September 15, 2005
What a difference a day makes (well, two days, but I'm not keeping track that closely). Although I've been trying to make the best of this situation and not let it get me down too much, Tuesday was not a stellar day. I found out that my firm has been having to make some difficult decisions in the wake of this disaster (not surprisingly), and that's never fun. Although that hasn't affected me personally (yet), it is still unsettling. In addition, Archi-Sapper finally heard the first news report that actually mentioned our neighborhood. A member of the Army Corps of Engineers told the news media that they were pleased with their work in our 'hood on Tuesday, since they had just drained SIX FEET of water out of it. And they still had more water to go. *sigh* I would comment on that, but I don't even know what to say.
Happily, though, yesterday felt like more of a turning point that took me in a positive direction. I went to my first depositions since the hurricane, and it felt great to get back to work, even if I'm not working in southeast Louisiana. I got to catch up with a friend I hadn't seen in a while and I just generally feel more productive.
However, today has been even better. I've had two exciting developments -- and both before 10:00 a.m.! The first was the delivery (at the now painful hour of 9:00 a.m.) of my new iBook! Wahoo! I am currently blogging this entry from a coffee shop near my mom's house that has excellent muffins and free wifi. It took me longer to unpack the laptop than it did to get it set up and surfing. I love this thing. If ever I were to leave Archi-Sapper for a piece of electronics equipment, this would definitely be in the running.
And secondly, I checked my checking account balance online and saw that our Fema money came through. Fabulous.
I'm going to have to sign off soon and head back home to make pb&j sandwiches for our road trip. That's right, I'm hitting the road again -- and this time, I'm going home! Well, I'm not actually going home (I'm not even sure where home is any more) since our house still has water, but I'm going to my office. My firm is sponsoring a convoy that will leave tomorrow morning at the excruciatingly painful hour of 4:30 A.M. (I know, I know) from Lafayette and head to the firm. They have received permits from the city to get access, and we can all head in, grab as many files as we can and process back out. Given that it's looking like we'll be able to get back in the city permanently much sooner than expected, I'm not going to take a ton of stuff, just the basics. However, I really can't pass up the opportunity to see the city again and say that I've entered a hurricane-ravaged city at daybreak via a pass from my city's leaders. Sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity to me. At least, I hope I never have to go through this again.
Posted by Kitty at September 15, 2005 11:26 AM