September 02, 2005
So far, I've been doing some rebuilding of my own. I've been rebuilding my wardrobe. Since we only left with three days worth of clothes, I was getting pretty stinky after a while. Mom swooped in to the rescue and took me shopping (and there's no better place for that than Dallas).
In fact, I feel like a true Texan now that I've engaged in retail therapy. We made a trip to Half Price Books last night where I picked up a number of books. And happily, two friends have given us mix cd's, so we now have some excellent music to keep us from obsessively watching CNN coverage all day.
Mood: trying to stay upbeat.
Posted by Kitty at September 2, 2005 11:37 AM
Any word about your job?
Posted by: pylorns at September 7, 2005 01:47 PM