February 13, 2004

Cheddar Sex

1. Who's your daddy?

I don't even know where to begin with that one . . .

2. What's your orientation?


3. What's your favorite sexual position?

There are so many good ones, it is difficult for me to choose.

4. How do you feel about porn?

Soft core? Like it. Hard core? Amusing, but no thanks.

5. How do you feel about same sex porn?

Girl on girl is fine with me. I've never seen guy on guy but I doubt that it would do much for me.

6. About how often do you engage in sexual relations?

Now? Approximately never.

7. How often do you masturbate?

Depends on my mood. Anywhere from every other day to every other week.

8. Do you have toys?

Does my Hello Kitty count? Um, yes.

9. What was your most intense sexual experience?

That would have to be losing my virginity to my wonderful husband.

10. How important is sex to maintaining the bond between you and your partner?

Sex is quite important in the overall scheme of the relationship, though intercourse itself isn't always critical. Maintaining some sort of regular physical, intimate contact is vital, though, in my opinion.

11. Have you ever engaged in same sex activities?

Sure. I go shopping with my girlfriends all the time.

12. Have you ever considered "swinging"?

I've considered it. Actually doing it would be another issue entirely.

13. What is your earliest sexual memory?

My husband and I have had sex at 1:00 a.m. before. That counts, right?

14. Have you ever paid for sex? (interpret that however you like)

I can't say that I have.

15. Are you more aroused by visual, auditory or sensate (touch) stimulation?

I'm like a guy in this respect. I'd have to go with visual.

16. How long have you gone without sex with another person?

From birth until age 25.

17. How long have you gone without sex period?

If this includes masturbation, from birth until age 10.

18. Do you have to have an emotional connection before having sex with someone? How has that changed as you've grown up?

This isn't really an issue for me, since I obviously have an emotional connection with my husband, who is my sex partner (at least, when he's living in this country, that is). I think that now that I'm older, it would be easier for me to separate sex from love, though doing so might not be the best idea.

Posted by Kitty at February 13, 2004 09:36 AM


Great post! So all I do is cut and paste each question and then respond in my blog. This is one I have to post, I might just make the Enquirer or the other check-out stand rag.

Posted by: greyheadedstranger at February 18, 2004 09:21 AM

this should be interesting!

Posted by: Justin at February 18, 2004 10:09 PM

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