December 30, 2005

Year in Review

2005 sucked. I would love to paint a rosy picture of this awful year, but it ain't easy. I've been through a lot of well-publicized grief and can say without hesitation that I'm all too ready to move on. And although I'm not a list-maker (well, that's not entirely true -- I do make to-do lists, I just don't tend to make Top Ten lists ala Rob Gordon in High Fidelity), in the spirit of starting off 2006 on a positive note, I thought I'd try to re-cap the good stuff from '05.

10. We evacuated early for Katrina. This item implicitly includes many subparts, including not being rescued off the roof of our house (which happened to several of our neighbors), we weren't "domed", we didn't hang out at the Convention Center, we weren't interviewed by Anderson Cooper, etc.

9. I requested a payoff statement from our mortgage company. I wouldn't be able to say that if we didn't have the money to pay it off, so score.

8. I hosted one of the most successful, and definitely most fun, marketing events my firm hosted all year. The party (at Pat O's) was so much fun we couldn't get the guests to leave. And I can't think of a better way to spend my firm's money than on free booze.

7. I had an amazing, incredible, fabulous (and every other cliched adjective that Katie Holmes uses to describe her current relationship) weekend in Phoenix in March. And I'm going back in April!

6. Ditto for an extended weekend spent in Chicago for another ABA meeting. Did I mention how much I love the ABA?

5. I read some rockin' books (hey, I know I'm a dork, lay off).

4. I acquired some outstanding electronics equipment, including the iBook I'm typing on right now, as well as an iPod.

3. I lost over 15 pounds due to the combined effects of literally walking my butt off and dieting. I'm here to testify that exercising and eating right really works! Who knew?

2. Archi-Sapper and I still have our jobs and never missed a paycheck post-K. And we both have a place to live.

1. Archi-Sapper and I still have each other. And Miss Maggie. It doesn't get much better than that.

Posted by Kitty at December 30, 2005 03:10 PM


Thank you!

Posted by: Steven at August 13, 2006 10:18 PM

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