February 24, 2005

Cheddar X

1. What word or words do you just love?

2. What word or words make you want to tear your hair and run up and down the street with your fingers in your ears going "Lalalalalalalala"?
When I was little, I hated the word "tummy" (yeah, I don't know either). Now I can't say I'm word averse.

3. What words do people commonly misuse that make you mad/crazy?
Mostly legal terms (the use and misuse of which have been covered extensively at Minor Wisdom), but my biggest pet peeve is when people refer to preemption when they mean peremption and vice versa.

4. What's the prettiest word you know?

5. What word sounds like what it means?

6. What word or words just make no sense? (I.e., a word like "whatsoever" is a pretty bizarre word when you look at it).
Commencement. Any word that means both beginning and ending is too out there for me.

7. What words soothe you?

Posted by Kitty at February 24, 2005 04:39 PM


wow, not bad redo of the site. you need to fix something though I keep getting

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Posted by: pylorns at February 26, 2005 09:49 AM

Yes, I had an aggressive Blacklist problem. I am working on fixing it. I couldn't even comment myself for a while!

Posted by: kitty at February 26, 2005 11:48 AM

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