friends at the firm to represent me, file a lawsuit against the company that falsely accused me and make them miserable until they dropped the charges. 7. What's your take on Feng Shui? Hooey or truey? Hooey. Your success, happiness and financial well-being are all dependent on where you place the fern in your office? Whatever. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/13/2004 02:29:44 PM You are so right about Mircosoft. I finally solved the problem (all by myself without spending the $29.95 for tech help) with Norton and XP. Seems XP decided to make my Norton 2004 for XP (key word her is "for XP") compatible with Windows 95 and 98, which neither are my operating systems..did I mention I was running XP...duh I though I did. ----- PING: TITLE: loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: loans DATE: 06/15/2005 04:22:26 AM Please visit the sites dedicated to loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: *cough* STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/15/2004 04:15:17 PM ----- BODY: I am sick. For the record, I don't get sick often. But when I do, I go all out. I was starting to feel sick this weekend, but I presumed it was just seasonal allergies (since it is in the 70's here). After I took two Benadryl caplets during the day and didn't even feel the slightest bit sleepy, that was a clue. I felt a bit better this morning, so I dragged myself into work. By 10:00 a.m., I felt as if a truck had hit me in the face, backed up and hit me again. I scooped up some work to take home and went straight to my doctor's office (handily located just around the corner from my office). His diagnosis? Bronchitis with a sinus infection and two ear infections. Ick. I am now heavily medicated and lying on the couch watching daytime television. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/15/2004 07:26:33 PM Hope you are feeling better. There is a bad stomach virus going on around here, so far I have been lucky. Here's a big hug coming your way. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sherron EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/15/2004 07:46:55 PM ugh-a-bug! No fun! You've got to get well! Someone special is coming home soon! Wish I were close enough to bring some chicken soup over. Take care - Love, Sherron ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Daddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2004 07:08:52 AM Ouch... I don't know what's worse, sick or daytime television :( My cure all for sickness, Nyquil baby! A couple of swigs of that and I'm all good. ----- PING: TITLE: payday advance URL: IP: BLOG NAME: payday advance DATE: 06/15/2005 03:53:46 AM You may find it interesting to check some helpful info in the field of loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: On the Mend STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/16/2004 01:13:19 PM ----- BODY: Thanks to staying home from work and sleeping in, as well as the effects of Amoxicillin, I am definitely starting to feel better. My wonderful somewhat-former boss has been taking care of me. Last night she made a trip to Whole Foods Market on my behalf and brought me a shopping bag filled with homemade chicken noodle soup, a box of Celestial Seasonings Red Zinger tea bags, a carton of orange-pineapple juice, a leek and brie cheese quiche, some oranges and a pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. I'm set! And yes, daytime television sucks. Thank goodness for DVD players! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2004 02:12:10 PM Glad to hear you are better. Agree with you about daytime tv, but also I don't watch network tv at all (except for sports events). I have over 20 different movie channels -- from classics to new releases -- now that is what I am talking about. Still sending those hugs to keep away a relapse. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/16/2004 04:06:41 PM baaaamn ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Windows Xp net meeting EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:40:02 AM Windows Xp hotfix Windows Xp net meeting ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Office Xp easter eggs EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:53:04 AM Office Xp change key office product xp Office Xp easter eggs ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Windows Xp Professional EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:21:52 AM Windows Xp Professional Windows Xp Professional ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Windows Xp EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 06:49:56 AM Windows Xp Windows Xp ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Brand New Day STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/19/2004 09:39:59 AM ----- BODY: I must be feeling better because it isn't even 10:00 a.m. and I've already partially chewed someone out. My husband has made it safely to Kuwait, but is in despair because he has very limited internet access and he purchased more minutes for his satellite phone on Tuesday but they haven't reached his account yet. My first phone call this morning was to the satellite phone store to see what's up with his minutes and why this is taking so long. I am generally a very patient, laid-back person, but you really don't want to be around me when I'm upset about something. He should have more minutes in two hours. Aside from avenging the grievous injustices which have been visited upon my husband by the evil sat phone store, I've been trying to get caught up at work post-illness and am preparing for a trip to Charleston, SC on Monday for a deposition. Air travel here I come! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2004 11:15:06 AM Glad to see you are better. Thanks for keeping us informed on Justin. (...sending big evil eye to Sat people...) Air will be fine!!! Have fun. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/19/2004 04:47:35 PM uh oh.. airtravel! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/25/2004 08:31:23 AM ----- BODY: 1. What would you want written on your epitaph? She just got tired. 2. What do you collect and why? I collect cd's and books. I have so many books that they have bowed in the bookshelves in the living room. Even if I don't read them again, I can't bring myself to part with them. 3. What's the dumbest legal action you know of? Alienation of affection. If your relationship doesn't work out, get over it. There are far more creative ways to get revenge on your ex than this stupid cause of action. 4. What single decision in your life do you wish you could change? I can't think of one specific instance that I would change, but the only thing I think I'd change is I wish I'd stood up for myself and for others when I (and they) got picked on growing up. 5. Some people resemble their dogs, do you know anyone that resembles their name? When I was in college, I knew a guy who had the unfortunate name of Les Johnson (I'm not kidding). I never had the oppotunity to find out if he resembled his name or not. 6. What's your favourite / most used unit of time? I don't know what my favorite is, but my least favorite is 6 minutes -- we bill our time at work in six minute increments (i.e. 0.1=6 minutes, 0.2= 12 minutes, etc.) Once you start doing this at work, you begin inadvertantly breaking down the rest of your life in six minute increments, as well. 7. What's the best internet time device you've seen so far? I know of some great internet time wasting devices..... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2004 08:34:33 AM glad to be back? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2004 09:54:48 AM I'm glad you're back. Though I have been more productive at work. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2004 09:56:57 AM It is very good to be back. I was going into blogging withdrawal. I thought I was going to have to start another blog on blogspot just to deal with the down time! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2004 03:59:10 PM I've gone into "bloglessness" since you, Justin, and PY have been on down time. Glad to have you and PY back on the net, now waiting (impatiently) for Justin to get back on line. Sending love and hugs to both Jenny and Jennifer. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: heather EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/28/2004 05:17:31 PM In reference to question 5: Scotty knew someone named Harry Ball. Poor guy! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon tournaments EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:59:15 AM Hi, you - heard of download backgammon? download backgammon is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit download backgammon, it is probably the best on net! Also, I recommend on reading the articles on, which deal with the evolution of download backgammon on the net. A great excitement, download backgammon at its best. Look at on line backgammon, Casino Online for rules and tips. Thanks, pal. I also saw a nice site dealing with on line backgammon issues. As the process of playign more and more on line backgammon strengthens - we can see more and more Casino Online sites. Many games, great variety. A new on line backgammon tournament - choose it or loose it. Great winning chances at on line backgammon. backgammon on line was one of the first backgammon on line to open shop, and enjoys a large market share of backgammon on line players because of their early entry into the market and good gaming experience offered. shows you where to play backgammon on line. Find out where to play backgammon on line at our site . Also, I recommend on reading the articles on backgammon tournament, which deal with the evolution of backgammon tournament on the net. Here it comes backgammon tournament pleasure gaming, betting, and gambling. is, indeed, the site I spoke on. Play more, gain more, backgammon tournament never no more. Visit the backgammon tournament site!!! backgammon tournaments is among the top 10 backgammon tournaments casinos available today. this site is the best. I swear, you must try backgammon tournaments and win as I do. Only at you can be a winner in a very short time. backgammon tournaments is my site, what about you? ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Fatigue STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/25/2004 12:23:46 PM ----- BODY: Phobias are tiring. And I say this as someone who knows. Someone who has been there. Someone who just drove to Charleston, South Carolina and back, all to attend a 1.5 hour deposition. Trust me, I'm tired. I keep thinking back over the past couple of days and wondering when it's going to happen -- when I get to be normal. I am so ready, and have been so ready, to overcome this crazy fear of flying, and yet confidence eludes me. Every time I start to make some headway in this one area of my life, I freeze up and revert to the same things I've always felt and done. I was okay until Sunday night. I was scheduled to fly out Monday afternoon. Normally, I am a sound sleeper. I fall asleep fairly quickly and sleep like a rock through the night. When I was still awake at 1:30 a.m., I knew that it was going to be a long week. I closed my eyes and tried to drift into sleep, but my eyelids just fluttered rapidly, desperately trying to avoid slumber, and my mind kept going over and over thoughts about my impending flight. Monday morning the sky was as clear as it has been in ages, a cloudless azure blue, perfect for flying. And when I was at work, sitting at my desk, pounding away on my laptop and trying to get some work done, I felt so alone. The ironic part, of course, is that I normally like being alone. I enjoy it. But this was different. As I've done so many times before, I canceled my plane reservation and reserved a rental car. I figured if I was going to put 1600 miles on a car, better it be someone else's car. I printed up driving directions to Charleston, loaded up the rental car and sped away onto the Interstate. It was about an hour later when I realized that the car I had rented lacked cruise control. The deposition was the easiest part of the whole trip. I met the doctor, who is incredibly kind, smart and funny, and defended him at his deposition with ease. I'm really good at what I do, it's just getting there that is the problem. Shouldn't the deposition have been the hard part of the trip? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/25/2004 03:51:34 PM So glad you are back safely. Don't fret over the flying thing, while it is faster you do miss all the beauty of our country. Several years ago when I was traveling all over the country, my most enjoyable trips were driving not flying. I still have the memories of rural america, in every sector of our land, that no one can take away. I would have missed it all had I flown and this is coming from a former pilot that loves to fly. The other person's lawyer, regardless of driving or flying, did not stand a chance against you. You are the ACE of lawyers in my book. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sherron EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/28/2004 09:20:51 AM Greyheadedstranger is right about missing out when you fly. I've flown into St Louis at least 20 times on business and as it's a day trip there and back from Little Rock have never taken the opportunity to experience St Louis. Chicago? - the same thing. After traveling to New York and taken the time to be a tourist at the same time, I made myself a promise to take an extra day wherever I go to just be a tourist instead of a worker bee. Funny thing, after that promise to myself - I find myself not traveling anymore! Such is life - - - Have you ever considered booking a flight once a month - you and Justin - and flying over the weekend on short hops/special deals that come up on promotions offered by hotels/airlines etc? Maybe if you could do that say 6 months in a row, the exposure to flying regularly would diminish some of the anxiety you're experiencing. Know that'll sound especially gruesome to you, but think of it like going to the dentist. You dread it, but soon it's all over and all you'll need is a 6 month cleaning. Just a thought - know how special you are with and in spite of the phobia. - Sherron ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Puppets EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2004 09:34:50 PM Shoulder Bag, Purse, Carry-On, Bag, Tote, Knitting Bag ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Soap STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/25/2004 09:18:22 PM ----- BODY: As anyone who really knows me can attest, one of my all-time favorite t.v. shows was Soap. I absolutely loved this show, so much so that I bought season one on DVD. Oh come on, you remember this show. It was the sitcom that made fun of soap operas (hence the name -- tricky, I know) and had an all-star cast. It starred Robert Guillame (of Benson fame), Katherine Helmond (of Who's the Boss fame), Richard Mulligan and Billy Crystal (who played a hilarious gay guy, probably one of the first on network television). The show was irreverent, witty, silly and a lot of fun. So why this post? Because I've just learned that they're releasing season two on DVD in July! Wahoo! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/29/2004 10:10:14 AM Soap is probably my all-time favorite series. It ran out of gas the last season but each season prior to that was extremely funny. I will search for those DVD's, myself. Thanks for the heads up. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/29/2004 12:38:16 PM My aunt used to tease me sister Jessica that she was named after "the crazy lady on Soap." ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: The Oxford Experience STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/26/2004 01:02:02 PM ----- BODY: This whole idea of an adult summer camp sounds like fun to me. The food sounds less than appetizing, but I've always loved living in dorms and enjoying collegiate life. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/28/2004 09:05:17 PM Sounds great, babe! Sign us up. :) ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: People With Too Much Time On Their Hands STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/29/2004 12:29:09 PM ----- BODY: This article is so New Orleans. First of all, only in New Orleans would someone own a cafe, a bar, a voodoo museum and voodoo temple. Secondly, only in New Orleans would you have a doctorate in mythology and depth psychology (I don't even know what that is). Apparently, this woman picked up some web design skills along the way, since she has two websites about voodoo (naturally), one of which states that, "Vodun spirituality is concerned with the development of the internal aspect of the self in preparation for evolution" (I don't know what that means, either). The kicker, of course, is that it took a court in California of all places to determine that this woman didn't have enough assets to pay her creditors. With such a lucrative business plan of running a cafe, bar, voodoo museum and temple, one would've expected her to be flush with cash. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/29/2004 09:24:54 PM So let me get this right, if my contract does not get extended in August, all I have to do to get along is to open a web site asking for donations to a West African religion (and if one should not want to contribute, I place a curse on them) and then file for bankruptcy. And in the spare time I get some fancy degrees (on-line of course) and write a couple of books. Yea, now I have a plan for retirement. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X Word Association STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/02/2004 09:26:51 AM ----- BODY: Mel Gibson - greedy Pot belly - pig Pork - fat New York Yankees - huh? March Madness - basketball Iraq - war Google - search April Fool's Day - ha! Sweet - candy Career - work Economy - bad Forest - trees Jessica Simpson - stupid Enzyte Smiley Guy - who? Opening Day - games Motorcycle - wheels Highway Patrol - sunglasses Meth lab - powder Medicinal Marijuana - good Fat America - typical Fast food - fat Coffee - awake Commercial flight - scary! Patriotism - Sam Treason - awful Sedition - nope Final Solution - reprehensible ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: I Was Wearing Those STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/02/2004 09:43:08 AM ----- BODY: I know, I know, I haven't been posting too much lately. I've been crazy busy this week. I had a very important client in town earlier this week for a mediation in a huge case. We settled the case (wahoo!) and took the client out for dinner Wednesday night. We decided to take her to a fun place on the lakefront, since the weather has been so nice. We did not realize that the place we took her to was having biker night that evening (I'm serious). In a hilarious turn of events, the few bikers who did show up were aging fat guys who only wore bandanas to hide their bald spots. Not much else to report. I'm pretty boring these days, since my life consists almost solely of work. Now that I've mediated one of my biggest cases, I'm preparing for a trial that starts April 19. The only other activity I have planned for the near future is to go shoe shopping this weekend. When my mom was in town last weekend, she made me go through my closet and clean out my clothes and shoes I don't wear any more, and she carted off with the items from my discard pile so my aunt could sell them in a garage sale. Unfortunately, it seems that she absconded with my favorite pair of black Italian leather heels I wear to work every other day. Oops. I see shoe shopping in my future. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2004 10:05:30 AM women and shoes... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sherron EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/02/2004 07:11:58 PM Buy one in every color! Nothing's more satisfying than a new pair of shoes, unless it's five new pairs of shoes! You go girl! - Sherron ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/04/2004 10:04:49 PM Never did understand the "shoe" thing as a source of soothing frustration in women, but then I have not been very successful in understanding women either. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Daddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/05/2004 09:00:27 AM I never understood the shoe thing, but if it's anything like my cigar shopping habit then I can definately relate :) ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Joyce STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/05/2004 08:58:17 AM ----- BODY: Apparently, a letter from James Joyce asking a publisher to publish Dubliners is going up for auction. The letter is expected to fetch $54,880. I would only pay that much if the letter makes more sense than the book. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Bits and Pieces STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/07/2004 05:06:45 PM ----- BODY: This is the first mention I've ever seen of a Fruit Fly Fight Club. And if you need a new way to spend money, check out the new Hello Kitty "reloadable shopping card". ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Father Time STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/07/2004 09:15:15 PM ----- BODY: I'm one of those obnoxiously punctual people. Actually, punctual isn't the word for it: I'm downright early. I started out my life on planet Earth as a preemie (ask my mother -- please, because I'm tired of listening to the stories) and haven't been late since. I carry around novels and crossword puzzle books in my purse, not because I enjoy looking like a bag lady, but to give me something to do when I'm early for whatever event I'm attending. This penchant for punctuality has served me well in my adult life. As a lawyer, if you're late for court, some judges will humiliate you in front of your peers, some will refuse to hear your arguments on your motions before the court, and some will sanction you. I have also been through more than a few depositions that only lasted ten minutes. Upon my exit from the depositions, I would run into people who were twenty minutes late -- and missed the entire deposition. So it was with some interest that I read a short article in this week's issue of the New Yorker about how punctuality was such a problem in Ecuador that the Ecuadorans started a punctuality compaign. They determined that their country's lateness was costing them on average $2.5 billion a year. One of the points made in the article (which I would link to, if I could find a copy of it on the 'net -- The New Yorker obviously doesn't have it, since they want people to buy their magazine rather than reading it for free online) was that lateness was interwoven with issues of class. The article notes, "Lateness can be a way for the rich and powerful to assert themselves, to show how much more valuable their time is." That really gets at the crux of my biggest problem with people who are chronically late. I understand that I am the one who makes the conscious decision to be obsessively early all the time, but people who are always late are, in my view, narcissistic. Simply assuming that they are so important that everyone else will happily wait for them to deign to grace everyone with their presence just galls me. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Holy Wars STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/09/2004 06:40:25 PM ----- BODY: Today started off on a normal foot. I went to the office (yes, I know today is Good Friday, but I had to depose a doctor in one of my cases and the doctor moved out of state at the end of 2003. He was in town for Easter weekend, and was agreeable to being deposed then. I figure that if God is going to strike me dead for working on Good Friday, he'll have to do it at the local Catholic Church, since that's where I will have spent at least 15 hours this weekend). Now, where was I? Oh yes, at the office. Where all good stories start. The deposition began smoothly enough, and I was taking the lead (asking most of the questions), which I always enjoy (it keeps me from falling asleep). Unfortunately, one of my least favorite lawyers was in attendance at this deposition. She is a very nice woman who has practiced law longer than I, but she has this really annoying habit of acting like a 12 year old all the time. I think that she truly believes that giggling incessantly, passing notes during depositions, making crazy hand gestures and generally being disruptive are cute, girly things to do. All of these things just make me want to take my shoe off and slap her in the head with it. Apparently, I'm not alone in this feeling. One and a half hours into the deposition (mercifully near the end), the doctor stopped in the middle of his answer and said, "I'm sorry but I just have to say something. If you people want to act up and cut up and be disrespectful, then you need to do it outside. I can't believe the way you're treating me, and I would never treat anyone like this. I need to go outside and regain my composure." And he left the conference room. At this point, there was stunned silence. We took a ten minute break and the doctor came back into the room and continued answering questions, but was much calmer. Happily, the disruptive woman calmed down and was fairly quiet throughout the remainder of the deposition. I was really starting to like this guy. He had actually quieted down one of the more annoying members of my ilk (lawyers) and had maintained his civility in the process. Cool. Then, the plaintiff's attorney started asking him questions. This particular doctor had treated the plaintiff for mesothelioma -- cancer of the lining of the lung. The attorney for the (now deceased) plaintiff asked the doctor to describe what the plaintiff had likely suffered while he endured his illness. The doctor described the plaintiff's suffering as being like what Christ endured before he was crucified on the cross, only it lasted much longer. The doctor then began crying -- sobbing in fact -- and we had to end the deposition because he was so upset. I was at this point so confused I no longer knew what to think. Once cool doctor, who silences noisy lawyer invokes name of religious figure and begins weeping during deposition. Folks, that's just weird. After the deposition was all over, he regained his composure (again) enough to tell some of us who stuck around that he plans to write a nasty letter to the offending lawyer's law firm, as well as to the state bar association, describing her conduct. I wonder if he'll compare her to Judas? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/10/2004 10:42:06 PM I have a co-worker that finds it hard to not being a stand-up or sit-down comic at every meeting, briefing, or just group BS. It is very iratating to us and even hints will not shut him up. Maybe you could send the doctor over. huh. Happy Easter!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: ViVa LaFrance EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/14/2004 12:37:55 PM Hum, that is a bit strange. He must have just seen that movie Passion of Christ or something like that .... Go figure. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/10/2004 02:38:59 PM ----- BODY: 1. When was the last time you caught yourself before doing something really stupid? What was it? Sadly, I rarely catch myself before doing something stupid. I usually end up kicking myself after I've done it and then wondering why I haven't learned better judgment in my thirty years on planet Earth. 2. What was your last nightmare about? I don't really remember, actually. Whenever I have a dream whether good or bad, if I don't tell someone about it or write it down the day after I'm likely to forget it. 3. How do you entertain yourself in traffic? I check email on my T-Mobile Sidekick, sing along with the radio and daydream. 4. Who inspires you? My boss (the one who left the firm but who is still of counsel), my husband, certain friends of mine (they shall remain nameless -- I don't want to start any wars here), my shrink. 5. What trait in the opposite sex makes you wonder most? Men who constantly complain that they don't understand women but who never make any attempt to get to know women or figure out what makes them tick. 6. Which of the seven deadly sins is the worst? Why? Envy. It is very powerful and can lead to no good end. 7. Do you blog on the weekends much or at all? I'm blogging right now, on a Saturday afternoon. I blog whenever I have time and have something to say. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2004 01:35:22 PM About #5: well it's true but there are way more women who do not understand men and only get with douchebags/b-holes.... the only thing i do not understand about women is why looks, it's not everything. Would one rather be treated like a hoe but be with a good looking guy or shall one want to be with a gentlemen with ok looks? Women these days.... thanks media for F'n things up for overweight asians... ;) ----- PING: TITLE: refinance URL: IP: BLOG NAME: refinance DATE: 06/15/2005 03:48:16 AM You can also check out some relevant pages about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Wish You Were Here STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/14/2004 01:21:30 PM ----- BODY: This is a quickie post from scenic Killeen, Texas. My wonderful husband Archi-Sapper flew in yesterday to Fort Hood! I'm so pleased that he made it home safely from Iraq and am keeping my fingers crossed that he won't have to return. As for me, I'm preparing for a trial that starts Monday while he's on post getting de-briefed. Yes, my life is glamorous.... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2004 03:20:02 PM I wish I was there, too. Have fun, and I'll see you soon:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CSC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2004 02:19:26 PM Welcome home! I was fretting when I heard Rumsfeld was extending some Army reservists. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: XM Satellite Radio STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/16/2004 08:37:49 AM ----- BODY: While in Killeen, I bought myself a toy (not that kind of toy, get your minds out of the gutter, folks). I purchased a unit for my car that gives me access to XM Satellite Radio -- 24 hour, commercial free, coast-to-coast, non-Clear Channel Communications dictated music, comedy, news and sports. I listened to it for 10 hours yesterday on the drive home. After listening to "The Real World: True Hollywood Story" for two hours on the E! channel, I'm concerned that my brain will atrophy. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2004 09:14:28 AM XM Radio is really a great thing to have especially when traveling. I would like to get one day.... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2004 10:11:31 AM As long as it's not Dateline:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2004 11:35:01 AM The local radio stations are very concerned about it. They're running anti-XM Radio ads. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2004 02:07:24 PM Rob -- I heard that the local stations were running those ads but haven't listened to local radio enough to hear them. I can see why they're worried -- XM Radio rocks! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: CSC EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2004 02:18:40 PM How's Air America, the O'Franken Factor? Haven't listened since the day it signed on. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/16/2004 02:34:55 PM I haven't listened to the O'Franken Factor yet, either, but I want to because he's so funny! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: ViVa LaFrance EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2004 05:02:26 PM The local stations should be fucking scared. I am so sick and tired of them that I never listen to them at all except for NPR, which XM Radio also has a version of. It is only a matter of time before I switch to XM for my car. The only good thing about this would be that it might force the local stations to become local again. Reporting on local events, something that XM cannot do. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2004 08:49:09 PM I have sirius radio.. same thing pretty much. i love it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2004 01:20:16 PM I thought you might have left it my truck.(big smile). Yep, got to get me one of those new fang dangle things now that I got your review. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: internette tavla EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:22 AM backgammon site shows you where to play backgammon site. Find out where to play backgammon site at our site . presents all the tips and game strategy you will need to play backgammon site one of the funniest and most interesting games.The most used methods to play backgammon site. you probbably know now that backgammon club is one of the largest backgammon club on the internet. Hi, you - heard of backgammon club? is just the right thing for you. So come and visit our backgammon club site! Also, I recommend on reading the articles on backgammon clubs, which deal with the evolution of backgammon clubs on the net. Here it comes backgammon clubs pleasure gaming, betting, and gambling. Many features and gambling games, and such. Look at backgammon clubs for rules and tips. The only reliable backgammon clubs , in my opinion. 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Visit also play backgammon for more details on play backgammon betting and gambling. hi guys, I would like to recommend this site: , every one of you has to try it. play backgammon is your site, give it a try. Thanks for the great visit. Click also to backgammon game . backgammon game is just the right thing for you. you probbably know now that backgammon game is one of the largest on the internet. Join now to the fastest internet backgammon. Truely and amazing internet backgammon site. The best facilities and support for internet backgammon - that is why, folks! Here, now, go is just for you. No need for previous experience at internet backgammon. internet backgammon the leader site. backgammon games is the online world's only super-advanced 3-D backgammon games with audio and image technology that offers the look and feel of a real live backgammon games. Join now to the fastest Truely and amazing backgammon games site. The best facilities and support for backgammon games - that is why, folks! Many games, great backgammon download variety. A new backgammon download tournament - choose it or loose it. Great winning chances at backgammon download. Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with is what I was looking for. Here it comes backgammon download betting, and gambling. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/18/2004 10:52:16 AM ----- BODY: 1. What does party mean to you? (I.e. when you go and get your party on, what does that mean?) Not going to work. Or working from home. 2. What was the first thing you thought or said when you saw your significant other for the first time? He's so cute! (I was in college, gimme a break) 3. Do you talk to yourself? Why? Silently, of course. Who doesn't? I talk to myself to work things out in my head. I have entire conversations with other people in my head, particularly if I'm irritated with them, but don't know if I should be irritated. That other person and I will have it out in my head, so by the time I actually see them in person I don't have anything left to say. 4. What's been your biggest personal change in the last ten years? Being happy. 5. What are you most looking forward to? Being happy. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Helen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2004 05:50:06 AM I talk to myself too-it's when I interview myself that I worry about my sanity :) Congrats on Archie being stateside again! Many warm evenings in your bedroom at home, I hope! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/20/2004 01:24:06 PM have a life time of happiness coming your way in a matter of hours. We stayed up all night Saturday night and you were 99.3% of his conversations. (lifting my glass and toasting to the both of you..I am so proud.) ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Fabulous! STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/21/2004 02:07:53 PM ----- BODY: I love Hello Kitty and I love purses -- meet the marriage of my two great loves here. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2004 10:45:34 AM Now that is not only chic but also very you! Did you get the purse or is this on your wish list? Always looking for ideas for our special "kitty". PS. My truck really misses that XM Radio, so for my anniversary coming up in June I am going to get matching sets for us....yea I know how romantic..... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/26/2004 10:27:59 AM Now that is true romance! No, I haven't purchased this fabulous purse for myself -- it is simply on my wish list. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon download EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:58 AM I also think that playing play backgammon is the key for online success. Nevertheless, I encountered yesterday a great play backgammon site. Check and see forr yourselves! The best play backgammon provides quality games and facilities. Playing the best on the web is fun and exciting. The best play backgammon provides quality games and facilities. Go over and play play backgammon. See for yourself why backgammon game is the real deal. Download our free software to play for real money or "play" money - or just sit in on a backgammon game game! Hi, you - heard of backgammon game? is just the right thing for you. So come and visit our backgammon game site! Many great games, where to bet at internet backgammon. Look at our internet backgammon site. 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Choosing the right backgammon clubs is a personal matter. For guidance one should look for an that is reputable. Fairness, honesty, and reliability are three key factors along with knowing that the backgammon clubs is financially stable. Playing the best tavla on the web is fun and exciting. The best tavla provides quality games and facilities. Go over and play tavla. A great excitement, at its best. Anyone for some tavla. Come and have fun with me at tavla? internette tavla shows you where to play internette tavla. Find out where to play internette tavla at our site . tournaments are now available. I also think that playing internette tavla. internette tavla is the key for online success. This is the internette tavla and none other. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Friday Five STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/21/2004 02:49:42 PM ----- BODY: I've always thought that Cheddar X asked better questions than the Friday Five, but the folks are Cheddar X are having trouble coming up with new questions. So here are my answers to last week's Friday Five: 1. What do you do for a living? I'm a toxic tort and environmental litigator. 2. What do you like most about your job? I like the fact that my work is varied and requires brainpower to do it correctly. 3. What do you like least about your job? Dealing with obnoxious lawyers. 4. When you have a bad day at work it's usually because _____... I realize I've missed a deadline (though that happens rarely). 5. What other career(s) are you interested in? Medicine interests me, but the MCAT doesn't. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2004 09:10:01 AM . What do you like least about your job? Dealing with obnoxious lawyers. Aren't all of them obnoxious? j/k ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: ViVa LaFrance EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/23/2004 03:41:08 PM I have as of yet, to have a job where there wasn't someone who was obnoxious... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2004 05:00:33 PM Hell I think that is a requirement where I work...j/k...or am I? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/24/2004 10:42:45 PM Take the MCAT!!!! Seriously, it's worth it. Premed sucks ass, but once you get into medical school, it's so much better, as long as you're really interested. I'll be starting 3rd year in July - I can't wait. