February 07, 2004


I have friends who have Tivo and it sounds like a cool idea. However, something about my electronics equipment trying to select television programs for me to watch kinda weirds me out.

Now, after reading this article, I'm even more weirded out by it. If I were to have my Tivo record, say, the Superbowl halftime show, and I were to repeatedly rewind a certain portion of that show so I could repeatedly view a certain *ahem* pierced nipple, I don't think I'd want to advertise that. But that's me.

Posted by Kitty at February 7, 2004 05:00 PM


Well that settles any thoughts I had on getting TIVO. It is bad enough to realize that On-Star has the capability to track the our car to Dallas and know everywhere we stopped to shop and stay. Not that they would do it but the capability exists. I certainly do not want TIVO to know that I watch every MA rated show on HBO (and the re-runs too).

Posted by: greyheadedstranger at February 10, 2004 12:44 PM

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