March 29, 2004

People With Too Much Time On Their Hands

This article is so New Orleans.

First of all, only in New Orleans would someone own a cafe, a bar, a voodoo museum and voodoo temple. Secondly, only in New Orleans would you have a doctorate in mythology and depth psychology (I don't even know what that is). Apparently, this woman picked up some web design skills along the way, since she has two websites about voodoo (naturally), one of which states that, "Vodun spirituality is concerned with the development of the internal aspect of the self in preparation for evolution" (I don't know what that means, either).

The kicker, of course, is that it took a court in California of all places to determine that this woman didn't have enough assets to pay her creditors. With such a lucrative business plan of running a cafe, bar, voodoo museum and temple, one would've expected her to be flush with cash.

Posted by Kitty at March 29, 2004 12:29 PM


So let me get this right, if my contract does not get extended in August, all I have to do to get along is to open a web site asking for donations to a West African religion (and if one should not want to contribute, I place a curse on them) and then file for bankruptcy. And in the spare time I get some fancy degrees (on-line of course) and write a couple of books. Yea, now I have a plan for retirement.

Posted by: greyheadedstranger at March 29, 2004 09:24 PM

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