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Accountant STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/26/2004 10:23:37 AM ----- BODY: I've been searching for an accountant for the past few years and I think I've finally stumbled across a good candidate: Don Johnson's accountant. Anyone who can keep Don Johnson in the black for this long is some sort of financial wizard. I can't help but think that one good way to keep your company from tanking is to give it a slightly more officious sounding name than "Timber Doodle Glade Equity Venture, LLC." ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/26/2004 01:55:52 PM My clients do not believe me when I tell them that they can chose any name for their company. I will use this as an example. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Working Late STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/29/2004 09:25:56 PM ----- BODY: Normally, I'm one of these people who simply can't stop working. Even when I get tired, push my chair back away from my desk, grab my purse and head for the door, I'm still thinking about work. It has been a real struggle for me over the past couple of years to relax and really let go of work when I go home. I've gotten better at it though. Until last night. One of my bigger cases is another one of these one plaintiff vs. numerous big corporate defendants type deals. I represent one of the big corporate defendants. Despite the fact that the defendants are big and -- you guessed it -- corporate, many of their lawyers are helpless, clueless creatures. This bugs to me to no end, and since I am neither helpless nor clueless, I always end up volunteering to take responsibility for various phases of the workup of these cases (I set up depositions, subpoena medical records, etc.) To that end, several weeks ago I set up a deposition of one of the plaintiff's expert witnesses. It was to take place this afternoon at my office. I subpoenaed the witness to ensure he would actually show (you never know unless you send a subpoena), but sadly, the address the plaintiff's lawyer gave me was wrong, so the subpoena was never served. I called him and asked him if he would come to the deposition anyway, and he said yes. So far, so good. That was Tuesday. Yesterday I was sitting in my office, minding my own business, being extremely productive (okay, I'm sure I was surfing the net, but we're engaging in the willing suspension of disbelief. This is my story) when my phone rang. It was one of the associates (read: baby lawyers) who works for the plaintiff's law firm. He asked if I wouldn't mind postponing the deposition of the expert, because the expert is a doctor and the only person in their office who knows a lick about medicine is currently in trial in another case. Now, one wonders why they didn't figure out before the day just prior to the deposition that their witness was a doctor, but I didn't want to get into it with him. To be accomodating, I said I didn't have a problem with postponing it, but I couldn't speak on behalf of all defendants. I told him I'd let everyone know he wanted to postpone it and if they had a big issue with that, they could call him. He said even if they did have a big issue with it, too bad for them because he was going to file a Motion to Quash anyway (which would automatically cancel the deposition as soon as he filed it, and we'd have to go to the Judge before we could go forward). No problem. I e-mailed the defendants and much whining ensued (surprise). Not much later, I received a Motion to Quash from the plaintiff's lawyer over my fax machine, so I called the court reporter and canceled the deposition. Crisis averted, world safe. I moved on to other work and didn't think too much more about it. I got home around 6:30 or so and was chatting with my husband, Archi-Sapper, while he was making a taco dinner (we've often had taco nights on Wednesday nights......not sure why). As he was dishing up the plates so we could sit down to eat, the phone rang. I went to answer it, and saw the plaintiff's law firm on the caller i.d. I was thinking to myself, "No. There is NO WAY these crazy lawyers would call me at home" (again, willing suspension of disbelief). I answered the phone and heard, "Hi, it's Baby Lawyer from Plaintiff's Firm. Do you hate me for calling you at home?" And I replied, "No, I'm just surprised." He laughed and said, "Well, I was just calling because I heard that you might have gotten other deposition dates from our expert of when he's available to testify." "Yes", I responded. After talking for a few minutes his boss got there (the one who had been in trial) and she got on the phone. She said, "Well, just so you know, we're ready to take this deposition tomorrow afternoon. Are you?" Incredulous, I said, "No, I'm not. Your associate called me late this morning and asked to postpone the deposition because YOU were going to be unavailable and said that even if I wanted to take the deposition I couldn't because he was going to quash it. Therefore, I told all the other defendants it was canceled, I canceled the court reporter and didn't prepare for the deposition because YOU didn't want to take it. It is too late to change that now." She said, "Okay, well let's pick a new date. Do you have your calendar in front of you?" and I said, "No. Oddly enough, I didn't realize I'd be scheduling expert depositions from home tonight, so I don't." She asked me to call her in the morning and I agreed. Still stunned that opposing counsel was calling me at home in the evening, I called my boss at her house to regale her with this story. She replied, "You must've made it to the big leagues now, kiddo. That lawyer called me at home a few years ago, but it was at 10:00 at night. She called to tell me I'm a liar." We had a good laugh over that, and I proceeded into the living room to eat tacos and watch American Idol. Around 10:20 or so, Archi-S and I slipped into bed. We were lying in the darkness and he said, "You aren't tired. What are you thinking about?" I replied, "That crazy deposition." He said, "You shouldn't think about that. I'm sure no one else is." At 10:30, the phone rang. I said, "Who is calling us at 10:30 at night?" He answered, handed me the phone and said, "It's Plaintiff's Lawyer." At this point, my life officially went from weird to insane. Plaintiff's lawyer told me that after she had hung up with me earlier in the evening, she had sent out a fax to all defendants saying that, although plaintiffs were ready to go forward with the deposition, they would elect not to go forward since we preferred to postpone the deposition (a completely mangled version of what actually transpired, but I expect nothing less from her). In response, one of the defense lawyers in the case (who also happens to be in trial with this plaintiff's lawyer this week and next) fired off a letter in reply. The defense lawyer basically said, "No, we didn't cancel it, we're prepared to go forward. See you tomorrow." Plaintiff's lawyer then became confused and called me. I had no good advice. I was tired and confused, sitting in my bed next to my husband and dog and wondering where my life had taken such a wrong turn. She said, "Well, I happen to have that other defense lawyer's home phone number. Why don't I conference her in?" *beep* *beep* *beep* And *poof!* we were on a conference call. Understand that even in my most work-obsessed states, I have never once desired to attend a 10:30 p.m. conference call while in bed. Never. Ever. Not once. That said, there I was. The defense lawyer said, "Well Plaintiff's Lawyer, we're ready to proceed tomorrow, but we thought you didn't want to take the deposition. I don't know how you did it since I was in trial with you all day today, but somehow you filed a Motion to Quash the deposition while we were in trial in this other case." Plaintiff's Lawyer said, "I did not file a Motion to Quash!" at which point I piped up and said, "Baby Lawyer filed one on your behalf." She then said, with as much righteous indignation as she could muster, "Well, we withdraw that Motion to Quash!" I said, "It's a little late for that. It is 10:30 at night." We all chatted inconclusively and then hung up with the understanding that I would call the defense lawyer so we could chat privately. I clicked off the line and promptly called her back as promised. She really wanted to take this deposition today for reasons that had zippo to do with me. I said I was nowhere near prepared to take the deposition, as I had spent all day doing other work once I found out the deposition was canceled. She said, "Well, maybe your Boss could take it." I said, "Oh I'm sure she's capable, but she would probably want more notice than this." She said, "Well, wait a sec. Let me conference her in." All of these three-ways I was having with various women probably would've been sexy had we not all been lawyers. My boss wisely chose not to answer the phone, so the defense lawyer left her a message. We chatted after that for a bit and then hung up. I got to the office this morning and had no idea what the day would bring. I booted up my laptop, went and retrieved my obligatory cup of ice water from the kitchen on my floor, and settled into my office chair. After I'd been at my desk for an hour the phone rang. It was Plaintiff's Lawyer. She said, "Our expert is not available for deposition this afternoon, so there will be no deposition." Thanks. So glad you cleared that up. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2004 04:34:39 PM good lord. Sometimes I am glad I didn't go into law. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Daddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/30/2004 04:42:15 PM No shit! I'd be going psycho if I was laying in bed at night and some idiot called me wanting to know how come when downloads and install X application the system blue screens and how that's somehow my fault! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RokynRobyn EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/01/2004 03:22:27 PM I hate stupid people. But, I love Caller ID. It, too, will be your friend going forward. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Addiction STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/04/2004 04:57:41 PM ----- BODY: Most of my posts deal with fairly light matters. I've dealt with plenty of weighty issues in my life, but choose not to post about them on this site for various reasons. Today is an exception. For the past year and change, I've been taking Effexor XR. For those of you who are just joining my blog, this was brought on by a variety of complications in my life, many of which had to do with my husband hanging out in Iraq for fifteen months. Suffice it to say that the extreme change in my life, combined with pre-existing conditions didn't sit too well. I was in need of some serious help. Fortunately, my shrink is incredibly smart and can sense when I really need help (me sitting in his office sobbing uncontrollably is usually clue numero uno). So he prescribed Effexor for me and it worked like a charm. I was able to cope with everything life threw my way without dissolving into puddles of tears, and I didn't feel medicated. I just felt "normal". I felt "healthy". In short, I felt great. Fast forward to some time closer to the present. Husband unit came home. Life issues resolved. I no longer felt the need for medication. I was increasingly irritated with the fact that I've gained 20 (yes, twenty) pounds while on this medicine. I didn't particularly want to replace my wardrobe with one made by Coleman. Definitely time to stop taking this stuff. No problem, right? Since I'm writing this post you can probably guess the ending to this story. My brilliant psych advised me to slowly taper off the medication so I wouldn't experience side effects. Excellent advice. Too bad it didn't work. I began tapering off the medication without incident, but when I tried to stop taking it altogether, I thought I was going to expire. I felt light headed and somewhat dizzy all the time. I was disoriented and tired. I couldn't get a damn thing done at work (that was my excuse this time, anyway). When I walked down the street I thought I might collapse. I called my doctor and he put me back on the lowest dose and told me to take it every other day to get this crap out of my system. In the interim, I have an appointment to see him. Taking it every other day seems to be working, and I've actually gone for three days now without taking it. Before I start doing a victory dance and make a celebratory lap around my office, I have to remind myself that I keep a pill in my purse just in case I can't take the side effects any more. This is hardly a reason to celebrate. I did some research on this crazy drug and, not surprisingly, I'm not the only person who has had these problems. In fact, several irate people, all of whom have had far more serious withdrawal effects than I, have formed an online petition to let Wyeth-Ayerst, the makers of this wonder drug, know how many people are suffering without it. To my mind, if you market a drug and the people who take it are physically unable to stop without experiencing headaches, nausea, dizziness, light headedness and seizures (yes, seizures), you have created the single best anti-competitive benefit for your medication that you possibly could have. Furthermore, the FDA should not approve your drug. Period. That said, there is a light at the end of this shaky tunnel. I have recently discovered via internet searching and talking with people that there is one surefire way to decrease the side effects of withdrawal from this medication : taking Prozac. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RokynRobyn EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2004 11:35:12 AM Prozac or booze. Or amphetamines. Just kiddin'. I hope you feel better. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/05/2004 10:34:23 PM I'm not sure if you're being facetious about the Prozac or not, but it works the same way as Effexor. Yeah, it should alleviate the side effects of going off the drug, but then you'll have the same problem when you try to stop taking the Prozac. I know you said the drug helped initially. Do you think it was worth it? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/06/2004 07:28:47 PM I wasn't being the least bit facetious when I mentioned Prozac -- if you read the online postings of many, many people who have tried to taper off Effexor, a lot of them were only successful when they took small (10 mg) doses of Prozac. The Prozac alleviates the side effects from the tapering of Effexor, and since you're on such a small dose of it (and since it is chemically different from Effexor), you actually don't have the side effects from tapering off Prozac that you do with Effexor. I've read various things on the internet about how Effexor gives people problems when they taper off of it because it has a short half-life (I think I'm remembering that correctly), but I honestly don't know enough about the way medicine interacts with the human body (other than what it has done to mine) to speak about that intelligently. Was it worth it? For me, yes, absolutely. I think that knowing the side-effects that come from tapering off this drug if it is taken for long periods of time (more than two years), if a physician prescribed it for that long, it would border on malpractice. Prescribing it for shorter periods of time to those who really respond to it, however, would be fine. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Tim EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2004 01:28:33 AM We've had psychiatrists give lectures who talk about keeping people on antidepressants for the rest of their lives. It's certainly not considered unsual medical practice to prescribe them for 2 years or more. If you try the prozac, let me know how it works for you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Betty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2004 12:17:08 PM Hey Jennifer, Lee (my husband) took effexor and intermittently had "bees in his head" a buzzing kind of thing, for a few weeks ( or a couple of months?) afterward. He's fine now. The withdrawal symptoms eventually subside. Prozac is a ssri, too, so they're not altogether different, although they aren't exactly alike, either. I'd just keep stretching the effexor out until you can do without it. That's what he did. Good going, getting off it, IMHO! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: back gammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:37 AM backgammon is the gambling portal for people searching for respected and generous backgammon. If you are ready to gamble — this is the place you need. Our selection is based on the backgammon popularity, payouts and bonus. Also, I recommend on reading the articles on, which deal with the evolution of backgammon on the net. A great excitement, backgammon at its best. Many games, great online backgammon variety. A new online backgammon tournament - choose it or loose it. Great winning chances at online backgammon. Playing is fun and easy, there are hundreds of different places to play online backgammon, and we're here to show you where to find the best online backgammon. backgammon online shows you where to play backgammon online. Find out where to play backgammon online at our site . is, indeed, the site I spoke on. Play more, gain more, backgammon online never no more. 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The husband's a keeper. 3. What is your all time favorite memory EVER? Wow. It is really difficult to pick one favorite. I think it would be driving away from the San Francisco airport at the beginning of our honeymoon, riding in the bright red Mitsubishi Eclipse Spider convertible we rented, and blaring the mix tape a friend made for us. The first song was the cover of Everlasting Love, by U2. 4. What is the one thing that happened in high school that would make you avoid your class reunion? Try a long, continuous stream of unrelenting torture inflicted by a bitchy classmate (n.b. I actually saw her at my five year reunion. She's a whale. Vindication!) 5. What is your dream job, no matter how untrained you might be or unrealistic and bizarre it might be? My dream job is to be a federal judge. You get a lifetime appointment, so there's no running for office, you get interesting cases and get to boss people around. Seriously, where do I sign up for that? Second runner up dream job is to be an actress. On stage, not t.v. or movies. 6. What's one thing you think you're really good at? Making people laugh. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2004 07:54:02 AM That soooo funny! I'm laughing soooo hard! ;) btw.....I like #2 the best! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/07/2004 08:37:43 AM I've always wanted to sing in a band. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Surreal Cinema STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/10/2004 09:26:17 PM ----- BODY: On Friday night, Archi-Sapper and I joined our churches' high school youth group in a trip to the movies. As a rule I'm not a big moviegoer. I will typically only go see a movie if it really looks like something I would like (think: Lost in Translation) or if I've been convinced to go and have given in to placate someone (think: any movie starring J. Lo and trying to get my mother to stop asking why she doesn't have any grandchildren). That said, I'm definitely not the best person to weigh in on current flicks and I am certainly no movie critic. We met up with the kids at 6:30 and I spent about ten minutes cajoling people into their cars so we wouldn't be late (we're always late). We drove over to the theater, bought tickets and vats of Coke and sat on the front row (my neck still hurts just thinking about it). The movie we saw? Van Helsing. This movie blew. And I know I'm overly harsh with movies since most of the time I don't want to see them, anyway. I don't care. This was truly awful. I completely understand that movies such as these involve the willing suspension of disbelief. Fine. I'm willing to temporarily suspend reality while I'm in the theater. I still can't get past the lengthy chase scenes, strung together in an endless loop, interrupted by painfully long "acting" scenes. I kept hoping that one (or more) of the characters would walk off the set in pursuit of an acting coach, but no such luck. Despite the fact that this movie lasted over two hours, and despite the fact that the dialogue was atrocious and despite the fact that no one, but no one could act even if they'd had a decent script, this movie cannot be forgiven for two things: (1) the main female protagonist spent lots and lots of time attempting to slay vampires while she was wearing earrings that are longer than anything Sheila E. wore in 1983; and (2) the same female protagonist was attempting to slay the same vampires while looking so heavily made up she looked as if she'd just left the Estee Lauder counter at Saks. I can barely walk from my car to the office every day without smudging my lipstick and this idiot avenges her family's decimation while sporting the latest in lipstick shades. Freak. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2004 08:18:12 AM I feel the same when I see women in movies running for their lives in four inch heels. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2004 09:33:44 AM You have just confirmed what I thought when I saw the previews on TV. Of course I am not into any movie that depicts more than this simple mind can comprehend and surely vampires, meta-plasmatic people, superpoweral people, etc all fall in this arena for me (yep that's right I am not a Matrix fan.) Thanks for the review and humor. PS I have posted, finally. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/11/2004 04:25:55 PM but shes so damn hot... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Justin EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2004 08:38:24 AM yeah she is. the only redeeming part of the movie were the close-ups of the boobs. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Helen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2004 12:38:00 PM Oh yeah. If I were going to save the day, the script in my mind totally has me in a ripped chiffon dress and strappy sandals. Of course, in reality, I would likely get run over by a bus while running from the bad guys, since with my luck my tights would fall down at that exact moment. Going to see that one with Mr. Y's kids on Sunday-I can see I will need to be thinking entertaining thoughts to get myself through that one... ----- PING: TITLE: loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: loans DATE: 06/15/2005 03:44:26 AM Please check the pages in the field of loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Things That Have Never Happened To Me STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/12/2004 06:31:08 PM ----- BODY: I can't say I'm a big fan of Ashton Kutcher, but he currently seems to be in quite an unusual predicament. It seems that he showed up to his date's home in Hollywood to pick her up to attend a party for the Grammys. She didn't answer the door, he looked through the windows of her house and saw dark stains on the floor, thought nothing of it, and went to the party alone. Turns out, she didn't answer the door because she had been murdered. I think my favorite quote from this bizarre article has to be this one: "Any responsible gentleman who goes on a date and finds a door not answered and evidence of some kind of disturbance would then call the police and let them know." Just so we're all clear: If you go to pick up your date and there's evidence that she's been murdered, make sure to call the police if you want to be a gentleman. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/12/2004 09:18:26 PM Tsk, tsk, tsk. Where have all the social graces gone. One would think he would carry his wallet size "gentleman action" card on him all the time, especially on a date. I knew Hollywood was going done the toliet when Hugh Grant caught all that grief for just being a gentleman by trying to support a local working girl. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/13/2004 11:38:41 AM holy crap.. thats some strange stuff ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Oklahoma! STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/15/2004 05:31:47 PM ----- BODY: On Thursday I got home from taking depositions in yet another case when my cell phone rang. It was my boss, offering me two free tickets to see Oklahoma! at the Saenger Theater (as an aside, I think I need a name that requires an exclamation point after it like Oklahoma! or Lamar Alexander). Oklahoma! isn't one of my favorite musicals, but I like it enough to see it via free tickets. The nice thing about Rogers & Hammerstein musicals, of course, is that you've already heard most of the songs before, so it is at least somewhat familiar territory (Oklahoma! includes "Oh What A Beautiful Morning", 'People Will Say We're In Love" and "Surrey With the Fringe on Top.") The show was top-notch and has inspired me to buy tickets for 42nd Street, which plays next month. In addition, the Saenger will be showing classic movies this summer, including Casablanca, Dr. Zhivago and An American in Paris for only $6/ticket -- definitely money well spent. We'll be checking those out. And for those of you poor souls who my husband called while we were waiting for curtain call, just because he wanted to look cool making phone calls on his cell phone, I apologize. I can't take him anywhere. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/16/2004 11:46:16 AM Glad to hear you enjoyed the production. While I am no fan of the real Oklahoma, the musical is one of my favorites. And I did enjoy the phone call. He is just like his father, they won't take me any where either.:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sherron EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/17/2004 06:50:12 AM The phone call really gave me a lift - was such a joy to hear the two of you laughing and having a great time. My first job was at a Saenger theatre in Pine Bluff many moons ago. The call and the name brought back many memories. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2004 08:26:02 AM I'm trying to round up someone to go see Casablanca with me for the first showing in June. Something about seeing a great movie on the big screen with hopefully quiet and reverent fans appeals to me. The rule is that two of the three incessantly talking movie-goers at every showing must sit near me at the theater. I hate that rule. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: A Little Bit of Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/16/2004 10:50:46 AM ----- BODY: 1. How many computer passwords do you currently have? One password and two pin numbers. 2. When was the last time you nearly went insane because you'd forgotten which one you were using? Last week when I tried to pay my Sprint bill online. I always forget they want a pin number instead of a password, for some reason. 3. What's your favorite board game? My favorite board game is this really weird game called Ubi (latin for: where), made by the makers of Trivial Pursuit. The board has a map of the world and you answer trivia questions, but your answers are given in geographical coordinates, based on where in the world the event happened. Given that I absolutely suck at geography, it is a mystery why I like this game so much. 4. How long have you been at your current job? May 5 was my three year anniversary. 5. How much "push" would it take to get you to walk? I would require: (1) the same amount of work/responsibility; (2) the same level of client access and (3) more money. 6. What's the best t-shirt slogan or comment that you've come across? I like the t-shirt that says, "I'm blogging this". ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/18/2004 07:57:05 PM hehehe thats a good t-shirt ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/19/2004 04:47:50 PM You need to bring Ubi for the family thing in June. It sounds like a game that I'd love (and suck at, as well) :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Christoforo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2004 01:50:29 PM Ubi!?! Wow, you play Ubi!?!?! I didn't know anyone else even *knew* about Ubi! My folks have a copy of the game. I played it years ago, then forgot about it for a long time. I only saw it again because they renovated their kitchen, and moved all their games (including Ubi) out of the den so they had somewhere to put the pots and pans (the den became their makeshift kitchen). ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: An Offer STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/19/2004 09:09:30 AM ----- BODY: I've been to Alaska. While there, I visited the typical tourist sites -- Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks, etc. I did not go to Valdez. Truthfully, I didn't have any control over my itinerary when I went (I was with a tour group), but even had I had some control, I don't think this offer of a free salmon to each tourist would've lured me there. I can't imagine that it would be very easy to keep the salmon fresh on the trip home. It might be more fun if they gave you a live salmon and you could keep it as a pet. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2004 08:19:27 AM I'd bet you could get a live salmon for a pet there. I don't really know what kind of pets they make. An aquarium big enough for it would be intrusive in most, but not all, homes. I imagine keeping it alive on the trip home would be more difficult than keeping a dead one fresh. My two cents. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/20/2004 09:51:21 AM ----- BODY: 1. What's your favorite board game? See previous post regarding the board game Ubi. 2. If you had to sing a song on national TV (ala the bleh-worthy American Idol), what song would you sing? If I were competing on American Idol, I would sing One Moment in Time by Whitney Houston. It is as cheesy as the songs the contestants sing but can showcase a good singing ability (not that I have one, mind you). 3. If you had to sing a duet, what song would you sing and with who? It isn't really a duet, but I'd happily sing backup for Elvis Costello on (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding? 4. If your life was made into a movie, what would the title be? Too Far To Care (my apologies to the Old 97's) 5. If your life was made into a porn movie, what would the title be? I guess the same. 6. Who would you want to play you in the movie of your life? Jeneanne Garofolo. 7. In the porn? I'm honestly not familiar enough with porn stars to pick one. 8. What are some of the top bumper stickers you've seen or thought of? My favorite one I've seen is a bumper sticker on a Volvo that said, "0 to 60 in 9 Minutes. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Curves STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/20/2004 12:39:22 PM ----- BODY: In my quest to lose the weight I gained while taking Effexor, I've looked into various weight-loss programs. I have ultimately decided to keep doing the exercise DVD's I have at home, and to use the gym membership Archi-Sapper bought for me at a deeply discounted rate (he got a cheap rate since he's in the military). One of the options I was considering was joining Curves, a fitness club for women which now has locations everywhere -- including one not too far from our house. I didn't join, but am still intrigued by this article from Evidently, there have been more than a few questions raised about whether the Waco, Texas based (male) founder of the franchise supports militant pro-life groups. This strikes me as something that is a big concern for people who own the franchises, but not so much for people who simply go there to hang out on the stairmaster. According to the article, any money the franchise owner donated to organizations was his own, not the company's. If you own one of these franchises, I could see how you might want to conduct business with folks who are politically like-minded. If, like me, all you want to do is fit back into your cute, sexy clothes you were wearing a year ago, I would think you'd be less conflicted about this guy's views on abortion (especially since your money isn't directly going to support said organizations). ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Christoforo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2004 01:52:14 PM How much would it be for you to join Reily Center? Alums should get a decent break. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2004 02:24:22 PM I used to be an alumni member of the Riley Center and it was still very expensive. The gym my husband signed us up for is nice, has three locations and is less than 1/3 of the cost of the Riley Center. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/20/2004 03:34:48 PM I've heard conflicting reports on the Curves workout. The negative that the 30 min three times a week workouts are the bare minimum exercise requirements. While it might provide a starting point, it doesn't push you past the "plateaus." Of course, I like the idea of a gym with no guys and no pressure. I considered joining one myself until I found out they have no child care. The reasoning is that your workout is "time for you." As a single mom, how am I going to have time for me without child care? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon tournaments EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:40 AM Yep - I have seen other download backgammon sites - and nothing can compare this download backgammon site. Nothing really compares the full version of download backgammon - the best I have ever seen on the net. Nice articles and comments on and other related issues. When you truely want to play download backgammon look no further. Play here download backgammon. hi guys, I would like to recommend this site: on line backgammon , every one of you has to try it. on line backgammon is your site, give it a try. 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The advantages of betting in an back gammon site are far better and more attractive than visiting a regular poker or casino. Do not miss back gammon. ----- PING: TITLE: loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: loans DATE: 06/15/2005 03:39:26 AM You may find it interesting to check the sites dedicated to loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Lawyers STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/21/2004 10:16:05 AM ----- BODY: It started in law school. The first day of law school we had orientation. One of the sessions we had to attend was a lecture from the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, a guy I later came to love. He told us, "Whatever makes you an interesting person -- keep doing it. Law school has a way of turning you into a robot. Keep going out with your friends, engaging in your hobbies and doing as much interesting non-legal stuff as you can. It doesn't get any better after law school." I thought he was crazy. Surely I could withstand the pressure to talk about law all the time. Surely I could rise above the fray and remain goofy (read: weird). Surely I would be able to easily buck the trend and be the font of fun and entertainment at my law school, while my fellow students sunk into treatise-induced catatonia. It happened faster than I expected. I wasn't far into my first semester before I realized something -- I was incapable of having an interesting conversation with someone who wasn't a law student, law professor or lawyer (unless they were a non-lawyer asking me questions about law). All I talked about were cases. I dreamt about Contracts (was the hot guy who just approached me for a steamy night in my dreams making an actual offer? What was the consideration?) I wrangled with Constitutional Law (Did the insane study schedule inflicted by this law school violate the Eighth Amendment?). I laughed myself silly through Torts (How could a jury possibly think that a 12 year old riding a vaccuum cleaner naked was engaging in a "reasonably forseeable use" of that vaccuum cleaner, and thus entitled to damages when he got his member stuck in it?). In short, I was in trouble. Interests? I had none. Hobbies? Only if doing book briefs counted. I didn't watch t.v., I didn't go to movies, I didn't go out drinking with friends (or alone, for that matter). I thought about, and talked about, law. I'd like to say this has gotten better. It has -- marginally. Last night, after Archi-Sapper and I went to dinner, we met up with some of my friends for drinks. We walked into Loa, a local bar, and found four of my lawyer-friends having drinks. It was great to see them because they're a fun group and I hadn't seen three of them in quite some time. We spent some time catching up and drinking and then we got a phone call that some of my other lawyer-friends were meeting at the Ritz for drinks. Why didn't we go join them? As soon as we got there I felt bad for Archi-Sapper. He's such a trooper, and puts up with untold hours of lawyers, but I'm sure there are a million things he'd rather be doing than listen to us regale one another with deposition tales. About five seconds after we arrived, I was pulled aside by friends who just had to fill me in on the behavior of mutual acquaintances at a recent deposition. Interesting conversation? Yes. Sad that that's the only thing we can find to talk about? Yes. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2004 03:40:47 PM The great thing is that you two have a balance, I have seen you in the opposite position where there was only military jargon being discussed and you provided Archi-Sapper the same type of support. That is what you two special. And BTW I find conversing with you extremely interesting and refreshing. Just some thoughts from an old... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/21/2004 03:44:36 PM oops, interupted by work, that should have been "....that is what makes you two special". I do wish they would leave me alone when I am commenting. Geez you would think they would understand the importance, but alas poor ... ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Mix Tapes That Suck STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/27/2004 05:22:13 PM ----- BODY: This article discusses iTunes and their celebrity playlists. The article mentions how, aside from the chosen songs being alternately lame and self-serving (making a playlist the majority of which consists of your own songs is a bit much), the "liner notes" from the celebs are often cringe-worthy. My favorite example of deep, meaningful explanations of song selections is from Avril Lavigne, who wrote of Alanis Morissette's "Ironic": "I love how this song was written with all the different examples Alanis uses of things being ironic." I sincerely hope she was joking. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/29/2004 12:41:33 PM Okay, I really am old. I did not know 10% of the artists (?) they were talking about. But I did find a great Marty Robbins 3 set CD and the new Nora Jones CD this weekend, so all is not lost. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Lazy Memorial Day STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/31/2004 10:37:23 AM ----- BODY: It's been a pretty quiet weekend, thus, the lack of regular posting. Archi-Sapper left town yesterday to give a Memorial Day speech, so Maggie and I had a girls' night in. We had dinner, painted our nails and watched a movie. We ended up watching The World According to Garp. I really love John Irving's books, but the movie version of that one was, well, weird. I could handle the feminists, the wrestling and the assassination attempts, but John Lithgow as a former NFL star who has a sex change operation? Weird stuff. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Guilty Pleasures STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/01/2004 03:19:10 PM ----- BODY: Everyone has things in their lives that they're simply too embarassed to admit they like. There's the sweatpants with holes in them that we wouldn't be caught dead in (but wear around the house in hopes that no one stops by for an impromptu visit), there's the high school cd collection (the Debbie Gibson cd I had was a gift, I swear) and the collection of cheesy movies (we won't even name those to protect the absolutely guilty). My latest guilty pleasure is murder mystery novels. I'm currently reading this one. The author isn't awful, but let's just say that she doesn't need to buy a plane ticket to Stockholm any time soon. In any event, I was so engrossed in reading this book last night that when Archi-Sapper walked in the door from his trip, I nearly went into cardiac arrest. