July 08, 2005
So hot and tired
For those of you keeping score at home, we just finished night three with no electricity. That's right -- I live in a third world country. Last night I called Entergy to see when we might expect to have power. The pre-recorded message said they expected to restore power to most customers by 8:00 p.m. last night. Hah! Knowing that couldn't be right, I waited and spoke to a live human being who assured me they would have power restored some time last night. I left our house at 7:30 this morning and still no juice.
Everyone around these parts is obviously debating whether to evacuate for Hurricane Dennis. I'm seriously considering evacuating from the remnants of Tropical Storm Cindy. I seriously don't think I can take one more night without air conditioning.
I promise some happier posts when I get a/c.
Posted by Kitty at July 8, 2005 09:07 AM
Posted by: Rob at July 8, 2005 11:08 PM