March 12, 2004


1. What's your favorite form of corporate or governmental irony?
Microsoft always strives to simplify their software so anyone can understand and use it. This is the same company that expects you to shut down your computer by clicking a button labeled "Start".

2. What are your favorite acronyms?
I can't say that I have any.

3. Do you have personal acronyms? What are they?
Again, nope.

4. Where do you shop online?
Mostly and lately at

5. What do you buy online?
At Amazon I buy books, music and workout DVD's. At Reflect I buy makeup.

6. What would you do if you were falsely accused of shoplifting?
I would get some of my friends at the firm to represent me, file a lawsuit against the company that falsely accused me and make them miserable until they dropped the charges.

7. What's your take on Feng Shui? Hooey or truey?
Hooey. Your success, happiness and financial well-being are all dependent on where you place the fern in your office? Whatever.

Posted by Kitty at March 12, 2004 07:05 PM


You are so right about Mircosoft. I finally solved the problem (all by myself without spending the $29.95 for tech help) with Norton and XP. Seems XP decided to make my Norton 2004 for XP (key word her is "for XP") compatible with Windows 95 and 98, which neither are my operating systems..did I mention I was running XP...duh I though I did.

Posted by: greyheadedstranger at March 13, 2004 02:29 PM

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