April 18, 2004
Cheddar X
1. What does party mean to you? (I.e. when you go and get your party on, what does that mean?)
Not going to work. Or working from home.
2. What was the first thing you thought or said when you saw your significant other for the first time?
He's so cute! (I was in college, gimme a break)
3. Do you talk to yourself? Why?
Silently, of course. Who doesn't? I talk to myself to work things out in my head. I have entire conversations with other people in my head, particularly if I'm irritated with them, but don't know if I should be irritated. That other person and I will have it out in my head, so by the time I actually see them in person I don't have anything left to say.
4. What's been your biggest personal change in the last ten years?
Being happy.
5. What are you most looking forward to?
Being happy.
Posted by Kitty at April 18, 2004 10:52 AM
...you have a life time of happiness coming your way in a matter of hours. We stayed up all night Saturday night and you were 99.3% of his conversations. (lifting my glass and toasting to the both of you..I am so proud.)
Posted by: greyheadedstranger at April 20, 2004 01:24 PM
I talk to myself too-it's when I interview myself that I worry about my sanity :)
Congrats on Archie being stateside again! Many warm evenings in your bedroom at home, I hope!
Posted by: Helen at April 20, 2004 05:50 AM