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/01/2004 04:15:19 PM Okay so you are telling me that someone that could come up with the title of "The Case of the Hook-Billed Kites: It's Springtime in the Texas Mountains...And Bird Watching Has Become A Deadly Hobby" is not ready for the big P. Now why am I not shocked. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Leah EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/07/2004 11:45:45 AM Fabulous guilty pleasure: celebrity "biographies." The Sound of Noise and Thing of Beauty are so trashy, they're delicious. But they definitely don't live on my bookshelf; these are books to hide in a drawer. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Reality STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/02/2004 08:51:56 AM ----- BODY: There's finally a reality show I can relate to. This Survivor-style reality show, featuring celebrities from Colombia, is so un-fun that the celebs are begging to be voted off the show. I've always said that that's exactly what I would do if I were ever forced to compete on Survivor. One of the contestants said in an interview that he "ate virtually nothing his first three days and then choked down mostly cockroach-like insects and tiny crabs to survive." "I got terrible stomach problems,'' he said. "I must have eaten 180 mini-crabs. They just don't fill you up.'' This sounds like the Atkins diet gone terribly wrong. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/02/2004 11:11:55 AM thats freaking funny. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Book Bloggers STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/03/2004 09:22:51 AM ----- BODY: I read this article last night about the trend of bloggers who are writing books. The idea makes sense -- if you can write coherently on a regular basis on your blog and people actually enjoy reading it, writing a book isn't too far off the mark. If I were ever approached about writing a book, my reaction would be much the same as the blogger quoted in the article -- what would I write about? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: What Not to Wear STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/05/2004 05:31:47 PM ----- BODY: There must be something in the water around here because all I seem to be able to focus on these days is frivolity. I'm having a great time, but let's just say I haven't been splitting atoms in my spare time. One of my favorite shows to watch is the American version of What Not to Wear. I love watching this show because I am amused at all of the lame reasons people give for hanging onto that bright red sweater that has a picture of two mooses kissing on the front of it (said sweaters are almost always worn by people living in places like Miami). I was discussing this show the other day when I was at work, in one of our conference rooms, sitting with a bunch of lawyers waiting to start a meeting. I mentioned how much I enjoy the show and someone said, "I don't like that show. The hosts are so mean." I replied, "Actually, that's why I like the American version, because the hosts on the British show are much meaner." A guy seated next to me said, "Yeah, but when British people are mean, it's funny." Point taken. The conversation got me to thinking about the appeal of the show and why lawyers don't like it, and it hit me -- most lawyers I know could really use this show. Case in point -- the last two women who received wardrobe/haircut/makeup overhauls on this show were female lawyers. The two offending attorneys both made the same fashion mistakes -- both dressed like lawyers (read: clad in all black with big, clunky heels that could double as door stoppers and large, boxy jackets which could cover them and several of their best friends simultaneously). Of the few lawyers I know who attempt to "dress outside the box", few are successful. One woman, who shall remain nameless, used to show up for work looking like she'd been dressed by a color-blind circus clown. She wore a purple and black plaid, ill-fitting suit with bright blue tights and black, misshapen shoes. I'm still considering asking our firm to pay for my therapy bills to recover from seeing that. That being said, dressing like a lawyer isn't easy (for a woman -- guys have it remarkably easy when their choices are suits, suits and suits). There's this struggle between wanting to look professional and not wanting to look dowdy. Between wanting to look fresh and not wanting to look inappropriate. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from the show. A young woman who sells real estate for a living (God help her) was dressing far too skimpily (is that a word?) At any rate, she was modeling her wardrobe for the hosts and defending each article of clothing, when she appeared wearing a short red silk dress which looked like a cross between a kimono and a negligee. She said, "This dress is where east meets west", and one of the hosts deadpanned, "That dress is where hoochie meets mama." ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/06/2004 09:27:53 PM Does this mean my old holely blue jean cutoffs are in danger of making the dumpster trip? BTW thanks for the note on the blog of the day, I am honored and told Rob the same. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Layne EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/07/2004 10:37:14 PM So much for the Ally McBeal stereotype. Now I'll never want to become a laywer! In my profession -- Fortune 500 ass-kissing -- the only rule is act like a slut, don't dress like one. I might be going somewhere on the orgchart if we had wet bars at work... ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X Interview STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/09/2004 09:09:20 PM ----- BODY: 1. What skills do you need to develop most? Tolerance of stupidity. 2. What did you like most about your last job? My co-workers' sense of humor. 3. What has been your favorite job? The one I have now (seriously). 4. What was your worst or most degrading job? My worst job was working at Express clothing store in Highland Park Village in Dallas (a location of Express that no longer exists). It was a part-time job I held during high school. The shifts were too long, we had to wear the clothes and I couldn't bring myself to tell people that they looked good in those clothes. 5. How do you deal with inter-office personality conflicts? If I have a personality conflict with someone I have to work with directly, I communicate with them directly and at the beginning of the project and follow up later with e-mails so I have responses in writing. 6. In what kinds of situations do you find it most difficult to deal with people? I find it most difficult to deal with people who are being overly emotional about something that shouldn't involve people's emotions (or at least, not as much). I never would've thought I'd meet lawyers who are overly sensitive, but I have. 7. How do you handle crisis situations? As calmly and quickly as possible. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Well Read STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/12/2004 05:55:37 PM ----- BODY: This is a list of books Pylorns posted on the Wetwired forums. The idea is that you're supposed to bold the books you've read and italicize the books you started but never finished. I have no idea why some of these books are on here (Pylorns didn't choose the list, I'm sure he got it elsewhere), but every list is subjective. At the bottom of the list are three books I've read that (surprisingly) weren't included in the list. 1. The Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien 2. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen 3. His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman 4. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams 5. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, JK Rowling 6. To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee 7. Winnie the Pooh, AA Milne 8. 1984, George Orwell 9. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, CS Lewis 10. Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte 11. Catch-22, Joseph Heller 12. Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte 13. Birdsong, Sebastian Faulks 14. Rebecca, Daphne du Maurier 15. The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger 16. The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame 17. Great Expectations, Charles Dickens 18. Little Women, Louisa May Alcott 19. Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, Louis de Bernieres 20. War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy 21. Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell 22. Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone, JK Rowling 23. Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, JK Rowling 24. Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, JK Rowling 25. The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien 26. Tess Of The D’Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy 27. Middlemarch, George Eliot 28. A Prayer For Owen Meany, John Irving 29. The Grapes Of Wrath, John Steinbeck 30. Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland, Lewis Carroll 31. The Story Of Tracy Beaker, Jacqueline Wilson 32. One Hundred Years Of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez 33. The Pillars Of The Earth, Ken Follett 34. David Copperfield, Charles Dickens 35. Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl 36. Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson 37. A Town Like Alice, Nevil Shute 38. Persuasion, Jane Austen 39. Dune, Frank Herbert 40. Emma, Jane Austen 41. Anne Of Green Gables, LM Montgomery 42. Watership Down, Richard Adams 43. The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald 44. The Count Of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas 45. Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh 46. Animal Farm, George Orwell 47. A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens 48. Far From The Madding Crowd, Thomas Hardy 49. Goodnight Mister Tom, Michelle Magorian 50. The Shell Seekers, Rosamunde Pilcher 51. The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett 52. Of Mice And Men, John Steinbeck 53. The Stand, Stephen King 54. Anna Karenina, Leo Tolstoy 55. A Suitable Boy, Vikram Seth 56. The BFG, Roald Dahl 57. Swallows And Amazons, Arthur Ransome 58. Black Beauty, Anna Sewell 59. Artemis Fowl, Eoin Colfer 60. Crime And Punishment, Fyodor Dostoyevsky 61. Noughts And Crosses, Malorie Blackman 62. Memoirs Of A Geisha, Arthur Golden 63. A Tale Of Two Cities, Charles Dickens 64. The Thorn Birds, Colleen McCollough 65. Mort, Terry Pratchett 66. The Magic Faraway Tree, Enid Blyton 67. The Magus, John Fowles 68. Good Omens, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman 69. Guards! Guards!, Terry Pratchett 70. Lord Of The Flies, William Golding 71. Perfume, Patrick Susskind 72. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, Robert Tressell 73. Night Watch, Terry Pratchett 74. Matilda, Roald Dahl 75. Bridget Jones’s Diary, Helen Fielding 76. The Secret History, Donna Tartt 77. The Woman In White, Wilkie Collins 78. Ulysses, James Joyce 79. Bleak House, Charles Dickens 80. Double Act, Jacqueline Wilson 81. The Twits, Roald Dahl 82. I Capture The Castle, Dodie Smith 83. Holes, Louis Sachar 84. Gormenghast, Mervyn Peake 85. The God Of Small Things, Arundhati Roy 86. Vicky Angel, Jacqueline Wilson 87. Brave New World, Aldous Huxley 88. Cold Comfort Farm, Stella Gibbons 89. Magician, Raymond E Feist 90. On The Road, Jack Kerouac 91. The Godfather, Mario Puzo 92. The Clan Of The Cave Bear, Jean M Auel 93. The Colour Of Magic, Terry Pratchett 94. The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho 95. Katherine, Anya Seton 96. Kane And Abel, Jeffrey Archer 97. Love In The Time Of Cholera, Gabriel Garcia Marquez 98. Girls In Love, Jacqueline Wilson 99. The Princess Diaries, Meg Cabot 100. Midnight’s Children, Salman Rushdie 101. Three Men In A Boat, Jerome K. Jerome 102. Small Gods, Terry Pratchett 103. The Beach, Alex Garland 104. Dracula, Bram Stoker 105. Point Blanc, Anthony Horowitz 106. The Pickwick Papers, Charles Dickens 107. Stormbreaker, Anthony Horowitz 108. The Wasp Factory, Iain Banks 109. The Day Of The Jackal, Frederick Forsyth 110. The Illustrated Mum, Jacqueline Wilson 111. Jude The Obscure, Thomas Hardy 112. The Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole Aged 13 1/2, Sue Townsend 113. The Cruel Sea, Nicholas Monsarrat 114. Les Miserables, Victor Hugo 115. The Mayor Of Casterbridge, Thomas Hardy 116. The Dare Game, Jacqueline Wilson 117. Bad Girls, Jacqueline Wilson 118. The Picture Of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde 119. Shogun, James Clavell 120. The Day Of The Triffids, John Wyndham 121. Lola Rose, Jacqueline Wilson 122. Vanity Fair, William Makepeace Thackeray 123. The Forsyte Saga, John Galsworthy 124. House Of Leaves, Mark Z. Danielewski 125. The Poisonwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver 126. Reaper Man, Terry Pratchett 127. Angus, Thongs And Full-Frontal Snogging, Louise Rennison 128. The Hound Of The Baskervilles, Arthur Conan Doyle 129. Possession, A. S. Byatt 130. The Master And Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov 131. The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood 132. Danny The Champion Of The World, Roald Dahl 133. East Of Eden, John Steinbeck 134. George’s Marvellous Medicine, Roald Dahl 135. Wyrd Sisters, Terry Pratchett 136. The Color Purple, Alice Walker 137. Hogfather, Terry Pratchett 138. The Thirty-Nine Steps, John Buchan 139. Girls In Tears, Jacqueline Wilson 140. Sleepovers, Jacqueline Wilson 141. All Quiet On The Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque 142. Behind The Scenes At The Museum, Kate Atkinson 143. High Fidelity, Nick Hornby 144. It, Stephen King 145. James And The Giant Peach, Roald Dahl 146. The Green Mile, Stephen King 147. Papillon, Henri Charriere 148. Men At Arms, Terry Pratchett 149. Master And Commander, Patrick O’Brian 150. Skeleton Key, Anthony Horowitz 151. Soul Music, Terry Pratchett 152. Thief Of Time, Terry Pratchett 153. The Fifth Elephant, Terry Pratchett 154. Atonement, Ian McEwan 155. Secrets, Jacqueline Wilson 156. The Silver Sword, Ian Serraillier 157. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Ken Kesey 158. Heart Of Darkness, Joseph Conrad 159. Kim, Rudyard Kipling 160. Cross Stitch, Diana Gabaldon 161. Moby **** , Herman Melville 162. River God, Wilbur Smith 163. Sunset Song, Lewis Grassic Gibbon 164. The Shipping News, Annie Proulx 165. The World According To Garp, John Irving 166. Lorna Doone, R. D. Blackmore 167. Girls Out Late, Jacqueline Wilson 168. The Far Pavilions, M. M. Kaye 169. The Witches, Roald Dahl 170. Charlotte’s Web, E. B. White 171. Frankenstein, Mary Shelley 172. They Used To Play On Grass, Terry Venables and Gordon Williams 173. The Old Man And The Sea, Ernest Hemingway 174. The Name Of The Rose, Umberto Eco 175. Sophie’s World, Jostein Gaarder 176. Dustbin Baby, Jacqueline Wilson 177. Fantastic Mr. Fox, Roald Dahl 178. Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov 179. Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, Richard Bach 180. The Little Prince, Antoine De Saint-Exupery 181. The Suitcase Kid, Jacqueline Wilson 182. Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens 183. The Power Of One, Bryce Courtenay 184. Silas Marner, George Eliot 185. American Psycho, Bret Easton Ellis 186. The Diary Of A Nobody, George and Weedon Gross-mith 187. Trainspotting, Irvine Welsh 188. Goosebumps, R. L. Stine 189. Heidi, Johanna Spyri 190. Sons And Lovers, D. H. Lawrence 191. The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera 192. Man And Boy, Tony Parsons 193. The Truth, Terry Pratchett 194. The War Of The Worlds, H. G. Wells 195. The Horse Whisperer, Nicholas Evans 196. A Fine Balance, Rohinton Mistry 197. Witches Abroad, Terry Pratchett 198. The Once And Future King, T. H. White 199. The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle 200. Flowers In The Attic, Virginia Andrews 201. The Silmarillion, J.R.R. Tolkien 202. The Eye of the World, Robert Jordan 203. The Great Hunt, Robert Jordan 204. The Dragon Reborn, Robert Jordan 205. Fires of Heaven, Robert Jordan 206. Lord of Chaos, Robert Jordan 207. Winter’s Heart, Robert Jordan 208. A Crown of Swords, Robert Jordan 209. Crossroads of Twilight, Robert Jordan 210. A Path of Daggers, Robert Jordan 211. As Nature Made Him, John Colapinto 212. Microserfs, Douglas Coupland 213. The Married Man, Edmund White 214. Winter’s Tale, Mark Helprin 215. The History of Sexuality, Michel Foucault 216. Cry to Heaven, Anne Rice 217. Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe, John Boswell 218. Equus, Peter Shaffer 219. The Man Who Ate Everything, Jeffrey Steingarten 220. Letters To A Young Poet, Rainer Maria Rilke 221. Ella Minnow Pea, Mark Dunn 222. The Vampire Lestat, Anne Rice 223. Anthem, Ayn Rand 224. The Bridge To Terabithia, Katherine Paterson 225. Tartuffe, Moliere 226. The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka 227. The Crucible, Arthur Miller 228. The Trial, Franz Kafka 229. Oedipus Rex, Sophocles 230. Oedipus at Colonus, Sophocles 231. Death Be Not Proud, John Gunther 232. A Doll’s House, Henrik Ibsen 233. Hedda Gabler, Henrik Ibsen 234. Ethan Frome, Edith Wharton 235. A Raisin In The Sun, Lorraine Hansberry 236. ALIVE!, Piers Paul Read 237. Grapefruit, Yoko Ono 238. Trickster Makes This World, Lewis Hyde 240. The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley 241. Chronicles of Thomas Convenant, Unbeliever, Stephen Donaldson 242. Lord of Light, Roger Zelazny 242. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Michael Chabon 243. Summerland, Michael Chabon 244. A Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole 245. Candide, Voltaire 246. The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More, Roald Dahl 247. Ringworld, Larry Niven 248. The King Must Die, Mary Renault 249. Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein 250. A Wrinkle in Time, Madeline L’Engle 251. The Eyre Affair, Jasper Fforde 252. The House Of The Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne 253. The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne 254. The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan 255. The Great Gilly Hopkins, Katherine Paterson 256. Chocolate Fever, Robert Kimmel Smith 257. Xanth: The Quest for Magic, Piers Anthony 258. The Lost Princess of Oz, L. Frank Baum 259. Wonder Boys, Michael Chabon 260. Lost In A Good Book, Jasper Fforde 261. Well Of Lost Plots, Jasper Fforde 261. Life Of Pi, Yann Martel 263. The Bean Trees, Barbara Kingsolver 264. A Yellow Rraft In Blue Water, Michael Dorris 265. Little House on the Prairie, Laura Ingalls Wilder 267. Where The Red Fern Grows, Wilson Rawls 268. Griffin & Sabine, Nick Bantock 269. Witch of Blackbird Pond, Joyce Friedland 270. Mrs. Frisby And The Rats Of NIMH, Robert C. O’Brien 271. Tuck Everlasting, Natalie Babbitt 272. The Cay, Theodore Taylor 273. From The Mixed-Up Files Of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, E.L. Konigsburg 274. The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster 275. The Westing Game, Ellen Raskin 276. The Kitchen God’s Wife, Amy Tan 277. The Bone Setter’s Daughter, Amy Tan 278. Relic, Duglas Preston & Lincolon Child 279. Wicked, Gregory Maguire 280. American Gods, Neil Gaiman 281. Misty of Chincoteague, Marguerite Henry 282. The Girl Next Door, Jack Ketchum 283. Haunted, Judith St. George 284. Singularity, William Sleator 285. A Short History of Nearly Everything, Bill Bryson 286. Different Seasons, Stephen King 287. Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk 288. About a Boy, Nick Hornby 289. The Bookman’s Wake, John Dunning 290. The Church of Dead Girls, Stephen Dobyns 291. Illusions, Richard Bach 292. Magic’s Pawn, Mercedes Lackey 293. Magic’s Promise, Mercedes Lackey 294. Magic’s Price, Mercedes Lackey 295. The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Gary Zukav 296. Spirits of Flux and Anchor, Jack L. Chalker 297. Interview with the Vampire, Anne Rice 298. The Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices, Brenda Love 299. Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace. 300. The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison. 301. The Cider House Rules, John Irving. 302. Ender’s Game, Orson Scott Card 303. Girlfriend in a Coma, Douglas Coupland 304. The Lion’s Game, Nelson Demille 305. The Sun, The Moon, and the Stars, Stephen Brust 306. Cyteen, C. J. Cherryh 307. Foucault’s Pendulum, Umberto Eco 308. Cryptonomicon, Neal Stephenson 309. Invisible Monsters, Chuck Palahniuk 310. Camber of Culdi, Kathryn Kurtz 311. The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand 312. War and Rememberance, Herman Wouk 313. The Art of War, Sun Tzu 314. The Giver, Lois Lowry 315. The Telling, Ursula Le Guin 316. Xenogenesis (or Lilith’s Brood), Octavia Butler 317. A Civil Campaign, Lois McMaster Bujold 318. The Curse of Chalion, Lois McMaster Bujold 319. The Aeneid, Publius Vergilius Maro (Vergil) 320. Hanta Yo, Ruth Beebe Hill 321. The Princess Bride, S. Morganstern (or William Goldman) 322. Beowulf, Anonymous 323. The Sparrow, Maria Doria Russell 324. Deerskin, Robin McKinley 325. Dragonsong, Anne McCaffrey 326. Passage, Connie Willis 327. Otherland, Tad Williams 328. Tigana, Guy Gavriel Kay 329. Number the Stars, Lois Lowry 330. Beloved, Toni Morrison 331. Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal, Christopher Moore 332. The mysterious disappearance of Leon, I mean Noel, Ellen Raskin 333. Summer Sisters, Judy Blume 334. The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Victor Hugo 335. The Island on Bird Street, Uri Orlev 336. Midnight in the Dollhouse, Marjorie Filley Stover 337. The Miracle Worker, William Gibson 338. The Genesis Code, John Case 339. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevensen 340. Paradise Lost, John Milton 341. Phantom, Susan Kay 342. The Mummy or Ramses the Damned, Anne Rice 343. Anno Dracula, Kim Newman 344: The Dresden Files: Grave Peril, Jim Butcher 345: Tokyo Suckerpunch, Issac Adamson 346: The Winter of Magic’s Return, Pamela Service 347: The Oddkins, Dean R. Koontz 348. My Name is Asher Lev, Chaim Potok 349. The Last Goodbye, Raymond Chandler 350. At Swim, Two Boys, Jaime O’Neill 351. Othello, by William Shakespeare 352. The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas 353. The Collected Poems of William Butler Yeats 354. Sati, Christopher Pike 355. The Inferno, Dante 356. The Apology, Plato 357. The Small Rain, Madeline L’Engle 358. The Man Who Tasted Shapes, Richard E Cytowick 359. 5 Novels, Daniel Pinkwater 360. The Sevenwaters Trilogy, Juliet Marillier 361. Girl with a Pearl Earring, Tracy Chevalier 362. To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf 363. Our Town, Thorton Wilder 364. Green Grass Running Water, Thomas King 365. The Interpreter, Suzanne Glass 366. The Moor’s Last Sigh, Salman Rushdie 367. The Mother Tongue, Bill Bryson 368. A Passage to India, E.M. Forster loved 369. The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky 370. The Phantom of the Opera, Gaston Leroux 371. Pages for You, Sylvia Brownrigg 372. The Changeover, Margaret Mahy 373. Howl’s Moving Castle, Diana Wynne Jones 374. Angels and Demons, Dan Brown 375. Johnny Got His Gun, Dalton Trumbo 376. Shosha, Isaac Bashevis Singer 377. Travels With Charley, John Steinbeck 378. The Diving-bell and the Butterfly by Jean-Dominique Bauby 379. The Lunatic at Large by J. Storer Clouston 380. Time for Bed by David Baddiel 381. Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold 382. Quite Ugly One Morning by Christopher Brookmyre 383. The Bloody Sun by Marion Zimmer Bradley 384. Sewer, Gas, and Eletric by Matt Ruff 385. Jhereg by Steven Brust 386. So You Want To Be A Wizard by Diane Duane 387. Perdido Street Station, China Mieville 388. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Anne Bronte 389. Road-side Dog, Czeslaw Milosz 390. The English Patient, Michael Ondaatje 391. Neuromancer, William Gibson 392. The Epistemology of the Closet, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick 393. A Canticle for Liebowitz, Walter M. Miller, Jr 394. The Mask of Apollo, Mary Renault 395. The Gunslinger, Stephen King 396. Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare 397. Childhood’s End, Arthur C. Clarke 398. A Season of Mists, Neil Gaiman 399. Ivanhoe, Walter Scott 400. The God Boy, Ian Cross 401. The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, Laurie R. King 402. Finn Family Moomintroll, Tove Jansson 403. Misery, Stephen King 404. Tipping the Velvet, Sarah Waters 405. Hood, Emma Donoghue 406. The Land of Spices, Kate O’Brien 407. The Diary of Anne Frank 408. Regeneration, Pat Barker 409. Tender is the Night, F. Scott Fitzgerald 410. Dreaming in Cuban, Cristina Garcia 411. A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway 412. The View from Saturday, E.L. Konigsburg 413. Dealing with Dragons, Patricia Wrede 414. Eats, Shoots & Leaves, Lynne Truss 415. A Severed Wasp - Madeleine L’Engle 416. Here Be Dragons - Sharon Kay Penman 417. The Mabinogion (Ancient Welsh Tales) - translated by Lady Charlotte E. Guest 418. The DaVinci Code - Dan Brown 419. Desire of the Everlasting Hills - Thomas Cahill 420. The Cloister Walk - Kathleen Norris 421. The Things We Carried, Tim O’Brien 422. I Know This Much Is True, Wally Lamb 423. Choke, Chuck Palahniuk 424. Ender’s Shadow, Orson Scott Card 425. The Memory of Earth, Orson Scott Card 426. The Iron Tower, Dennis L. McKiernen 427.The French Lieutenant's Woman, John Fowles 428. The Four Feathers, A.E.W. Mason 429. The Jester, James Patterson 430. Cry the beloved Country, Alan Paton 431. The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath 432. The Stranger, Albert Camus And you're supposed to add three books you've read to the end of the list that don't previously appear. Here are mine: 433. Lady Chatterly's Lover, D.H. Lawrence 434. Murder on the Orient Express, Agatha Christie 435. The Corrections, Jonathan Franzen ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/14/2004 07:24:43 AM This is an impressive list, it is going to take me some time just to read it much less copy it and respond. I take it this is a progressive list, so I when I copy it, I also copy your addtional three also then I would add three more. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Sherron EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/14/2004 10:18:43 PM Great list. Most of my favorites are there, and I appreciate having some new suggestions to search for. For a read-aholic, it's like a Sears and Roebuck catalog. Can't believe any of Pat Conroy's books aren't included. Prince of Tides and Beach Music are incomparable. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Puppets EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2004 10:40:45 PM Shoulder Bag, Purse, Carry-On, Bag, Tote, Knitting Bag ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Starvation STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/14/2004 05:13:13 PM ----- BODY: This Slate Explainer addresses the question of how long you can go without food. Me personally? Four hours, tops. Don't believe me? Ask my family and those who incur my wrath when I haven't been properly fed in a long time. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2004 08:20:49 AM I once went a month without eating during my senior year of high school. And it was about three years after that I started eating more than one meal a day. Of course, I don't have that problem now:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Daddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2004 11:18:04 AM 4 hours sounds about right. I don't usually eat breakfast even though I should. Mornings seem to be the only time I'm not hungry for some odd reason. ----- PING: TITLE: payday advance URL: IP: BLOG NAME: payday advance DATE: 06/15/2005 04:18:25 AM Please check out some helpful info about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Infidelity STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/16/2004 09:28:47 AM ----- BODY: I'm cheating on my book club. A year and a half to two years ago, I joined my first book club. Since I will read just about anything (the side of a cereal box, Gun and Tackle magazine, you name it), this seemed like a good idea. It was, but for reasons that have nothing to do with reading. The book club has ten members, all women, half of whom are lawyers and half of whom are doctors (its an acquired taste). We assign a book, get together, drink wine and talk about our sex lives. Don't get me wrong, I love these women. They're accomplished, funny, smart and have one hell of a shoe collection. These women, however, don't read. They get really excited about selecting new books, just not about reading them. Quite a while ago I resigned myself to the fact that these women, wonderful though they may be, aren't going to finish any of the assigned books, so I just show up expecting some good wine and better gossip. I am rewarded every time. While lamenting (read: whining about) the non-readers in my "book club" to a friend of mine, he suggested I give his book club a test drive. He mentioned a few of the books they'd read in the past, and told me the next three books they've selected for their meetings through August. To make things even easier, he was hosting his club's next meeting and he invited me to join them. The assigned book was Oyster, which was fitting, as it is set in Plaquemine Parish in the 1950's, and is written by a local author. I headed over to my friend's house on Monday night, and was pleasantly surprised to see not only men (!), but people of various ages, which gave a much richer tone to the conversations. We had a seated dinner and over white wine and shrimp discussed the Greek tragedy overtones in the book, and some people's frustrations with the excessive use of Louisiana food terms (this is a book that has lines like, "The night was as still as a pot of cold gumbo". Quite irritating if you live in south Louisiana, but easily overlooked since the book is plot driven and not overly descriptive). We ate, drank, talked and laughed and actually discussed the book. Who knew? Over dinner we selected the book for the September book club (since they've already picked the July and August books). To my surprise, coming from a book club that reads romance novels, they picked The Iliad. No, I'm not joking. And they chose a specific translation, because the translator will be in town and they want to invite him to the September meeting. I think I'm in love. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MJ EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2004 08:05:19 AM Whatcha reading for??? Reading iz stoopid. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Daddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2004 10:42:54 AM All about gettin' yo learn on :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2004 11:13:26 AM It's like any other relationship... Fun and meaningless is good for awhile, but there comes a time when you need something deeper. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Leah EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/17/2004 08:17:49 PM I've been to three book clubs in Dallas -- two sponsored by libraries and one at a friend's house. You're right about the gossip factor at a private group: I learned more about the womens' choices in birth control and their favorite shopping spots than the book itself. But it was great fun. I guess it's a matter of how you want to spend your evening... ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Just Plain Gone STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/18/2004 09:57:16 AM ----- BODY: Hoaxes and conspiracy theories usually don't interest me. I've found an exception. I used to read a blog, which is still linked in my Links section, called Plain Layne. The writing was prolific, interesting and covered all sorts of intimate topics. It was like reading a soap opera -- there was some new outlandish event every day, intertwined with a regular cast of characters. About a week and a half ago, I clicked on the link to read the daily update of craziness, and the blog was gone. All of the long posts, archives, pictures and everything had vanished. In its place were some words in Polish, and those eventually vanished, too. Since I enjoyed reading the blog, I sent "Layne" an e-mail asking where she'd moved it. I figured she was just ready for a change of scenery. I never received a response, so I came to the conclusion that she just decided to give up on the blogging and do something more interesting, like hang gliding or robbing banks. It turns out that, after much investigation by some seriously obsessed bloggers, Layne may never have existed at all. More than a few people have their theories about the Plain Layne blog: some think it was written by a man, some think it was a group writing project, and some think Plain Layne was a terrorist sleeper cell. I am of the opinion that Plain Layne was written by one (or more) women who have overactive imaginations. And that's fine with me. I never took too much stock in the accuracy of the blog (I rarely do with any blogs) and if it was all fiction, it was still damn good fiction. I'm keeping the link for a little while longer in case "Layne" resurfaces. If that doesn't happen, I'll be in the market for a new drug. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/21/2004 05:45:38 AM One of the other blogs I read (Ilyka Damen) mentioned that blog and its demise recently, too. I'm sorry I never saw it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/21/2004 08:54:43 AM Some of her more rabid fans are recreating her blog from its archives. I'll post something once that new site is available (though you should be able to read it through the Plain Layne link in my Links section). ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/22/2004 03:00:00 PM They'll have to get a little further along in the project for me to be able to make any sense of it. Someone is trying to rebuild it from browser caches. Must have been quite a site for someone to go to those lengths to save the archives. I'll try back later. My curiosity is piqued. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/27/2004 12:45:01 PM That is one link I overlooked, now I am extremely curious. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: count motility sperm EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 12:23:28 AM count fertility sperm low sperm count treatment count home sperm test sperm count low and .... count increase pregnancy sperm what is a normal sperm count cell count phone sperm check count sperm count motility sperm sperm count masturbation .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: mountain dew sperm count EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 12:42:38 AM sperm count motility count no sperm average male sperm count increase sperm count and .... count dew mountain sperm how to increase sperm motility count kit sperm yellow 5 sperm count masturbation and sperm count count help low sperm .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: fertility sperm count EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 01:01:54 AM mountain dew sperm count increased sperm count sperm count after vasectomy low sperm count infertility and .... low sperm count in men marijuana low sperm count post vasectomy sperm count increase sperm volume sperm count zero sperm count .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: low sperm count in men EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 01:32:14 AM count higher sperm count increase remedy sperm reasons for low sperm count sperm count decline and .... count masturbation sperm man sperm count average male sperm count yellow 5 sperm count count food increase sperm that sperm count alcohol .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: human growth hormone medical information EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 02:30:50 AM hgh human growth hormone antiaging growth hormone human human growth hormone therapy human growth hormone for sale and .... growth hormone human testimonial affect growth hormone human side human growth hormone booster best growth hormone human human growth hormone product human growth hormone and aging .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: benefits of human growth hormone EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 03:07:36 AM human growth hormone products growth hormone human marketing network human growth hormone diet human growth hormone booster and .... human growth hormone reports growth hormone human releasers human growth hormone releaser human growth hormone spray human growth hormone bodybuilding antiaging growth hormone human medicine .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: growth hormone human sports EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 03:44:28 AM human growth hormone product human growth hormone dangers effect human growth hormone human growth hormone new england journal of medicine and .... growth hormone human recombinant growth hormone human recom human growth hormone facts effects of human growth hormone human growth hormone amino acids human growth hormone supplements .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: athlete growth hormone human EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:19:41 AM growth hormone human treatment human growth hormone 15 discount growth hormone human growth hormone human manufacturer and .... human growth hormone release injectable human growth hormone human growth hormone supplement human growth hormone new england journal of medicine human growth hormone problems human growth hormone injection .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: natural human growth hormone EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:48:45 AM growth hormone human risk growth hormone human powder releaser human growth hormone children human growth hormone reports and .... natural human growth hormone human growth hormone cancer dhea growth hormone human human growth hormone danger growth hormone human renewal growth height hormone human increase .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: human growth hormone products EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 06:46:12 AM growth hormone human recombinant growth hormone human keyword growth hormone human synthetic human growth hormone for weight loss and .... human growth hormone prescription human growth hormone information human growth hormone release human growth hormone dosage growth height hormone human increase compare growth hormone human .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: growth hormone human keyword EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 07:03:16 AM human growth hormone new england journal of medicine best growth hormone human human growth hormone injections cheap growth hormone human and .... growth hormone human info human growth hormone spray human growth hormone sale growth hormone human nutrition human growth hormone injections growth hormone human sales .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: human growth hormone facts EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 07:19:59 AM human growth hormone sale canadian growth hormone human research growth hormone human replacement therapy human growth hormone weight loss and .... human growth hormone sales growth hormone human recom human growth hormone and aging growth height hormone human increase human growth hormone therapy human growth hormone sales .