October 19, 2004
This article talks about how lawyers aren't required to actually graduate from law school in order to practice law in some states. Basically, in some states you only have to complete one year of law school at an accredited school, and can then complete the other two years in a clerkship at a law firm.
So, is this a good idea? I can't decide. On the one hand, I've long been a big proponent of not relying on law school grades to determine who will make the best lawyer. I wasn't on law review, and I tend to think I'm a pretty good lawyer. However, not completing law school does seem to make it far more difficult for you to pass the bar exam, which is a big problem.
Posted by Kitty at October 19, 2004 06:55 PM
it used to be that way in louisiana.
Posted by: pylorns at October 21, 2004 07:50 AM