November 07, 2003

This Week's Cheddar

1. What good did you do in the world today?
It's still early. I'm working on it. But I did walk my dog.

2. What fashion trend are you glad that's gone away? Or what trend are you waiting to go away?
I am glad that jellies shoes from the 1980's are history -- wearing shoes
that are completely made of semi-melted plastic just isn't comfortable.

3. What's your greatest sports moment, your own or one you've witnessed?
Anyone who knows me is laughing right now. I neither watch nor play

4. Who would you nominate for the most annoying person award?
Kathy Lee Gifford.

5. What do you do to get yourself ready to write? Either blogging or other writing?
The hardest part for me is narrowing down what I want to say. After
that, I just let it flow.

6. Mac or PC or Linux? Why?
I use a PC because that's what my law firm bought me. I'd like to buy a
Mac, but since most law firms use PC's, it is much easier to just conform.

Posted by Kitty at November 7, 2003 08:57 AM


thts right, conform.. macs suck!

Posted by: pylorns at November 7, 2003 11:56 AM

The comment issue:

Posted by: pylorns at November 7, 2003 12:39 PM

Greatest sports moment witnessed... Toss up between Arkansas beating LSU in the last minute last year, or Arkansas beating Texas this year.

Posted by: Jenny at November 7, 2003 03:25 PM

I can't wait for all fashions and trends to go away.


Posted by: Quack! at November 10, 2003 10:13 AM

Jenny.... come on, let's get serious about LSU losing last year and this year's LSU Tigers??

Right now LSU's #3 in the nation and where is Arsucksas? We'll have to compare at the end of the year.

DO NOT GO MAC, they're horrible and when they break, they break.

Posted by: Magik at November 11, 2003 08:34 AM

I never said anything about this year, especialy since the game is at LSU. In this series whoever's at home usually wins. And, if I'm not mistaken, LSU was ranked quite a bit higher last year as well.

I picked last year's game because:
I was there.
It was a great last minute... we sucked for the first 59 min.
There was an incredibly obnoxious LSU fan sitting in the student section with us.

Posted by: Jenny at November 12, 2003 08:36 AM

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