October 02, 2005

Wrap Up

I've been wrapping things up this weekend before I head back to Nola. Yesterday, mom and I headed out to Wal Mart to stock up on "stuff" that Archi-Sapper and I need for the new apartment. Have I blogged about that? I can't remember any more. I could look through my Archives, but I'm too lazy. Basically, Archi-Sapper managed to rent a two bedroom, two bathroom apartment for us in Jefferson Parish. We'll be living there for the next year + while we rebuild the manse (read: ranch style house). The apartment is spacious with cathedral ceilings, a fireplace and not a stick of furniture. So, yesterday I picked up the essentials : a shower curtain, trashcans and trash bags, a laundry basket, an iron, etc. Among the essentials was an air mattress with a pump, to be used until we can figure out how to get a bed. Although I'm not normally a huge Wal Mart fan (the merchandise doesn't bother me as much as the clientele. Archi-Sapper once commented loudly while we were standing in the aisles of the Wal Mart Super Center in Harahan, LA, "Does Wal Mart pay rednecks to shop here? Because they're everywhere!", at which point I made him shut up before we were shot in the parking lot), it was a good trip.

Today involved some much-needed fun time. Mom and I went to the State Fair of Texas, a Dallas institution I hadn't visited since college. Not much had changed -- they still had the Hall of State, the midway, the overpriced corny dogs and Texas shaped nachos and, of course, Big Tex. I was surprised to see that he'd switched from Lee jeans to Dickie's jeans, though. And he has a much flatter butt than I remember. Is that weird that I'm checking out a statue's butt?

So, one foot-long corny dog, one glass of lemonade and one box of salt water taffy later and I'm ready to head to Nola. I'll be heading out in the morning, with a stop in Baton Rouge (against my will) to pick up stuff from the office. Hopefully we'll be able to bring Miss Maggie to Nola next weekend.

Posted by Kitty at October 2, 2005 03:43 PM


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