February 01, 2005


I'm giving up on Hotmail.

First, they irritated me when I canceled my MSN subscription. The only reason I had it was because I had purchased a new computer and the subscription came with it. When I went to cancel the subscription (which they were "accidentally" double charging me for every month), they immediately decreased the storage in my mailbox precipitously. It was at that point that I moved all of my bills to a gmail account I have (which I love).

Now, Hotmail has graciously expanded the storage capacity of my mailbox for free (as they should've done in the beginning), but my mail is all screwed up. Basically, all of my mail goes in the Trash. Not in the Junk Mail folder, in the Trash. I have checked my filters and they're set to low. The other problem is that any messages in my Inbox simply disappear. They don't go to the Trash, they just evaporate. And, naturally, since my Trash gets emptied every day, it often is emptied of messages I actually wanted to read before I get a chance to read them.

I sent an e-mail to Hotmail tech support, and received a completely unhelpful response. What's more, the response that Hotmail tech support sent me went directly into my Trash!

I give up. I've switched the link on the left to my Yahoo e-mail account. If you've sent me an e-mail recently to my Hotmail account and I didn't respond, I'm not ignoring you. Please re-send it to my e-mail program that actually works.

Posted by Kitty at February 1, 2005 09:14 AM


why not gmail?

Posted by: pylorns at February 1, 2005 09:54 AM

why not gmail?

Posted by: pylorns at February 1, 2005 09:54 AM

Sorry but happy belated b-day to you babe! I am creeping up on 30 now :(

Posted by: MJ at February 1, 2005 09:55 AM

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