August 19, 2004

Cheddar X

1. Who or what was the last thing you were really looking forward to that ended up not being at all what you'd expected or hoped for?
This is going to sound stupid, but I was really looking forward to reading The Iliad for my book club, but I can't get past page 100. Achilles is going to have to continue raging on his own.

2. Who have you lost respect for recently? Why?
Another attorney at my firm is satan's spawn, I've decided. A couple of years ago, I was scheduled to fly to South Carolina on a business trip. The day I was slated to leave, a plane crashed in New York. As everyone reading my blog is aware of my love of flying, it should come as no surprise that I freaked out and decided not to go. My boss totally understood, and I participate in the conference by phone, as did several other people.

Apparently, word got around the office and this lawyer, who hates my guts for absolutely no reason, decided to take advantage of my weakness. She saw on our department's calendar that I was scheduled to go to Washington, D.C. for an ABA meeting. She wrote me an email saying, "I saw you're going to D.C. soon. Did you get good airfare?" When I got this, I knew she was just rubbing it in my face that she knew about my fear of flying, despite the fact that Archi-Sapper insisted I was simply reading too much into the email.

I found out yesterday that not only was she trying to get my goat, she later bragged about her snide email to our co-workers, all of whom now think she is not only deranged, but incredibly mean for doing that to me. I agree.

3. What or who disappointed you lately?
See #2.

4. How have you disappointed someone close to you?
By not flying to Atlanta recently.

5. What chore would you most like your significant other to do or finish?
Getting the bills paid on time. I know it isn't always easy, but it really stresses me out when the bills are late.

6. What is your biggest self-inflicted danger to your health?
I eat lots of candy, particularly the kind that is sticky and tends to pull my teeth out (I recently pulled out a crown, but successfully put it back in myself!)

Posted by Kitty at August 19, 2004 02:39 PM


Greetings, Tom! I don't mind you commenting one bit. I tend to agree with you re: women being catty toward other women. I didn't really see a lot of it in law school, but definitely have in my practice. I really don't get it, either. Regarding the episode I described in this post, my boss said I should be flattered by it because (1)this lawyer must think I'm awfully important to spend this much time and energy thinking about me and (2) she is clearly jealous of me, because why else would she do these insane things? That made me feel better.

Posted by: Jennifer at August 26, 2004 10:42 AM

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