August 05, 2006


From the annals of More Things I Wasn't Expecting From Pregnancy: fat feet. Yeah, I'm picky, but still. My feet have swollen up so much they resemble sausages. I look like I have the ankles of an 80 year old. I normally wear a size 6.5 narrow shoe. I can still fit in them, but barely. I told my doctor about this (read: I whined about it, hoping he could fix it) last week, and his response was, "Yep. You're pregnant. Drink water. Elevate your feet. Stay away from salt and boiled seafood. It'll go away after you deliver." I told my mom-friends about it, trying to commiserate with them. Some stared at me blankly, while others said, "Oh, I know! My feet swelled up like balloons when I was pregnant. That happens to everyone." That only leads me to wonder why I wasn't prepared for this phenomenon.

In other pregnancy news, we started our pre-natal classes on Tuesday evening. The first class covered labor & delivery, which was interesting. We even enjoyed the film of the live birth, which appeared to have been recorded in 1978. My only question: why aren't hospitals healthier? And by that I mean, why don't they serve healthier food? They had a great nuruse who was running the class Tuesday night, and she was lamenting the fact that she had ordered snacks for our class (anyone who brings together that many pregnant women without food has a death wish), and she got Hubig's fried pies. Sure, they're tasty, but I'd expect much healthier fare from a health care facility. Am I just naive?

Posted by Kitty at August 5, 2006 06:56 PM


Yeah, it's strange, but I have found that most of the food I've been fed during lunch meetings and trainings through the med school has been unhealthy food. Last week in the clinic I was in, people kept bringing in cookies and fudge and such. If I am going to survive in medicine, I'm going to learn how to resist temptation a little better!

Posted by: Amanda at August 6, 2006 07:07 AM

If you find it particularly uncomfortable having swollen feet, Archi-Sapper should get some massage lotion and start massaging your feet, ankles and calves. He should work them from the toes up. Basically, you've got fluid build-up, and it needs to be pushed up and out.

Posted by: Death & Taxes at August 6, 2006 07:12 PM

Amanda, I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds the unhealthy food strange in a medical setting. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to pig out on junk, I just don't expect to be doing it at a hospital, of all places.

D&T, Your therapy regime sounds good to me. I'll have to get Archi-Sapper on the bandwagon. I think my edema was a salt-based problem. This weekend I've steered clear of all carbonated soft drinks (Diet Coke has lots of salt) and seafood and the swelling is gone.

Posted by: kitty at August 7, 2006 01:04 PM

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