June 09, 2004

Cheddar X Interview

1. What skills do you need to develop most?
Tolerance of stupidity.

2. What did you like most about your last job?
My co-workers' sense of humor.

3. What has been your favorite job?
The one I have now (seriously).

4. What was your worst or most degrading job?
My worst job was working at Express clothing store in Highland Park Village in Dallas (a location of Express that no longer exists). It was a part-time job I held during high school. The shifts were too long, we had to wear the clothes and I couldn't bring myself to tell people that they looked good in those clothes.

5. How do you deal with inter-office personality conflicts?
If I have a personality conflict with someone I have to work with directly, I communicate with them directly and at the beginning of the project and follow up later with e-mails so I have responses in writing.

6. In what kinds of situations do you find it most difficult to deal with people?
I find it most difficult to deal with people who are being overly emotional about something that shouldn't involve people's emotions (or at least, not as much). I never would've thought I'd meet lawyers who are overly sensitive, but I have.

7. How do you handle crisis situations?
As calmly and quickly as possible.

Posted by Kitty at June 9, 2004 09:09 PM


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