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: human growth hormone sales EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 07:40:34 AM human growth hormone releasers human growth hormone side effects human growth hormone replacement human growth hormone non prescription and .... human growth hormone releaser human growth hormone amino acids human growth hormone amino acids human growth hormone product human growth hormone diet real human growth hormone .Thanks. ----- PING: TITLE: Wednesday Rant URL: IP: BLOG NAME: CrabAppleLane Blog DATE: 06/23/2004 06:23:03 AM My rage this morning is reserved for internet websites of two different services I use. One is BellSouth and the other is DirecTV. Their sites work perfectly if you want to order something from them or upgrade your service. However,... ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/21/2004 09:13:31 AM ----- BODY: 1. Describe how you saw yourself in high school. Scared, smart, funny, awkward 2. If you could select the sex of your baby, would you? Which would you choose and why? I wouldn't -- that doesn't strike me as something people should mess around with. 3. What would you name your child if it were a girl? A boy? Justin and I have already chosen baby names. Girl=Riley. Boy=Jackson. 4. What are the best and worst pick up lines you've heard/used? Best and worst pickup line: Your legs are beautiful. In fact, they're so beautiful, I think I'll give them names. I'll name this one Christmas and this one New Years. May I visit you between the holidays? 5. What's the worst break up line you've heard or used? I'd have to give that one some more thought. 6. Heard any good jokes lately? No. My life is strictly un-funny these days. 7. Is the glass half full or half empty or did the dog knock it over? Maggie always knocks over our glasses -- that's why we have to store them up high where she can't reach them. 8. When was the last time you were tricked? High school. My mom. Don't ask. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Acadiana STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/25/2004 09:28:03 AM ----- BODY: I am back from another fun week in Acadiana. I was hanging out in New Iberia, LA doing a document production at a sugar mill (I know it sounds glamorous, but it isn't). I stayed in Lafayette and had some excellent meals at Ruth's Chris (my first time there) and Prejean's. I'm now off to Big D to see my family. Regular blogging should resume next week. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/28/2004 03:13:23 PM Ruth Chris... YUM!!! Prejean's Cajun Food.... hell yeah dude! :) Check your U2U msg on the forum... lateron and tell Archi to start posting again! :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Leah EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2004 10:45:13 PM I could not agree with you more about the Valentine's Day/Thanksgiving split. The sight of those ugly aisles of red satin candy hearts makes me feel melancholy. But a holiday in November that only involves hanging out with family and eating too much...not bad at all. Maybe it's the "mood weather" in November that I love. Where in Dallas is your fam? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/05/2004 06:44:45 PM I do agree with you about the "mood weather" around Thanksgiving. I love having the football weather, a big meal and lots of time to sit around, read books and digest. My fam is still living where I grew up -- in Lake Highlands. I went to a private elementary school in east Dallas before going to high school at Ursuline and then moving out of state for college. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ilf-tworzenie stron EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/28/2004 04:04:03 PM Hi Congratulations you have a very entertaining and beautiful site. You have great designs on your site! Profesjonalne tworzenie stron internetowych w technologii flash, projektowanie zaawansowanych sklepów www, Agencja interaktywna - serwisy i witryny internetowe, projekty graficzne stron… ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ilf-pozycjonowanie EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/28/2004 04:04:31 PM Your website is interesting!!!Pozycjonowanie stron, promocja i reklama stron internetowych w ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Hotele Warszawa EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2004 12:06:02 PM Really nice site!Hotele w Polsce. Hotel Warszawa, hotele Gdańsk, Kraków, Zakopane, Wrocław. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: best backgammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:31 AM Only at electronic backgammon you can find the best. I think that electronic backgammon should be played more. electronic backgammon offers that, along with many more internet casino games. Why wait? presents all the tips and game strategy you will need to play electronic backgammon one of the funniest and most interesting games.The most used methods to play electronic backgammon. In your free time, check the sites about backgammon strategy. Casino for FREE is only here at backgammon strategy. Great winning chances at backgammon strategy. Thanks for the information, Greg, See also summary at backgammon strategy. Have Fun! Try backgammon strategy - best rules, tips, history, and, of course, the game. I also think that playing backgammon strategy is the key for online success. 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In case you are a newcomer to best backgammon feel free to browse our extensive blackjack rules, which apply to the game itself, and not just to the best backgammon version. Yep - great site. Visit also - to play in the best best backgammon info site on the net! best backgammon tournaments are now available. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Guest Blogging STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/28/2004 06:15:31 PM ----- BODY: Okay, folks, I'm guest blogging this week over at Crab Apple Lane. Come find me over there until 7/1. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/02/2004 10:41:11 AM Thanks, kitty. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 07/02/2004 04:33:48 PM ----- BODY: 1. What was the best thing that happened to you this week? The worst? Best: Tie between going to lunch with the law clerks at Pancho's Mexican Buffet (the food was disgusting, but the company was great) and having dinner with Archi-Sapper and boss at her house last night. Worst: Working until 9:00 p.m. Tuesday night. No thank you. 2. What's the best thing someone's done for you (recently or not so recently)? What's the worst thing someone's done to you (again, recently or not so recently)? Best: Again, a tie between giving me a job when no one else wanted to employ me and all of the supportive things Archi-Sapper has done for me. Worst: two words: high school. 3. What's the best thing about your job? Worst? Best: the funny people. Worst: Stupid decisions made by management. 4. What's the best new website you've found? Worst? Best: Reality Blurred (a blog of reality shows). Worst: The website of Odin Soli, the mastermind behind the Plain Layne hoax. 5. What's the best book you've read? Worst? Best ever: Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Worst: A book I read in junior high by Drew Barrymore about her life story (gimme a break, it was junior high). 6. What's the best movie you've seen? Worst? Best: High Fidelity. Worst: Ishtar. 7. What's the best meal you've had? Worst? Best: Tie between meals at Jacq-Imo's in New Orleans and at K-Paul in New Orleans. Worst: Dinner at Ye Olde College Inn in New Orleans (the restaurant was populated with senior citizens, and the waitress refused to bring us anything we asked for but doted over the seniors. It must've been reverse age discrimination). 8. What's the best holiday? Worst? Best: Thanksgiving. All that food and no gifts to wrap. Worst: Valentine's Day. 9. What's the best thing in your future? Worst? Best: happiness. Worst: more work. 10. What's the best quote you know? Worst? Best: Adults are children who owe money. Worst: "They can't suspend all seven of us!" (this stated by seven high school seniors prior to a senior year prank which did result in seven suspensions) 11. What's your best word? Worst word? Best: meow. Worst: woof. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/05/2004 09:50:22 AM About #10: We had a classmate expose his shoulder-length hair (At De La Salle in New Orleans, it couldn't touch your shirt collar in 1975) on Graduation Night. He figured they couldn't do anything to him. Little did he know that the diplomas we received that night were ceremonial and the real ones would be coming later in the mail. He did not graduate with the rest of us. I think he did a whole summer of detention work for that stunt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Bis 100 EUR EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2004 03:03:24 PM Bis 100 EUR Bis 200 EUR Bis 300 EUR Bis 500 EUR Ab 500 EUR Festplatten ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Weighty Issues STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 07/05/2004 06:41:09 PM ----- BODY: Only in New Orleans is the lack of bathrooms in bars such a big issue that restrooms are now required in these establishments by city ordinance. My favorite line from the article: "The New Orleans Police Department is responsible for enforcing the law, and violations should be reported by calling the department's nonemergency line." I don't know about you, but when nature calls, I'd classify that as an emergency. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2004 08:53:02 AM I think the issue is the bars, themselves. They want their bathrooms to be for their employees and patrons only. That's not unreasonable if you ask me. There really is no excuse for this. There are 1000 cops down there. Post signs and arrest those that urinate in public. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Puppets EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2004 10:23:30 PM Shoulder Bag, Purse, Carry-On, Bag, Tote, Knitting Bag ----- PING: TITLE: Overdue Linkfest URL: IP: BLOG NAME: CrabAppleLane Blog DATE: 07/08/2004 06:10:53 AM Some links I’ve enjoyed lately I offer for your perusal. Clicks is back with a great picture taken in Charleston, SC. Weighty issues at kittysays. She and I agree on what constitutes an emergency. Bluffs, stones, and rocks at Bored... ----- PING: TITLE: Overdue Linkfest URL: IP: BLOG NAME: CrabAppleLane Blog DATE: 07/08/2004 06:10:56 AM Some links I’ve enjoyed lately I offer for your perusal. Clicks is back with a great picture taken in Charleston, SC. Weighty issues at kittysays. She and I agree on what constitutes an emergency. Bluffs, stones, and rocks at Bored... ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: The Hunt STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 07/07/2004 05:52:05 PM ----- BODY: As Archi-Sapper mentioned on his blog the other day, we're house hunting. When we initially started the wild, weird journey I thought, "No big deal. I love shopping. This is just shopping for something a whole lot bigger than say, a pair of flip flops. Okay." I'm going to have to retract those thoughts. A house is MUCH bigger than a flip flop. We have signed up with an excellent local realtor who has been showing us houses. This is, of course, the fun part. This is akin to going to the mall to try on clothes, only without the salespeople trying to peek over your dressing room door to see how you're doing (does that happen to anyone else?), without the bad music played in each store and without having to find your car in the parking lot when it's all done. We're not planning on making any immediate offers at any of these houses, so no pressure. Right? We saw one house that had a cat lurking outside, and when we walked inside, it became apparent that the cat had been living in the house. Alone. With no one to deoderize the house. Note to real estate agents who list houses: they're much easier to sell when they don't smell like wet cat. We saw another house that had foundation problems. Most houses settle after a few years, and in southeast Louisiana, you expect quite a bit of movement beneath you. However, prior to selling a house, most people fix their foundation problems. Not this seller. I knew I couldn't move into that house because I would've been afraid to put our dog in the corner, for fear that she'd tumble paw over paw until she landed face first in the door. And if we're going to fix the house's foundation, we're not fixing the door. We saw a couple of houses that weren't "fixer-uppers", they were "tear down and rebuild"-ers. If I'm going to build a house, I'll either buy an empty plot of land or consider buying a house to raze if it is dirt cheap. These weren't. After looking at house after house, our favorite one is still the very first one we saw. We liked it when we walked in, and after seeing numerous houses which would undoubtedly propel us into some sort of protracted litigation at some point in the future (for brain damage to our dog, if nothing else), it looks even better. Anybody have a lawnmower we can borrow? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2004 08:17:08 AM Sounds long as there's an extra room for a visiting sister:) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2004 04:49:58 PM You can borrow my lawn mower. It's got a 60" cut. I can roll right over those rose bushes that smaller lawn mowers have to go around. Good Luck on the house hunt. It is both thrilling and exasperating. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Leah EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/08/2004 09:00:38 PM It is more important than flip flops. I wore myself out just looking for a place to rent. Good luck to you for the house hunt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/11/2004 10:40:44 AM Don't know about the lawn mower but I do have an extra gas grill and just for Kitty, a really fine 1991 Ford Explorer with slight electrical problems and has not ran for 17 months, but what the hell, it will match Rusty in a couple of years. :):) Think of it this way, matching bookends for the yard. Okay I am not serious, I love you too much, I know I tempted fate on Rusty. :) Just some thoughts from an old...... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/11/2004 11:08:46 AM good luck on that.. just make sure you have a room for mj and i to crash at when we come visit. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Helen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/14/2004 11:37:54 AM House-hunting can be both big fun and very stressful-but it all depends on how you think of these words: "Fixer-Upper". ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Puppets EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2004 10:25:36 PM Shoulder Bag, Purse, Carry-On, Bag, Tote, Knitting Bag ----- PING: TITLE: home loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: home loans DATE: 06/15/2005 04:07:20 AM Please check out the sites dedicated to loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Toys STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 07/14/2004 05:03:51 PM ----- BODY: In a fun turn of events, my firm has just presented me with one of these. Let the e-mailing begin! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/15/2004 08:14:55 AM How long until Justin gets one? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/15/2004 09:12:25 AM I tell you what... you need to hire me as the IT guy who gets free stuff and doesnt work. ;) I am looking at a Dell Axim now and so far it would be better for me than carrying a bigass laptop around campus. And if you have WiFi, you can do all kinds of stuff while sipping on a cup of jo. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ray EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/16/2004 06:53:22 PM I am SO jealous. I still have separate phone and PDA, and I had to buy them myself. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Negotiation STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 07/15/2004 10:11:44 AM ----- BODY: Monday afternoon I was tired, excited, a little nervous and ready to get the show on the road. We've been looking at houses for a month or two, and already I'm sick of it. As I mentioned in a previous post, the more I looked at houses, the more I liked the first house we saw. Archi-Sapper felt the same way. So we decided to go for it and make an offer on the house. We met our realtor at the coffeeshop near his office. I was uncharacteristically late, as I had gotten sidetracked at the office. They were most of the way through their iced coffees by the time I arrived and saw them sitting on the front porch of the coffee shop. Our realtor suggested we walk through the house one more time and see if there were any conditions we wanted to put on our offer. We headed over to the house, our realtor got the key and we let ourselves in. Archi-Sapper knows more than any human should about construction, so he studied every wall, corner, nook and cranny to find defects. Being the more technical of the two of us, I wandered through the rooms and thought about what colors I wanted to paint the walls. After about a half hour touring the property, I was about to sweat through my business suit, and begged them to leave so we could write out our offer back at the coffee shop -- back in civilization. Back in a place where the air conditioning was turned on. We sat down with the forms and talked about the amount of our offer. I wanted to make a low-ball offer and negotiate our way back up. Archi didn't want to insult them with an offer that was too low, but like me, he also wanted to save money. We ended up making the lowest offer we could come up with that was still reasonable, and our agent said, "They won't take this. They'll probably make a counter-offer." That wasn't a problem with us, so we signed the offer and headed home. Yesterday I went to the downtown branch of our bank -- you know, the place where the little old ladies get dressed up to go to when they need to do their banking? That place. After two hours, we were pre-approved for the loan. I am still floored than anyone is willing to loan us more than $10. I trudged back through downtown to my office and tried to get some work done. By the end of the day, I had completely forgotten about the house, the meeting with the bank, the offer. . . everything. I forgot until Archi-Sapper called me. He heard from our realtor. They accepted our offer. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/15/2004 02:25:00 PM very cool ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ray EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/15/2004 07:46:06 PM Congratulations. Now all you have to do is close. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: greyheadedstranger EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/15/2004 09:58:53 PM Fantastic, wonderful, I am so happy for ya'll!!!! LOVE YA ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/15/2004 10:22:47 PM Congratulations. Good Luck with the closing and the big move. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Daddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/16/2004 06:50:05 AM Congrats! Nothing like a good deal done easy. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/16/2004 01:17:52 PM :)!!!!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Romantik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2004 06:57:15 AM Romantik Allgemein Chopin, Frédéric Dvorák, Antonín Franck, César Paganini, Niccolò ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Prozessoren EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/25/2004 03:57:45 PM Prozessoren AMD Duron AMD Athlon Intel Celeron Intel Pentium III Intel Pentium 4 ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Not So Sandy STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 07/19/2004 09:32:55 AM ----- BODY: We survived. Archi-Sapper and I are back from taking our churches' high school youth group to Destin, FL for a weekend. All of my limbs are still intact (I checked this morning), I didn't kill anyone and we all had a really good time. The best part of the actual travel to and from Florida was that Archi-Sapper was driving and wouldn't let the three teenage girls in the backseat of our car sing along to Britney Spears at the top of their lungs. There was actually an interesting mix of musical tastes in the car -- two of the girls were of the Britney Spears/Michelle Branch/any girl who sings about love listeners, while one only wanted to listen to Rush and Yes (she wasn't even born when those groups were in their prime, but I wasn't going to complain because it was far better than Britney). We stayed in a really nice condo that was close to the beach -- not that I ever saw it. Every time I would head over there or think about heading over there, I'd get distracted by something else. Since it was cloudy most of the time and the surf was pretty rough (or so I'm told), we watched movies, went go-carting and I got to read some of my book (currently The Iliad). Archi and I also hit the outlet mall and I learned something new for me, which I'll have to keep in mind as a soon-to-be homeowner: fiscal restraint. They had an Off-5th (Saks' outlet store), and I had to walk out to keep from spending my money. I just kept thinking to myself, "Closing costs, closing costs......" ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/19/2004 10:20:04 AM At least there wasn't a hurricane this time. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/20/2004 03:26:44 PM you mean you didnt even get to the beach once? ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 07/23/2004 10:53:26 AM ----- BODY: 1. What did you do on your summer vacation? There will be no summer vacation this year, as all of our funds are going to buy our house. However, we are going out of town for various functions that our employers pay for, so maybe those count..... 2. If you could stop time, what would you do? Sleep. 3. What is your hidden talent? I can get people to tell me things (usually more than I want to know). 4. What's your dream house like? The one we're buying! One story, three bedroom, two bathroom with an office and plenty of space to spread out our junk. 5. What's your favorite hand or arm gesture? When I was in depositions yesterday, we finished the deposition of the plaintiff's wife. At the end of the deposition, if you were the deponent, you have the right to read a copy of the transcript and review it for typos, and then sign it to attest to the accuracy of it. However, if that sounds like a pain to you, you can waive that right (referred to as waiving reading and signing). At the end of the deposition, her lawyer said, "Okay everyone, we're done." The court reporter said, "Wait is she going to read and sign?" and her lawyer said, "No, she'll waive." When he said that, she stuck her arm out and waved at the court reporter, throwing everyone into fits of laughter. It's the best hand gesture I've seen in a while. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Fun With Lawyers STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 07/25/2004 03:27:00 PM ----- BODY: I am back from the firm retreat, which was better than I anticipated. I enjoyed hanging out with people from work (did I say that?), and the only really annoying part was the extended "session" with a woman who is an employment lawyer and teaches other lawyers how to think on their feet. Basically, her sessions are take-offs of Who's Line Is It Anyway, only the lawyers aren't as funny as the trained actors on the show. Some of the funnier moments during the retreat came up Saturday night during the game of Night Spiker volleyball, a firm tradition. The game starts around 9 p.m. (right after our Luau) and is held outdoors with a glow-in the dark volleyball and net, and some lights on the sides so people don't spike each other instead of the ball. One of the partners in my department, a middle aged guy who enjoys his alcohol, decreed himself to be the scorekeeper of the game. He had arrived at the luau wearing a coconut bikini top (so wrong on so many levels), shorts and a grass skirt. When the volleyball game started, he sat on the sidelines, in his outfit, right next to the net, which he held onto for support (using the hand that wasn't holding his beer). He would occasionally drunkenly yell "side out!", regardless of whether the ball was actually in play. Good times. The only real snag in the weekend was when I checked into the hotel, looked through my bag and realized I forgot to pack any underwear. Rather than go commando for the weekend, we ran by Target and $80 later (I cannot seem to go to Target without spending a fortune), we were back at the beach resort. I had an outstanding massage at the spa yesterday, and Archi had his fill of rum runners which he enjoyed poolside. All in all, not a bad way to spend a weekend. Tonight, we get serious. If we're going to move into a house, we're going to have to clean. And not just pick up a few things but seriously clean. Like with brooms and stuff. I'm not sure if I'm ready for this, but ready or not, here I come. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Leah EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/25/2004 07:49:49 PM Ugh, I HATE cleaning before and after a move. Have you considered hiring a service for one day? It almost seems worth it to me! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/26/2004 08:12:03 AM I've considered it, but given the amount of $$ we're spending on closing, plus buying a fridge, an oven/range, a dishwasher and a lawnmower, we might not be that liquid. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Christoforo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/26/2004 09:08:03 PM Drunken partners... no underwear... sounds like some people's idea of a great weekend. Or Hell. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: back gammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:16 AM backgammon is another backgammon that's been around for a long time and has a good player following. In addition to backgammon they offer some casino games on the side; including blackjack, slots, let it ride and Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with backgammon is what I was looking for. I really enjoyed your site! Thanks. Also play at backgammon - a really good backgammon! Play more, gain more, online backgammon never no more. 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No doubt, the back gammon on net. many internet casino features and back gammon Play and win real money at back gammon. The ultimate is waiting for you. The advantages of betting in an back gammon site are far better and more attractive than visiting a regular poker or casino. Do not miss back gammon. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: best backgammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:18 AM A new electronic backgammon tournament - choose it or loose it. This is the electronic backgammon and none other. Great winning chances at electronic backgammon your choice. Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with is what I was looking for. I really enjoyed your site! Thanks. Also play at electronic backgammon - a really good electronic backgammon! backgammon strategy is, indeed, the site I spoke on. Play more, gain more, backgammon strategy never no more. Visit the backgammon strategy site!!! Many great games, where to bet at Look at our backgammon strategy site. Win real money at backgammon strategy. backgammon tips is one of the leading backgammon tips on the Internet. World Wide Web, making us the leading backgammon tips. Many great games, where to bet at Look at our backgammon tips site. Win real money at backgammon tips. Thanks for the great visit. Click also to backgammon set . backgammon set is just the right thing for you. you probbably know now that backgammon set is one of the largest on the internet. Hi, you - heard of poker? best backgammon is just the right thing for you. Hi, you - heard of best backgammon? The greatest best backgammon of all. Hi, you - heard of poker? is just the right thing for you. Hi, you - heard of best backgammon? The greatest best backgammon of all. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Borked STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 07/27/2004 03:33:29 PM ----- BODY: Here is a list of nominees for super-hotties of the Federal Judiciary. You know that's gotta be a short list. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 07/29/2004 03:42:27 PM mrs too tired to drive to baton rouge... ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Crackberries STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 07/28/2004 10:41:51 AM ----- BODY: A week or so into it, I really like my Treo. There are things about it I'd change (larger keyboard and a scroll wheel on the side, for starters). Overall, it makes my life much easier. That being said, I can't say that it always makes life easier for the person who is stuck in the office receiving numerous chopped up missives from the road warrior who is sending them. Typing on these things isn't easy, but if you add to the mix someone who is a bad typist on a full keyboard, you have a recipe for garbage. Case in point: my boss, who I adore, has a crackberry (so called because she has a physical dependency on this gadget). I once sent her an e-mail and received the following response: "Tx. Hi yu si on confcall 330$" I'm not making this up. That is exactly what the e-mail message said. After a few minutes of squinting at my screen and thinking about it, I realized she meant to say, "Thanks. Why don't you sit in on the conference call at 3:30?" While all these handheld devices definitely help us all communicate more easily, they don't necessarily make us better communicators. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Puppets EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2004 08:25:30 PM Puppet, Marionet, Marionnette, Fantoche, Marioneta ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: It's Dead, Jim STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 08/02/2004 09:00:25 AM ----- BODY: Desktop #2 is d-e-a-d. We bought a Dell desktop about two years ago, and it died right after the warranty expired (fried motherboard -- I'm told that's not a good result for a computer). We purchased a replacement Dell desktop in January, when Archi-Sapper was home for R&R. It has recently crashed, as well. One day I turned it on and it was very, very slow to boot up. Definitely not a good sign. Once it booted up, it wouldn't give me access to files on the hard drive, it wouldn't run Internet Explorer, wouldn't run McAfee and basically wouldn't do anything. Yesterday we put in the boot disc with no success -- it won't run that, either. Archi-Sapper thinks something screwy has happened with the memory, but we're not really sure. The only thing we know is that it is broken, broken, broken. This is obviously seriously frustrating. I hate throwing good money after bad into compouters that don't work for very long. I'm sure I inadvertantly downloaded some sort of virus, but that also frustrates me since we were running McAfee on the machine and actually ran the program every day. *sigh* ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/02/2004 10:52:02 AM I'm with you. I hate, hate, hate computer problems. Unfortunately, people think I'm good at them and I get their problems, too. For what's it's worth, yours sound to me like the lightning strike / power surge variety more so than a computer virus. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: bigdaddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/02/2004 01:27:35 PM I told Archi to call me about this. If you want to pay to ship it I'll gladly fix it for you. e-mail or IM me (MSandoval500) and we'll talk about it. Don't let it just sit there ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vauda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/02/2004 04:29:53 PM What happens when you try to boot up from your recovery disk? Does it give you an error or does it still boot to windows? If it still boots to windows, try this: 1. Restart your computer. 2. Press F2 to go to setup. 3. Make sure in your boot options that your computer is set to boot from your CD-ROM drive BEFORE your hard drive. It sounds to me like you just got some kind of virus that slows your computer down. If you don't want to screw with it and don't need to backup any files, just reload Windows. Otherwiise, try this: 1. Restart your computer. 2. Press F8 continuously (not too quickly because your computer will think that it has a keyboard jam). 3. Tell it to boot from Safe Mode with networking support. 4. Try to access all of your programs now. If they work, then you just have a virus because many viruses don't take effect in Safe Mode. If your programs work in Safe Mode, let me know and I'll tell you how to get rid of viruses and spyware. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Christoforo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/02/2004 07:00:47 PM As soon as you get a working machine (either new, or repaired), download an alternate browser -- anything other than IE. IE has serious security flaws (see this article for details: Most of the viruses, trojan horses, browser hijackers -- including the one that hit my old computer -- are written for IE, and do not affect other browsers. I now use Mozilla Firefox, and love it. It has pretty much all the functionality of IE, and can be customized to provide a host of additional features. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Archi-Sapper EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/03/2004 05:04:20 PM Big Daddy's right. I think we actually went out of town that weekend. Here's the problem: Whenever it logs in to a user, it can't. It says there's not enough memory and that windows for some reason can not verify the registry. So, I went into the setup and set it for boot from CDRom and enable OS setup. After I did that, it told me in DOS that the system is only recognizing 256 out of the 512m or RAM. So I ran the diagnostic all the memory tests and they all passed. But I'm pleased to have Vauda because I couldn't figure out how to get it into Safe Mode. I'll try that tonight. :) If that doesn't work, then expect a call or IM from me, Big Daddy, because if I can't get this to work before we move, I'm going to have the heaviest trash can on the street. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Daddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/04/2004 07:43:34 AM Enjoy your working computer ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/05/2004 08:24:19 AM Yeah, he's still in the loop.. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Big Thanks STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 08/05/2004 08:38:48 AM ----- BODY: Big thanks to Big Daddy who managed to get to the bottom of our pesky computer problem. It seems that the little card inside the computer which holds our memory had become unhinged. How this happened is a mystery to me, since we never move the computer. Perhaps the dog cracked the lid of the case and moved things around. Oddly, the computer still won't let me log into my desktop, but lets Archi-Sapper log into his just fine. Only I would have sexist computer problems. Tomorrow we're off to Atlanta for the ABA Annual Meeting. If I survive the flights there and back, it should be fun. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Daddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/05/2004 06:15:53 PM What does it say when you try to log into yours? I'm out of town this weekend, call me sometime next week and we'll fix that too. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Leah EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/06/2004 10:34:50 AM Oh my god. I hope you survive the Atlanta airport. I was there a month ago and it was the weirdest four hours I'd had in a while due to huge construction pits, roaring fans blowing plaster bits on me, and REALLY drunk passengers stumbling around a delayed flight's gate. I felt like I was in the Budapest airport, minus the soldiers with machine guns casually walking about. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2004 01:55:28 PM wow..... dogs these days. ;) ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: And we're back STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 08/09/2004 08:36:57 PM ----- BODY: We have returned from the ABA's Annual Meeting in Atlanta. Before I get comments referring to my time in "Hotlanta", I should note that the most remarkable thing about the trip was the incredibly cool weather. It was in the 80's most of the time, sunny and dry. Just like Louisiana. The best thing about the ABA convention is the people. I always leave the conferences so energized and ready to return to my practice. It's so easy to get into a rut at work and it is truly refreshing to see so many smart, funny, capable people who do exactly what you do every day. Archi-Sapper marveled at how many nice lawyers he met while sitting at the hotel's sports bar. He actually returned from the weekend with a potential business contact. I left with no direct business contacts, but with some great friends and a renewed energy for my practice. Good enough for me. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/10/2004 08:36:05 AM welcome back ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 08/11/2004 03:16:30 PM ----- BODY: Would you rather: Sing country songs buck naked to the PTA or come across your "art" photos on a porn site? Ummmmmm, the latter. Have a biker gang for neighbors or five chatty Chihuahuas within barking distance? Oh definitely the biker gang. They wouldn't be at home making noise as much as the chihuahuas. Be addicted to sniffing modeling glue or be addicted to huffing butane from Bic lighters? Modeling glue. At least my addiction would be the result of something creative. Lick a 9 volt battery or lick the bottom of your foot? The bottom of my foot. I'm pretty clean. Ketchup soup or mustard soup? Mustard soup. Mustard rules. Live in a great house in a place you don't like or a bad house in a place you love? A great house, hands down. Once I'm inside, I don't really care about what's going on in the street. Spend a weekend at a spa or spend a weekend camping? You can't be serious..... And finally, just a couple of questions this week to maintain the continuity. 1. What would you host a cable tv program about? A mix of things -- music, movies, theater, politics, shoes. 2. What or who do you lust for? Besides shoes? 3. You've got a spare $5,000, what do you do with it? Pay off credit cards. 4. How often do you see your family? I see Archi-Sapper every day and the extended fam a couple of times a year. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Maxi-CDs EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2004 02:21:34 PM Maxi-CDs Box-Sets Allgemein Afrika Afrika Allgemein Cap Verde ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: More Conferencing STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 08/13/2004 08:36:17 AM ----- BODY: Well folks, the tables have turned. I'm typing this from a hotel in Little Rock, Arkansas while Archi-Sapper attends a conference. Other than the fact that Archi didn't get the wakeup call he requested, and thus was running late this morning, things are going well. I managed to get the high speed internet access up and running without too much trouble, and wandered downstairs for Krispy Kreme doughnuts and orange juice already. This should leave me plenty of time to get some work done this morning before I head to Backyard Burger (my favorite!) for some lunch and then hop on a conference call at 2:00. Maybe I need another doughnut.... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Book Quiz STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 08/17/2004 08:47:15 AM ----- BODY: Thanks to Rain Man for pointing me to this quiz:

You're To Kill a Mockingbird!
by Harper Lee
Perceived as a revolutionary and groundbreaking person, you have changed the minds of many people. While questioning the authority around you, you've also taken a significant amount of flack. But you've had the admirable guts to persevere. There's a weird guy in the neighborhood using dubious means to protect you, but you're pretty sure it's worth it in the end. In the end, it remains unclear to you whether finches and mockingbirds get along in real life.
Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.

