December 17, 2005
Passion Wagons
I'm really relieved to know that Teri Hatcher doesn't keep a "passion wagon" on her property for her trysts (which, if you know anything about the gossip in legal circles in New Orleans, should immediately remind you of the cookie lady story).
And in other good news, Archi-Sapper and I have received the best Christmas present we could've hoped for. We got two checks this week -- one was for the policy limits on our flood insurance policy which covers our structure, and the other was the policy limits of our flood policy's contents coverage. The coverage on the structure is enough to pay off our mortgage, which is exactly what we plan to do. So, any takers for a lovely home near City Park and the Lake? It boasts easy access to the now famous 30 foot tall trash heap, it only got six feet of water inside and would make a great fixer-upper!
Posted by Kitty at December 17, 2005 05:42 PM
Congratulations on fair settlements. It appears the people dolng those out have disappeared. Everyone is fighting for every nickel now.
Posted by: Rob at December 21, 2005 06:05 AM
I'm gonna pass on that one. Glad you guys didn't get screwed by your insurance company. My dad found out today that hes being kicked out of his apartment because of damage from the hurricane in Lake Charles. I told him to look on the bright side, his apartment wasn't exactly a great one... only problem is that the only other apartments are 3 to 4 times more expensive now.
Posted by: pylorns at December 20, 2005 07:35 AM