March 25, 2004


As anyone who really knows me can attest, one of my all-time favorite t.v. shows was Soap. I absolutely loved this show, so much so that I bought season one on DVD.

Oh come on, you remember this show. It was the sitcom that made fun of soap operas (hence the name -- tricky, I know) and had an all-star cast. It starred Robert Guillame (of Benson fame), Katherine Helmond (of Who's the Boss fame), Richard Mulligan and Billy Crystal (who played a hilarious gay guy, probably one of the first on network television). The show was irreverent, witty, silly and a lot of fun.

So why this post? Because I've just learned that they're releasing season two on DVD in July! Wahoo!

Posted by Kitty at March 25, 2004 09:18 PM


Soap is probably my all-time favorite series. It ran out of gas the last season but each season prior to that was extremely funny. I will search for those DVD's, myself. Thanks for the heads up.

Posted by: Rob at March 29, 2004 10:10 AM

My aunt used to tease me sister Jessica that she was named after "the crazy lady on Soap."

Posted by: Jenny at March 29, 2004 12:38 PM

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