January 27, 2004

Late Cheddar

1. Do you read more male or female bloggers? Why do you suppose that is?
It is about equal for me. I like reading different perspectives.

2. Does politicizing a blog send you packing if the blogger's beliefs are opposed to your own? Or, do you only read opinions that you agree with?
I don't mind reading political blogs that espouse opinions with which I disagree as long as I'm in a good mood. Otherwise, they just annoy me.

3. Do you read other Cheddar X answers before writing your own?
Nope. It never occurred to me to do that.

4. What was the last utterly ridiculous thing someone said to you?
This won't hurt.

5. What world record would you most like to hold?
I don't know...

6. What types of blog posts make you want to comment more often than not?
Usually personal ones, where someone is describing events in their life.

7. Does your significant other have a beloved article of clothing that you hate? Have you contemplated "accidentally" destroying it?
Interestingly, since my husband is in Iraq, I have abundant opportunity to "accidentally" destroy any of his clothing I don't like. The only article of clothing he owns that I simply cannot stand is a pair of ripped denim shorts that have paint stains on them (at least, I think that's paint).

Posted by Kitty at January 27, 2004 04:41 PM


1. i read anything.. usually i go to a site i normally go ie magik's, my close friends. and if they have comments i want to see who this person is and what they have on their site.. see how creative they are.. what they go through.. they normally have really good articles or views on their topic that keep me thinking
2. i really don't care.. if they are against my thoughts.. it's alwasy good to keep an opened mind and try to see their way.. usually i learn a lot from that..
3. umm..????
4. "oh you must be black!" (no dildo. i'm a.c.! aka amerikorean)
5. the most degrees anyone has done.. i am always ready to learn.. and i actually love school.. i want to be a carpenter, dentist, dental hygenist??, nutritionist, construction worker, RN, Vet doc, so many others.. but i do'nt know.. doubt i'd be able to pull all that off.. so damn expensive LOL
6. where someone would like advise and is willing to listen to anyone's advise.. or if i run across a blog that someone is thinking of killing themselves.. itry to talk to them about it.. or anything that has to do medically. cause it's the field i know best in.
7. WAHHH.. i don't have a "significant other"
buti'll get back to you on that one in the far future ;)


Posted by: krndiva at January 28, 2004 02:38 PM

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