September 19, 2004

Odds and Ends

I can't figure out how Nola always gets lucky on these things (though it wasn't so lucky when Betsy paid a visit), but we were happily spared the wrath of Ivan. Archi-Sapper and I evacuated to Houston and spent a few days in my grandmother's condo. I love my grandmother, I really do, but she's losing it. I suppose when you're 78, you're allowed to be forgetful. There were a few amusing moments in the land of memory loss, however.

On Wednesday we decided to get ice cream as an afternoon snack. My grandmother helpfully wanted to go buy a gallon at the grocery store, but neither Archi nor I wanted that because neither of us wants to eat a gallon of ice cream. So we suggested finding a Baskin Robbins. Sweet grandmother looked them up in the phone book, and then called ahead to let them know we were coming. I'm sure the folks at Baskin Robbins were grateful for the heads up. Before leaving, she was excited because she found some gift certificates to Baskin Robbins and insisted that we had to use them. Fine, no problem.

We hopped in the car and zipped over there, only to have grandmother spend ten minutes worrying because she can no longer consume dairy products and needed to find a gelato or ice that she could eat. Mind you, they only had three flavors in the ices, but she had to pick the right one. We finally got all of our ice cream, and then she produced the gift certificates. I said, "No, really, let us buy this. It isn't going to break our bank and we'd like to do it." After she insisted on paying, I picked up the gift certificates and pointed out to her that they were actually for Marble Slab, and probably expired two years ago.

Duly flustered, I escorted her to the tables and chairs to have a seat. While sitting and eating the ice cream and reviewing the errant gift certificates for where she could've gone wrong with this whole ice cream buying gig, she looked at the birthday card they came in and read the message from the person who gave them to her, which was signed by someone named Steve. She looked at me and said, "Who's Steve?"

Needless to say, as much as I love her, I'm glad to be back in the land of people who are able to make decisions and remember (most) things. My biggest concern now is my eyesight. This morning (okay, it was afternoon) after I woke up I was rinsing my contact lenses and, since they're not made by Black & Decker, I managed to tear one of them. This wouldn't be an issue, but it was my last pair of contacts and my next eye doctor's appointment isn't scheduled until one week from Monday (the soonest he could fit me in). It normally takes one to two months to get my contacts ordered and in, since I wear astigmatic lenses and they have be special ordered. The good thing about this is that I actually see better out of my glasses than my contacts. I am convinced, after years of road-testing contacts, that even the astigmatic lenses don't correct an astigmatism better than glasses. The downside to all of this is that, well, I have to wear glasses. Archi-Sapper thinks they make me look cute, though, God bless him. I'm glad he likes them because this is going to be my "look" until October.

Posted by Kitty at September 19, 2004 01:39 PM


Have you tried the gas permeable contacts? They work better for me than soft contacts or glasses.

Posted by: Jenny at September 20, 2004 08:37 AM

ok, so now you have to take a pic of what you look like with glasses.

Posted by: pylorns at September 20, 2004 09:10 AM

Would you like to vodka tonight?

Posted by: Petr Smirnoff at October 5, 2004 02:27 AM

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