February 03, 2005

High School-Era Cheddar

In high school....

What were your three favorite bands?
The Housemartins, Sting and Billy Joel

What was your favorite outfit?
Probably some version of jeans and a t-shirt. My least favorite outfit was the uniform I wore to Catholic school (though that's now Archi-Sapper's favorite outfit of mine).

What was up with your hair?
My hair was definitely up. I went to high school in Texas in the late 80's, so my hair included heavily hair sprayed crispy bangs and the style involved lots of product. I didn't get over that until the summer after graduation when my friend Greg kindly showed me the error of my ways. And that from someone who couldn't even dress himself in the morning without assistance.

Who were your friends?
Various folks from school and the youth group I attended, very few of whom I keep up with today.

What did you do after school?
I usually went to play practice (I was routinely in some musical or other, despite my total lack of singing abilities) or went to the boys' school down the street and hung out (hey, when you go to an all girls' school, hanging out with boys starts to sound like a really good idea).

What did you do in your Summers?
When I was younger (pre-sixteen) I would work at my mom's office, as she didn't have the same issues with child labor laws that the stores at the nearby mall did. Later, I worked at Express in a strip shopping center. Otherwise, I spent time with friends, hung out at Six Flags, made mix tapes and talked on the phone.

Did you take the bus?

Who did you have a crush on?
Oh, that list is too long to include in this one small blog, and probably too long for me to recall in its entirety.

Did you fight with your parents?
Sure. Who didn't?

Who did you have a celebrity crush on?
This list was shorter than the list of real people I had crushes on. I can remember the junior high-era celebrity crushes much more clearly, I think because I started focusing on real boys in high school. Right now I can't remember anyone.

Did you smoke cigarettes?
Nope. Still don't. I'm allergic.

Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker?
I was never too nervous to find my locker, I could just never remember the combination, and the few times I could remember the combination, I couldn't open it, anyway.

Did you go to prom?
Yep. I went sophomore, junior and senior years.

Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now?
I thought I'd be a kick-ass lawyer (check), but thought I'd be single and living in a larger city. Had I taken that path, I would be seriously neurotic. Well, more so than I am now, anyway.

Posted by Kitty at February 3, 2005 09:24 PM


Gee, isn't the Catholic School uniform thing popular?

As for neurotic, I don't think you are. And yes, most big-city lawyers are neurotic. Hell, you should just see this place! New York is the neurosis capital of the world, I think!

Posted by: Death & Taxes at February 4, 2005 09:15 AM

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