May 16, 2004

A Little Bit of Cheddar

1. How many computer passwords do you currently have?
One password and two pin numbers.

2. When was the last time you nearly went insane because you'd forgotten which one you were using?
Last week when I tried to pay my Sprint bill online. I always forget they want a pin number instead of a password, for some reason.

3. What's your favorite board game?
My favorite board game is this really weird game called Ubi (latin for: where), made by the makers of Trivial Pursuit. The board has a map of the world and you answer trivia questions, but your answers are given in geographical coordinates, based on where in the world the event happened. Given that I absolutely suck at geography, it is a mystery why I like this game so much.

4. How long have you been at your current job?
May 5 was my three year anniversary.

5. How much "push" would it take to get you to walk?
I would require: (1) the same amount of work/responsibility; (2) the same level of client access and (3) more money.

6. What's the best t-shirt slogan or comment that you've come across?
I like the t-shirt that says, "I'm blogging this".

Posted by Kitty at May 16, 2004 10:50 AM


hehehe thats a good t-shirt

Posted by: pylorns at May 18, 2004 07:57 PM

You need to bring Ubi for the family thing in June. It sounds like a game that I'd love (and suck at, as well) :)

Posted by: Jenny at May 19, 2004 04:47 PM

Ubi!?! Wow, you play Ubi!?!?! I didn't know anyone else even *knew* about Ubi! My folks have a copy of the game. I played it years ago, then forgot about it for a long time. I only saw it again because they renovated their kitchen, and moved all their games (including Ubi) out of the den so they had somewhere to put the pots and pans (the den became their makeshift kitchen).

Posted by: Christoforo at May 20, 2004 01:50 PM

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