March 04, 2004

Senior Moments

This story is too bizarre -- and too funny -- to go without mention. For the next fight that breaks out at the senior citizen's salad bar, I'm putting $50 on the 92 year old.

WINTER HAVEN, Fla. - A dispute at the salad bar turned into a food fracas at an upscale retirement home, with a man taking a bite out of another's arm and other residents suffering minor injuries.

Police said resident Lee Thoss, 62, of the Spring Haven Retirement Community was picking through the lettuce, which disgusted 86-year-old William Hocker, who was standing in line behind him.

Hocker told Thoss no one wanted to eat food he had been playing with. Thoss yelled and cursed at him, Hocker told police, and Hocker called him a nasty name. Then, witnesses said, Thoss then began punching Hocker in the face.

In the buffet melee that followed, Allen Croft, 79, tried to grab Thoss, who bit him on the arm, reports said.

Thoss' mother, Arlene, in her 80s and also a Spring Haven resident, jumped in to break up the fight and ended up with a cut arm. Harry Griffin, 92, was standing at the salad bar and cut his head when he was knocked to the ground.

"All the old folks were either getting up to help or trying to get out of there," police spokesman J.J. Stanton said of the scene last Sunday in the well-appointed dining room, which features an ice cream bar and a pastry chef.

Arlene Thoss, Croft and Griffin were treated at a local hospital and released.

Stanton said all involved declined to press charges, but home administrators have asked Lee Thoss to move out.

Posted by Kitty at March 4, 2004 09:40 PM


The Salad Bar-aka the recruiting arena for the worldwide wrestling federation...

Posted by: Helen at March 5, 2004 03:29 AM

I heard that on NPR this morning and actually laughed out loud to myself. And they say they were a kinder, gentler generation.

Posted by: RokynRobyn at March 5, 2004 01:09 PM

We (oops, I mean they) are a kinder and gentler generation, it's just the wilted lettuce and over-ripe tomatoes that make us (double oops, ahem, them) go postal at the S-bar. Now where are those scouts from the WWF......

Posted by: greyhairedstranger at March 7, 2004 08:12 PM

I love your site

Posted by: Mike at November 3, 2004 06:41 AM

I love your site

Posted by: Mike at November 3, 2004 08:58 AM

Nice thread.

Posted by: Jane at November 3, 2004 11:53 AM

Nice topic.

Posted by: Jerry at November 3, 2004 02:22 PM

Con la llegada de los parques del Irtra lo malo es que en ese sitio no hay ni hospedajes ni restaurantes ni servicios para el turismo.
Search Google

Posted by: Google at November 18, 2004 12:29 PM

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