May 07, 2006
Katrina Stories
It looks like NPR is compiling people's Katrina stories. I had read in last weekend's paper that they had set up a mobile listening booth in the Quarter that would record people's stories until the end of May. I'd been wondering when NPR would jump in and do something along these lines. They're really great at oral history through storytelling, especially with programs like This American Life (one of my all-time faves).
In other news, I completely missed Jazzfest this year, but am thrilled they had such a good turnout (and good weather!) I spent this weekend relaxing and donating my time giving free legal advice at the ABA's Hurricane Katrina community program (volunteer lawyers gathered to give free legal advice regarding insurance issues, landlord/tenant issues and eminent domain questions to whichever local citizens showed up). The program was much better than the community forums the city has held -- this one actually provided real answers! And I even had time to finish the book I was reading when we evacuated, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. It was one of the best books I've read in a long time. I'm definitely going to check out Everything Is Illuminated.
Posted by Kitty at May 7, 2006 12:35 PM
Nice site!
Posted by: Julie at August 14, 2006 12:34 PM