October 21, 2004

Regression Cheddar

Ten movies you'd watch over and over:
Clue; High Fidelity; The Sound of Music; School of Rock; One Fine Day; Big Daddy; Italian for Beginners; most any John Hughes movie; Lost in Translation; The Game.

Nine people you enjoy the company of:
Hmmmm. I suppose I should start by saying that this list is by no means exclusive. Some people, in no particular order are: Archi-Sapper, Cosmic Sister Catherine, Cosmic sibling Rob, my shrink, my boss (seriously), Andre, Patrick, my in-laws (also seriously) and various business associates.

Eight things you're wearing:
My wedding ring, a watch, shoes, a skirt, a shirt, a bra, underwear and a smirk.

Seven things on your mind:
My fear of flying, whether this case I'm working on is going to go to trial, what Archi and I are going to do this weekend, whether I should keep reading the book I started or switch to another one, when I'm going to clean my office, what's going to happen on The Apprentice tonight and when our roof is going to be fixed.

Six objects you touch every day:
My bed, Archi-Sapper (does he count as an object?), my car, Pillow, Maggie and the ground.

Five things you do every day:
Talk on the phone, eat, read, listen to music and talk to Archi-Sapper.

Four bands (etc) that you couldn't live without:
I've played along this far but I can't narrow this down to four.

Three of your favorite songs at this moment:
My Prerogative by Brit. . . kidding. Really.
How am I supposed to narrow this down? The pressure! I can't take it!

Two people who have influenced your life the most:
Archi-Sapper and my shrink.

One person who you love more than anyone in the world:
The person who has already been mentioned five times in this post.

Posted by Kitty at October 21, 2004 03:23 PM


I love you the most, too!

Posted by: archi-sapper at October 22, 2004 10:21 PM

Can do High Fidelity, Sound of Music, and Clue. I loved The Game but it was excruciating to watch. I might be able to sit through it again but not over and over.

Anyone who can answer three or four is disconnected from the world.

Posted by: Rob at October 23, 2004 12:35 PM

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