July 07, 2005

Cindy's Kids

You know, for a tropical storm, Cindy sure managed to do a lot of damage. After work yesterday I headed home and Archi-Sapper and I got out the rakes and the leaf and lawn bags and started raking up all of the leaves in our yards. There were so many, and we were so tired, that we didn't even remotely finish. We raked everything into piles but didn't bag it all.

The bigger problem is the fact that we STILL don't have electricity. No, I'm not joking. At this point, I'm ready to get one of my out of town friends to host a telethon for me. After sleeping in an un-air conditioned house, I took a cool shower this morning and then stopped by my bosses' house on my way to work and borrowed her electricity to dry my hair. But I shouldn't complain. I'm sure Entergy will restore our power by the time Dennis hits!

Posted by Kitty at July 7, 2005 09:34 AM


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