May 08, 2005

T.V. Cheddar

1. Who's your favorite talk show host?
Bill Maher. Smart and funny.

2. Late night talk show?
See response to #1.

3. What's your favorite drama?
The Sopranos, hands down.

4. Favorite comedy?
Gilmore Girls in the "real actors" category. Family Guy in the cartoon category.

5. Least favorite show or genre?
Soap operas and sports.

6. Most unlikely show you like?
24. Archi-Sapper got me interested in this show and I really like it.

7. Most unlikely show you thought you'd like but really hate?
Sex and the City. I kept trying with this show, but I got nothing.

8. Worst reality show?
The Gastineau Girls. It's even worse than The Simple Life, if that's possible.

9. Best reality show (if it exists)?
I still love all of the Real World/Road Rules challenge shows.

10. Best tv innovation?
It isn't so much an innovation designed by t.v. manufacturers as by cable companies, but having a separate screen where you can see what's showing on every channel makes my lazy life that much easier.

11. Who's the hottest person on tv (take that as you will, sexiest, most famous, whatever)?
Jon Stewart, hands down.

12. Who's got a face for radio?
Paris Hilton.

13. What major news channel, if any, do you watch?
I don't.

14. Bill O'Reilly. Thoughts?

Posted by Kitty at May 8, 2005 02:16 PM


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