March 06, 2004

Bada Bing

I love The Sopranos.

Yes, I know the last season wasn't quite as good as prior seasons. I still think it is the best show television currently has to offer. The show's greatest strength lies in its nuances. Tony Soprano runs an organization that extorts money from people, runs gambling rings and kills people who get in their way. And he comes off as being one of the most sympathetic characters on the show. The show consistently refuses to give easy answers to complicated problems and still manages to be entertaining.

The complexity of the show is evidenced by the fact that actually has a panel of psychiatrists who analyze each show the week after it airs. Their entries are interesting, but sometimes a mobster is just a mobster, as they say.

Simply stated, don't call me tomorrow night. I have a date with a mobster.

Posted by Kitty at March 6, 2004 12:37 PM


I totally agree with your review. This is the only DVD TV series set that I would buy. Good luck on your date....I see the rumors now about the lawyer and the mobster.:)

Posted by: greyhairedstranger at March 6, 2004 01:13 PM

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