January 23, 2004
Mix Tapes
This article definitely sums up my feelings about making mix-cd's these days, as opposed to the age old practice of making mix tapes. I spent countless hours in high school and college making mix tapes, using a method not unlike the one mentioned in this article. It was painstaking, deliberate, time consuming and fun. Not to be outdone, of course, I also made covers for the mix tapes, which I cut out of magazines like Interview.
Don't get me wrong, I do make mix cd's and I enjoy it. It just involves such a different process that it can be hard to compare the two endeavors. With all digital music that automatically records at the same volume, gone are the days of searching for the right song, getting the volume levels right, making sure the beginning of this song flows with the end of the song before, etc. In some ways, I like the seamlessness of the new technology -- for instance, not having to worry about how much "dead space" there is in between each song. I just can't help but think that making mix cd's isn't quite the labor of love that making mix tapes was.
Posted by Kitty at January 23, 2004 10:20 AM
Funny you mention this. Robyn and I were talking about making mix tapes awhile back. We found a bunch of her old ones in a case in the garage, you can't bring yourself to throw away something you put so much time into. Ah the days of Def Lepard and Bon Jovi...
Posted by: Big Daddy at January 26, 2004 11:05 AM
I know the feeling. I take the time to select the genre of music but it seems now I am detached from the process as soon as I place the CD into the "slot". While I know I still have control of the mouse which is seemlessly attached to the cursor, I somehow feel the machine will now take over and my creativeness is loss in technology. Oh what the hell, it is quicker (sic).
Posted by: greyhairedstranger at January 23, 2004 11:34 AM