April 10, 2004
Cheddar X
1. When was the last time you caught yourself before doing something really stupid? What was it?
Sadly, I rarely catch myself before doing something stupid. I usually end up kicking myself after I've done it and then wondering why I haven't learned better judgment in my thirty years on planet Earth.
2. What was your last nightmare about?
I don't really remember, actually. Whenever I have a dream whether good or bad, if I don't tell someone about it or write it down the day after I'm likely to forget it.
3. How do you entertain yourself in traffic?
I check email on my T-Mobile Sidekick, sing along with the radio and daydream.
4. Who inspires you?
My boss (the one who left the firm but who is still of counsel), my husband, certain friends of mine (they shall remain nameless -- I don't want to start any wars here), my shrink.
5. What trait in the opposite sex makes you wonder most?
Men who constantly complain that they don't understand women but who never make any attempt to get to know women or figure out what makes them tick.
6. Which of the seven deadly sins is the worst? Why?
Envy. It is very powerful and can lead to no good end.
7. Do you blog on the weekends much or at all?
I'm blogging right now, on a Saturday afternoon. I blog whenever I have time and have something to say.
Posted by Kitty at April 10, 2004 02:38 PM
About #5: well it's true but there are way more women who do not understand men and only get with douchebags/b-holes.... the only thing i do not understand about women is why looks, it's not everything. Would one rather be treated like a hoe but be with a good looking guy or shall one want to be with a gentlemen with ok looks? Women these days.... thanks media for F'n things up for overweight asians... ;)
Posted by: magik at April 13, 2004 01:35 PM