October 05, 2003
It has been a pretty subdued weekend, which is just fine with me. I watched the movie Chicago last night on pay-per-view, and really liked it. I dig movies with singing and dancing (I'm a girl, gimme a break). I finished reading Degree of Guilt by Richard North Patterson and got some housework done. Overall, very productive.
This morning I woke up early (7:30 is far earlier than I usually wake up on the weekends) to go teach Sunday School at my church. I teach seventh graders, and there's another seventh grade teacher, so we switch off weeks. This week was my week, so I met up with the kids at 9:00 at the school behind the church. This week we had a local woman come to talk to the kids. She is a registered falconer, meaning that she is licensed to treat and care for birds of prey. She brought three owls with her, showed them to the kids, and answered their questions. (Aside: if you're wondering what in the heck this has to do with church, Friday was the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assissi in the Catholic Church, and that's when we do a ceremony blessing the animals, so this was in line with that).
At any rate, she started taking questions and taking questions from this group of kids is always tricky, because you never know what they're going to say. I think my favorite question came from a girl in fourth grade who said, "Well, I don't really have a question, and this isn't about birds, but...." and I thought, "Here we go." I think the birds were pretty excited to get back in their cages.
Posted by Kitty at October 5, 2003 11:46 AM