March 20, 2006
My Husband Went to Vegas and All I Got
was this lousy head cold. *sniff* The poor thing tried not to give it to me. He feels worse than I do, as he's recovering from the cold and feeling bad about passing it along. I figured that what with sharing a bed and living together in a small, not very well ventilated apartment, it was inevitable.
It really wouldn't bother me that much (I tend to get these once every spring, anyway) if I weren't pregnant. When I normally get these, I head over to Walgreen's and self-medicate with plenty of Benadryl and Robitussin and that usually takes care of it. There have been times when it snuck up on me and went out of control (like when I was a 3L and managed to get a sinus infection, a lung infection and an ear infection, like some sort of out of control toddler), but mostly the OTC stuff works pretty well for me. I'm currently lying on the couch (we got a couch! Hooray!) waiting for my OBGYN to call me back and tell me what I can and can't take.
Until then I'm going to lie on the couch, sniff a lot and watch re-runs of Matlock. I'm starting to think I went to law school with this guy.
Posted by Kitty at March 20, 2006 01:34 PM
I finally heard from my doctor last night and they said I could take Robitussin CF (which worked well, but it tastes like Robitussin), one 25 mg Benadryl/day, Drixoral (I didn't try that), one extra strength Tylenol every four hours and Halls cough drops. They said if it doesn't clear up I can call them and they can prescribe something stronger that won't interfere with my pregnancy.
Posted by: kitty at March 21, 2006 09:40 AM
Interesting how the recommendations vary from one doc to the next. I've heard of some telling women to use no meds at all when pregnant, imagine that.
It makes me glad to be a guy, I can stick to my Sudafed/Nyquil mix when I'm sick... with a little Jack Daniel's to take the edge off.
Posted by: Big Daddy at March 21, 2006 12:59 PM
Have you tried Traditional Medicinals? They are aset of teas that do wqonders. I credit them with breaking my fever and letting me breathe much easier. Whole Food carries them.
Posted by: Suzanne at March 23, 2006 02:39 PM
Robyn has been having the same issue off and on. You're pretty much limited to regular strength Tylonal, Robotussin DM, and regular strength Benadryl (not the cold and sinus formula). Those, of course, are the most useless medications in the world.
If your OB has any better suggestions let me know, as my wife is currently desperate to get rid of her cold as well :(
Posted by: Big Daddy at March 21, 2006 07:26 AM