April 15, 2006
At this time of year, people are always asking me what my Easter plans are and the question always takes me off guard. This is because on Easter Sunday itself, I'm a slacker. For the past few years, Archi-Sapper and I have served as adult altar servers in our churches' Triduum services (Masses on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil). After we wrap things up around 10:30 or 11:00 on Saturday night, I'm done. The only tradition we broke this year was Thursday night dinner. We usually get together with a group of people who call themselves the "Holy Week Freaks" for a loud dinner after Thursday Mass. This year we were both tired and Archi-Sapper had to get up early Friday morning, so we got some fast food and headed home instead.
The only other Easter weekend excitement for us has been Archi-Sapper's shopping spree yesterday. He announced yesterday that he needed new pants, and if he is willing to admit he needs them, that usually means that whatever he's been wearing might not even be fit to be recycled as a cloth to use for washing the car. So, we headed over to the mall and $500 later, he emerged with four pairs of pants, one pair of jeans, three dress shirts, four polo shirts, a new brown leather belt and a jacket. He was shocked at the price but I was ecstatic that he was willing to buy new clothes that fit him perfectly and are in good condition. (He's not exactly the type to be fussy about having super-nice clothes. His mother, bless her, tried to throw away a pair of his Tevas when he was in college because they belonged in a landfill and stunk to high heaven. He retrieved them from the garbage and was elated to discover that the duct tape that was holding them together was still intact.) If he's like this in his early 30's, I can only imagine how much fun I'm going to have trying to dress him when he's in his 60's.
Posted by Kitty at April 15, 2006 05:27 PM