September 04, 2003

Brave New World

I still can't decide if blogging is an intriguing new form of self-expression or yet another way for people to publicize their egos. Leaving that question aside for the moment, I'm jumping in all the same.

I was inspired to start a blog when I joined an online mix cd swapping club. "But that's madness!" you must be thinking. No, just evidence of my interest in finding new music and my lack of enough of an attention span to listen to an entire cd of one artist's music. Through a quick search on Google, I discovered the CD Mix of the Month Club (known to the regulars as the CDMOM club). After I signed up for the monthly trade, I started reading Josh's blog. At first I thought, "Okay, random guy writing about whatever," and then I got hooked.

Now that I've started my own blog and have a forum for my internal monologue, I'm sure I'll run out of things to write about (just like it never rains when I remember my umbrella). Only I would practice law for a living, come home, and begin a hobby which requires me to continue writing and critique my own work. I've gotta get out more.

Posted by Kitty at September 4, 2003 08:20 PM


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