----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/17/2004 09:32:46 AM I read that back in highschool... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/17/2004 01:00:44 PM I'm "Watership Down," which is actually one of my favorite books. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/17/2004 02:25:05 PM I think everyone read To Kill A Mockingbird back in high school. I never read Watership Down, but always heard good things about it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rain Man EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/17/2004 08:14:54 PM I'm also "To Kill A Mockingbird," and my wife is "Watership Down." But there really are more than two books that result from this test. Maybe these results show that Kitty draws like-minded people. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: hangover fix EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 07:13:46 AM hangover quote stop hangover how to get over a hangover curing hangover and .... hangover symptom hangover e card love hangover diana ross love hangover lyric hangover work hangover study .Thanks. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 08/19/2004 02:39:48 PM ----- BODY: 1. Who or what was the last thing you were really looking forward to that ended up not being at all what you'd expected or hoped for? This is going to sound stupid, but I was really looking forward to reading The Iliad for my book club, but I can't get past page 100. Achilles is going to have to continue raging on his own. 2. Who have you lost respect for recently? Why? Another attorney at my firm is satan's spawn, I've decided. A couple of years ago, I was scheduled to fly to South Carolina on a business trip. The day I was slated to leave, a plane crashed in New York. As everyone reading my blog is aware of my love of flying, it should come as no surprise that I freaked out and decided not to go. My boss totally understood, and I participate in the conference by phone, as did several other people. Apparently, word got around the office and this lawyer, who hates my guts for absolutely no reason, decided to take advantage of my weakness. She saw on our department's calendar that I was scheduled to go to Washington, D.C. for an ABA meeting. She wrote me an email saying, "I saw you're going to D.C. soon. Did you get good airfare?" When I got this, I knew she was just rubbing it in my face that she knew about my fear of flying, despite the fact that Archi-Sapper insisted I was simply reading too much into the email. I found out yesterday that not only was she trying to get my goat, she later bragged about her snide email to our co-workers, all of whom now think she is not only deranged, but incredibly mean for doing that to me. I agree. 3. What or who disappointed you lately? See #2. 4. How have you disappointed someone close to you? By not flying to Atlanta recently. 5. What chore would you most like your significant other to do or finish? Getting the bills paid on time. I know it isn't always easy, but it really stresses me out when the bills are late. 6. What is your biggest self-inflicted danger to your health? I eat lots of candy, particularly the kind that is sticky and tends to pull my teeth out (I recently pulled out a crown, but successfully put it back in myself!) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/26/2004 10:42:07 AM Greetings, Tom! I don't mind you commenting one bit. I tend to agree with you re: women being catty toward other women. I didn't really see a lot of it in law school, but definitely have in my practice. I really don't get it, either. Regarding the episode I described in this post, my boss said I should be flattered by it because (1)this lawyer must think I'm awfully important to spend this much time and energy thinking about me and (2) she is clearly jealous of me, because why else would she do these insane things? That made me feel better. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Weekend Events STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 08/22/2004 03:52:31 PM ----- BODY: This week and weekend have wrapped up nicely. Friday night we went to dinner with my boss and her husband, and had a great meal. Saturday my mom caught her flight home and Archi and I went to the Young Leadership Council's Role Model Awards Gala downtown. It was a black tie event, which isn't the type of thing we do too often. Archi got decked out in his dress blues, and I donned a black slinky dress he bought me when he was in Iraq. The dinner was a lot of fun (fun which was greatly enhanced by the pre-dinner open bar) and the food wasn't bad for a seated dinner for about 500. I got to catch up with the Dean of my alma mater, and a local appellate judge had an engaging conversation with my breasts (granted, they were at his eye level). We studiously avoided the silent auction, knowing that we need to save all of our extra cash for the closing on our house. We should be closing this week, if all goes well. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/23/2004 04:29:46 PM Good luck on the closing! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/24/2004 09:42:38 AM hell yeah, just make sure you save a room in your new house for me and MJ ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Light Reading STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 08/26/2004 03:11:12 PM ----- BODY: Regular readers of kittysays know that the book club I belong to (the one comprised entirely of women) has made some, um, interesting book selections in the past. We read Steve Martin's novellas, assorted pieces of trash, and even a romance novel, for God's sake. It's been brutal. To the rescue came M's boyfriend. M is a founding member of book club, and is a smart chickadee. She's not an avid reader, but for that, she can be forgiven. She enjoys reading enough, I just don't think she'd done a great deal of pleasure reading prior to the inception of our book club -- nothing wrong with that. She mentioned to her boyfriend, a life-long avid reader, that we were trying to select a book for our next club meeting. I had suggested The Devil Wears Prada -- light, brief and not overly taxing. I figured it was a shoo-in (no pun intended). M's boyfriend says, "Oh, no, no, no. You need something post-modern." Um, problem. Anything post-modern likely involves thought, which isn't usually happening in our club. "You could get something post-modern, but approachable." Approachability is good, but subject matter the ladies will bother to read is even better. "I'll find some books for you that would lend themselves to good discussions." Clearly he misses the point. It's not like we actually discuss any of these books we pointlessly assign ourselves. He dutifully researched post-modern books on google, and came up with the following suggestions: End Zone, by Don DeLillo. He describes it as a "football/fear of nuclear holocaust novel". For my regular readers, you know I don't even understand the rules of football. I'd have to pass on this one. Slaughterhouse Five, by Kurt Vonnegut. says of this book: "Kurt Vonnegut's absurdist classic Slaughterhouse-Five introduces us to Billy Pilgrim, a man who becomes unstuck in time after he is abducted by aliens from the planet Tralfamadore." Although I've always wanted to read it, this might not be the pick for the nail-polish wearing, bikini-wax discussing all female book club. Just a guess. If On A Winter's Night A Traveler, by Italo Calvino. Amazon describes it as an "experimental text" (I can see some book club members already rolling their eyes), and M's boyfriend says, "some who read it hate it because of a lack of a "story". Great pick! Next victim......... Ultimately, we did use one of M's boyfriend's suggestions. Our next book club pick? White Noise, by Don DeLillo. An update on how we did attempting to both read and discuss this book will surely follow. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: payday advance URL: IP: BLOG NAME: payday advance DATE: 06/15/2005 03:32:12 AM You may find it interesting to check out some helpful info about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Olympic Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 08/28/2004 02:03:30 PM ----- BODY: 1. What's the cleverest word play you've read or made up? I'm drawing a blank on this one. Does anyone else have a good answer for this? 2. What's the most outrageous cover story you've ever tried to make up? I'm a fairly do it by the rules kind of girl, so I never really needed to make up any elaborate cover stories growing up. The most outrageous thing that happened to me growing up which involved a cover story was when I had been hanging out with a friend of mine (a guy) and my mom said she didn't like him and didn't want me hanging out with him any more. He wasn't too excited about that development, so he had one of our mutual friends pick me up on a Friday night to take me out. The friend arrived and told me I wasn't going out with him, but he was taking me to an undisclosed location (no, Dick Cheney wasn't there). He took me to another person's house, and it turned out that "the guy" was there. 3. Did it work? Uh, no. Some of the mutual friends involved in planning this "heist" tipped off my mom once I'd been picked up, so she knew the score. She was none too happy upon my return home, but wasn't upset with me, because she knew I didn't plan it. 4. Favorite line from a song? (Eighteen double oh and a table dance). "I'm calling time and temperature just for some company" (from Big Brown Eyes by the Old 97's) 5. What has been your favorite Olympic moment? I haven't seen too much of the Olympics this year. I've seen some of the diving and some of the gymnastics, but that's about it. 6. What sport shouldn't be in the Olympics? Ping pong. If I can play it, it has no business being an olympic sport. 7. What sport should be in the Olympics? Tax evasion....hell, I don't know. 8. What's wrong with the Olympics? Too much politics and infighting. All right, blogging break is over. Time to continue the move. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Christoforo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 08/29/2004 04:07:49 PM Tax evasion... now there's a sport I could get into! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: best backgammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 05:08:10 AM Whether you're playing electronic backgammon at a land casino or whether you're electronic backgammon the come bet is very simple to explain if you understand how the electronic backgammon works. is part of the electronic backgammon network. What that means is, all electronic backgammon using this particular brand of electronic backgammon software share both tables and players, which allows each venue to keep their bustling with activity and active tables. Get clever in the famous backgammon strategy. Great Site - really useful information! Visit also backgammon strategy for more details on backgammon strategy betting and gambling. This is - your gateway to exhilarating multi-player backgammon strategy action that's a cut above the rest. I also think that playing backgammon tips is the key for online success. Nevertheless, I encountered yesterday a great backgammon tips site. Check and see forr yourselves! The best backgammon tips provides quality games and facilities. Really glad I surfed onto your site! I really enjoyed my visit. Will be making frequent stops ! This is backgammon set - your gateway to exhilarating multi-player backgammon set action that's a cut above the rest. this site is the best. I swear, you must try backgammon set and win as I do. Only at you can be a winner in a very short time. backgammon set is my site, what about you? Many features and gambling games, best backgammon and such. Look at best backgammon for rules and tips. The only reliable best backgammon , in my opinion. hi guys, I would like to recommend this site: , every one of you has to try it. best backgammon is your site, give it a try. ----- PING: TITLE: loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: loans DATE: 06/15/2005 03:57:53 AM In your free time, check some relevant pages dedicated to loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Public Radio STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/01/2004 01:26:18 PM ----- BODY: Do you miss Bob Edwards? Soon, you won't have to. Subscribers to XM Satellite Radio will be able to listen to him again starting October 4. Public radio is the one thing XM has been lacking. Now I'll never have a reason to listen to local radio again. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/01/2004 01:48:11 PM How's the house? ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Living in Triage STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/02/2004 09:00:04 PM ----- BODY: We're about 95% moved in. Appliances made it, furniture made it (thanks to the movers) and we're only missing a few boxes and "Rusty", Archi-Sapper's 1976 JMC pickup truck, complete with shag carpeting in the floorboard. If it were up to me, Rusty would be heading to the Pep Boys in the sky, but it ain't up to me. Rusty has a lot of sentimental value for Archi, and I get that. He puts up with my Hello Kitty collection. That said, our new house looks like a refugee camp. It is filled with brown cardboard boxes and trash bags. Although the boxes are labeled, they only have one word titles stating what room they go in, so you really don't know what you're gonna get until you open them. I found a trash bag full of clean underwear two days ago and thought I'd hit the jackpot. Now, if I could just find more than two pairs of shoes.......I've basically boiled my life down to the basics, and spend my evenings trying to find the things I absolutely need: deoderant, toothpaste, black shoes (which go with most anything), house keys, cute purses...... I am happy to report that, speaking of necessities, the high speed internet was installed this morning (requiring me to stay here until noon while the cable/phone/internet guy drilled holes in our walls and the dog growled at him). I think the plan for this weekend is to keep unpacking and finish up the necessities (i.e. getting a mailbox and some more blinds over all the windows). And yes, Pylorns, there is room for you and MJ to stay the next time you're in town. You'll get your own beds and everything! (we don't need you two sharing beds. That would come to no good end). We finally came to grips with the fact that we're now an old married couple. We spent last Friday night at Lowe's shopping for appliances. One Lowe's card and two hours later, and we're officially homeowners. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Granny Grump EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/02/2004 10:22:47 PM You need to post a list of suggestions for Housewarming gifts! So excited for ya'll! Can't wait to see the new home of "the old married couple"! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vauda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/08/2004 01:09:01 AM Congratulations! I will probably be coming for Mardi Gras and will have to stop by and check your new place out! Now if you could just get Justin to use that handy hi-speed internet to update his blog... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/08/2004 04:30:45 PM Congrats on the new crib..... and yes it would be nasty if mj/pylorns shared a bed.... imagine the impossible! I would like to check out "rusty" because those trucks are the bomb and virtually tanks. ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/08/2004 09:06:39 PM glad to hear all is going well. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Petr Smirnoff EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/05/2004 01:26:09 AM Would you like to vodka tonight? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Prozessoren EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/20/2004 03:37:18 PM Prozessoren AMD Duron AMD Athlon Intel Celeron Intel Pentium III Intel Pentium 4 ----- PING: TITLE: personal loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: personal loans DATE: 06/15/2005 03:46:38 AM You can also check some relevant pages about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Anniversary Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/08/2004 12:42:03 PM ----- BODY: I had two anniversaries on Saturday but only remembered one. The one I remembered was my fifth wedding anniversary to Archi-Sapper (hooray! We're five!) We had a very nice dinner and watched the end of the LSU game. Romantic stuff. The second anniversary, which I forgot, was of this blog. I can't believe I've been rambling aimlessly in cyberspace for a year now. Time flies. And now for some Cheddar X: 1. Who's your favorite superhero? Mighty Mouse (although Wonder Woman comes a close second. She would've come in first had I been allowed to wear Wonder Woman underoos as a child, as I requested. My request may have been denied because I always called her "Wonder Wonam", and it's possible no one knew what I meant). 2. Who's your favorite villain? Snideley Whiplash. Love the 'stache. 3. What was your last brush with greatness? I'm drawing a blank here. 4. Who is the last celebrity you've seen in public? Although lots of celebs have homes in New Orleans, I can't say I've seen any of them. Guess they don't hang out at law firms. 5. What's the most important event on your horizon? My horizon is pretty limited at the moment (I try not to plan things too far in advance). Right now, I'm thinking going home and changing clothes looks promising. 6. What did you think of Bush's speech last night? I didn't watch Bush's speech. Although, he might qualify as one of my favorite villains.... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: magik EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/08/2004 04:28:09 PM Wasnt that a nailbiting game with LSU???? Congrats on the anniversary and the blog!!! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Helen EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/09/2004 05:01:23 AM Happy blogiversary and wedding anniversary babe! :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/14/2004 12:35:54 PM Happy Anniversaries. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Petr Smirnoff EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/05/2004 01:48:38 AM Would you like to vodka tonight? ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Down at the Twist & Shout STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/13/2004 12:54:58 PM ----- BODY: They got a alligator stew and a crawfish pie A golf storm blowin’ into town tonight Livin on the delta’s quite a show They got hurricane parties every time it blows I like Mary Chapin Carpenter and all, but she's got to be kidding if she thinks New Orleanians have hurricane parties. Currently, Hurrican Ivan is eyeing the Gulf Coast and most everyone I know is obsessively watching the Weather Channel for updates and waiting for the local news stations to roll out poor Nash Roberts, our nearly-dead hurricane expert (anyone who lives in New Orleans knows you don't have to start worrying about a hurricane until you turn on the t.v. and see Nash). I can't give anyone around here a hard time about the weather watching, since anyone who knows me knows how much of a Weather Channel freak I am, rain or shine. My question is this: when is weather forecasting going to improve? They've been saying for the past week that Hurricane Ivan is going to make a turn toward the north and march toward Florida, and so far, all it has done is march west/northwest -- straight toward Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama. I am no meteorologist, but even I can look at the map and see where this thing is headed. Tomorrow, I'm packing up my bags, my husband and my dog and heading for safer climes. Folks around here are going to have to have a hurricane party without me. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/14/2004 12:36:46 PM No party here, either. I'm going to ride it out here in Bush. Be safe. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Dan EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/15/2004 07:48:32 AM I was down there for George, and have shared my stories with everyone - the highlight was when Nash Roberts brought out a dry erase board and said that N.O. would get the weaker side of the hurricane - the guys on the other staions with the Doppler 4000 or wahtever were laughing - not mentioning him by name, but puffing out their chests about their technology vs. the other guys "gut feeling" Needless to say, they were practically in tears when old Nash was right . . .godd luck to everybody down there. Don't forget to bring a hatchet . . . ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: RokynRobyn EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/15/2004 09:24:26 AM Come to Austin. No hurricanes here. :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Petr Smirnoff EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/05/2004 02:06:58 AM Would you like to vodka tonight? ----- PING: TITLE: Riding it out URL: IP: BLOG NAME: Rain Man 2 DATE: 09/14/2004 06:23:30 PM With Hurricane Ivan headed in this general direction, Kitty and Bekah have evacuated, which is probably the smart thing to do. I'm staying and praying. I can't provide a rational or logical explanation for that decision. I suppose if the ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Odds and Ends STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/19/2004 01:39:03 PM ----- BODY: I can't figure out how Nola always gets lucky on these things (though it wasn't so lucky when Betsy paid a visit), but we were happily spared the wrath of Ivan. Archi-Sapper and I evacuated to Houston and spent a few days in my grandmother's condo. I love my grandmother, I really do, but she's losing it. I suppose when you're 78, you're allowed to be forgetful. There were a few amusing moments in the land of memory loss, however. On Wednesday we decided to get ice cream as an afternoon snack. My grandmother helpfully wanted to go buy a gallon at the grocery store, but neither Archi nor I wanted that because neither of us wants to eat a gallon of ice cream. So we suggested finding a Baskin Robbins. Sweet grandmother looked them up in the phone book, and then called ahead to let them know we were coming. I'm sure the folks at Baskin Robbins were grateful for the heads up. Before leaving, she was excited because she found some gift certificates to Baskin Robbins and insisted that we had to use them. Fine, no problem. We hopped in the car and zipped over there, only to have grandmother spend ten minutes worrying because she can no longer consume dairy products and needed to find a gelato or ice that she could eat. Mind you, they only had three flavors in the ices, but she had to pick the right one. We finally got all of our ice cream, and then she produced the gift certificates. I said, "No, really, let us buy this. It isn't going to break our bank and we'd like to do it." After she insisted on paying, I picked up the gift certificates and pointed out to her that they were actually for Marble Slab, and probably expired two years ago. Duly flustered, I escorted her to the tables and chairs to have a seat. While sitting and eating the ice cream and reviewing the errant gift certificates for where she could've gone wrong with this whole ice cream buying gig, she looked at the birthday card they came in and read the message from the person who gave them to her, which was signed by someone named Steve. She looked at me and said, "Who's Steve?" Needless to say, as much as I love her, I'm glad to be back in the land of people who are able to make decisions and remember (most) things. My biggest concern now is my eyesight. This morning (okay, it was afternoon) after I woke up I was rinsing my contact lenses and, since they're not made by Black & Decker, I managed to tear one of them. This wouldn't be an issue, but it was my last pair of contacts and my next eye doctor's appointment isn't scheduled until one week from Monday (the soonest he could fit me in). It normally takes one to two months to get my contacts ordered and in, since I wear astigmatic lenses and they have be special ordered. The good thing about this is that I actually see better out of my glasses than my contacts. I am convinced, after years of road-testing contacts, that even the astigmatic lenses don't correct an astigmatism better than glasses. The downside to all of this is that, well, I have to wear glasses. Archi-Sapper thinks they make me look cute, though, God bless him. I'm glad he likes them because this is going to be my "look" until October. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/20/2004 08:37:59 AM Have you tried the gas permeable contacts? They work better for me than soft contacts or glasses. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/20/2004 09:10:13 AM ok, so now you have to take a pic of what you look like with glasses. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Petr Smirnoff EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/05/2004 02:27:48 AM Would you like to vodka tonight? ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Ennui STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/21/2004 05:04:32 PM ----- BODY: Here I sit, on another telephone deposition. The folks who are running the show are in southern California. I am sitting at my desk, on a muted speakerphone, eating the candy my secretary just brought me and listening to this nonsense while I read blogs. The deponent is a pulmonologist -- not the most exciting creature life has to offer. He's a bright guy and is much easier to stomach today than he normally is when he testifies, since today he has not once referred to himself as a "world renowned physician" (he really has said that before). The deposition I'm on today is similar to many I've been on before, and the deponent tends to say the same things every time. Thus, I have a deposition plan now. This is my telephone deposition drill: I dial in, make my appearance on the record and make chit chat with the lawyers on the line, press the mute button, start a summary and begin surfing the internet until something comes up on the deposition that need my attention, at which point I punch the mute button, chime in, punch the button again and go back into blog catatonia. I don't claim to be the great American blogger. I'm hardly an A-lister, and have no claims to become one. Nevertheless, having blogged for over a year, I've decided I have enough experience to gripe about other blogs that get on my nerves. Here goes: 1. Law school blogs: Why are there so many bloggers who are law students? Is it because they have so much free time? Is it because they like to write? Is it because they like to whine? After trolling for new reads on Blogspot, I've found more than one blog containing some version of the following, "Law review is so haaarrrrdd." If you're on law review, you're likely to graduate and step into a six figure a year job (or soon to be six figures a year), so I don't want to hear it. Although there are some law school blogs that are good (Mixtape Marathon comes to mind), most suck. 2. Overly-specialized blogs Although these obviously appeal to small fragments of the population, I can't really get into a blog about bird watching, politics (I'm referring to blogs that only discuss politics and nothing else), religion, basket weaving, etc. This calls to mind a quote I recently heard (and I really don't remember where I heard it or I would cite the source, I swear) about NPR. NPR is really great, except when they decide to air 12 minute stories about a new combination of a tomato and a kumquat: who cares? 3. "Deep" blogs If you haven't seen one of these, count yourself lucky. These are painfully awful blogs that only serve as a medium for the writer to emote about senseless drivel: why we don't have world peace, why all their "friends" don't realize they're a misunderstood genius, why their dog walks out of the room when they walk in, etc. Enough. To quote Elaine on Seinfeld, I can't take any more gentle sobbing. 4. Biologs I call these biologs for lack of a better term. These are blogs where the blogger writes ad nauseaum about every detail of their lives. Do I blog about my life? Sure. Do I write about my life to the exclusion of anything else? Um, no. All bloggers (primarily those under the age of 20) who write blogs which contain lists or run-on excruciatingly boring paragraphs detailing every phone conversation had, e-mail sent, letter read, t.v. show watched, fight had and/or meal eaten should be beaten, stabbed and trampeled. Survivors should be prosecuted. I'd better get back to this deposition. I might have to hit the mute button soon. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/22/2004 10:55:12 AM I love the mute button... very handy in conference calls. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Leah EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/23/2004 02:00:22 PM I'm fond of discovering one of those biologs that combines inappropriate disclosure with deep yearning. When the blogger doesn't understand boundaries, it's like a train wreck; I can't look away. What out-of-line thing will she say next!?! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vauda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/23/2004 10:01:23 PM Mute button is great unless you're tech support, have been on the phone with a lady for 2 hours that probably doesn't even have her computer turned on, not press the mute button in enough, and tell your coworkers in great detail how you want to strangle her! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Petr Smirnoff EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/05/2004 02:48:37 AM Would you like to vodka tonight? ----- PING: TITLE: refinance URL: IP: BLOG NAME: refinance DATE: 06/15/2005 04:36:03 AM Please check some information in the field of loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Interviews Redux STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/24/2004 09:58:26 AM ----- BODY: I wrote a post last year about doing on campus interviewing for a local law school and the hilarity that ensued. For non-lawyers, on campus interviewing (informally known as OCI) is a process where law firms send a couple of lawyers onto the school's campus to interview law students for summer clerkship positions at their firms. Some students actually do get summer jobs through this process (though when I was in law school I never did) and it is a nation-wide rite of passage. This year, the school that enrolls the students I interviewed asked us to conduct on campus interviews off campus because their facilities are currently under construction. This was a wonderful turn of events for those of us doing the interviewing, who only had to run into another office to conduct an interview instead of across town, and could get some work done in between interviews. I interviewed with a male partner who I didn't really know very well until yesterday. He's a great guy and we made a good interviewing team. We interviewed five people throughout the day, and the sixth candidate was our last, arriving at 4:00 p.m. I read the candidate's resume and it was excellent. She is in the top 5% of her class, has travelled the world and done some really interesting stuff. When she entered the office where we were holding the interviews, I nearly fell out of my chair. She was wearing a seersucker suit which had white and green pin stripes. The suit didn't fit very well, but for that, she can be forgiven. Underneath the suit (which was too casual for a job interview) she wore a pink negligee. No, I'm not joking. No blouse, just a negligee. It was pink silk with lace across the top and spaghetti straps. It perfectly matched her lipstick. She wore no pantyhose and shoes that matched neither the ill-fitting suit nor the negligee. It should be clear by now that I work for a defense firm. Defense firms generally are known for being conservative. If I were going to interview at one (and indeed, I've interviewed at many), I would err on the side of being too conservative. Not this woman. The guy who interviewed with me kept looking at me, looking at the floor and looking at the ceiling -- anywhere but at her. Note: if the interviewer can't even look at you during the interview, it isn't going well. I am absolutely floored that anyone would consider wearing their underwear in plain view during a job interview of any sort, much less one to practice law at a large defense firm. After she left, the other interviewer and I were talking and I said, "Was it my imagination, or was she wearing a negligee and no stockings?" and he said, "I didn't notice the lack of stockings. I was trying too hard not to look at her negligee." ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/30/2004 08:37:59 AM Think she expected to get interviewed by 2 men and not you lol... or she was hoping you were a lesbian! ----- PING: TITLE: Tuesday Linkfest URL: IP: BLOG NAME: CrabAppleLane Blog DATE: 09/28/2004 06:25:58 AM A Tuesday morning linkfest for your dining and dancing pleasure. A wonderful entry and great, great photo from Fred at Fragments from Floyd. An old friend has dicovered the delights of family blogging. It helps to have a delightful family.... ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Space Travel STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/27/2004 12:17:50 PM ----- BODY: This article explains how Virgin Airlines plans to introduce commercial space flights. This could take my fear of flying to a whole new level. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/29/2004 09:51:43 PM I'll take your extra tickets. I'll never be able to afford it. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/30/2004 08:35:09 AM Yeah see, in 50 years, it'll be common place and only cost the cost of a regular plane flight. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Petr Smirnoff EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/05/2004 03:16:19 AM Would you like to vodka tonight? ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Blue Collar TV STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 09/29/2004 11:16:42 AM ----- BODY: Last night Archi-Sapper and I had a new experience -- we got to watch the taping of a television show. A friend of ours e-mailed me last week and said he'd snagged three tickets to a taping of Blue Collar TV at the House of Blues. I've not been a huge fan of the show (though I do like Jeff Foxworthy), but Drew Carey was the guest star, and I do like him (I'm a big fan of his show Whose Line Is It Anyway). There were two tapings last night, one at 6:00 and one at 10:00. We attended the 6:00 taping (10:00 tapings are past my bedtime on a school night). The guys recorded a few skits live in front of us, and in between skits we watched pre-recorded skits on the closed circuit t.v.'s. It was all well done, though watching the same skits more than once was a bit tiring. My favorite skit was a spoof of The Phantom of the Opera, where they had someone pretending to be Dolly Parton singing and one of the cast members was the Phantom of the Grand Ole Opry. There was also a cute spoof of The Apprentice. The episode is supposed to air on the WB network next Thursday night. Don't look for me or Archi in the crowd, though. We were upstairs and towards the back of the loft, so we didn't make it on screen. We did, however, make it to a nice after-show dinner at the HOB restaurant. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 09/29/2004 07:05:49 PM pretty darn cool. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Weekend Fun STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/01/2004 03:42:40 PM ----- BODY: Happy Birthday to Grey Headed Stranger. I no longer link to him on my blog because he no longer posts on his, but he's still a great guy and a fun relative. Mama kitty will be in town tonight for the weekend. I think we'll be painting baseboards and doors in the new house (exciting, I know) and maybe even watching the two movies I just got from Netflix. And if all goes well, I might even get the copies of the next three books my book club selected for October, November and December (this is for the book club that actually reads). Their selections? The Happy Hooker by Xaviera Hollander Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller; and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. You guessed it -- they're going with banned books this go 'round. The best part is that I bought them used on and it cost me $5.50 for all three! ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/03/2004 09:02:00 AM Huckk Finn a banned book? WTF? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/06/2004 07:49:13 AM wtf... he needs to be added to MT blacklist... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Leah EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/07/2004 02:56:13 PM Netflix is like crack; I almost never watch tv anymore. I'm really into their Discovery channel DVDs lately, like the dinosaur movies (yes, I'm a 4-year-old boy, to steal the words of another). ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Time Well Spent STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/08/2004 05:21:50 PM ----- BODY: Some men are strange, but this takes the cake. I know. I've been remiss in my blogging. I should have some really great reason, but I don't. I did go to Florida on Tuesday and Wednesday for a deposition, and I'm happy to report that Florida is still there. I stayed in Destin Tuesday night (hey, somebody's got to do it) and headed to Defuniak Springs for the deposition Wednesday morning. When I checked into my hotel Tuesday night my room wasn't ready. They only had smoking rooms left (not what I had reserved since I'm allergic to cigarette smoke), but they assured me they could put an ionizer in the room and it would eliminate the smoke. However, it takes one hour for an ionizer to work. So, kicked out of my hotel, I went to the outlet mall to spend Archi-Sapper's money. I got a cute pair of shoes and two Christmas gifts before the hotel called me on my cell phone to tell me my room was ready. The only other excitement of the week was our fun with plumbing. I had our gas oven/range installed on Tuesday. The pipe leading from the wall to the oven was too long, so the oven was sticking out into the kitchen. I hired a plumber who came over and cut the pipe to size and installed the oven. That was Tuesday morning before I left for Florida. Archi didn't use the oven while I was gone, so it's inaugural cook was Thursday night. When we used it, I smelled gas. This concerned me, and my concern only increased Friday morning when we woke up and I still smelled gas. Archi didn't smell it, but he smelled it when he stepped outside. Between the two of us, we realized it was time to call Entergy. I had a hearing Friday morning so Archi called Entergy after I left and they came out to the house. They used their high tech gas gizmo and determined that we had a gas leak in the pipe that leads from the hot water heater in our shed to the house. Archi came inside to call our plumbing company and see if they could come over and fix it. After he hung up, the Entergy guy asked him who we were going to use to fix the line. Archi said we would use the people who installed the oven. The Entergy guy said, "I don't think I'd use them." While Archi had been on the phone, Entergy guy had been checking out the oven, and found a gas leak there where the plumbers hadn't tightened the connection with the wall. We were batting a thousand. Fortunately, the very nice Entergy guy tightened the oven connection (which he absolutely didn't have to do since they're not responsible for anything inside your house) and headed out on his way. A couple of hours and ten million dollars later and we are no longer leaking natural gas either into or outside of our home. Ah, the joys of home ownership. I'm now headed out to work to go make some money to pay for these fiascos. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: A Roof Over Our Heads STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/10/2004 12:55:24 PM ----- BODY: And the home maintenance saga continues. When we last blogged (this is the imperial "we"), the gas lines had been leaking and Archi found a plumber who fixed them. Now that the gas lines aren't leaking, the roof is. Before we closed on our house, we had a home inspection. The inspector (and the bank) insisted that the roof that covers our office -- an addition to the original structure of the house -- had to be replaced. The sellers hired a roofer and they replaced that part of the roof. It passed inspection and we thought nothing more about it. Until today. This morning, I was leaving to teach CCD (Sunday school to you non-Catholics) and noticed brown stains on the ceiling of the office. I summoned Archi-Sapper and we inspected them more closely. It appears that the tar from the roof is pushing through the ceiling in some places. Further, at 8:30 this morning there were indentations in the ceiling where you could tell water was accumulating from Tropical Storm Matthew. I had to head out and teach my class (which went well), so Archi-Sapper stayed behind and moved important stuff out of the office. He went to the hardware store and bought a ladder, buckets and visqueen. He used the visqueen to cover the roof (after he bailed out the standing water) and to cover the carpet in the office from dripping tar. The buckets are catching the dripping tar and water, as we now have a rather large crack in the middle of the ceiling with a hole in it, caused by the pressure from the standing water. *sigh* Archi also called the guy who sold us the house (he's a partner in a company that buys houses, fixes them up and then flips them for a profit). The guy was very nice, as he was when we bought the house, and said he's going to bring us the warranty papers for the roofing work and he's going to call the roofer and have them come over tomorrow to get started on repairing it. Tellingly, he said he had received a few other phone calls this morning from people who purchased property from him who had leaky roofs as a result of shoddy roof installations from this same guy. While I'm not thrilled about letting Mr. Magoo repair our roof (especially since he didn't get it right the first time), I'm also not interested in spending a bunch of money we currently don't have to get a competent roofer to come over and install a new roof. I repeat: Ah, the joys of home ownership. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Christoforo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/11/2004 08:34:04 AM Hey, look on the bright side: you don't have to drop more on the roof, right? I'm having similar issues here in my NY apt. Only I haven't been able to get the management company to actually respond to my messages that part of the bedroom ceiling came down. I'm just glad it hasn't rained in a week and change. ----- PING: TITLE: Ides of October Linkfest URL: IP: BLOG NAME: CrabAppleLane Blog DATE: 10/15/2004 06:06:46 AM Except for the mega-bloggers, which I hardly ever read any more, I find the blogosphere a tad slow the last few weeks yet there is enough out here for a Friday linkfest. For your consideration, I offer these: Who’s not just a little bit envious of this... ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: I Don't Get It STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/12/2004 08:54:33 AM ----- BODY: It must be because I spend so much time studiously avoiding it. Much like avoiding eye contact with your teachers in school -- as soon as you fixate on some point near your shoe, they figure out what you're up to and call on you. My boss just e-mailed me and said that she thinks she I should really re-think my decision not to go to the DRI's Asbestos Medicine Program. After all, one of our major clients will be there and I haven't had a chance to meet him yet, several of our clients' insurers will be there, etc. She makes a good case (as usual). There's only one problem. It's in San Diego. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Christoforo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2004 09:35:27 AM It's in San Diego. And this is a problem... why? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2004 10:56:35 AM Because I'm afraid of flying. Keep up, Christoforo. :) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Chad EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/12/2004 12:55:42 PM AmTrak doesn't go to SD does it? Ugh. I feel for you. I like to fly, but I hate to pack. I have a packing phobia - never can decide what to take. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Christoforo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/13/2004 08:44:42 AM Sorry, kittysays, I'm a little slow on the uptake. Must be the cold I got the other day. