September 25, 2003

Wine, women and......more wine

I'm a member of a book club and I hosted our meeting last night. In the grand tradition of my friends Margaret and Glenda, I hosted it at someone else's house. I highly recommend this option to anyone throwing a party, as you get to show off someone else's cool digs and it feels like you've rented a chic place to party -- only it's free! Our book club is all female. Half of us are doctors and half are lawyers, with the only holdout being a woman who teaches business classes at Loyola. This month's book selection was The Secret History by Donna Tartt, a book I picked because it is one of my all-time faves. As it turns out, my friend Margaret and I were the only ones who actually read the book, but that is par for the course for our club. I'm the only serious reader in the group, and I'm not a member of the club for the scintillating discussions of literature (good thing).

We booted out the owner of the house where we met (he is a guy, after all, and no boys allowed in our treehouse), and commenced drinking copious amounts of wine, eating finger sandwiches and veggies with dip and discussed our romantic lives. It was very Sex in the City only less neurotic. Afterwards, we called the owner of the house and told him he was allowed to return to his abode, and we staggered across the street to the Bridge Lounge (a cool local bar that allows dogs to come in with their owners) and continued drinking and talking.

I love this book club. The truly amazing thing to me about it is that I genuinely like all if its' members. This amazes me because, in any group, there is always at least one person I don't care for, I don't get along with, feel intimidated by, etc. This group isn't like that. I absolutely love all of these bright, funny, warm, successful, wine-drinking, men-loving, book-reading women. *sniff* Sorry. Didn't mean to get all Alan Alda mushy on you.

Posted by Kitty at September 25, 2003 09:40 AM


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