September 05, 2006
Fall Reading
Last night I finished Special Topics in Calamity Physics. It was really good overall. The first half was incredibly similar to The Secret History, one of my all time favorite books, but it developed its own style over time. I had read about a "big twist" of an ending on the internet, so of course, I was looking for clues as I got there. Even so, the ending came as a complete surprise to me and I'm still thinking about it today. That's definitely a sign of good writing.
And for my next read? Last night, I was bummed, thinking about how I had nothing exciting to read. That lasted until I read my e-mail this morning. I got an e-mail from the fabulous Brad Meltzer, who has just published his latest book, The Book of Fate.
I first became a Meltzer fan when I read his book The Tenth Justice. I really enjoyed the book and felt like it was a more entertaining version of Grisham. Since then, I've kept up with all his books, and was very impressed when I left a note on one of the message boards on his website, and he wrote me an e-mail! You can't say that about most authors. He's also currently doing a blog tour, and has a great interview with former first lady Barbara Bush
Posted by Kitty at September 5, 2006 12:03 PM