April 07, 2005

Cheddar X

What are you least likely to do?

Who's life is better than yours and what makes it so great?
My dog's. She sleeps late, goes to bed early, works out regularly, eats well and has no stress.

What does "How ya doing?" really mean?

Would you rather be super strong or super smart? Would you trade that to be able to fly?
Super smart, definitely. As for the flying, see my answer to the first question.

When wheels spin, why do they look like they're going backwards?
I could probably answer that if I were super smart.

What kind of a person would say "Well, you can't get there from here."?
Someone who works for Amtrak.

Does something that smells good attract you more quickly than something that looks good?
It probably piques my interest more quickly. Whether it actually holds my interest is another issue entirely.

Complete this sentence: Hoo-doggy, I tell you what.......
I'm tired.

Posted by Kitty at April 7, 2005 09:45 PM


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