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: The Dick Cheney Approach to Truth Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/13/2004 08:09:35 PM ----- BODY: I didn't make up the title of this post, I just like it. . . . 1. What's your favorite food? I will chew on just about anything that doesn't chew on me first. I love Tex-Mex, pot roast on Sundays, fast food from Backyard Burger, medium rare steaks, cantaloupes from Pecos, Texas, absolutely anything from Jacques-Imo's and any type of candy. 2. What Constitutional Amendment is the most important? This is like asking who my favorite Beatle is. Hell, I don't know. If pressed, I'd say it's a toss-up between the first and the fourth. 3. What needs to be added to the Amendments? Don't get me started. 4. Is truth relative? I don't care. That may make me sound shallow and stupid, but at the risk of sounding like Paris Hilton, it just doesn't matter to me. 5. Who's the best leader your nation has right now? I wasn't aware we had any active leadership at the moment. 6. What lets you sleep soundly at night? Archi-Sapper, who shuts the door when Miss Maggie starts barking too loudly. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/14/2004 09:16:58 AM intersting. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Charity trailer STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/14/2004 01:43:45 PM ----- BODY: I just received my latest e-mailed copy of "Hello Kitty's Sweet Happy News" (I love the Japanese) and in it, there was a link to Hello Kitty's latest charity auction to celebrate her 30th anniversary. Naturally I clicked the link, and the best item has to be this $40,000 Airstream trailer with a big Hello Kitty head painted on the side. The Judith Leiber coin purse is cute, cute, cute (though it's the most expensive coin purse I've ever seen), and the Michael Graves purrvilion is just weird (and besides, that springing kitty head is going to smack some child in the head at some point. That's a tort waiting to happen.) ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Chad EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2004 11:25:37 AM I love the Thai (or is Thais? What is the plural for Thai????) Anyway... "Hello Kitty's Sweet Happy News" reminds me of a similar odd use of adjectives. I asked a server at a Thai restaurant what was a particular menu item. I was expecting "chicken" or "beef" or "fish." Instead he replied with "Spicey Spicey Hot Goddamn." This is no joke - I have witnesses. Needless to day, I opted for the "Grass Lemon Sweet Sweet" which tasted like a warm bowl of water with Lemon-Fresh Pledge. ----- PING: TITLE: personal loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: personal loans DATE: 06/15/2005 04:14:36 AM You are invited to check out some relevant pages in the field of loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Slow weekend STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/18/2004 05:14:11 PM ----- BODY: My weekend had inauspicious beginnings with a three hour, wine soaked lunch at Mr. B's with my boss and paralegal (side note for New Orleanians: we tried to go to Galatoire's, but when we got there at 1:45 they told us that we would have to wait two hours for a table, so we ended up wandering over to Mr. B's). The evening ended by meeting Archi-Sapper at the local bar where he hangs out with his co-workers while I sipped Diet Cokes. One of his rather inebriated co-workers asked me what I was drinking, and when I said Diet Coke he responded, "You're going to have to drink a lot of those to get a buzz." I went to the firm's business meeting Saturday morning, which was a very nice, climate controlled nap (I still haven't figured out how coffee manages to wake me up when I want it to and lull me to sleep when I'd prefer a nap). The remainder of Saturday was pretty calm, ending with me watching the first part of season one of Gilmore Girls on dvd from Netflix. Somehow I feel like I should be embarassed to admit that I really liked it, and I'm not sure if that's because it's a cheesy chick-flick t.v. show or because it airs on the WB network (sorry, Andre). I'm not making any apologies for liking shows on the WB, since I also like Grounded For Life. As for chick-flick t.v. shows, well. . . My other weekend accomplishments include finishing The Happy Hooker (she's happy, all right) and discovering that my husband -- employee of a construction company -- now knows more about the criminal trial process than I do. He's been on jury duty for the past couple of weeks. He now calls me from his two hour lunch breaks and says things like, "Yeah, I didn't get picked up in round one of voir dire, but there's still round two before they start their strikes and then have an in camera conference." Okay, babe. Whatever you say. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/19/2004 02:27:03 PM I've been watching the Gilmore Girls for years. Along with Dawson's Creek, Charmed, 7th Heaven, One Tree Hill, etc. I don't know why I love teen dramas and the WB, but I always seem to get hooked. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Shortcuts STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/19/2004 06:55:14 PM ----- BODY: This article talks about how lawyers aren't required to actually graduate from law school in order to practice law in some states. Basically, in some states you only have to complete one year of law school at an accredited school, and can then complete the other two years in a clerkship at a law firm. So, is this a good idea? I can't decide. On the one hand, I've long been a big proponent of not relying on law school grades to determine who will make the best lawyer. I wasn't on law review, and I tend to think I'm a pretty good lawyer. However, not completing law school does seem to make it far more difficult for you to pass the bar exam, which is a big problem. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/21/2004 07:50:43 AM it used to be that way in louisiana. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Book sales STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/21/2004 01:33:05 PM ----- BODY: The fact that Wal Mart won't be selling Jon Stewart's new book makes me want to buy it even more. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Regression Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/21/2004 03:23:42 PM ----- BODY: Ten movies you'd watch over and over: Clue; High Fidelity; The Sound of Music; School of Rock; One Fine Day; Big Daddy; Italian for Beginners; most any John Hughes movie; Lost in Translation; The Game. Nine people you enjoy the company of: Hmmmm. I suppose I should start by saying that this list is by no means exclusive. Some people, in no particular order are: Archi-Sapper, Cosmic Sister Catherine, Cosmic sibling Rob, my shrink, my boss (seriously), Andre, Patrick, my in-laws (also seriously) and various business associates. Eight things you're wearing: My wedding ring, a watch, shoes, a skirt, a shirt, a bra, underwear and a smirk. Seven things on your mind: My fear of flying, whether this case I'm working on is going to go to trial, what Archi and I are going to do this weekend, whether I should keep reading the book I started or switch to another one, when I'm going to clean my office, what's going to happen on The Apprentice tonight and when our roof is going to be fixed. Six objects you touch every day: My bed, Archi-Sapper (does he count as an object?), my car, Pillow, Maggie and the ground. Five things you do every day: Talk on the phone, eat, read, listen to music and talk to Archi-Sapper. Four bands (etc) that you couldn't live without: I've played along this far but I can't narrow this down to four. Three of your favorite songs at this moment: My Prerogative by Brit. . . kidding. Really. How am I supposed to narrow this down? The pressure! I can't take it! Two people who have influenced your life the most: Archi-Sapper and my shrink. One person who you love more than anyone in the world: The person who has already been mentioned five times in this post. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: archi-sapper EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/22/2004 10:21:34 PM I love you the most, too! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 10/23/2004 12:35:14 PM Can do High Fidelity, Sound of Music, and Clue. I loved The Game but it was excruciating to watch. I might be able to sit through it again but not over and over. Anyone who can answer three or four is disconnected from the world. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Free iPods STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/23/2004 10:37:11 AM ----- BODY: Okay, I just signed up for this service through Fnlii's link on Wetwired, mostly because I want an iPod myself. I've been thinking of getting myself one for Christmas, but that isn't too likely to happen, what with all of our money going to our house. At any rate, if you're interested, sign up yourself through my referral link. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: personal loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: personal loans DATE: 06/15/2005 04:09:04 AM You may find it interesting to check out the sites in the field of loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Hit By A Train STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/25/2004 10:03:35 AM ----- BODY: On the way in to work this morning I heard a re-broadcast of a live set by The Old 97's on XM radio. The music was great -- it was all their new stuff off their new cd Drag It Up. I was bummed to learn that I'll be missing their show this weekend -- a 10th anniversary tribute to their first album, Hitchhike to Rhome. The Old 97's have put out some good music over the years, but I still love their early stuff the most. And can I just say that I am still addicted to my XM Satellite Radio? How else could I hear a specially-recorded mini concert by the Old 97's on my way to work? Fabulous. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: payday advance URL: IP: BLOG NAME: payday advance DATE: 06/15/2005 03:54:52 AM You can also check some helpful info about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: I Really Shouldn't Be Blogging Right Now STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/27/2004 10:20:37 PM ----- BODY: I just returned home from book club and we discussed The Happy Hooker. The meeting was even more animated than I expected. As usual we had copious amounts of wine (the main reason why I have no business blogging right now), great food and the host's home was intimidatingly lovely. However, those are all pretty typical attributes of book club meetings. What I wasn't expecting was the can of whipped cream which was passed around (it went along with the sex theme of the evening), the woman who lifted her shirt when the host was taking pictures (she had a bra on, but still) or the pantomiming of various sexual positions which were described in the book. All in all, it was an education. I've started Tropic of Cancer but am having trouble getting into it. I like it, but it's about as approachable as Laurence Durrell's Justine. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Sweet Tarts STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 10/31/2004 09:09:30 PM ----- BODY: So far we've only had one group of trick or treaters tonight, so it looks like Maggie and I will be finishing off the candy by ourselves. I'm taking a break from preparing for a deposition tomorrow. I'm attending the deposition of an industrial hygienist who I've deposed before. Hopefully things will go smoothly, though he has a problem about lying so you never really know what to expect. When I'm not reviewing deposition testimony, I'm shopping online. When we go to San Diego next week, we're flying Southwest. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to handle the four hour flight period, but I know I won't be able to take it without a movie of some sort. Archi-Sapper informed me that I'm not allowed to borrow his laptop (which has a dvd player), since he'll be taking it to California when he goes the week after I return. Although we initially thought about buying a G4 iBook, we decided to hold off on that and just purchase a portable dvd player. Any suggestions of units to buy would be greatly appreciated. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: I'm Sure There's A Joke In Here Somewhere STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/02/2004 08:16:44 PM ----- BODY: In what is only of interest to New Orleanians, we had some heavy rain today. It hit Houston yesterday, so I figured we were next in line. What I wasn't expecting was the sideshow that came with it. I was at work this afternoon and left around 4:00 to go down the street to get a haircut. I ducked into the salon just as it really started to rain, so I was pretty pleased with my timing. When I returned to the firm an hour later, I discovered that our building had been struck by lightning. Seriously. Our phones were all out and administration made everyone turn off their computers since we couldn't access the network, anyway. I'm sure there's a joke to be made about lightning striking a law firm, but I'm too tired to make it. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Chad EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/03/2004 12:09:20 PM I am glad I am not working there anymore as my office was on the top floor next to the "sky-window" where the lightning must have hit near. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Winter Reading STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/04/2004 10:13:52 PM ----- BODY: I have such a long, long list of to-be-read books. I just don't read fast enough, or have enough free time, to get through my stack of books quickly enough to make headway. My latest pulp fiction addiction? The Stephanie Plum series of books by Janet Evanovich. Any book that features a protagonist who often (mistakenly) wears mismatched shoes is right up my alley. I'm eagerly awaiting Tom Wolfe's new book, I Am Charlotte Simmons, despite the mixed reviews it has already garnered. Wolfe is so adept at describing a time and place (when I first read Bonfire of the Vanities, I was shocked at how it was New York in the 1980's, as A Man In Full was Atlanta in the 1990's). I've read reviews of it which basically criticize Wolfe for being an old guy who tries really hard to "get" college students, but misses some critical points (like having his main characters listen to Britney Spears without irony). Without having read it, I'm inclined to think that he may have gotten some minor points wrong in Bonfire and A Man In Full, but that didn't hamper the overall story. We'll see how it goes with his latest missive. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/06/2004 09:11:21 PM I read Wolfe's The Right Stuff and loved it but I couldn't get anywhere with Bonfire and put it down. I still have it around here somewhere and will pick it up again one day. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: There's Always One STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/09/2004 09:40:51 PM ----- BODY: And I thought we already had one this year. I previously blogged about adventures in interviewing -- you remember, the woman who showed up for her job interview with our law firm wearing an ill-fitting, out of season suit, a negligee, no pantyhose and shoes that didn't match her atrocious outfit? Well, it gets better. We told the fashion-challenged woman thanks, but no thanks. However, we did interview several candidates we really liked. We typically have two interviewers conduct interviews of candidates from different schools, and then they rank the students they liked most and those students are invited back for a meet-and-greet cocktail party. That gives them a chance to meet several lawyers and gives us a chance to see how they do in social situations. From there, we select which candidates will receive offers for summer clerkships. We did this. It all seemed to be going well (it always does). Early in the day of the interviewing I did this fall, I interviewed an appropriately dressed woman who really seemed to have her act together. She had an interesting background, was articulate and seemed interested in the firm (did I mention she was appropriately dressed?) We invited her back to the cocktail party and she did well there, too. We sent her a letter and extended her an offer for a clerkship for next summer. In the letter, we asked that she respond by October 15. On October 15, she called and asked for some extra time to think about it, and asked if she could let us know by October 18. We said that was no problem -- we know we're not the only game in town, and good students often have several offers. October 18 came and went and we haven't heard from her since. Naturally, we called her. Her phone had been disconnected. We e-mailed her at the e-mail address listed on her resume. Our e-mails went unreturned. We called the law school where she is a student. They assured us that no, she had not been hit by a bus, but they couldn't say more than that. Ultimately, we sent her a letter rescinding our offer and have moved on to more, um, responsive pastures. It really slays me when there are so many great law students out there who would love the opportunity to work for our firm and we end up pursuing the yo-yo who is incapable of telling us she isn't interested. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: home loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: home loans DATE: 06/15/2005 04:19:15 AM Please visit the sites dedicated to loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X Word Association STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/13/2004 09:47:25 AM ----- BODY: Before we begin, an announcement: Archi-Sapper has been having numerous technical difficulties with his blog, which Pylorns has been hard at work helping him correct. While Pylorns and Archi redesign his blog, he has started an interim blog at: Fluffy bunnies - Peeps Coffee - beans Flat tax - ugh Fair and open - honest Truth - really Justice - courts America - free The Culture of Fear - Mao Honesty - hard Freedom - cheap Comfort - blanket Soothing - bath Healing - balm The Future - hazy ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Christoforo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/14/2004 08:59:49 PM My own associations include: flat tax - unworkable the culture of fear - Bush II comfort - grilled-cheese-sammich ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Wealthy Animals STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/15/2004 10:11:12 AM ----- BODY: This article explains how some beavers in Louisiana found a sack of cash stolen from a casino and used the money to build a dam. How come I never find sacks of money lying around? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Double wide library STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/17/2004 12:23:21 PM ----- BODY: While I'm pleased that Bill Clinton chose to build his presidential library in Little Rock, I do have to agree with those who have said that it might not do as much to elevate Arkansas in the eyes of others since the library resembles a double wide trailer on stilts. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/17/2004 01:48:28 PM Every time I drive by it I think the same thing. My favorite is that it's supposed to be "a bridge to the future"-- a bridge that doesn't cross half of the Arkansas River. It's pretty cool to have all the activities and ceremonies going on here this week. Of course, I might change my mind when I have to deal with the downtown traffic tomorrow. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Early birds STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/18/2004 09:18:27 PM ----- BODY: The stampede started around 11:40 today. If you didn't hear it, I'm shocked. Today was my firm's Thanksgiving potluck lunch. After three years of working at the firm, I've never made it to one (today included). I wasn't sure of the protocol, so I called my paralegal around 11:30 and asked for instructions. She said, "There'll be a line so be prepared to wait, pace yourself because there's lots of food and don't get there too early to pounce on the good stuff or you'll be talked about later." Good advice. I showed up around noon with another paralegal (yes, I cheat on my paralegal occasionally, but she forgives me. I think.), my secretary and another attorney. The line for the lunch was so long it went down the hall, turned and wrapped around the building. I gave up and went down the street to the deli for a sandwich, not too concerned that I'd missed anything. After lunch I asked my paralegal how it went. She said it was good -- she only had to wait about 25 minutes to get into the conference room to get some food and she only got one helping of a dish that tasted like feet. I'd rather gamble at a casino. I'm a bit more conservative with my meals. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Google Scholar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/19/2004 03:01:10 PM ----- BODY: Here's a tip for the kids out there: If you're looking for scientific/medical articles on the internet, look no further than Google Scholar. Excellent stuff. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/22/2004 03:35:12 PM sounds like a plan. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Holidays STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/28/2004 01:45:58 PM ----- BODY: Thanksgiving went pretty smoothly this year. We had the fam in town (at least, my fam) and they were fairly well behaved. Mom cooked enough food for us to fill up and have some left-overs, but nothing too unmanageable (not like three years ago when we ended up with approximately 10 pounds of leftover turkey). We went to the movies Thursday night and saw National Treasure (a good movie to see if you aren't interested in thinking too much) and also went to Celebration in the Oaks in City Park, which was nice. Friday we went to the horse races at the Fairgrounds and had a good time. I'm now at work trying to catch up. I can't believe Christmas will be here so soon. Our firm's tree trimming party is Thursday and the firm's Christmas party and our department's Christmas lunch follow soon after. And with Mardi Gras so early in 2005, before we know it it'll be time for JazzFest. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/01/2004 05:28:36 PM sounds like a good holiday.. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Hot Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 11/29/2004 09:17:14 AM ----- BODY: 1. Hottest place you've visited? Lived? The hottest place I've visited would be Mexico, and the hottest place I've lived would be Dallas. 2. Song that gets you hot? Anything by Peter Gabriel. 3. Person other than Signifigant Other that gets you hot? Vin Diesel -- I know that's cheesy. I don't care. 4. Hottest movie scene? There was a scene in American Pie that was surprisingly sexy. Beyond that, I don't get too worked up over scenes in movies. 5. Hottest sexual experience? That question is wayyyy beyond the scope of this blog. 6. Hottest non-sexual experience? Attending our wedding reception in my 50 pound dress, when one of the generators went out that fueled the air conditioner. It was early September in Dallas. That got pretty warm. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/29/2004 09:36:36 AM It was warm without the 50 pound dress, I can only imagine what it was like for you. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Christoforo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/29/2004 10:51:31 AM Dallas is hotter than NOLA? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 11/29/2004 02:25:49 PM Dallas is much hotter than Nola. Dallas regularly has many days with three digit temperatures in the summers. Although Nola has a lot of humidity, it is difficult to escape 110 temperatures. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/02/2004 08:57:52 AM i think i'd take dallas over NOLA, i'd rather avoid the extra humidity. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: PolyphonicSpreeCultMember EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2004 09:26:24 AM you can keep the humidity, although dallas has humidity too, it aint as bad as it is on the gulf! but Nola also has a gulf breeze that is almost always blowing, a benifet of being right on the water. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/05/2004 10:15:06 PM I've been in Dallas at peak temperature in August and I think New Orleans is hotter. But it's close. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: EA Games STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/02/2004 01:45:03 PM ----- BODY: Salon has an interesting article about EA Games and its disgruntled workers. *Note: you may need to watch a brief advertisement to be able to read the article for free. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/03/2004 08:22:38 AM it wants to register an stuff - can you just post the article? ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Hand to Hand Combat STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/04/2004 07:53:29 PM ----- BODY: After I returned to my office on Friday afternoon, having spent the entire morning in court, I slumped in my paralegal's exta chair and said, "You know, the only thing I learned from my hearing this morning is that when you go to CDC, you never know what you're going to get." I got to Court around 9:15 Friday morning. We had received a phone call from the judge's law clerk the day before, telling us that our motion would be last on the docket, so we didn't need to show up until 10:00, even though our motion had been set for 9:00. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm obsessively early, and I'd never appeared before that judge before, so I wanted to get a feel for how she would rule on other motions before I got up there and opened my mouth. The judge finally got around to listening to our motion at 11:45. We all scooted through the little gate in the wooden divider (I know these fixtures of courtrooms have names, I just don't know what they are) and crowded around the small counsel tables. After we made our appearances, we sat down and I settled into my seat, confident that the defendants were going to lose this motion. I thought we would not only lose, but go down in a fiery ball of flames. The hearing was underway when plaintiff's counsel --a very nice, fairly calm guy --was in the middle of his brilliant argument, and went to make his big pitch to the judge. With a flourish, he pulled a piece of paper from his large stack of papers, waved it around and said, "Your honor, to illustrate my point, I have a copy of an e-mail I sent to Dr. R, defendants' expert witness, just yesterday, as well as his response." At that point, he could've said that he was selling his body for parts for all anyone cared. There was a collective gasp among the defense lawyers, and we all said, almost in unison, "You e-mailed our expert and didn't tell us?!" The poor man looked stricken. He looked like a poor little dog looks when you step on its tail -- that sad, "How could you do this to me?" look. He stammered and stumbled over a vague explanation until the judge said, "Mr. X, let me caution you not to contact any of defendants' experts without at least having the courtesy to let them know you're doing so." He (bravely or stupidly, depending on how you look at it), said, "Judge, if you'll point me to the rule that says I can't, then I won't, but...." and the judge responded, "Mr. X, let me suggest that you shut up." He weakly responded, "Okay." I was still reeling from this piece of information, stunned that this seasoned litigator was trying to argue with a judge who had just admonished him in open court, when things got really weird. The judge announced that she was finding in our favor -- really! I was so shocked, had I been the only defense lawyer there, I would've said, "Thank you!" and run away before she changed her mind. Naturally, others don't see things the way I do. The other defense lawyers, and the previously scolded plaintiff's lawyer, started bringing up things to the judge which had nothing to do with anything. Why are people so stupid? Why do they keep arguing after they've won? Why do they keep arguing after they've lost? The judge isn't going to change her mind. *sigh* Well, the judge wanted none of that, and finally got so sick of it she kicked us out of her courtroom. She yelled, "Next case! Get out, folks! Call the next case!" Don't be fooled -- the judge is very nice. She had to yell to be heard over the din of these idiots. We all put our tails between our legs and scurried into the hallway where it got ugly. Two defense lawyers in particular were giving the plaintiff's lawyer a really hard time about the e-mail revelation. "Don't EVER contact my experts without my permission!" "That is soooooo unethical!" "What is WRONG with you?" It was very mature. This continued, in loud, threatening tones, until we reached the elevator. At that point, it completely disintegrated. One particularly feisty defense lawyer said, "Mr. X, if you EVER contact one of my experts again without my permission, I'm filing a motion for sanctions." He walked up to her, got one inch from her face and said, "Oh really?", to which she responded, "Oh yes. Really." They dramatically stared at each other for a minute or two, and I was thinking, "What is this, Bring it On?" We all got into the tiny elevator together and the shouting continued. It was more of the same: "Well, Mr. X, I was hoping we could work together on things, but apparently NOT." "I would work with you defense lawyers if I hadn't been lied to." "We didn't lie to you! You snuck around behind our backs!" etc, etc. This reached such a fever pitch that one poor soul who was stuck in the elevator with us -- who has nothing to do with our case -- turned around and told them to shut up. Once out of the elevator, the lawyers took their bickering outside, and followed each other back to their law firms, fighting the entire way. I need to change professions and do something that's less stressful. Maybe I could take a series seven exam..... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/05/2004 10:44:07 AM stock broker? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: "Chad" EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/06/2004 12:25:45 PM If only Gerolyn "X" had been there; blood would have been let, fur would have flown, wigs would have been snatched off and flung into the path of a streetcar. The "bi-polary" lady would have stopped her streetcar and cursed you all. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/06/2004 06:30:09 PM Chad, that was the crazy thing. Gerolyn was there, but she was there for another hearing and was acting really calm. It was like Freaky Friday. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: free backgammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:58:04 AM backgammon enligne was one of the first backgammon enligne to open shop, and enjoys a large market share of backgammon enligne players because of their early entry into the market and good gaming experience offered. offers backgammon enligne players the chance to play the most popular backgammon enligne and is easily downloaded within 7-10 minutes, free of charge backgammon en ligne presents all the tips and game strategy you will need to play backgammon en ligne one of the funniest and most interesting games.The most used methods to play backgammon en ligne. Only at you can find the best. I think that backgammon en ligne should be played more. backgammon en ligne offers that, along with many more internet casino games. Why wait? This is a very good backgammon rules site, with many backgammon rules features. Have fun at our backgammon rules site! is one of the leading backgammon rules on the Internet. World Wide Web, making us the leading backgammon rules. Hi, you - heard of backgammon rule? backgammon rule is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit backgammon rule, it is probably the best on net! Thanks for the great visit. Click also to . backgammon rule is just the right thing for you. free backgammon is among the top 10 free backgammon casinos available today. I also said that free backgammon is my recommended URL for online casino. Believe it with your own eyes - is here and now! It is, indeed, a great free backgammon site!!! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X-Mas STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/09/2004 02:42:25 PM ----- BODY: 1. What do you like most about Christmas? These days, I like having time off work, getting to sleep in, overeat and read all the books that have been piling up on my bookshelf. 2. How have your Christmas perceptions changed over time? I have gradually lowered my expectations, so now if I can catch up on sleep and see family members I'm happy. I no longer expect gifts of clothing to fit, etc. 3. Is it truly better to give than to receive? That depends on whether you think you've found the "perfect gift" for someone, but it's definitely true if they really like what you gave them. 4. What's your all time favorite Christmas present? Last year, I got a wonderful belated Christmas present -- Archi-Sapper came home from Iraq for 15 days of R&R. 5. What gift are you most proud of giving to someone else? The Playmobil castle I bought Archi-Sapper last year was pretty cool -- I can't really think of any grand gifts I've bestowed. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/09/2004 04:08:01 PM and what are you getting me for chrismas?!!? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/10/2004 08:27:43 AM Py, I'm getting you lots of love and affection. :) ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Deck the Halls STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/10/2004 04:08:48 PM ----- BODY: I am trying to listen intently to this telephone deposition, but the pounding in my head isn't helping. I wish I could say that the headache is a product of being overserved at last night's Christmas party, but the truth is far from it. The party was sadly lame. It used to be that our firm's Christmas parties were legendary with all kinds of wild behavior resulting in an overactive rumor mill spreading stories for weeks afterward. In fact, there were only three noteworthy events that came out of last night's party: (1) I got to see the guy who works in the mailroom who has a closed head injury (no, I'm not joking) dance like John Travolta to the song "Stayin' Alive" (it's a Christmas party tradition at the firm, but it isn't the same since he no longer wears his white suit, for reasons that aren't entirely clear to me); (2) I got to see the guy who works in the mailroom who's autistic sing a love song to the human resources director who he adores (another firm tradition); and (3) a homeless guy outside the party asked me to marry him. After I turned him down and related the story to my co-workers who were inside the party venue, they told me I had made a grave error in turning him down. They explained that homeless guys don't have any baggage (I assume they mean physical baggage, but that wasn't entirely clear to me, either), don't have debts (that they pay, anyway), don't make big demands and are pretty much happy with whatever you have to offer since they have so little to start with. I'm starting to think I need to reconsider my options here...... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/12/2004 02:37:54 PM Like a lot of other people, they're almost perfect until you marry them. Homeless guys/girls or no different. On the bright side (For me, anyway), maybe there is hope for some of us future homeless guys after all. I think most homless guys start out in my profession. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Christoforo EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/12/2004 11:44:43 PM So what *did* cause the pounding in your head? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: "Chad" EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/16/2004 03:45:43 PM What did cause your headache? The deposition? I missed the Christmas party this year. I should have crashed it when I bumped into you on the sidewalk. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/17/2004 09:07:40 AM Actually, my headache that day was caused by a...uhm....monthly visitor. Chad, yes you should've crashed the party, though I don't think you would've wanted to stay long. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: backgammon download EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:43 AM Nice articles and comments on play backgammon and other related issues. When you truely want to play play backgammon look no further. Play here play backgammon. was one of the first play backgammon to open shop, and enjoys a large market share of play backgammon players because of their early entry into the market and good gaming experience offered. I also think that playing backgammon game is the key for online success. Nevertheless, I encountered yesterday a great backgammon game site. Check and see forr yourselves! The best backgammon game provides quality games and facilities. I also said that is my recommended URL for online casino. Believe it with your own eyes - backgammon game is here and now! It is, indeed, a great backgammon game site!!! Join now to the fastest internet backgammon. Truely and amazing internet backgammon site. The best facilities and support for internet backgammon - that is why, folks! Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with is what I was looking for. I really enjoyed your site! Thanks. Also play at internet backgammon - a really good internet backgammon! backgammon games offers backgammon games players the chance to play the most popular backgammon games and is easily downloaded within 7-10 minutes, free of charge Enjoyed browsing through the site. Keep up the good work. Greetings. Really glad I surfed onto your site! I really enjoyed my visit. Will be making frequent stops ! Hi, you - heard of backgammon download? backgammon download is just the right thing for you. Great site! Visit backgammon download, it is probably the best on net! ----- PING: TITLE: loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: loans DATE: 06/15/2005 03:46:39 AM In your free time, check the sites about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Getting the Business STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/14/2004 09:22:06 AM ----- BODY: I've been crazy busy these days, running around doing holiday shopping and trying to get work done, particularly for a trial I have set to begin in late January. So I almost deleted the e-mail when I saw it. I was scanning through my e-mails on my hotmail account last week when I saw an e-mail about a Business Week article. Not being a big Business Week reader, I figured it was likely spam, but for some reason I opened it on the off chance it wasn't. Turns out, it was an e-mail from an editor at the magazine. She said she had read one of my previous blog posts and wanted to include it in an article she was writing about gadgets (blackberries, Treos, etc.) She asked for my name and whether I'm still a practicing attorney in Louisiana and she mentioned that she was on deadline. She sent the message around 1:00 p.m. and I didn't get it until 6:00 p.m. (something about the craziness of practicing law kept me from attending to personal e-mails that day), but I wrote her back with my name and told her she was welcome to use it, but that if she did I would appreciate it if she'd e-mail me and let me know so I could look for it. I never heard from her, so I presumed I hadn't responded quickly enough for her to meet her deadline and she'd passed on it. This morning, out of nothing more than morbid curiosity, I went to Business Week's web site. I searched for her name and the first article was about gadgets -- success! I scanned the article and found that she had indeed used some of the exact words from my post but didn't say where she got the story from. This irks me. My post was hardly the focus of the article -- it was just a tangential illustration -- but the article reads as though she made up the illustration on her own, which wasn't the case. Further, she could've at least e-mailed me to tell me she was using it, although I guess I wouldn't want to e-mail someone either if I was using their idea and not giving them credit. *sigh* I'm going back to work. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/15/2004 09:31:37 AM oh thats some bullshit. Well you should at least mention it on your site. on the side... "Kitty Says, used and abused by business week" ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/19/2004 08:37:12 AM Sounds like another blog entry to me. Of course, it would have to include links to your original entry, the Business Week article, and maybe a snippet of the email. After that entry is posted, it wouldn't hurt if some of your blog friends linked to it. A climb up Google's PageRank would ensue and just imagine what fun that would be once people started finding it. Too vindictive, you think? ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: High School Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/19/2004 10:38:43 PM ----- BODY: Within the time period of High School: 5 People you wish you were still close to Actually, I am still close with the people I knew in high school who I wanted to stay close to. That's not a long list of people, but you don't need a lot of close friends if you choose wisely. 4 Places you used to frequent Snuffers (particularly the back room), Half Price Bookstore (the original location which no longer exists), the band hall at Jesuit and my mom's office. 3 Classes you loathed P.E. (that wasn't just in high school -- I always hated it), Health (good teacher, stupid class) and Algebra 2. Had I been any good at math I would've gone to medical school. 2 Teachers who made a difference The Health teacher really helped me through some difficult stuff my freshman year, and a math teacher (who never even taught me but strangely ended up giving me advice) was particularly memorable. 1 Moment to relive or erase. Only one? My favorite moments were quiet ones -- rainy days when I had a free period and would sit in the student lounge and watch the rain pelting the sliding glass doors, lit up by the glow from the lanterns that lined the hallway. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: home loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: home loans DATE: 06/15/2005 04:08:40 AM You are invited to visit the sites dedicated to loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Meeeoooow STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/21/2004 04:02:33 PM ----- BODY: Now that is one fabulous cat! The dog is lame, but the cat? Fabulous! Hello Kitty With Lame Dog ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jenny EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 12/21/2004 04:26:00 PM Very chic! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Birthday Wishes STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/22/2004 04:08:48 PM ----- BODY: Happy birthday, Archi-Sapper! Tomorrow we'll be off to the land of snow, otherwise known as Little Rock. Happy Holidays, everyone. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Unmasked STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/29/2004 09:29:30 AM ----- BODY: Well, you go away for less than a week, and everything falls apart. Worlds are in turmoil! Families ripped apart! Dogs and cats are living together! (my apologies to Bill Murray) And yes, blawgers are being unmasked. One blawg I occasionally read, Anonymous Lawyer, was purportedly about the life of a lawyer at a large law firm on the west coast. As it turns out, it was really written by veteran blawger Jeremy Blachman, a 3L at Harvard Law School (you'll need to sign up for a free pass to read the New York Times in order to access the article. But you should have one of those passes, anyway. You know. To make you feel smart.) I never believed Anonymous Lawyer was who he said he was, and judging by the comments, most of his readers didn't think so, either. However, I feel the same way about this situation as I did about the unmasking of Plain Layne -- I don't really care if the blogger is who they say they are as long as they can write well. For the sake of privacy (and sanity), I expect that bloggers fudge some facts about themselves so they don't end up with a million stalkers chasing them around creation. The craziest part about this saga, in my opinion, is the level of press it received. Bloggers often attempt to out one another, but to be outed by The New York Times? Wow. