May 15, 2005


The next time I think it's a good idea to walk for six miles starting at 3:30 in the afternoon when I haven't eaten and haven't had any water (and didn't decide to bring water with me), someone needs to wrestle my Nike Air running shoe off my foot and beat me in the head with it. Seriously folks, I'm done. By the time I got home I looked like I'd been beaten, and with something more forceful than a running shoe. Yes, I will walk again, but next time I'm going to plan ahead.

Walking outside today in temps that were only in the high 80s makes me want to buy a treadmill even more than I already did. This whole exercising outdoors in the blazing heat thing is going to get much more difficult before it gets easier, so it might be time to start saving my pennies.

Posted by Kitty at May 15, 2005 07:21 PM


Check the classifieds for treadmills. I suspect lots of people are probably selling little-used treadmills after deciding exercise wasn't for them. We bought a top-of -the line, hardly-touched Nordic Trac for a song. I suspect treadmills are similar.

Posted by: Rob at May 15, 2005 10:08 PM

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