October 18, 2003

Cheddar X Questions

Here are my answers to this week's questions posed by Cheddar X:

1. What was the last person, thing or event that made you cry?
Thinking of possibly losing my mom to cancer.

2. What was your most recent vivid dream about?
I was attending a law conference at a large hotel, and I was chatting with
people in the hotel restaurant at night.

3. What is the best bumper sticker you've seen or thought up?
I saw a bumper sticker on an old Volvo that said, "0 to 60 in 10 minutes."

4. Who was your worst room mate? Why?
Overall, I've had great roommates (thankfully). I have had bad experiences,
though, such as my sophomore year in college when my roomie brought a
guy back to the room and they started to " get friendly". I happened to be in
the top bunk of our bunkbeds at the time. She thought I was asleep. I

5. What do you order most often when you go out to eat?
Whatever I like there. Typically, I pick places to eat because I'm hungry for
some dish that they serve, so I order that.

6. What's your cocktail of choice? Or beverage for the non-drinkers?
Cocktail of choice would be a Tanq and Tonic or a Chambord & Seven.
Beverage of choice would be Diet Coke or Pink Lemonade Snapple.

Posted by Kitty at October 18, 2003 05:05 PM


I bet you eat at wataburger every time you hit texas.

Posted by: pylorns at October 19, 2003 12:40 AM

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