November 04, 2004

Winter Reading

I have such a long, long list of to-be-read books. I just don't read fast enough, or have enough free time, to get through my stack of books quickly enough to make headway.

My latest pulp fiction addiction? The Stephanie Plum series of books by Janet Evanovich. Any book that features a protagonist who often (mistakenly) wears mismatched shoes is right up my alley.

I'm eagerly awaiting Tom Wolfe's new book, I Am Charlotte Simmons, despite the mixed reviews it has already garnered. Wolfe is so adept at describing a time and place (when I first read Bonfire of the Vanities, I was shocked at how it was New York in the 1980's, as A Man In Full was Atlanta in the 1990's). I've read reviews of it which basically criticize Wolfe for being an old guy who tries really hard to "get" college students, but misses some critical points (like having his main characters listen to Britney Spears without irony). Without having read it, I'm inclined to think that he may have gotten some minor points wrong in Bonfire and A Man In Full, but that didn't hamper the overall story. We'll see how it goes with his latest missive.

Posted by Kitty at November 4, 2004 10:13 PM


I read Wolfe's The Right Stuff and loved it but I couldn't get anywhere with Bonfire and put it down. I still have it around here somewhere and will pick it up again one day.

Posted by: Rob at November 6, 2004 09:11 PM

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