July 10, 2006


Just in case you're wondering what it's like to be married to Archi-Sapper, the following story is illustrative:

On Saturday, we went to a party for his company's 30th anniversary. It was downtown, and we booked a room at a nearby hotel where his company had pre-arranged discounted rooms for their employees. After the party ended (we closed it down, of course. We can never be the people who go home early. We're the people who get kicked out while the cleaning crew starts to sweep up around us) we headed back to the hotel. After shutting down their bar, everyone decided to head out to a bar next door that stayed open past midnight (seriously, this hotel has the only bar in New Orleans I know of that closes at midnight and still manages to have any business).

Since I'm now seven months pregnant and was drinking Cokes all evening, I saw no need to join them. Archi-Sapper went out for one more drink and returned about an hour later. When we woke up in the morning, I asked,

"So, did anything fun happen last night at the bar?"

He said, "Yeah, actually. K proposed to his girlfriend."

I was surprised, as I had thought K and his girlfriend were already married. I said, "I thought they were married."

He replied, "I thought so too, which was why, when K got on one knee to propose, I did, too."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said.

"Well, what did she say?" I asked.

He said, "She said yes to him but no to me. Something about me being already spoken for."

Some women are soooo picky.

Ultimately, we had a great time. I miraculously found a dress that fit, Archi-Sapper looked great (which was excellent timing, what with his marriage proposal and all) and I got to eat a lot, which always makes me happy.

Tip of the day for those who hang out with the pregnant: watch your hands. Now that I'm showing, everyone wants to touch my stomach, which is fine. Although I'm normally not a touchy-feely person, I can make an exception for pregnancy-related belly rubbing. But there's a line. A friend who is also pregnant right now accidentally had someone recently grab her boob instead of her stomach (yes, I do think it was an accident). While that hasn't happened to me, with my newly protruding navel, I'm more sensitive when people brush up against it, particularly with their fingernails. It doesn't hurt, it just feels weird. By the time Saturday evening was over, I was ready to put a sign over my stomach that said, "Go for the sides"

Posted by Kitty at July 10, 2006 08:43 PM


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