November 30, 2005
Christmas shopping
While I was in Texas for Thanksgiving, I indulged in some Christmas shopping. Although I did buy gifts for Archi-Sapper, my mom and some friends, I also picked up some stuff for myself. I made my semi-annual pilgrimage to Half Price Books and picked up the following:
Liar's Poker by Michael Lewis. I'm reading this book now and I've been enjoying it. I absolutely loved Bonfire of the Vanities, and this is described as a real life version of that book. Although I can't imagine ever working on Wall Street, reading about people who do is always interesting.
Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Because I'm a Marquez junkie and I haven't read this one.
The Crimson Petal and the White by Michael Faber. I keep hearing good things about this book, so I figure it's worth a shot.
Conspiracy of Fools: A True Story, by Kurt Eichenwald. I mostly bought this because I so loved his previous book, The Informant, about a disgruntled employee of Archer Daniels Midland who agreed to work with the Feds to help bring down the company. Although it sounds deadly boring, it was riveting. Seriously. If he can make the ADM story interesting, he may be the only person who could get me interested in Enron.
The Pilot's Wife: A Novel by Anita Shreve. I absolutely loved Fortune's Rocks and thought Light On Snow was "eh". I'm wondering if the Oprah factor will push this book more toward the "eh" end of the scale.
Posted by Kitty at November 30, 2005 09:28 PM
I'm thinking Fortune's Rocks must've been her best work. I was absolutely enthralled when I read it. I'm always happy to accept books, but I really hate for you to spend the money to send it overseas. As always, though, it is really sweet of you to take care of me. :)
Posted by: kitty at December 1, 2005 04:54 PM
I also loved Fortune's Rocks, and I liked The Last Time They Met. But, I have to say, I thought Pilot's Wife was an "eh" one, and her latest, A Wedding in December? Couldn't finish it. Am happy to post it to you, in case you might want to give it a shot :)
Posted by: Helen at December 1, 2005 11:08 AM