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 12/30/2004 04:53:50 PM ----- BODY: 1. What do you do with your spare change? It sits in my wallet until Archi-Sapper shames me into using it. I collect so much spare change he calls me the Franklin Mint. 2. What prompted you to give some money to a stranger recently? I usually give money to strangers if they appear to really need it or if they look particularly menacing and I'm worried about what will happen if I don't give them money. 3. What charities do you support and why? I don't support as many as I used to since we've purchased the house. I'm a big fan of Doctors Without Borders and Habitat for Humanity. 4. What's the kindest thing a stranger has done for you? I've had other lawyers step up and (quite helpfully) say things in depositions and in court which helped my clients when I was a young pup and didn't know any better. They're no longer strangers -- we're now friends. 5. Do you wish people a "Merry Christmas", "Happy Holidays", "Seasons Greetings" or something else? Why did you choose it? I usually say Merry Christmas without even thinking about it, unless I know the person doesn't celebrate Christmas. It's just a knee-jerk reaction. 6. What's your most memorable moment of 2004 online? Offline? I don't have a lot of memorable online moments. My most memorable offline moment was greeting Archi-Sapper when he returned from Iraq. 7. What is your hope for 2005? Happiness. Just happiness. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Road Hazards STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/05/2005 12:37:40 PM ----- BODY: I have just learned that I have to take another route to work tomorrow, as the roads around my office will be closed. Movie makers will be filming a high-speed car chase for the movie The Dukes of Hazzard. Sounds classy. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: 50 Book Challenge STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/05/2005 04:17:47 PM ----- BODY: Here's an interesting idea -- the challenge is to read 50 books in a year and blog about them. Hmmm, I could do that...... ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: home loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: home loans DATE: 06/15/2005 04:03:22 AM Please visit the sites dedicated to loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Back in the Saddle STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/07/2005 09:23:20 AM ----- BODY: Archi-Sapper had the great idea of taking our desktops (both of them) to the IT guy at his office and paying him to fix them. Both were perfectly good desktops that were completely incapacitated, and we were unable to get them up and running, even after following some great advice by some smart folks. Computer #1 is back and in great shape. It's problem was that we (read: I) had downloaded so much spyware, adware and other junk that it crippled the computer. It took Archi's IT guy THREE HOURS to delete it all off the system. He wiped the slate clean and Archi set the computer back up at home, installing every protection program McAfee makes. In addition, I took Death and Taxes' suggestion and downloaded Firefox 1.0 by Mozilla to use as our web browser. Computer #2 is in the process of being fixed. Oddly enough, the IT guy believes that the problem with that computer is that the power button no longer works. Strange but true. He's fixing that, although it's not as much of a priority now that we have one working desktop and one working laptop at home. If we get another desktop our office will look like a NASA control room. And if none of these solutions for fixing our computers work, I'm buy a Mac. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: The Jumble STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/08/2005 08:23:09 PM ----- BODY: Although there are all sorts of things that happen in southeast Louisiana that make me scratch my head, none has yet motivated me to write a letter to the editor of our fair newspaper. The main reason I've never written one is because I never felt like I had a big enough gripe that it needed to be aired in the paper. Perhaps I was mistaken. The following is a verbatim reprint of a letter that appeared in today's Times Picayune: In this age of calamity and mayhem, abhorrence and war, my diminutive grievance seems quite trivial, but I desire to voice it nonetheless. Many of us find momentary reprieve from the world's turmoil by enjoying simple things such as word puzzles. The "Jumble" puzzle published in The Times-Picayune is one such example, where the object is to unscramble so-called ordinary words. To my dismay, the Dec. 30 Jumble included the detestable and repulsive word "behead" as one of the "ordinary" words. In my opinion the word "behead" is not an ordinary word. This repugnant and horrific word symbolizes a barbaric atrocity committed by evil, depraved and murderous degenerates who blaspheme their own religion by purportedly committing this abomination in the name of God. There is absolutely nothing ordinary about that. The Jumble would be much more enjoyable if it could omit such despicable reminders of the world's chaos and insanity. John Doe New Orleans ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Home Non-Ownership STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/12/2005 06:01:32 PM ----- BODY: Archi-Sapper and I received a letter yesterday with some surprising news. We don't own our house. No, I'm not kidding. You know the house we bought four months ago? The one I blogged about? The one we shopped for, found, bid on, closed on and moved into? The one that had the gas leak that almost killed us and the ceiling that caved in during the storm? Yes, that house. We don't own it. Or all of it, anyway. Apparently we have a title problem (so does Prince, but that's really a title problem of a different sort). As I have learned over the past 24 hours, we purchased our house from a company we'll call ABC. ABC is in the business of buying houses, renovating them, and selling them for a profit. ABC bought this house about two years ago from a group of people, all of whom are brothers and sisters. The group of siblings had inherited the house from their parents when their parents passed away. Each sibling inherited an equal interest in the property. Unfortunately for the sibling (and now for us), one of them declared bankruptcy and in order to get one of her creditors off her back, she assigned her interest in the house to her creditor. This worked like a charm. The only problem was that when the assignment was recorded in the local conveyance office, it was recorded improperly. Thus, when ABC's closing attorney and later our closing attorney did title searches on the property, they came up clean. ABC purchased the house from the group of siblings, never realizing that they hadn't bought the entire house. The bankrupt sibling couldn't sell her interest in the house to ABC or anyone else because she no longer owned that interest. Sadly, she never bothered to apprise anyone of that small fact. Ultimately it appears that we now own most of our house, with this creditor owning a portion of it that they no longer want. I believe they would like to have someone buy out their interest (wouldn't we all?), but that someone will not be me (nor will it be Archi-Sapper. Or our dog. She's stingy with her money). Happily, I spoke with the title company today and they've assured me that our home is not in danger and that they will take care of things. Even if they can't, I'm not going to lose (too much) sleep over this, as we wisely purchased title insurance, which is designed exactly for this situation. After four brief months of home ownership, we've had so many weird things happen to us that we've decided the only weird property related thing that could happen that hasn't (yet) is for someone to call us up and tell us they have mineral rights in our backyard and they'd like for us to stop walking our dog there so they can move a drilling rig onto it and drill for oil. I'm still waiting for that phone call. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/19/2005 03:13:27 PM i've pruned a bunch of comments, some normal ones have been deleted.. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: 31 STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 01/23/2005 02:05:12 PM ----- BODY: This is the week I turn 31. The big event will be Thursday. To celebrate I treated myself to a haircut and hair color yesterday afternoon (mostly to cover the two gray hairs I found. People who are 30 should not be getting gray hairs. If I continue to get gray hairs, it will be obvious that I'm not really a member of the Spice Girls and my cover will be blown). For every birthday I've had in recent memory, the day has completely sucked. Two years ago, Archi-Sapper was alerted to go to Iraq. I had two hours notice and he vanished onto the interstate, to return a year later (and then only for fifteen days). Last year, Archi was ensconced in Iraq and I spent the evening watching American Idol with Maggie (I'm not dissing AI or Maggie, I'm just saying it could've been more exciting). This year is going to be different. This year will be exciting! It'll be fun! I'm taking depositions on my birthday! Well, at least I'll have good billable hours. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Death & Taxes EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2005 07:55:27 PM Happy birthday! And welcome to the 30+ crowd. You'll discover it really isn't as bad as you might think. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/23/2005 10:27:01 PM Happy, Happy, youngster. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Daddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/24/2005 06:18:15 AM Happy birthday! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ray EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/26/2005 08:02:11 PM 31 and hot. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Granny Grump EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2005 06:28:05 AM Happy B'day to the coolest Spice Girl I know, and the perfect match for our Archi-Sapper! Hope your day includes more than billable hours! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Jennifer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/27/2005 07:40:03 AM Thanks to all for the birthday wishes! I've only been awake for ten minutes now, but so far so good! And it must be some kind of good omen that I brought Big Daddy out of hiding.....;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Daddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 01/31/2005 11:34:56 AM Me hide? I never go away, I just lurk in the shadows... cause I'm mysterious like that ;) Hope you had a great birthday! Tell archi I said hi. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 09:54:30 AM happy late bday! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: best backgammon EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 04:57:29 AM Enchanted experience of betting and gambling with electronic backgammon is what I was looking for. Here it comes electronic backgammon betting, and gambling. More and more players have already understood electronic backgammon and only, is the best electronic backgammon on net. Even poker and online casino glossary can be found there! Look at backgammon strategy, Casino Online for rules and tips. Thanks, pal. I also saw a nice site dealing with backgammon strategy issues. As the process of playign more and more backgammon strategy strengthens - we can see more and more Casino Online sites. Join now to the fastest Truely and amazing backgammon strategy site. 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Also, I recommend on reading the articles on best backgammon, which deal with the evolution of on the net. Here it comes best backgammon pleasure gaming, betting, and gambling. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Hotmail STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/01/2005 09:14:32 AM ----- BODY: I'm giving up on Hotmail. First, they irritated me when I canceled my MSN subscription. The only reason I had it was because I had purchased a new computer and the subscription came with it. When I went to cancel the subscription (which they were "accidentally" double charging me for every month), they immediately decreased the storage in my mailbox precipitously. It was at that point that I moved all of my bills to a gmail account I have (which I love). Now, Hotmail has graciously expanded the storage capacity of my mailbox for free (as they should've done in the beginning), but my mail is all screwed up. Basically, all of my mail goes in the Trash. Not in the Junk Mail folder, in the Trash. I have checked my filters and they're set to low. The other problem is that any messages in my Inbox simply disappear. They don't go to the Trash, they just evaporate. And, naturally, since my Trash gets emptied every day, it often is emptied of messages I actually wanted to read before I get a chance to read them. I sent an e-mail to Hotmail tech support, and received a completely unhelpful response. What's more, the response that Hotmail tech support sent me went directly into my Trash! I give up. I've switched the link on the left to my Yahoo e-mail account. If you've sent me an e-mail recently to my Hotmail account and I didn't respond, I'm not ignoring you. Please re-send it to my e-mail program that actually works. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 09:54:00 AM why not gmail? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 09:54:01 AM why not gmail? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: MJ EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/01/2005 09:55:56 AM Sorry but happy belated b-day to you babe! I am creeping up on 30 now :( ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: High School-Era Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/03/2005 09:24:54 PM ----- BODY: In high school.... What were your three favorite bands? The Housemartins, Sting and Billy Joel What was your favorite outfit? Probably some version of jeans and a t-shirt. My least favorite outfit was the uniform I wore to Catholic school (though that's now Archi-Sapper's favorite outfit of mine). What was up with your hair? My hair was definitely up. I went to high school in Texas in the late 80's, so my hair included heavily hair sprayed crispy bangs and the style involved lots of product. I didn't get over that until the summer after graduation when my friend Greg kindly showed me the error of my ways. And that from someone who couldn't even dress himself in the morning without assistance. Who were your friends? Various folks from school and the youth group I attended, very few of whom I keep up with today. What did you do after school? I usually went to play practice (I was routinely in some musical or other, despite my total lack of singing abilities) or went to the boys' school down the street and hung out (hey, when you go to an all girls' school, hanging out with boys starts to sound like a really good idea). What did you do in your Summers? When I was younger (pre-sixteen) I would work at my mom's office, as she didn't have the same issues with child labor laws that the stores at the nearby mall did. Later, I worked at Express in a strip shopping center. Otherwise, I spent time with friends, hung out at Six Flags, made mix tapes and talked on the phone. Did you take the bus? Nope. Who did you have a crush on? Oh, that list is too long to include in this one small blog, and probably too long for me to recall in its entirety. Did you fight with your parents? Sure. Who didn't? Who did you have a celebrity crush on? This list was shorter than the list of real people I had crushes on. I can remember the junior high-era celebrity crushes much more clearly, I think because I started focusing on real boys in high school. Right now I can't remember anyone. Did you smoke cigarettes? Nope. Still don't. I'm allergic. Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker? I was never too nervous to find my locker, I could just never remember the combination, and the few times I could remember the combination, I couldn't open it, anyway. Did you go to prom? Yep. I went sophomore, junior and senior years. Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now? I thought I'd be a kick-ass lawyer (check), but thought I'd be single and living in a larger city. Had I taken that path, I would be seriously neurotic. Well, more so than I am now, anyway. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Death & Taxes EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/04/2005 09:15:09 AM Gee, isn't the Catholic School uniform thing popular? As for neurotic, I don't think you are. And yes, most big-city lawyers are neurotic. Hell, you should just see this place! New York is the neurosis capital of the world, I think! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Come Monday STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/11/2005 10:50:15 PM ----- BODY: Nine years of grade school/junior high school, four years of high school, four years of college and three years of law school -- what does that add up to? Not much, apparently. This week, I had to fly solo. That's right, solo. No, Archi-Sapper wasn't out of town. No, I wasn't out of town (well, I did go to Atlanta for a business meeting on Wednesday, but that was a brief sojourn). It was worse than that. My secretary and paralegal went out of town. At the same time. When they broke the news to me that they were going to be on vacation during the same week, I made a grave miscalculation. I mistakenly thought I'd be able to manage without them. I thought to myself, "I can do this. I'm smart. I'm educated. I know how to use the computer and the phone. Sometimes even at the same time. I rock." By hour three in the office without support staff, I was beginning to resemble one of the fledgling half-wits on The Apprentice (and while we're on the topic: can someone explain to me why Bren thought it was a good idea to shoot a pornographic commercial of gay men in order to sell body wash to women? I'm still scratching my head over that one.) I picked up my phone no fewer than three times in order to ask my secretary to type a letter for me. By phone call number three, it finally sunk in that she wasn't going to type my stinkin' letters. I then realized I needed to send a fax to one of my local counsel. No problem -- that's a job I can handle! I tried to feed my papers into the fax machine, and it began beeping at me. Angrily. This was not a happy fax machine. Well, no problem. We have a general services department on the second floor of our building, and they can handle faxes, copy jobs, court runs, etc. I decided I'd just send it to them. Then I realized I have no idea who runs the general services department, or where they live in our building (they moved during our construction). Ever the intrepid lawyer, I looked up their number in the company directory and called them. After they stopped laughing hysterically at me, they managed to sputter out some directions to their lair. I wandered downstairs and found myself in a construction zone. I was standing on a sawdust-filled floor, surrounded by rebar and visqueen. I finally saw a familiar face, who guided me over to the copy/fax room. I surrendered my documents to the guy working behind the counter, who asked, "Did you get these documents from Ms. Kitty?" I looked at him quizzically and said, "I am Miss Kitty." He looked surprised and said, "What are you doing down here?" to which I replied, "I've been asking myself the same question." I made it back to my desk (without benefit of a map from the internet, thank you very much), only to discover that I had four days of mail stacked on my secretary's desk, which was about to collapse of its own weight. I sifted through it and found my ten pound stack, and settled into my office to sort through (read:pitch) half of it. It was then that I started getting the phone calls. These are the phone calls my secretary normally screens for me. There were the typical calls -- solicitors, wanting me to change my firm's long distance service (heck, I can barely make a long distance phone call, much less change our service provider), buy books for our library or somehow spend my firm's money. Then I had the calls from debt collection companies saying certain debtors had listed me as their bankruptcy attorney -- never mind that I don't do bankruptcy work -- and they wanted to have long winded discussions about how those crazy debtors could've possibly come up with my name. And then came the legitimate calls from other law firms -- people wanting copies of pleadings I'd filed, wanting to confirm depositions, wanting documents, etc., etc. By the time I finally got these people off the phone, had thrown out half my mail and given up on my search for a decent Diet Coke, I'd had it. I shut down my laptop, grabbed my purse and ran for the door. If I'd only remembered to bring my cell phone with me, I would've had it made. I don't think I'm going to make it until Monday. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: payday advance URL: IP: BLOG NAME: payday advance DATE: 06/15/2005 03:25:30 AM Please visit some information about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Crop circles STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/16/2005 02:32:00 PM ----- BODY: Gotta love this crop circle (thanks to Ernie for the link). ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Income STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/18/2005 08:49:51 AM ----- BODY: This story from yesterday's Times Picayune discusses how a law firm where some friends of mine used to work had to close its doors last year when the partners discovered their CFO had embezzled around $770,000 from the firm over a 20 year period. The embezzlement left the firm deeply in debt and was particularly disheartening because it couldn't have happened to a nicer group of lawyers. My favorite part of yesterday's article is this: In addition to charging Lee with defrauding the firm, the U.S. attorney's office nailed him for not reporting taxes on the stolen money, or on his legitimate earnings. "While Lee effectively stole the $769,806.72 from the firm over a period of years, this money is considered income to Lee pursuant to the United States Tax Code," prosecutors wrote to the court in explaining the charges. So, earnings from embezzlement are reportable income. Huh. Who knew? (besides Death & Taxes -- I'm talking about what normal people know about the Tax Code) I'm gaining new respect for the IRS. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Death & Taxes EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/20/2005 06:10:45 PM Al Capone was ultimately nailed, not for his criminal activity, but for tax evasion for failing to report the proceeds of the criminal activity. It should come as no surprise that this guy got busted for tax evasion as well. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2005 10:10:35 AM I knew that. It was the subject of an LA Law episode a few years ago. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: My Squirrel Name STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/22/2005 09:26:44 PM ----- BODY: is Major Nutless. Truer words have never been spoken. Thanks to Jim for the link. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/23/2005 02:41:45 PM Bushy Dangleberry ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: fnliii EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2005 11:35:11 AM Sergeant McNutt. That's right. Sergeant McNutt. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Suzanne EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2005 09:01:30 PM Lt. bushycheecks. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/24/2005 04:39:32 PM ----- BODY: 1. What word or words do you just love? Interstices. 2. What word or words make you want to tear your hair and run up and down the street with your fingers in your ears going "Lalalalalalalala"? When I was little, I hated the word "tummy" (yeah, I don't know either). Now I can't say I'm word averse. 3. What words do people commonly misuse that make you mad/crazy? Mostly legal terms (the use and misuse of which have been covered extensively at Minor Wisdom), but my biggest pet peeve is when people refer to preemption when they mean peremption and vice versa. 4. What's the prettiest word you know? Serendipity. 5. What word sounds like what it means? Splat. 6. What word or words just make no sense? (I.e., a word like "whatsoever" is a pretty bizarre word when you look at it). Commencement. Any word that means both beginning and ending is too out there for me. 7. What words soothe you? Lullaby. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2005 09:49:07 AM wow, not bad redo of the site. you need to fix something though I keep getting Your comment submission failed for the following reasons: Your comment could not be submitted due to questionable content: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: kitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2005 11:48:32 AM Yes, I had an aggressive Blacklist problem. I am working on fixing it. I couldn't even comment myself for a while! ----- PING: TITLE: personal loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: personal loans DATE: 06/15/2005 03:57:38 AM Please check out the sites about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: What, This Old Thing? STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/26/2005 11:19:18 AM ----- BODY: I've been contemplating a redesign for a while and finally got around to completing it. The biggest impediment to the task was my lack of knowledge of html (beyond the basics), CSS and anything remotely relevant to the task. That, and I still haven't a clue how to upload photos onto my site (the guys at Wetwired are thanking God for that, since I don't hog all their server space). At any rate, I found this fabulous design through Janelle's site and she hooked me up. She put all of the MT code into the files and even sent me a readme file to explain the installation process (which I showed to Pylorns when he did the installation for me :)). So we're now off and running. If you're viewing this page through Mozilla Firefox, it looks a bit weird at the moment -- I'm going to attempt to figure out what's going on. You can get the full effect of the design through IE, for now. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ryan C. EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2005 12:53:35 PM Looks OK in Firefox. The banner at the top appears to be cut off. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: kitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2005 02:29:54 PM There is supposed to be a row of books going across the top, but I can't see them when I view the site through Firefox. Not sure what's up with that. Otherwise, it looks correct. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Death & Taxes EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2005 03:17:33 PM I don't think it looks the least bit weird on Firefox. I think it's schnifty! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Ray EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/26/2005 07:56:47 PM Well, the look through Firefox is much much different from the look in IE. In either case, I miss the kitty with the Tweety Bird hat. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 02/28/2005 09:05:49 AM I like the fact the comments are fixed now. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2005 10:09:27 AM Looks good to me in Firefox. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Finishing_Law_School EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/03/2005 09:50:10 PM I still barely know how to modify my blog. Wish I could add links or something of that nature. I suppose I'll figure it out eventually. Found out that I had to download some program to post a photo so I nixed that idea - I thought a photo of some guy in a straight jacket would do the concept well... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: amphetamine weight loss pill EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 01:09:05 AM weight loss product weight loss supplement diet pill diabetics loss product weight loss pill supplement weight and .... best buy drug loss weight effective loss most product weight drug effective loss weight drug loss new prescription weight weight loss supplement rating drug loss sample weight .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: fat losing loss supplement weight EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 01:32:05 AM weight loss pill free sample effective loss most supplement weight loss non product thermogenic weight drug loss weight without and .... cheap diet loss pill weight consumer loss product report weight ephedra free weight loss supplement find loss product weight adipex drug loss weight discount weight loss product .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: prescription weight loss pill EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 01:55:19 AM 10 loss supplement top weight ephedra free loss pill weight drug loss new smoking weight loss product trimspa weight and .... loss meridian pill weight gnc weight loss product 1 loss phentermine pill weight ephedra free loss pill weight drug fda loss weight release weight loss product .Thanks. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: natural weight loss supplement EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/15/2005 02:19:56 AM dr loss phils supplement weight prescription weight loss diet pill effective loss most product weight drug loss miracle weight and .... drug loss phentermine weight weight loss drug online loss pill supplement weight weight loss product weight loss diet pill medicine release weight loss product .Thanks. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cookie Monster STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 02/28/2005 09:40:25 AM ----- BODY: I'm in serious trouble now. My paralegal just brought me the SIX BOXES of girl scout cookies I ordered about a month ago. What was I thinking? Six boxes. I must've been hungry when I placed that order. And true to form, five of the boxes are Samoas. Yum. So much for weight loss. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2005 10:06:43 AM lol oh man... ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/02/2005 10:12:04 AM I have limited myself to only buying candy or cookies from the kids and not the parents. That has cut my fairly hefty consumption in half. I had to. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Get Moving STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/04/2005 09:41:04 AM ----- BODY: I read an article in Prevention magazine last night -- the last bastion of all things healthy (no clue why I'm reading it, but that's a topic of another post), and the article was about the benefits of walking. I'm well aware of the benefits, as I try to go on long walks several times a week around our neighborhood, usually with Miss Maggie (that's a dog who loves to walk). However, the article also had a training schedule to help people prepare to walk a marathon. This really sounds like a great idea. I've never considered entering marathons before, as I absolutely hate running. It is difficult to measure the depths of my hatred for running. But walking? That I can do. I obviously couldn't walk a marathon, or even a half-marathon, without proper training, but the article includes a six-month training schedule that gives details on what to do. I looked online and saw that there's a marathon in Baton Rouge in December, so I'd have plenty of time to train for that. Sadly, I won't have time to enter the next marathon in New Orleans, scheduled for later this month. Any tips from anyone who's done this before? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Suzanne EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/07/2005 07:23:24 PM Good for you. I tried to train to walk a marathon recently. Got up to about 12 miles and deceided this was too much time...over 4 hours. I just didn't have the "extra" time. Shelved the idea until after retirement, Since this is in 1/2006, if you do a marathon that year, let me know. I'm a great walker. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: kitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2005 07:33:44 AM I will definitely let you know. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't actually do it unless I had someone along with me as encouragement. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Suzanne EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/08/2005 09:00:08 PM Sounds great. Maybe a marathon for both of us in 2006? 2007? ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: kitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2005 06:22:59 PM I'm going to shoot for 2006, but we'll see how it goes! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Baby Lawyer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/10/2005 11:13:58 AM That's a great idea! I haven't ever walked a marathon, but check out the "Stay of Execution" blog (not sure if it's "wrong" to post the URL here, but if you do a Google search for that phrase, you'll get the right page). The author's done two and talks alot about her training gear, schedules, etc. Good luck! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Airline food STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/06/2005 10:12:04 PM ----- BODY: After perusing this site, I'm feeling much better about my cooking abilities. I really love the old pics from Braniff Airlines. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/09/2005 04:12:09 PM course you have to fly first class to get any of that. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Live Music Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/11/2005 09:09:49 AM ----- BODY: 1. What was your first concert? Michael Jackson, the Bad tour. I was in seventh grade, and went with a friend of mine and her mom. I think her mom liked it more than we did. 2. What was your first concert you were "dying" to go to? I was always "dying" to see The Police in concert, but never did. 3. What was your first album? She's So Unusual by Cindy Lauper. Hey, lots of us have inauspicious beginnings. 4. What was the last concert you went to? It has been far too long since I've seen a live show. I think the last one was Jazzfest last year, where I saw lots of bands. 5. Who would you most like to see in concert (alive or dead)? I'd still love to see The Police as they were back in the 80's. 6. Where is the best place you've seen a show? There are so many great venues it is hard to choose. I loved Chumley's in Dallas when it was still around (the last I heard it became a furniture store. Lame.) The best place I've heard a show was on the rooftop of the science building at my alma mater. I was in Astronomy lab and we were on the rooftop checking out the stars, and I could hear music. Turns out, it was Paul McCartney's live show on Mud Island, which we could hear on campus. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Quiet STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/17/2005 09:19:50 AM ----- BODY: I know, I've been quiet. Lots to say but I can't always get the words to match up. I don't usually link to other folks' blog posts (don't know why, I just don't), but Ray has an excellent post on depression among lawyers that I recommend. Beyond that, I'm planning on curling up on the couch tonight to see who gets voted off the Apprentice, and will spend the weekend working and continuing to read my book club's latest pick, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Try not to be too jealous of my life of glamour. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Early News STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/20/2005 01:15:23 PM ----- BODY: What was the name of that t.v. show where there was a guy who lived in a large city and he always got a newspaper a day early and it would tell him what was going to happen the next day so he always ran around trying to stop terrible things from happening before they occurred? You know what I'm talking about? There was a cat involved, too. A black cat that was always there when the paper was delivered. Maybe the cat was delivering the paper. Hmmmm.......Not sure. Well, anyway, that's me. I'm the guy, not the cat (yeah, the name of my blog confuses the issue, but that's where we are). Yesterday, I walked outside to take Miss Maggie for a walk and picked up the Saturday paper. On our way back from the walk, I noticed another larger paper near it. It turned out to be the Sunday paper which our delivery boy had given us a day early. I know that newspapers have to be printed before they can go out and this takes time, and I also realize many Sunday papers have early editions that hit the stands the night before, etc. I'm just so used to getting my paper on the day that is printed on it that I feel like some sort of superhero getting it early. Clearly, there must be someone in an ivory tower somewhere or a member of the Illuminati who is orchestrating a worldwide coup and needs my help. The best development out of all of this was that when I went to walk Maggie this morning, I saw another large paper folded up in a plastic bag on our driveway. Confused (since I'd already brought in Sunday's paper yesterday), I picked it up and discovered we'd received the Sunday edition of the New York Times. For free. I might not leave my house all week. UPDATE: After reading my Sunday paper (the local paper, not the NYT), I've decided that if the Illuminati or whatever organization is behind the early delivery of our papers really does need my help in changing life as we know it, they're not trying to get my attention by bringing me actual news, as I suspected earlier. My paper is missing the front page, Metro section, Sports section (no loss there) and the Money section. I only received the Living section, Classifieds and Travel section, along with an assortment of coupons and ads. I suppose it's easy to print papers early when they don't contain any actual news stories. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 03/23/2005 10:14:00 PM The show was called Early Edition. My paper person used to deliver the already printed parts of the Sunday TP on Saturday afternoons when I lived in Metairie. Never understood why. It just made for an extra delivery. They'd deliver the rest of it at the usual time on Sunday mornings. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Quote of the Day STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/22/2005 03:12:08 PM ----- BODY: Thanks to a friend who sent me this quote earlier today: Jon Stewart on Terri Schiavo: "If you want to know just how sick you have to get before Congress is willing to do something about it, well, now you know." ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: passerby EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/13/2005 11:16:25 PM on Teri Schiavo (a quote that I heard, not one I made): "I bet the Pope is glad he is in the Vatican and not in the USA where they watch you flop around like a fish" ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Book Meme STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 03/29/2005 07:50:58 PM ----- BODY: I was over at Helen's site and saw that she picked up a Book Meme that looked interesting. Being the avid reader I am, I thought I'd jump in: You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be? Like Helen and the bloggers before her, I presume this means which book would you want burned.......the only book I can think of that was so bad I'd want to burn it was The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. Go ahead, objectivists -- sue me (no, really. I think I can take it.) Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? I had a small crush on Peter Pan when I was younger, but that was mostly after seeing the play performed at a civic center in West Texas one summer and the kid who played Peter was awfully cute. So I guess that doesn't count. The last book you bought is: The Rule of Four by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason. The last book you read: I've started several, but the last one I finished was The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler. What are you currently reading? Offshore by Penelope Fitzgerald. Five books you would take to a deserted island: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon The Secret History by Donna Tartt One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez The Bible A diary (just to torture myself). ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: It's Dry Out Here STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/02/2005 06:42:43 PM ----- BODY: I am blogging from Phoenix. I came out here at the end of last week for a conference and have really enjoyed it. I'm staying at a resort which is really nice, but definitely spoiling me (in almost every way -- trying to get my laptop connected to their high speed connection was not fun). I'll be heading back soon, but for now, I'm going to drink some more bottled water, put on some more chap stick and have some fun. See y'all soon. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/07/2005 09:43:02 PM Enjoy yourself. We'll hold down the fort. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Cheddar X STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/07/2005 09:45:08 PM ----- BODY: What are you least likely to do? Fly. Who's life is better than yours and what makes it so great? My dog's. She sleeps late, goes to bed early, works out regularly, eats well and has no stress. What does "How ya doing?" really mean? Fine. Would you rather be super strong or super smart? Would you trade that to be able to fly? Super smart, definitely. As for the flying, see my answer to the first question. When wheels spin, why do they look like they're going backwards? I could probably answer that if I were super smart. What kind of a person would say "Well, you can't get there from here."? Someone who works for Amtrak. Does something that smells good attract you more quickly than something that looks good? It probably piques my interest more quickly. Whether it actually holds my interest is another issue entirely. Complete this sentence: Hoo-doggy, I tell you what....... I'm tired. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: C Isn't For Cookie STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/08/2005 10:27:49 AM ----- BODY: It appears that Cookie Monster is on a diet. