January 08, 2005
The Jumble
Although there are all sorts of things that happen in southeast Louisiana that make me scratch my head, none has yet motivated me to write a letter to the editor of our fair newspaper. The main reason I've never written one is because I never felt like I had a big enough gripe that it needed to be aired in the paper. Perhaps I was mistaken. The following is a verbatim reprint of a letter that appeared in today's Times Picayune:
In this age of calamity and mayhem, abhorrence and war, my diminutive grievance seems quite trivial, but I desire to voice it nonetheless.
Many of us find momentary reprieve from the world's turmoil by enjoying simple things such as word puzzles. The "Jumble" puzzle published in The Times-Picayune is one such example, where the object is to unscramble so-called ordinary words. To my dismay, the Dec. 30 Jumble included the detestable and repulsive word "behead" as one of the "ordinary" words.
In my opinion the word "behead" is not an ordinary word. This repugnant and horrific word symbolizes a barbaric atrocity committed by evil, depraved and murderous degenerates who blaspheme their own religion by purportedly committing this abomination in the name of God. There is absolutely nothing ordinary about that.
The Jumble would be much more enjoyable if it could omit such despicable reminders of the world's chaos and insanity.
John Doe
New Orleans
Posted by Kitty at January 8, 2005 08:23 PM