December 13, 2003

Cheddar X

1. What was your last near death experience?

I have so many when I drive down I-10 it is difficult to pick just one.

2. How often do you pull or edit posts after publishing them?

I never pull posts, and I've only edited posts when I found spelling mistakes in them, which isn't often.

3. How do you decide what to blog about?

For the most part, it is spur of the moment. I blog about whatever I happen to be thinking when I'm surfing other people's blogs. Sometimes when I'm out somewhere I'll think of a good post topic, but I usually forget it by the time I get back to my laptop.

4. What is your favorite work of art?

I am a big fan of Vermeer, a Dutch painter, and there was a painting of his in the textbook we used in my AP European History class in high school. I should recall the name of the painting, but I don't.

5. What was your last brush with the law about?

I have daily brushes with the law given my chosen profession. But to answer the question that I'm supposed to answer (and not be a smart ass), it would have to be getting pulled over for speeding. Yeah, I need to slow down.

6. What's the most clever post title you've come up with?

I've said this before, but me at my most clever was the post title "Would You, Could You, With a Pope?" about the election of popes.

7. What's the best marketing gimmick you've seen lately? Worst?

This is a tough one. In terms of marketing, I'd have to say that I really get hooked on any commercial that uses good music. The Gap has done that to great effect, in my opinion (I still remember the song they used in their Christmas commercials last year). The worst marketing is done by jewelry stores in New Orleans, hands down. Their commercials are so abysmal I refuse to give any of them business.

Posted by Kitty at December 13, 2003 05:42 PM


My last brush with death would have to be the carbon monoxide poisoning from my car last month. There's nothing like almost passing out while driving up one of the steepest curviest hills in Little Rock.

Posted by: Jenny at December 15, 2003 12:24 PM Cool :)

Posted by: Vinni Pooh at October 3, 2004 07:18 PM

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