March 20, 2005
Early News
What was the name of that t.v. show where there was a guy who lived in a large city and he always got a newspaper a day early and it would tell him what was going to happen the next day so he always ran around trying to stop terrible things from happening before they occurred? You know what I'm talking about? There was a cat involved, too. A black cat that was always there when the paper was delivered. Maybe the cat was delivering the paper. Hmmmm.......Not sure.
Well, anyway, that's me. I'm the guy, not the cat (yeah, the name of my blog confuses the issue, but that's where we are). Yesterday, I walked outside to take Miss Maggie for a walk and picked up the Saturday paper. On our way back from the walk, I noticed another larger paper near it. It turned out to be the Sunday paper which our delivery boy had given us a day early.
I know that newspapers have to be printed before they can go out and this takes time, and I also realize many Sunday papers have early editions that hit the stands the night before, etc. I'm just so used to getting my paper on the day that is printed on it that I feel like some sort of superhero getting it early. Clearly, there must be someone in an ivory tower somewhere or a member of the Illuminati who is orchestrating a worldwide coup and needs my help.
The best development out of all of this was that when I went to walk Maggie this morning, I saw another large paper folded up in a plastic bag on our driveway. Confused (since I'd already brought in Sunday's paper yesterday), I picked it up and discovered we'd received the Sunday edition of the New York Times. For free.
I might not leave my house all week.
UPDATE: After reading my Sunday paper (the local paper, not the NYT), I've decided that if the Illuminati or whatever organization is behind the early delivery of our papers really does need my help in changing life as we know it, they're not trying to get my attention by bringing me actual news, as I suspected earlier. My paper is missing the front page, Metro section, Sports section (no loss there) and the Money section. I only received the Living section, Classifieds and Travel section, along with an assortment of coupons and ads. I suppose it's easy to print papers early when they don't contain any actual news stories.
Posted by Kitty at March 20, 2005 01:15 PM
The show was called Early Edition.
My paper person used to deliver the already printed parts of the Sunday TP on Saturday afternoons when I lived in Metairie. Never understood why. It just made for an extra delivery. They'd deliver the rest of it at the usual time on Sunday mornings.
Posted by: Rob at March 23, 2005 10:14 PM