November 20, 2003

Movie Cheddar

1. What's your favorite/least favorite movie?

Favorite: High Fidelity; Clue; Dead Poets Society
Least Favorite: Ishtar (still unclear on the plot)

2. What's the best movie-adaptation of a book?

Sense and Sensibility

3. What movie makes you cry?

Lots of them do, actually, though I tend not to watch movies that I know will make me cry. The last movie I saw that really made me cry was City of Angels.

4. What movie do you watch to cheer you up?

I usually don't watch movies to cheer myself up, but watching my favorite movies might work.

5. Any amusing stories involving movies or the movie theater?

My very first car date took place at the now-defunct Lakewood Movie Theater in Dallas. We got to the theater (the one I had selected) early, only to be serenaded by the solo organist who was hired to play before movies. Needless to say, a tad strange.

6. Would you rather go to the theater or stay home and watch a movie?

I would definitely rather stay home to watch movies, though if I do that, I always fall asleep before they end unless I start them early (hence our 8:00 rule).

7. Are you more awed by a good plot or special effects?

Plot -- definitely. Except for porn (Kidding people. I'm kidding.)

8. Who is your favorite/least favorite actor/actress?

Favorite actor: Edward Norton (see previous post)
Favorite actress: Meryl Streep, Michelle Pfeiffer

Least favorite actor: Keanu Reeves (acting lessons wouldn't kill him)
Least favorite actress: Nicole Kidman

9. What's your favorite cult movie?

Does Airplane! count? That's probably as close as I come to an affinity for cult movies. Speaking of, I do recall watching Strange Brew during my freshman year of high school, and was told it was an absolute must-see cult movie. I'm not so sure.

10. Matrix Revolutions, worth the wait or WTF?

I still haven't seen the first Matrix all the way through, so I'll probably pass.

Posted by Kitty at November 20, 2003 02:36 PM


I can't believe I forgot Tommy Lee Jones -- I love him! He used to play polo at the Houston Polo Club where my aunt worked, and she has this hilarious picture of him standing next to their "brand new" Coke machine drinking a Coke. He was ultimately banned from the polo club, but not because of the Coke pictue.

Posted by: Jennifer at November 21, 2003 10:02 AM

Movie that cheers me up: Men At Work. When the Vietnam vet takes the pizza guy hostage, I can't help but laugh. That and Hudson Hawk.

Posted by: Jenny at November 21, 2003 10:31 AM

Can you email me or can I email you? Had some questions to ask you

Posted by: mud puppy at January 12, 2004 02:44 PM

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