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/11/2005 02:30:19 PM bah ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Amtrak STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/14/2005 07:11:13 PM ----- BODY: Since I'm obviously mentally ill and can no longer force myself to get on a plane and endure the torment I put myself through during the span of the flight, getting to Phoenix recently was an adventure. When I went to Phoenix two years ago, I completely flipped out and drove (yes, from New Orleans. Yes, it was a loooooong trip). I realized early on that I didn't care to drive and flying was obviously out of the question. So I did what few people do these days -- I booked a ticket on Amtrak. I had ridden Amtrak when I was in high school, but the longest trip I had taken was from Dallas to Houston -- it takes five hours, tops. My grandmother was not amused when I stopped flying Southwest Airlines and starting riding the rails, mostly because it meant that when I got to Houston she had to pick me up in an area of town that shouldn't be visited alone or without a gun. I should've known this trip would be eventful when I planned it. If you go on Amtrak's website, you'll see that they don't go to Phoenix. They used to, but no longer. Now your options are Tucson and Maricopa. A little more searching on the internet will tell you that there is NOTHING in Maricopa except for a Harrah's casino. There's no airport, no shopping mall, no taxi services -- nothing. Clearly, that wouldn't do. Although Maricopa is closer to Phoenix than Tucson, Tucson is the winner since it has signs of civilization besides slot machines. Having chosen Tucson as my stopping point, I then realized that the train gets into Tucson at 1:00 a.m. local time. Seriously. This presented a problem because the rental car places at the airport don't open until 5:30 a.m. Ultimately, I made two plans: plan (a) would be used if we got in on time (ha!), and involved me taking a cab to an airport hotel, sleeping for a while and then taking the shuttle to the airport to pick up my rental car and drive to Phoenix. Plan (b) would be used if we were late, and I would take a taxi to the airport, pick up my rental car and zip to Phoenix, showering in my hotel when I arrived. Being the anal-retentive mentally ill sort that I am, I did my homework. I read everything Amtrak had to offer about train travel, called them and asked questions, and even read an online forum for train travel buffs, many of whom are Amtrak employees. I packed my bags and Archi-Sapper took me to the station at 11:00 on the day of my departure. The first thing I noticed that was different about Amtrak than say, Delta, is that no one really tells you anything. I checked in and checked my two bags and spoke with the gate agent. The only thing he told me was that I should wait in the seats at the gate and they would make an announcement when it was time to board. That they did, although I noticed plenty of people hopping onto the train before the announcement -- scofflaws! Once they made the announcement, I headed outside, had an employee punch my ticket, and they told me to go to the first door. I did, and met an employee who told me to go to the second door. Once on the train, I went into the only compartment I saw, which held about 12 seats and looked way too small to be the right place. After sitting down, someone walked in behind me and said, "This doesn't look right." Exactly, I thought. One of the passengers who had been on the train for a while replied, "This is handicapped seating." Ahhh. It made perfect sense, I just didn't understand why there were no signs denoting that. I made my way upstairs and found a seat. Note that I did not make my way to my sleeping berth, as I didn't get one. I really wanted one, but simply couldn't afford it. A sleeping car each way would've added about $800 to the cost of my trip -- slightly out of my reach. However, the coach seats are large and recline back quite a ways, and the train offers pillows much like those on the airlines. And I brought a blanket. Once we got going (on time!) I headed to the observation/lounge car and watched the scenery. I ended up spending more time there than I'd planned since that was the only location I could find an electrical outlet to recharge my Treo and my laptop. Interestingly, it seems that most of the people on the train were Amtrak regulars. At meal times, you can either eat light snack foods from the Lounge car (basically the same food you'd buy at a convenience store) or have a seated meal in the Dining Car. I opted for the seated dinner, and was placed at a table with three other passengers, all of whom ride Amtrak regularly. One of them rode it so much he actually knows which trains go to which cities. As often happens with train travel, we got stuck behind some Union Pacific freight cars and lost quite a bit of time. They were able to make up some of it, but certainly not all. I recall waking up at various points in the night and realizing we weren't moving, which wasn't the greatest feeling. Had I been traveling for pleasure, it wouldn't have bothered me, but since I had CLE classes I wanted to attend and friends I wanted to see, I just kept thinking, "Go train, go!" The evening of my arrival in Arizona, I again had dinner in the Dining Car. I was seated next to a neatly dressed man with white hair who appeared to be in his 60's. We were seated across from a Hispanic couple who didn't appear to speak English. Consequently, I ended up chatting with my seat mate, who was a very nice man who recently retired from a job working for a contractor that did work for NASA. He was riding the train for fun and hadn't yet decided where he would get off, since he had an open-ended ticket. After dinner, he found me in my seat and handed me his return train ticket. He asked if we were returning on the same train, and I was surprised by the question and a bit flustered since I'd been reading and responding to e-mails. I looked at it and said, "Yes, I think so." He seemed satisfied with that response and returned to his seat. A few minutes later, he was back. He sat down next to me and asked if he could ask me a question. I said sure and he said that he was thinking about the conversation we'd had at dinner and how I'd said I was going to Phoenix. He said that he'd love to go to Phoenix with me and wondered if he could join me on my trip. I was completely unprepared for that question and finally managed to tell him that I didn't know whether I was going to stay in Tucson or head straight to Phoenix and once I got to Phoenix I'd be in meetings and wouldn't have time to hang out, anyway. He then said that he was thinking he could get a hotel in Tucson and I could use it to shower if I wanted (!) and then we could hit the road (he wasn't trying to be insulting by suggesting I shower. If you're sitting in coach you don't have access to showers, and I'd mentioned how I needed one.) I thanked him for his offer but declined. Ultimately, I don't think he was a bad guy (he was a 60+ guy wearing glasses and Sansabelt pants, for crying out loud), but as a single gal, I certainly couldn't take any chances. Once we arrived in Tucson -- four hours late -- I ran into a woman I'd eaten dinner with the previous evening. She asked how the remainder of my trip had gone, and I told her about the guy. She empathized and said, "You've had quite a trip, between the stalker-guy and that arrest last night." Huh? "What arrest?" I asked. She said, "You didn't hear it? I heard the conductor talking to some employees about a passenger who was drunk and disorderly, and then the train stopped around 2:30 a.m. somewhere in New Mexico, and the conductor dragged the guy off the train, handed him to local law enforcement, got back on the train and we kept going! It was crazy!" All in all it was a good trip, but a little more than I'd bargained for. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Daddy EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/15/2005 02:20:22 PM Well that is thoroughly creepy... hopefully he meant no harm. I mean an attractive woman traveling alone and all, can't blame a guy for tryin ;) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/17/2005 09:12:36 AM I'm the opposite of you. I prefer flying for the thrill and because I get extremely irritable if I'm confined to a car/bus/train/plane seat for more than a few hours. I've looked into a rail pass for vacations (The wife hates to fly and also gets severe motion sickness so we're not sure she could handle a train, either) but I'm just not the kind of traveler that likes the journey as much as the destination. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: kitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/18/2005 08:35:44 AM Rob, If your wife gets severe motion sickness, I would definitely advise you not to take the train. When we were travelling at top speeds, the train rocked back and forth pretty violently, jerking and lurching the whole time. I think she'd be very ill by the time you got to your destination. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Self Worth STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/17/2005 02:14:17 PM ----- BODY: I am worth $1,531,000.00 on This quiz was really interesting, though I'm still wondering what my cup size has to do with how much I'm worth. Thanks to Minor Wisdom for the link. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/19/2005 07:38:26 AM can you cash in half now? ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Pandemonium STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/21/2005 01:27:38 PM ----- BODY: One of the first things that baby lawyers who practice in my practice area get to do is take depositions of plaintiffs. We have tens of thousands of folks who sue our clients, so arranging and taking their depositions prior to trial is time consuming and can be difficult to do. However, baby lawyers are perfect for these types of tasks, since they have a lot more free time and can use the experience to learn about the cases. Needless to say, I've taken my fair share of these depositions. So when I volunteered to help another attorney at my firm and said I would take a deposition yesterday, I thought nothing of it. I should note at the outset that this particular deposition was involving a case where many plaintiffs had sued a cast of thousands of defendants, so when you attend one of these, the conference room is chock full 'o lawyers. A scary sight sometimes, but that's how it goes. I expected to see a room full of folks, so I got there early and reserved my seat while I looked over my notes. The deposition started innocently enough. Things were actually rolling along pretty smoothly -- I was making some progress with my questions, and the witness was very nice. Once I decided to start asking him questions about the various jobs he'd had (he was claiming he had contracted an illness because of exposure to certain substances at various jobs he'd had over the years), things got weird. To make things go a little easier and to jog his memory, I had a copy of his printout from the Social Security Administration, which lists all of the emplyers he's ever had (presumably). I told him I'd be asking him about each employer, and mentioned that his attorney also had a copy of the printout I was using, and he could look at it and follow along with me if he wanted. At this point, his lawyer showed me the printout and said, "Here's what I'm showing him. It's clean. See?" I thought that was a strange comment, because I was thinking, why wouldn't it be clean? But I dismissed the comment and started questioning the witness. Things progressed without incident until lunch. We took a break for lunch and when we returned, the witness and his attorney came back in the room and sat down. The plaintiff re-opened his social security printout and was looking at it on the conference room table. I glanced at it and noticed that it had handwritten notes all over it. Thinking this was strange (particularly in light of his attorney's earlier comments about how he was looking at a clean copy), I made a note to ask about it when we got to a good stopping point. When we did, I said, "Sir, I don't mean to be nosy, but it looks like your copy of the printout has some notes on it. What are those?" At that point, his attorney flipped out. His attorney looked apoplectic, became red in the face and started yelling at me. He began shouting, "This witness has made notes on the papers in the presence of his attorney and he made them to prepare for his deposition! He's allowed to use them to refresh his recollection if he wants! How dare you imply that he isn't being entirely truthful!" I calmly replied, "I wasn't implying any such thing. I was just wondering what sort of notes he has on his printout." His attorney spat out, "He told you all about them already, so move on." I said, "No. YOU told me about them. He hasn't told me anything yet." His attorney shot back, "He's allowed to make notes if he wants to," to which I replied, "I agree," and his lawyer said, "Then why ask him about it?" I replied, "If he's going to use them during his deposition, I'm going to ask him about them. I want to see whether the notes were based on his independent recollection of the facts." His lawyer shouted, "Well, what else would they be based on!?" I calmly replied, "I don't know. That's why I'm asking the question." The attorney crossed his arms like a four year old and spat out, "Fine. Ask him." Keep in mind, as a rule, people don't yell at me. I'm a pretty laid back kitty and I get along with just about everyone. The fact that I was completely calm and unruffled during this exchange only made him more irate. It didn't help the situation that all of the other lawyers in the room were now loudly whispering to one another, clearly riled up. I asked the witness whether he made the notes, where he got the information, etc. Finally, after I'd asked all my questions, I asked his attorney if he could attach a copy of the now-infamous document to the deposition. He agreed. Thinking all of the craziness was behind us, I forged onward. After about an hour, the witness asked if we could take a break so he could get a glass of water. I agreed. The rest of us sat in the conference room and waited for his return. And waited. And waited. Around 20 minutes later, he and his attorney re-entered the room. While we'd been waiting, several attorneys asked me when we would finish up the deposition for the day, as they wanted to beat the rush hour traffic. I had promised them I would address it with the plaintiff's lawyer as soon as they returned. Making good on my promise, I told the plaintiff's attorney when they returned, "Well, the $64,000 question seems to be when we're stopping today." He replied, "Yes, we need to discuss that, but we also need to talk about something else and you're not going to like it." Oooookay. We went back on the record and he said that the document they had brought with them to the afternoon portion of the deposition was a privileged document which "was unintentionally produced", that they were withdrawing it and we could file whatever motions we wanted with the Court. At this point, pandemonium ensued. The attorneys in attendance were obviously freaking out and the plaintiff's lawyer thought we should just keep going and finish as much of the deposition as possible. Naturally, that didn't sit well with some folks. Ultimately, the plaintiff's lawyer's boss came in and shut down the deposition amid the uproar. I've had multiple phone calls today from people who were either there or heard about it, all of whom are amazed at the turn of events. If ever there was an excuse to start carrying alcohol in my purse, that deposition was it. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: pylorns EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 04/22/2005 08:21:26 AM damn ----- PING: TITLE: refinance URL: IP: BLOG NAME: refinance DATE: 06/15/2005 03:54:10 AM You can also check the sites about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: The Apprentice STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/23/2005 05:51:40 PM ----- BODY: I already miss that Bren guy. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Draw A Pig STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/25/2005 03:45:02 PM ----- BODY: Here is a fun pig-drawing personality quiz. I'm really terrible at drawing with my mouse. What am I saying? I can't draw with pen and paper, either. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Par-tay STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 04/30/2005 06:18:23 PM ----- BODY: I'm happy to report that I hosted a party last night on behalf of my firm for a bunch of lawyers who are in town for an ABA meeting and a seminar. It's a happy report because, despite my worries that no one would show, it was a big hit. We had the party at Pat O'Brien's in their Briar's Suite, which is two rooms and two balconies (one of which overlooks Bourbon St) that are upstairs from the rabble of Pat O's patio courtyard. I should've known that an open bar and good hors d'oeuvres would've been a big draw, but I still had last minute jitters. As it turns out, I have some really wonderful friends who were looking out for me, and they talked up the party to their friends which seriously boosted attendance. I had gotten my firm to sponsor (read: pay for) the event based upon a 100 attendee budget I submitted to the partners months ago. Had we had more than 100 folks show up last night, I was going to plunk down my credit card to pay for the extras, get a receipt and wait to get reimbursed. At the end of the function, the staff of Pat O's came up to me and said we'd had exactly 100 guests! I haven't a clue how we got so lucky, but it worked out really well. *whew* By the end of the event, we practically had to physically eject people from the party room to get them to leave. I went around telling people, "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here." One guest told me that was the nicest way he'd ever been kicked out of a place before. Today has been a lazy Saturday -- a combination of sleeping late through the morning rain, eating a leisurely lunch and reading my book club's latest selection. Speaking of, one of the lawyers who attended my party (who occasionally reads this blog, which I didn't realize until we were talking the other day) mentioned that I haven't blogged about book club lately. That's true. I've been going to the meetings (really! I have!), but I haven't been as good about finishing the reading as I usually am. At any rate, I (belatedly) finished the co-ed book club's latest read Cakes & Ale (which I loved) and have now moved onto the May selection, A Dance to the Music of Time: First Movement. So far, so good. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: The New Zoo Revue STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/03/2005 05:01:58 PM ----- BODY: Good Lord. The etiology of my mental illness is becoming increasingly clear to me. I'm at a hotel in the town where I've been in depositions all day. I turned on the t.v. when I got back in the room and flipped through the channels. I stumbled across an old rerun of a t.v. show I used to watch when I was growing up called The New Zoo Revue. I haven't seen this show in years, but when I was little, I loved it (almost as much as I loved the Gigglesnort Hotel). I watched hours of episodes of this show and remember getting really excited whenever I would find out it was on and I could watch it. The show I'm watching right this minute involves the following scenario: a morbidly obese hippo, who is wearing what I am sad to report is a very unflattering dress, is singing off-key into a tin can (yeah, I don't get that, either) alongside a frog who is wearing a brown cable knit sweater with a large "F" on the front of it (in case you confused him with a toad, I guess), next to a real live woman who is wearing a baby blue dress with a hoop skirt and white go-go boots. They're singing this insidious song in front of a poorly painted backdrop, no doubt painted by folks in a criminal diversion program at a local community college. I really wish I'd seen this show again before I started going to therapy. This explains a lot. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Joshua EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/04/2005 06:02:01 PM See, just thinking about the theme song to that stupid show is upsetting to me. I swear, I have nightmares about it. I hated it even when I was a kid-- but I couldn't stop watching. ----- PING: TITLE: payday advance URL: IP: BLOG NAME: payday advance DATE: 06/15/2005 03:58:07 AM You can also check out the sites about loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: My Inner European STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/08/2005 02:09:11 PM ----- BODY:
Your Inner European is French!
Smart and sophisticated. You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so.
Who's Your Inner European?
----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: T.V. Cheddar STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/08/2005 02:16:30 PM ----- BODY: 1. Who's your favorite talk show host? Bill Maher. Smart and funny. 2. Late night talk show? See response to #1. 3. What's your favorite drama? The Sopranos, hands down. 4. Favorite comedy? Gilmore Girls in the "real actors" category. Family Guy in the cartoon category. 5. Least favorite show or genre? Soap operas and sports. 6. Most unlikely show you like? 24. Archi-Sapper got me interested in this show and I really like it. 7. Most unlikely show you thought you'd like but really hate? Sex and the City. I kept trying with this show, but I got nothing. 8. Worst reality show? The Gastineau Girls. It's even worse than The Simple Life, if that's possible. 9. Best reality show (if it exists)? I still love all of the Real World/Road Rules challenge shows. 10. Best tv innovation? It isn't so much an innovation designed by t.v. manufacturers as by cable companies, but having a separate screen where you can see what's showing on every channel makes my lazy life that much easier. 11. Who's the hottest person on tv (take that as you will, sexiest, most famous, whatever)? Jon Stewart, hands down. 12. Who's got a face for radio? Paris Hilton. 13. What major news channel, if any, do you watch? I don't. 14. Bill O'Reilly. Thoughts? Ugh. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- PING: TITLE: personal loans URL: IP: BLOG NAME: personal loans DATE: 06/15/2005 03:45:16 AM Please check the sites in the field of loans home loans ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Pineapples STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/11/2005 08:31:58 PM ----- BODY: I've said it before on this blog, but it bears repeating: I am scared to have children. I know I'm not the only person who feels this way, but I don't seem to have the same concerns that the rest of my married-but-childless friends have. I'm not worried about the finances (I'm sure I'll be broke the minute I go into labor, never to return to a positive cash flow until my children enter retirement age), nor the way my life will radically change (I've been through a lot, I think I can hack it) nor the fact that my carefree days of being without children will be over (I currently raise a dog with an attitude and a husband -- I'm no stranger to responsibility). I'm worried because I never quite know what to do with children. When I was growing up, one of my aunts married this guy named George. George was basically the playboy of the Western world -- he came from a wealthy family, went to school at some of the finest preparatory schools in the country, was quite handsome and didn't need to work since he had so much family money. He was busy gallivanting around (as far as I can tell, only the truly wealthy gallivant, the rest of us just wander around) and happy to date whomever he met until he met my aunt, fell in love and got married (only to get divorced seven years later, but that's the subject of my aunt's blog, not mine). One summer I was in Houston visiting the happy couple and my aunt was.....well, she was elsewhere. I actually don't remember where she was at the time. Probably shopping. In any event, I was alone in their cavernous house with my uncle George. And George had no idea what to do with me. He tried asking me about school (and kids who are in grade school just love to talk about classes, so that went nowhere), gave me the grand tour of the house and basically tried to figure out what I wanted to do. What I wanted to do was eat. I was the type of kid of was so skinny they looked like they were malnourished, yet I ate constantly. Couldn't get enough food. So, I told George I wanted something to eat. We wandered into the kitchen, and he flailed around like a fish on the deck of a boat and tried to find something for me to eat. He disappeared in the pantry, and came up with a jar of olives. He turned around and looked at me, looked at the olives, realized he had mistaken me for a martini and returned to the pantry. He came back with a jar of crushed pineapple. Not wanting to be rude, I didn't ask what sort of dish he planned to whip up with the pineapples, and I couldn't recall the USDA's food pyramid well enough to quibble with his choices, anyway, so I let it go to see where he was going with this. He opened the can with the can opener and handed me the open can with a fork. I stared at the can blankly. "What's this?" was all I could manage to ask. "It's pineapple! It's really good!" he replied, as if to convince me that pineapple was far tastier than I'd imagined. I looked at him and deadpanned, "George, I'm 10. I need more than pineapple." To be fair, my aunt who married George used to babysit me by taking me to Gilley's Honky Tonk in Pasadena, Texas and sit me on the edge of the dance floor with a Shirley Temple while she danced the night away. I doubt she would've been up for any parenting awards, either. So I know how George felt. He was a nice guy who meant well, he was just so far removed from children that he had no idea what to do when he was around one. Fast forward to last weekend. Friday night was the lock-in for our church's high school youth group. Archi-Sapper had volunteered to chaperone the lock-in, which was from 8:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. I did not volunteer for this foolishness, because by 11:00 p.m. I'm usually sacked out. I can stay up for special occasions, but special occasions for me usually don't involve sitting in a dark, empty school, eating cold pizza and watching the children of the corn play video games and try to trash the place. I did attend the beginning of the lock-in, and stayed until the point where they actually locked the doors. At that point I bailed, went out for a drink with a friend and then headed home. Archi came home the next morning and crashed. When he woke up I asked him how things had gone. He said, "It was fine. There were some funny moments." I said, "Yeah? Like what?" He responded, "Well, one of the kids brought a DVD of a stand-up comedian and it was hilarious. But we were watching it with the kids, and I looked at the other chaperone and said, 'If Kitty were here, she would flip out. She would never let the kids watch this with all of this bad language.' The other chaperone said, 'Yeah.......Okay kids, we're turning this movie off!'" *sigh* In the end, I suppose George and I will be just fine. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Sheer Dallas STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/14/2005 12:45:04 PM ----- BODY: This show is doing nothing for Dallas' image. Surprising. I would've guessed that a show featuring two guys who work in a hair salon (one openly gay, one who refuses to admit he's gay) who constantly bicker, interspersed with clips from an aging heavily breast-implanted real estate selling-floozy would've made Dallas look that much better. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Fatigue STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/15/2005 07:21:13 PM ----- BODY: The next time I think it's a good idea to walk for six miles starting at 3:30 in the afternoon when I haven't eaten and haven't had any water (and didn't decide to bring water with me), someone needs to wrestle my Nike Air running shoe off my foot and beat me in the head with it. Seriously folks, I'm done. By the time I got home I looked like I'd been beaten, and with something more forceful than a running shoe. Yes, I will walk again, but next time I'm going to plan ahead. Walking outside today in temps that were only in the high 80s makes me want to buy a treadmill even more than I already did. This whole exercising outdoors in the blazing heat thing is going to get much more difficult before it gets easier, so it might be time to start saving my pennies. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/15/2005 10:08:26 PM Check the classifieds for treadmills. I suspect lots of people are probably selling little-used treadmills after deciding exercise wasn't for them. We bought a top-of -the line, hardly-touched Nordic Trac for a song. I suspect treadmills are similar. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Weekend STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/21/2005 12:36:33 PM ----- BODY: I don't blawg too often (mostly because there are many, many others who are far better at it than I am, but also because I like to think about other shtuff when not working), but I do read entries of others who do. I'm usually just a lurker at those blogs, but after reading this post, all I can say is I love the practice of law, but amen my friend. Amen. Archi-Sapper left town yesterday for the weekend (more military duty) so I'm a latch-key kitty for a couple of days. I started the weekend last night by going over to one of my partner's homes (estate is really more the word) for a party we had for our new batch of summer associates. I only stayed about an hour and a half -- long enough to meet all the kiddos, including my mentee who starts Monday, and have an excellent glass of wine. Earlier that afternoon, I'd received a snarky e-mail from one of the associates who had spoken with the partner hosting the shindig, and it said dress was business casual (it made other comments that weren't nearly as funny as intended, so I'll spare you the details). Since yesterday was a designated jeans day at the office, I went home after work and changed into some slacks and a blouse that is more low-cut than I remembered (come to think of it, this blouse is always low-cut, and that never occurs to me until I'm wearing it out somewhere and catch someone staring). Anyway, I ended up in a conversation with one of my department's two department heads and he leaned in to ask me for some gossip, jumped back and said, "Christ! I can't talk to you -- I keep trying to look down your blouse!" I blocked his view with my purse and we were able to continue our conversation. Other than that, the party was pretty uneventful. I was only asked by two spouses which law school I attend (inevitably, their lawyer-spouse would hear the comment and interject with something along the lines of, "Sweeeetie, she works with me. She's not a student," said in the overly condescending tone people reserve for three year olds and people they don't like. I wasn't offended -- I certainly don't mind looking younger than my age.) I've almost finished my latest read (yes, it's 700+ pages, but don't be too impressed -- our book club is only asking people to read the first 200 pages). Once I do (some time tonight), I'm going to officially start my summer reading. One of the few things I didn't like about going to private schools growing up was that they always assigned summer reading, which left me less time to read the trash I had been waiting to read. It would've been better if they'd assigned more books I actually liked, but I knew that wasn't going to happen when the first summer read I had freshman year was this drivel. My summer reading this year will kick off with this book I've been dying to read. Unlike the President, there's not likely to be much controversy over whether I actually finished it (hat tip to the Rude Pundit for that story). And now, after sleeping in all morning, I've gone on a search for some documents I need which are somewhere in our piling system. Of course, I haven't found them (and don't expect to any time soon), but have found: (1) lots of Hello Kitty stuff; (2) a gift certificate to my favorite local day spa that my firm gave me last year as a thank you for mentoring a summer associate (I'm definitely using that and soon), and (3) a mix cd I made in 2003 which is currently in the cd drive of my desktop. This weekend is shaping up, after all. Current song: The Milkman of Human Kindness by Billy Bragg. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Baby Lawyer EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2005 09:45:07 AM nononono! Not "charlotte simmons," please! In its place, can I suggest "Prep" by Curtis Sittenfeld instead? both books have similar settings and themes, but Prep doesn't make you want to kill yourself, the characters or the author once you're done. Honestly -- "Simmons" presents such an annoyingly inaccurate, slanted, overly jaded view of college life -- and the poor eponymous main character, after being fairly charming and likeable in the first 600 pages, suddenly becomes a body-snatching victim for the last 50 or whatever it is, so that Wolfe can get to his appalling conclusion. It's a terrible book, written by someone who really only wants to shock (and it does, so if that's what you're going for, then by all means...), but most of the "shocking" material is pretty gratuitous and the rest is just overblown. Whew. Worked up quite the head of steam there. I'm calm now. I just *really* hated that book. please please please try Prep instead -- same idea, much better writing, characters and attitudes (I swear, I'm not some kind of PR person -- just someone with an unholy attachment to good books!) ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: kitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/26/2005 01:29:06 PM I hear you. One of my all-time favorite books is Bonfire of the Vanities, which I think is Wolfe at his finest. A Man in Full was good, but about 200 pages too long and in sore need of an editor. Sounds like Charlotte Simmons may be much of the same. I've read about 150 pages of it so far, but I'm far from the end (or even the middle). I had seen a review of Prep in The New Yorker, and was really intrigued. I mentioned it to a friend who is an avid reader, and he read it and said, "eh". He and I don't always agree on books, though, so that certainly isn't dispositive as to my feelings about it. I'm still interested in checking it out. He said it was depressing, though I can't imagine it would be more depressing than the picture of college life Wolfe portrays. Although I like Charlotte Simmons (so far), I keep reading it and thinking, "I only graduated from college in 1996. Where are my friends and I in this book?" ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Moonlighting STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 05/23/2005 02:21:36 PM ----- BODY: I know a few lawyers who have odd jobs on the side, but nothing like this. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 05/25/2005 12:27:11 PM Way too many jokes available. Please note my remarkable restraint. ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Chad EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/08/2005 01:10:41 PM Don't tell my Mama I'm a lawyer... she thinks I play the piano in a whorehouse! ----- PING: TITLE: Just stuff URL: IP: BLOG NAME: CrabAppleLane Blog DATE: 05/26/2005 06:26:59 AM The problem with tractors and trailblazing is that you have to watch in front of you and behind you at the same time. Sometime Sunday, while watching carefully where I was going, I hooked the finish mower behind me on a fairly large tree and bent an im... ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Lulls STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/03/2005 05:31:54 PM ----- BODY: I am officially wiped out. I've considered blogging, but lately just haven't had it in me. For me, my blogging urges wax and wane and we're definitely on a wane at the moment. It's not that I have nothing to say, I just have a zillion things floating through my head and when I try to grab one and pin it down on the keyboard I finally think "ack" and give up. I think I'm just falling out of my recently acquired good habits and paying the price for it. I haven't been walking as much lately (partly due to scheduling and partly due to the temperatures and weather), I've been eating more fast food and generally not successfully dealing with some stressful stuff that's come up. All of these are combining to create the perfect storm. I'm sure I'll snap out of this funk, I just need to get my butt in gear and get moving. That said, I haven't lost my entertainment value during this lull. Just because I'm bummed out doesn't mean I can't make other people laugh. I was covering yet another deposition today and was asking the witness where he worked when he worked for a specific employer. He couldn't remember. His attorneys had given me some information that suggested where they thought he had worked, so I decided just to ask him about what was on the page instead of waiting for him to remember. We ended up having the following exchange: Me: Sir, do you remember working at Company X? Him: Yeah, now that you mention it. I'm glad you remembered that. Me: Yeah, I've got a great memory. Him: Well, you read the information very well. Me: Good to know those three years of law school are finally kicking in. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Big Kitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/10/2005 02:03:04 PM Hi jennifer, I hear you about bad habits and not doing the healthy thing. I've slipped into that zone as well and I'm beginnig to feel it. I've also been eating too much fast food and that is way out of character for me. I hope you are well. Robert ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: kitty EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/10/2005 02:52:28 PM You're eating fast food?! You? What is this world coming to? You're the biggest foodie I know! Ack! ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Splish STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/06/2005 01:13:18 PM ----- BODY: If it keeps raining like it has been today, I'm wearing a scuba mask to work tomorrow. I work in an old warehouse that has been converted into an office building. While there are a lot of cool aspects to our digs, being in an old building does has disadvantages. One of them is when the windows leak. The window in my office leaks, which isnt terrible unless we're having a flood. We got a deluge of rain at lunch time and half of it came in my office window, soaking my Dictaphone, a binder and part of my telephone. My secretary has tented the table on which my phone and Dictaphone sit with trashbags until our General Services department can come up and bail me out. In other news, I finished reading I Am Charlotte Simmons last night. Like most people I know who've read it, there were parts I liked and parts I didn't. Overall, the end was depressing -- so depressing, in fact, that I considered not finishing it. Now that that's out of the way, I have to decide what to read next. My two book clubs' next selections are: Across the River and Into the Trees by Ernest Hemingway, and Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books by Azar Nafisi. I'm more inclined to read the latter than the former, although I could ditch both of them and read something else entirely. Suggestions? ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Vauda EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/07/2005 11:15:24 AM I'm addicted to Patricia Cornwell myself. I just finished Trace, her latest novel. I'm glad to be done with it because I can finally get to bed on time and do my laundry! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR: Rob EMAIL: IP: URL: DATE: 06/07/2005 12:52:18 PM Hemmingway is an acquired taste. I never acquired it. The latter or ditch both. ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Books and Movies STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/10/2005 03:05:13 PM ----- BODY: While Archi-Sapper is playing in the sandbox (and by the way, I do find it ironic that he only refers to his military duty as being "in the sandbox" when he's not in Iraq), I have to find ways to amuse myself. One tried and true option is Netflix, which I've grown to love. Last night I watched Closer, which was good, if heavy. I liked the fact that none of the characters could easily figure each other out, and none seemed to understand themselves, either. The dialogue was good and didn't fall into the constant high-pitched whining and door slamming you often get with movies about relationships gone wrong. Tonight I'm going for much lighter fare with Mean Girls. Maybe I'll get the whole Lindsay Lohan thing if I watch it. Once those are shipped back, the next movie in the queue is I Heart Huckabees, another movie on my to-watch list. I'd better stock up on popcorn. For those keeping track, I briefly decided to read the Hemingway book until I actually started it. About 20 pages in I remembered why I don't like Hemingway. To be fair, the only Hemingway I've ever read and finished was The Old Man and the Sea (it's a fish, let's move on), and I've always wanted to read one of his well known works. Across the River and Into the Trees certainly isn't well known and wasn't doing anything for me besides. So, I decided to skip that book and have moved on to that book club's next selection, Vanity Fair by Thackeray. I'm not too far into it, but at this point I'm enjoying it far more than Hemingway. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- -------- AUTHOR: kittysays TITLE: Music STATUS: Publish ALLOW COMMENTS: 1 CONVERT BREAKS: __default__ ALLOW PINGS: 1 PRIMARY CATEGORY: DATE: 06/11/2005 10:56:48 PM ----- BODY: For the first time in my blogging life, someone has passed me a meme. The meme consists of the following five questions: I love music and cannot imagine my life without it. That said, this meme was a lot harder to respond to than I would've imagined. Like Ray, my musical tastes and listening habits have changed over the years, so it's difficult to summarize them. But what the hell. I'll give it a shot. The first music (on tape) I remember actually going out and buying with my own money was Cupid & Psyche 85 by Scritti Politti. Needless to say, I've come a long way since then. Throughout junior high and high school I went through various phases (they're probably closer to obsessions, but that's neither here nor there), not necessarily with artists as with albums. I would become fixated on specific tapes and play them over and over until the tape snapped in half (or melted in my car in the Texas heat) and I had to buy a replacement. The first such obsession was in junior high with The Beastie Boys' Licensed to Ill (do I really need to link to that folks? You all know what I'm talking about). I then went to a church camp in central Texas one summer where I met this amazing girl who wore all black and dyed her hair funky colors. She listened to bands I'd never heard of, like The Cure and The Violent Femmes and The Velvet Underground. My horizons officially broadened, I became fixated on whatever I stumbled across -- I had a serious Housemartins faze, I fell in love with The Beatles and couldn't get enough of The Police. For the most part, I had mainstream tastes mixed in with a few oddities. As with most people who came of age in the 1980's, I started making mix tapes in earnest (mostly for myself at first, before I realized there were others who had similar tastes in music and then I gave them to friends). In college I ended up befriending someone who loved music as much as I did, and we later became roommates with one killer combined music collection. We went to concerts together (one really fabulous concert by David Garza comes to mind, when we braved the seedier parts of Memphis to check out his show at a warehouse. I think we were the only patrons there) and she introduced me to one of my all-time favorite bands,Old 97's. I'm sad to report that my days post-college have not been nearly as music-filled. The high point was stumbling upon the CDMOM club, which was a great introduction to some fabulous indie music (not to mention an introduction to a good friend). These days, I don't buy nearly as much music as I'd like, but I get to listen to a fair amount of good stuff thanks to my XM satellite radio subscription. Oh yeah, and to answer the point of the first question in the meme? I have no frickin' clue how much music I have. I have quite a few CD's, but I haven't counted them in a long time (and I'm not gonna do it now). I have some music stored on my computer, but not as much as I'd like. After my computer crashed last year and I lost so much stuff, I'm wary of storing music on computer. 2.The last CD I bought was Here's to Shutting Up by Superchunk. Good stuff. 3.The song playing right now is Landed by Ben Folds. I am such a sucker for piano music. I actually took piano lessons for eight or nine years growing up. That's one of those things I never should've given up. 4. Five songs I listen to a lot or that mean a lot to me. You've got to be kidding me, only five? This could be tricky. 5. Five people to whom I'm passing the baton. Victims! I love it! Hmmmm....decisions, decisions. To be honest, a number of people whose answers I'd like to see don't blog, so that's a little tricky. So, here's what we'll do: I'll pass the baton to a couple of bloggers and a couple of non-bloggers. The non-bloggers can either post their answers in my comments, or send them to me and I'll post them in an entry. Of course, I don't want to "out" any of the non-bloggers who don't already have set "internet names" they use for posting, so I'm just going to have to describe you folks and let you out yourselves. You'll know who you are. I'm passing the baton to: Daddy Warbucks at Warbucksblog because I know he loves music as much as I do. I don't know if he'll actually respond since he only blogs about politics, but he could respond in the comments section of my blog, just like a non-blogger if he wants (*cough*hint*cough*). I'm also passing the baton to Joshua Norton at Strip Mining for Whimsy, because he's an interesting guy and I'm just curious to see his answers (don't know if he "does" memes, but we'll see). And the last blogger to whom I'll pass the baton will be Death and Taxes. As for non-bloggers, I shall pass the baton to Vauda (who has already used her name in the comments, so I'm not outing her), and the attorney who did the closing on our house. I would be outing him if I used his real name, so I'll leave it up to him to pick an internet name for himself if he wants to respond to this post. ----- EXTENDED BODY: ----- EXCERPT: ----- KEYWORDS: ----- --------