January 18, 2004
Cheddar X
Choose your favorite actor and answer the questions below with movies they have been in. It may be too difficult to answer all the questions with a single actor's filmography so you can either skip some or split the list in two and use two different actors. Do whatever makes you happy.
1. What is your home life like?
Everyone Says I Love You.
2. What is your first thought when you think about high school?
Our of the Past.
3. What is your strongest personality trait?
Slapstick of Another Kind.
4. What's your work like?
High Anxiety.
5. What do you wish your job was?
The Score.
6. Describe your partner.
Mixed Nuts.
7. Describe yourself.
Mixed Nuts.
8. What's some good advice?
I couldn't find one for this one.
9. Tell us about your childhood.
A Bug's Life.
10. What would you say to your ten year old self?
What's Up, Doc?
The two actors I used are indeed two of my faves -- Edward Norton and Madeline Kahn.
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