January 07, 2005

Back in the Saddle

Archi-Sapper had the great idea of taking our desktops (both of them) to the IT guy at his office and paying him to fix them. Both were perfectly good desktops that were completely incapacitated, and we were unable to get them up and running, even after following some great advice by some smart folks.

Computer #1 is back and in great shape. It's problem was that we (read: I) had downloaded so much spyware, adware and other junk that it crippled the computer. It took Archi's IT guy THREE HOURS to delete it all off the system. He wiped the slate clean and Archi set the computer back up at home, installing every protection program McAfee makes. In addition, I took Death and Taxes' suggestion and downloaded Firefox 1.0 by Mozilla to use as our web browser.

Computer #2 is in the process of being fixed. Oddly enough, the IT guy believes that the problem with that computer is that the power button no longer works. Strange but true. He's fixing that, although it's not as much of a priority now that we have one working desktop and one working laptop at home. If we get another desktop our office will look like a NASA control room.

And if none of these solutions for fixing our computers work, I'm buy a Mac.

Posted by Kitty at January 7, 2005 09:23 AM


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